Set Up ( O2L/ Jc Caylen )

By untimely

37.9K 1.2K 144

What happens when Jack(thatsojack) and Kian set up Jc and Alex, Jack's bestfriend? The two meet in California... More

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1.2K 42 7
By untimely

Aloha, I was feeling tropical. Why? I don't even know. I think it's cool but whatever... This is most likely late, oops. But I had 2 essays so I guess I can be a little late. Why does it keep cutting off and deleting the saved parts? Like, can you not? <so that's why it's short but I posted on time yay!


Asleep: The Smiths

"Promise me that you'll never cut yourself again"
-Tate and Violet


Alex's POV-

I was stuck with my wrist attached to Jc's by metal handcuffs, what the heck are they doing to us?

"Ready to film our video? I'm vlogging." Jc explained.

I shook our wrists reminding him that were still stuck together, "With these on still? Where did they go? Ricky! Kian! Jack!"

Jc lowered his voice, "Alex, this means that they're still continuing with the plan. We have to figure out a different way to kill their plan since they'll keep doing this," he paused shaking our wrists, "to us."

Luckily, I had already changed into a green and white striped muscle tank with a pair of loose high-waisted light wash shorts. Jc and I stumbled over toward the shoe closet so that we could put on our vans, his navy and mine green.

We decided against driving since we both only had one hand, which isn't exactly safe. Walking toward the movies down the street, we stood there in silence trying to think.

"I got it! Will you go on a date with me?" Jc asked abruptly.

I was taken aback, "Are you crazy? What kind of idea is that?" He can't be serious, can he?

"See, they'll think they won if we act like a couple but really they didn't. After like a week or so, we'll just be like haha you fell for it." He told me in a way that it would make sense.

I immediately got excited "Plus they won't keep setting us up! Jc, you're a genius!" I hugged him and then quickly let go.

He gave me a weird look, "Um okay? Why the awkward hug?"

I rolled my eyes, "Don't get your hopes up Prince Charming, I was just really glad that I'm not going to be handcuffed to you anytime in the near future. But I don't know when we'll do it with all the guys around."

Jc let me know what we were doing for the vlog. It consisted of us going to the movies to watch Anchorman 2, getting some food, and then penny boarding back at the house.

Once we arrived, Jc pulled out his camera speaking to it, "Hey guys, Jc here. We're at the movies now going to see Anchorman 2, oh I'm with Alex by the way."

I waved at the camera before taking the two tickets from the young girl that looked our age who sat up when Jc turned to me.

Jc continued to talk about how he was so excited for the YouTube events that would be coming up soon as the girl from the ticket box leaned forward, "Is he your boyfriend?"

I shook my head, "No. We're just friends."

"Oh, just wondering. It's kind of obvious that he likes you though." She explained to me before planting herself back down into her seat with a magazine spread across her lap.

I smiled at the thought of Jc liking me, I mean I did like him too a little- wait no I don't. Stop thinking like that Alex.

I handed Jc a ticket as he put an arm around my shoulder with his camera pointed at us. I stuck my tongue out it, making us both die of laughter.

"Too bad we couldn't watch a scary movie..." I told the camera as we headed down to the theater with a large popcorn, a cherry slushy for me, and a blue raspberry slushy for Jc.

Jc tried to play off my joke, "Girls, always scared of something."

I chucked, "You're the one afraid of scary movies not me. Really Jc? Lying to your fans? That's low."

He put a hand in my face, pushing me out of the screen before laughing.

Eventually, we walked into the theater, sitting in the back row right under the projector. It was the third week that Anchorman 2 had been in theaters so it wasn't very crowded.


The movie had ended and it was hilarious, Jc and I were laughing practically the entire time. We had managed to finish both the popcorn as well as the drinks. His tongue was stained blue and mine was stained red.

We each took a picture of us sticking our tongues out and posted it on twitter. I posted the picture of us with the comment, 'with this loser at the movies, and some colorful tongues @jccaylen'.

Seconds later, I got a notification from twitter saying that Jc posted a slightly different picture of us with the comment 'what would I do without this girl? oh yeah, not have a blue tongue.. @thatsoalex'. That's right, I totally copied Jack's username but we're like twins so he doesn't mind.

"Nice post," I comment as we continue on our journey toward Taco Bell, also known as heaven.

He poked me in the stomach, "Hey, you called me a loser!"

I smirked, "Was I wrong?"

He playfully hit me in the shoulder, "Want to do the water bottle chugging contest? I'm clearly going to win.

Once we walked into Taco Bell, Jc set up the camera in the booth that faced the one that we squeezed into. We had our water bottles in our free hand that wasn't handcuffed along with our tacos in front of us.

Jc gave us a countdown before it was time to go. We tilted our bottles up more and more chugging as fast as we could without spilling. I quickly glanced over at Jc and I could see a small trickle of water spilling down his left cheek.

"Done!" I breathed out heavily, trying to regain my composure as I slammed down the water bottle.

Seconds later, Jc dropped the empty water bottle annoyed, "What? I've never been beat before!"

"What can I say? I'm pretty cool." I told him jokingly.

After finishing a lot of tacos, we went back to the house to penny board a little before it got dark.

Kian's POV-

While Jc and Alex were out, Jack and I had to come up with a brilliant plan to bring them together.

"I thought they liked each other!" Ricky complained.

Trevor whined, "Wait they aren't together? They're my OTP though."

"Look out the window!" Connor shouted before we all jumped off the couch to all take a quick peak at Jc and Alex laughing as they did tricks on their penny boards.

"Boys, I think a little time was all they needed. Movie night tomorrow with Rebecca, Jenn, and Andrea?" I asked making plans in my head.

Jack glared at me funny, "You want to invite Jc's ex when you're trying to set up him and Alex?"

The rest of the boys nodded as Ricky explained, "Inviting ex's to a party is a major no, it's like wearing navy and black- you don't do it."

We all laughed before I spoke, "She's still our friend, plus we love Jenn."

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