A Dark Sky

By WolfWallace

948 57 6

Through pain we live on. The first time I saw Sky, I just knew that we would become friends. We have fought m... More

Character Info
Chapter 1: A Dark History
Chapter 2: I Make a New Friend
Chapter 3: A Difficult Time
Chapter 4: A Nearly-Dead Sky
Chapter 5: I Tell my History
Chapter 6: My Dark History
Chapter 7: A Hunger for food
Chapter 8: School is Dreadful
Chapter 9: I Check on Sky
Chapter 10: The Cause of it All
Chapter 11: Saved by a Stranger
Chapter 12: A Step Back in Time
Chapter 13: The Beast Within
Chapter 14: The Start of Something Big
Chapter 15: A Disappearing Act
Chapter 17: The Interrogation: Part One
Chapter 18: The Interrogation: Part Two
Chapter 19: Jewels' Humiliation & The Start of a Story
Chapter 20: The White Wolf
Chapter 21: An Unexpected Meeting
Chapter 22: The Confrontation
Chapter 23: A New Suspect & Witness
Chapter 24: The Life Saving Lullaby
Chapter 25: A Fiery Grave
Chapter 26: A Promise to Uphold
Chapter 27: The Hunt is On

Chapter 16: Pity to Hate

36 3 0
By WolfWallace

I smiled then asked, "How old are you turning?"


"Aw, sweet sixteen. I remember mine like it was just yesterday. Sitting at my table eating a cornbread muffin, blowing out that bright candle, and wishing only for my wolves to stop staring at me while I bit into the lovely bread."


"I'm just kidding, as much as I wanted it to be a muffin it was only a peanut butter sandwich."

"That's..." Sky stammered trying to find the right words to say.

"Depressing, yeah I know. Well I guess when you live all alone with little money and only wolves to keep you company you don't have much of a party."

"When was it?"

"The last day of June." I replied.

"Oh, well if you want we could go somewhere to celebrate both our birthdays."

"No, it's okay. I don't want to ruin yours."

"The only way that would happen would be if you couldn't come." He replied with a smile.

"Are you sure?" I questioned with uncertainty.

"I'm positive." He assured me.

A knock at the door silenced us before another word could be spoken. Sky's doctor appeared a bit shaken up as he stepped into the room.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you, but the police are here and they would like you to shine some light on what happened. As well as talk about another matter involving a friend of yours last year." He said looking at me.

"They want me?" I asked nervously.


"Ah okay just a second," I then picked up my bag and turned to Sky and said, "If I'm not back before you leave, then you will have to celebrate without me."

"I won't leave until you get back." Sky replied with a grin.

I headed out the door and into the hallway. The doctor stepped out of Sky's room too and was standing next to me.

"If they ask you about what happened to Aiden and his family tell them anything but the truth." The doctor whispered.

"Are you saying that I should lie to the police?" I asked now confused and frightened.

"If you plan on staying alive."

"Who are you?" I questioned.

"Why I am, Doctor Norwood." He replied sarcastically running his finger over his name tag.

"Obviously, but how do you know about Aiden?"

"The same way I know about you." He smirked.

He then stopped and turned back around and began walking away from me.

"Just try not to alert the hunters while you're at it!" He hollered back before turning the corner.

I was profoundly disturbed by what he had said, but didn't have time to dwell on it. I hurried down the hall to the waiting room. When I got there I saw two tall men sitting in the chairs with arms crossed. One had dark skin and black hair and the other was white skinned with blonde hair (Talk about a good cop and bad cop).
They stood when I approached them and the dark skinned man was the first to talk, "Good evening, Miss Wallace, we would like to ask you some questions pertaining to the 'accident' involving Skyler Mason, as well as some questions concerning Aiden Griffin's disappearance and the slaughter of nearly all his family." 

"Why is it that you have to question me about an incident that occurred nearly a year ago and one that happened recently?" I asked suspiciously.

"That is none of your concern!" The blonde man sneered.

"Chase! There is no need to be rude! I'm sorry miss, my partner here, seems to have lost his manners!"

"Come on Malcolm, you know as well as I do! She's the cause of Griffin's death and I'm willing to bet, the reason Mason is nearly dead!" Chase yelled.

"I would never hurt either of them!" I retorted.

"Chase! Quit jumping to conclusions, we haven't even brought her in for questioning yet. Leave the accusations to Jack!" Malcolm replied glaring at his partner before turning to me, "Now please follow me Miss."

He led me to his police car and I slowly got in. To my dismay, so did Chase. He gave me a disgusted look before getting into the driver's seat.  Malcolm sat in the passenger's seat and began asking me some little questions like; How old are you? What is your relationship with Skyler? Who is your parents? Things like that. The ride to the police station seemed like forever regardless of it only being five minutes. When I arrived I was surprised to see Aiden's brother Isaac and the brown haired girl sitting down waiting. When they saw me they both stood up.

"Where is he, where is Aiden? You killed him didn't you! Don't deny it, you wanted him dead! You monster!" The girl yelled before socking me in the face with her fist. The pain didn't hit me until she jammed her other fist into my stomach. Immediately all the air was knocked out of me and I fell to the ground. I was astonished by her strength given that she was much smaller then me and that she was built like a twig.

It took me a minute to regain my bearings but when I did I whispered, "You're crazy!"

She really didn't like that and kicked me in the ribs causing me to fall to my back. That's when the guys decided to step in.

"Alright that's enough!" Malcolm shouted stepping in front of us.

"Calm down Jewels!" Isaac said pulling her away from me.

"No stop, don't you understand? She killed him! She killed my brother!"

"He was my brother too! But you can't just assume she killed him!" Isaac argued.

"Yes I can! She is the monster that ruined our lives! She took everything from us! How can you just let her get away with that?! She deserves to die!" Jewels screamed as tears of rage rolled off her cheek. I looked up at her in pity.

Over the years I had learned to control my 'uncontrollable' rage and stay relatively relaxed in situations like this. Granted I very much wanted to hurt her, but I've grown to realize that there is more to life then to engage in fights. And also I just didn't really feel up to it.

Isaac had pulled her farther away from me and was trying to calm her down while Chase and Malcolm helped me up. Malcolm grabbed a tissue for my cheek that had been cut by a ring Jewels had been wearing when she punched me. He then led me down the hall to an interrogation room.

"Wait here." He said gesturing to a metal chair behind a black table.

I slowly walked over to the chair and sat down. My cut wasn't too deep so the bleeding had already stopped, but my face was aching terribly. I already could feel a bruise forming where she kicked my ribs. To be honest had Isaac not have been there I may have hurt her just as bad as or worse then she hurt me. I don't know what it is but anytime he is around my rage just seems to fade. He has this calming aura around him that I just can't explain. I could hear Jewels crying in the other room, but being in a different room then her caused my pity for her to be replaced by hate.


Sorry everyone for not publishing earlier, I would have, but I just have been busy this summer.

Once again sorry and please leave comments or vote on my chapter if you liked it. I hope to get the next chapter made as soon as possible.

How do you like Isaac?

Do you think I should have let Jewels hit me?

Let me know!

~>Wolf Out<~

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