Panem high

By Codydavies_

54.5K 1.7K 307

If there was no hunger games,, More

Panem high
Eventful night..
New couple?
Cheater. Break up or make up?
Break up.
Player and whore.
Who is it?
Who will she chose?
Its you, it has always been you
Authors not
Nightmare come true
He didnt escape.
At glimmers
Not a chapter
It was always you
Telling peeta

Im sorry

1.6K 65 15
By Codydavies_

Peeta pov.

I cheated on katniss yesterday, and if didn't mean to, I love her to bits, and I know she saw, I saw her bag dash past the door. She won't undestand, she's not a guy.
I was sitting down in the meadow I love, and always go to. Delly came and sat down next to, dellys a slut and I don't really like her but I'm not a mean person, so I won't tell her.
"Peeta baby" she said
"Hello delly" I said trying not to be mean
She took my hand and I tried to pull say but it was no use so I just left it there
She in buttoned one her buttons of her shirt and hey I'm a guy, I couldn't help my self but look
She leaned in and kissed me and I couldn't help but kissed sick and that's when katniss came
I didn't know what to do, I didn't stop sing even though I saw her I was caught in the moment.
~end of flash back~

I heard my phone ring and I automatically knew who it was. I look at the called id.
I answered it seeming like everything was fine
~phone call~
'Peeta how could you?"
"How could I what?"
"You know what you did"
"I'm sorry kat, I was caught in the moment"
"Did she force you to kiss her?"
"No, but I didn't want to, I was caught in the moment"
"Peeta we need a break, I need to think about this"
"Kat, I understand, just remember, I love you and always will I'm here for you, I will never love somebody else, and once your done thinking, I'll be waiting"
"I know Peeta, it's complicated though"
"Why?, I know I cheated in you, I honestly should have stopped my self, but I didn't, and that was wrong"
"It's a lot more than that"
"What do you mean?"
"What about him?"
"I like him, but I'm not sure wether it's a friendly way or not anymore"
"Kat, I don't care who you like, I will always like you, I will wait for the day you may like me back, even if that's not now"
"Peeta, you know that's now, but I really just need some time to think"
"Okay, I'm so sorry"
"I know"

<sorry! I ship everlark don't worry! just some drama>

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