The Crow Re-seen COMPLETED

By AraStorm2014

1.1K 165 13

After having an epic year so far, cousins Erica and Shelby are looking forward to the Halloween ball in New Y... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36 (Finale)

Chapter 6

33 6 0
By AraStorm2014

The officer in charge is on the scene and is puzzled, "What the hell happened Holt?"

He shrugs as the body of TinTin is carried passed him and into the ambulance, "No idea," lighting up, "I guess the moral is, don't play with knives." Chuckling to himself.

"Smart ass," huffing, "so what do we know?"

"TinTin, low level thief, drug dealer," getting a little irate, "what the hell does it matter? Good riddance."

His superior snarls, "That's not the point, we need to catch the vigilante before they strike again."

Holt simply sighs and takes another drag on his cigarette.

His superior points a finger at him. "Don't push it," smirking wickedly, "you already got demoted, I swear if you get caught messing around you'll be so buried in paperwork no-one will find you."

Pretending to shake, "Ooooo, scared," muttering under his breath, "fuckwit asshole."

"What was that?" The superior officer thunders.

"What was what?" Holt turns his back still smoking his cigarette.

Gideon's shop is shut but doesn't stop Erica scanning the building to make sure he is alone.

Each rain drop that lands on Erica feels like a tear from some broken soul, it weighs heavily upon her but she has work to do.

Erica begins rapping on the shop door.

"Go away," Gideon shouts, "we're closed."

Erica continues rapping at the shop door, with each rap she is getting louder.

"Go the fuck away," he yells with a cigar in his mouth, "we're closed," under his breath, "fucking idiots."

Growing impatient, Erica decides to pull the door off its hinges and steps right in, "Oh, you're open now."

"You're gonna pay for that door you crack head." Gideon looks up.

"You're greedy enough and rich enough to fix it yourself," scowling at Gideon, "prick."

"What the hell do you want?" He demands.

Erica ignores him and surveys the items in the shop.

"I'm demanding, what the hell do you want?" Gideon huffs, "Money? Drugs? What?"

"A year ago," looking right at Gideon, "TinTin brought you a charm bracelet, it was made of solid silver."

Gideon swings his arm at Erica, he misses but she grabs a hold of his fist and pushes it straight through the glass countertop. Gideon's face registers fear and pain. Erica's eyes blaze with rage.

"I won't tell you again," she says through gritted teeth, "a charm bracelet, solid silver, it had an initial as a charm, as well as a guitar, a base clef, a hollow heart, a book an owl and a skull," finding a baseball bat she begins smashing display cabinets, "is it in here?"

"No." Gideon feels desperate.

"How about this one?" She smashes another two display cabinets.

Erica smashes the two display cabinets either side of Gideon, "Where is it." She growls.

Gideon points to the cabinet in the far-left corner, "It's over there, please don't kill me."

Erica laughs wickedly as she opens the cabinet, closing her eyes she picks items out one by one until she feels the bracelet she once knew so well, holding it to her heart she places it safely in her pocket before turning around and walk back towards Gideon, "You're just as bad as those trash monkeys out there."

Gideon's bladder lets go and so he wets himself, not that he would tell the mad woman.

"I'm not here to kill you, I want you alive," growling a little, "to tell the rest of them that death is coming for them." Erica grins.

The shop owner cowers in the corner, Erica grabs what was once her guitar and is on her way out.

"They'll get you, punk." Gideon manages to spit out and wrapping his bleeding hand.

Erica turns back, lighter in hand, "Is that gasoline I smell?"

She chucks the lighter, it lands on the trail of liquid, the liquid ignites.

Gideon's eyes grow so wide he heads for the back door, just as his shop goes up in flames, the blast sends Gideon into the wall.

Officer Holt is stood on a street corner taking a quick break.

The rain is still pouring down, maybe even a storm is brewing in the skies above the City.

Erica happens to be walking by the Officer, quick as lightning he spins around gun in hand, "Hey, you, stay there."

Erica looks innocently at the officer, "Me?" She questions.

He nods but the blast from a few blocks away makes him turn around.

Erica takes the opportunity to vanish from the street to the rooftops, making her way back to the apartment she once occupied.

Officer Holt turns back around but the person has vanished, leaving him perplexed.

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