11:11 PM (Newtmas AU) [✔]

By twxtterpated

229K 15.6K 7.4K

❝Can I confess something?❞ ❝Sure, Tommy.❞ ❝You have the prettiest smile I've ever seen.❞ ❝Can I confess as we... More

Wednesday, 11:11 PM
Friday, 3:45 AM
Friday, 10:15 AM
Saturday, 9:00 PM
Saturday, 11:45 PM
Sunday, 3:00 AM
Sunday, 4:05 AM
Sunday 8:30 PM
Monday, 2:59 AM
Monday, 6:45 PM
Monday, 7:41 PM
Monday, 11:45 PM
Tuesday, 12:30 PM
Tuesday, 1:00 PM
Tuesday, 3:15 PM
Tuesday, 7:25 PM
Wednesday, 00:30 AM
Wednesday, 00:40 AM
Wednesday, 10:50 AM
Thursday, 1:30 AM
Friday, 4:15 PM
Thursday, 11:30 PM
Friday, 2:30 PM
Friday, 3:45 PM
Friday, 5:30 PM
Saturday, 6:30 AM
Sunday, 8:30 AM
Monday, 12:30 AM
Monday 9:30 AM
Monday, 2:30 PM
Monday, 8:30 PM
Tuesday 1:00 AM
Tuesday, 5:49 AM
Wednesday 10:40 AM
Wednesday 10:15 PM
Friday 9:21 AM
Saturday 11:45 PM
Sunday 9:12 AM
Sunday 9:59 PM
Sunday 12:40 PM
Monday 11:45 AM
Monday, 11:50 AM
Tuesday, 1:30 AM
Tuesday, 1:55 AM
Tuesday, 2:12 AM
Wednesday, 11:05 PM
Thursday, 12:30 AM
Thursday, 12:45 AM
Thursday, 1:50 AM
Thursday, 2:13 AM
Thursday, 2:46 AM
Wednesday, 8:32 AM
Wednesday, 4:47 PM
Wednesday, 11:13 PM
Thursday, 8:48 AM
Friday, 5:54 AM
Friday, 8:32 PM
Friday, 8:59 PM
Friday, 9:14 PM
Saturday, 00:13 AM
Saturday, 00:15 AM
Saturday, 00:45 AM
Saturday, 9:30 AM
Saturday, 9:48 AM
Saturday, 4:12 PM
Saturday, 8:40 PM
Saturday, 9:00 PM
Sunday, 11:23 AM
Sunday, 12:45 AM
Monday, 6:35 AM
Monday, 11:12 PM
Tuesday, 9:32 AM
Tuesday, 9:40 AM
Tuesday, 9:51 AM
Tuesday, 11:02 AM
Epilogue - Wednesday, 11:11 PM
Author's note
New Book?
Saturday, 10:35 PM - Halloween Special (i)
Saturday, 11:50 PM
Sunday, 1:29 AM
[additional note]
Update 2
Finally writing the sequel!
And it is out!

Sunday, 12:10 PM

1.7K 119 39
By twxtterpated

Alex walked down the long corridor that led to the outside whilst having his hands deep on his pockets. Truth to be told, he didn't know how he felt after the kiss Newt and he shared. Yes, he had grown fond of the blond boy, but was he, really? Or was it just an excuse to hide what he truly felt from himself?

But what did he truly feel?

The silver haired boy rushed towards the exit but when he pushed the front door open, his eyes widened in shock and any hint of color got lost from his skin. There, right before the orphanage's doorstep, stood a figure that he tried to erase from his memory.

Justin Foley.

And he smiled.

"Just when I thought that this place couldn't get any worst." He muttered under his breath, his words coming out in a small hiss. However, after he took a deep breath and let it out through his nose he lifted his head to look up to the slightly taller boy. "What do you want, Justin? No, wait. How did you even find me?"

The brunet boy took a step forward, unfolding his hands from behind his back just to reveal a golden yellow flower. Without asking for permission, he placed the flower behind Alex's ear, and once down gave the silver haired boy a wide smile. Alex was left to blush.

"What the hell, Justin?" He called out, slapping the boy's hand away but not taking the flower off from behind his ear.

"You really haven't figured it out?" Justin questioned, dumbfounded from Alex's behavior. Surely, his behavior was something Justin hadn't counted in to his plans.

"Figure out what?"

"The texts?"

"What texts?"

"The texts?"

It was as If that was all it took for Alex to grow numb, and stare at the brunet boy in front of him with a bewilded look. The text. The crazy admirer. The late at night adorable confession. It was all Justin? Why? Saying that he was confused was a huge understatement at that point.

"Why. . .?"

"Could we please have a chat? Somewhere private?"

The silver haired boy nodded as Justin held out his hand for him to take. Before glancing down at his place hand, Alex looked back at the porch where Newt was sitting and then back at Justin.

And before he even realised it, his hand had gripped Justin tightly as If his entire life depended on it.




I am sorry to inform you that in like... 10 chapters this story will come to an end:/ it's been fun so far. But, this doesn't mean you'll lose me. I have so much more fanfictions you could check out.

You know I live to make your ships come to life. I will even continue to write after my death!

*writer goals*

Soooo... Give me opinion of this story in the comments? Vote if you liked, and I'll see you in the next chapter!


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