He's My Prince Charming

By skpvz15

337K 1.6K 238

Kylie Matthews is beyond shocked! Her boss has just told her; she's to go on a five-week trip to Terinian, d... More

Chapter 1: My Keys Please
Chapter 2: Just In Time
Chapter 3: The Trip
Chapter 4: Jet Lag
Chapter 5: Last Word
Chapter 6: Who Knew
Chapter 7: Why Lady
Chapter 8: Who Are You
Chapter 9: My Seat, Please
Chapter 10: Who Is George
Chapter 11: What Is Ky
Chapter 12: The Kiss
Chapter 13: Revelations Brings A New Friend
Chapter 14: The Irish Temper
Chapter 15: Royal Lunatics
Chapter 16: What The Hell Kylie?
Chapter 17:Can I Say Overwhelmed?
Chapter 18: Stefan The Barbarian
Chapter 19: What Kylie Wanted
Chapter 20: Emmet Did What?
Chapter 21: It Was Only To Please You
Chapter 22: Kylie's Heart
Chapter 23: Morning Visitors
Chapter 24: And Your Answer Is?
Chapter 25: Destiny
Chapter 26: You Didn't Just Say That, Surely!
Chapter 27: Passport, Please?
Chapter 28: Emmet, I love you..
Chapter 29: Chances
Chapter 30: My Dear Hellion
Chapter 31: There is Only One Answer...
Chapter 32: Are You For Real?
Chapter 33: Sarah's Help

Sneak Peek of Chapter 30....

6.8K 29 5
By skpvz15

Not yet edited.

To my lovely fans:

Ok, so you will want to come haunt me, or maybe kill me for this little teaser; however, I promise you will get the rest of the chapter this weekend.  I had to give you a little-bit of excitement along with  some extra anticipation. Thanks for the continued support, as always love you hear your input, good or bad!  Keep the votes and comments coming. 

CHAPTER 30: My Dear Hellion..

"Sarah, I can't face him, what if he hates me?  Or worse, he won't forgive me?  Could he get angry enough to throw me in the dungeon? You think? Emmet, probably wouldn't do that, but what about the King; that man can really blow-a-gasket when he's been riled up. I think..."

Sarah interrupts my rant, looking as she might blow her own gasket within seconds.


I give her a guiltless look, well I am hoping it looked like I was rather innocent.  However, her return look was a look like, 'Seriously?' in a quite forceful tone. Therefore, I'm not sure if I accomplished my goal, or not. Actually, pondering on the theory; I'm inclined to think she is beyond exasperated with me. If I were to be honest with myself, I would not blame the girl; it had been almost an hour since this horrendous aircraft finally landed on solid ground.

I am quite certain, that the plane was still rocking from the abrupt stop into the private gate, when I watched the pilot practically run off the airplane. He only spared a mere second to turn around, and send me one final rather evil glare my way. This of course, seemed to bring out a snicker from Sarah.  I feel quite positive I even heard my sweet niece, Mia giggle little traitor!  I held up my own trademark; a look of complete confusion of why the man would dislike me so. I mean, who says only the blondes get to play dumb? After Sarah gave me a lengthy lecture on my attitude about everything, and rather rudely reminded me of my near nervous breakdown some time ago; she left me all by myself. She stormed down the stairs, ranting about how utterly crazy I was. On the other hand, I could not agree more with her theory of my mental state.  Even so, gosh dang; did she have to bring up the breakdown?  The horrid nightmare crept right up into my noodled brain, causing my panic at the thought of facing a very rightly, irate Prince. So honestly, it's not my fault for her current dilemma; she completely caused this herself! Had she not given me flashbacks of the world's worst nightmare of mankind, I would not be in this state of distress. 

I have sat here for the last thirty minutes working up, a good amount of terror running through my veins.  She was now back trying to get me off this dratted plane. My fear of the dream becoming reality, has forced me to be somewhat of a pathetic moron. Her next words; however, brought me straight out of my troubling thoughts.

"Fine, I will just let me come get you, himself! I do not have the patience for this, Kylie.  I mean, honestly. You require more patience than Mia, and let me tell you; she requires an amazing amount!"

I had immediately jerked out of my slumber, about to protest my devotion to her patience when she just disappeared.  In my sheer urgent panic, Iscreamed for her to come back, only to hear nothing in return.  I abruptly started pacing back and forth trying to get my heart under control. If he confronts me on the airplane, will he just send me back without giving me a chance to explain? Heck-or-olla, what was there to explain, any ways? Oh, yeah...that I'm a crazy lunatic who loves you, and though you should throw me into a very dark dungeon, please forgive me?

"Super duper crap, crap, and crap-or-olla! I am such a freaking redneck moron! What the hillbillies, am I to do now?"

"Yes, my dear hellion, what are you going to do?"


Notes from the author:

I will finish working on this tomorrow, it should be up by Saturday night at the latest!

Haha Don't be hating on me again:) I'm hoping to get this up on the hot list fast, and maybe higher than ever before:) So, show me some love or hate; I will take it all:)


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