Lively. {Larry}

By Still_young

30.7K 2K 509

Sequel to Deadly. This story includes the aftermath of Catherine's terrible curse on our favorite chestnut ha... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three


929 60 10
By Still_young

The light surrounding him looked almost godly even though it was coming from Luke's bathroom. His face held pure shock due to how his heart shaped lips were agape and his beautiful almond eyes were wide much like Louis'.

He looked the same which was to be expected since it had only been a year but his hair was longer. It made him look younger and almost playful. His skin was tan as if he had been out more and his muscles were much more toned.

He was the man on the couch, Louis noted, scanning him from head to toe as if any new features were in plain sight. He wanted him to speak. He wanted to hear is voice rumble and for his insides to scream as he said his name.

But those feelings were still gone. All he felt was surprised because Harry was standing in front of him with a tight shirt on and his chest bare for anyone to see. He always envied how open he was.

The two stayed frozen in their places. One waiting for the other to speak.

Harry's heart was racing. He almost was on the verge of tears because the Louis he loved was right there in his personal space with his lifeless orbs gazing up at him as if he was god himself.

"I thought this wasn't your scene." He softly said, not being sure if Louis could hear him over the music. All he could hear was the thumping in his ears and his palms were growing terribly sweaty. This didn't even feel like it was real.

He had been avoiding Louis at all costs and he runs into him at Luke's party. Fucking Luke, Harry snapped, He set us up.

"I like to party now," Louis chuckled, shrugging his shoulders as he tried to take in every aspect of his flawless face. From the little hairs that rested near his eyebrows to his smooth upper lip. "Why are you here?" He exhaled, not believing for a damn second that he was speaking to Harry. The one he broke up with a year ago.

"Luke invited me."

"Me too."

"This is some parent trap type shit." Harry laughed, revealing the dimples that only appeared in Louis' dreams.

There was nothing else to be said then. No compliments or apologies. It was like the two had nothing to say despite being madly in love at one point.

Harry bit his lip, his hands coming together to pick at the skin on his fingers. "Well," he muttered, glancing down at his nails only to feel hands sliding against his broad shoulders and at first he thought it was Louis but then there was a kiss on his cheek.

He furrowed his eyebrows, straightening his stance to see Danielle smiling up at him with her small dimples while her hands felt at the fabric on his shirt. "Hey, baby," she giggled, reaching on her tip toes to press a kiss to his stiff pink lips.

Harry instantly looked towards Louis who was looking towards the woman with a confused expression. An awkward laugh left his lips because what the hell else could he do? He was in front of the man that he loved and a girl that he was fucking just called him baby.

"Who's this?" Danielle's voice questioned, gazing at Louis who was sizing her up. She was dressed in a revealing tank top and a pair of ripped jeans with her dark chocolate hair swaying down to her chest.

"I'm Louis, who are you?" The smaller man replied, crossing his arms over his chest because who the hell is this bitch? At this moment, he really wished that he cared about Harry because he could just feel the anger that would have been coursing through his veins.

Before she could open her mouth and fuck up any chance Harry had with Louis, the curly haired man simply said, "Her name is Danielle," he even added a smile to diffuse the situation incase there was one.

"His girlfriend," she added, grinning from ear to ear as she cocked her head to the side like a kitten would.

"I wouldn't say that." Harry coughed, scratching at the back of his neck in order to avoid eye contact with the man across from him. "Just friends, really."

"A close pair of friends." Louis chuckled, raising his eyebrows. He needed to get the hell away from these two. They looked like they could be related in some way and the fact that Harry went from him to a girl who does not know how to control her cleavage just made him a little angry.

"Oh, please. We totally do stuff that 'just friends' wouldn't do." Danielle scoffed, rolling her brown orbs at the man who was clenching his jaw at the woman.

"Anyways." Harry snapped, not paying mind to her because she was really beginning to piss him off and his finger tips were starting to tingle. "Why are you here?"

Louis' left eye twitched for a second, a strange feeling settling through his bones until he felt a bump against his shoulder. His grey orbs went towards the intruder, a smile spreading on his lips because it was Catherine who was saving him from this awkward reunion.

"Hey Lou, we were waiting for you." She chuckled, her hazel orbs raising to settle on Harry who was glaring down at her. "Oh, hello." She smirked, making sure to stand close to Louis as if to get a reaction out of him.

"Yeah," Harry scoffed, glaring hard at the woman who fucked everything up. How dare this bitch stand next to Louis after shooting his boyfriend? Why the fuck are they so close?

"Who's this? Your girlfriend? You moved on quite quickly."

The taller male smiled at that, his dimples making an appearance once again because this bitch was getting on his nerves. "It's been a year," he retorted, "You know, since I got shot. It's funny actually because they never seemed to catch the gunman."

He furrowed his eyebrows while he played the role of the confused victim. What he really wanted to do was just tell Louis that his beloved best friend was the one who nearly killed him.

All Catherine did was shrug, sending him a wink before grabbing onto Louis' shoulders, leaning into his ear to tell him that the boys where all ready to go and that he shouldn't be speaking to Harry. The smaller man was reluctant but nodded his head, offering a "See you around".

Just like that, Louis was gone again. And Harry's side was on fire. The room was a blur but he had to grab somebody, anyone who was drunk enough to leave with him without questions.

But Danielle is in the fucking way. As always, he mentally groaned.

"Want to go back to the apartment and fuck?" He blurted out, looking down at the shocked female who's eyes widened. He crossed his arms as he waited impatiently. It was either fuck him or he goes out and kills someone.

"You just told that guy that i'm just a friend and treated me like nothing." She snapped, clenching her jaw as she rubbed at her arms self consciously.

"We could smoke and i'll do that thing you like." He hummed, taking a few steps forward which lead to her back pressing against the wall lightly. She was absolutely cornered by the man with red eyes and a compelling smile.

"Fine. But i say when we stop." She demanded, earning a hum of approval before she was encasing his large hands in hers and leading him towards the front door with a satisfied smile on her face.

It wasn't as if she was just tricked into having sex with the cursed man or anything.

Louis watched the encounter, a scowl resting on his face because they were so damn close. And he wanted to care. So much.

His grey eyes squinted at the space where the two just were. "Cat, I'm not feeling up to it anymore." He mumbled to his friend who groaned.

"Is it because of that asshole? Come on, Lou. We got identical twins here who want to fuck us. You're going to pass that up?"

The smaller man furrowed his eyebrows because maybe the alcohol was getting to his brain. He was always a lightweight and those couple of shots were starting to mess him up.

Maybe Harry wasn't even really there.

But I saw his dimples and heard his rumbling voice.

"I'm sorry. I just need to go home and be by myself right now." He sighed, rubbing at the bridge of his nose as he strolled out of the room and out of the front door. He didn't pay mind to how Catherine was his ride there which meant he would have to walk.

As soon as he stepped out of the apartment building, the air was fresh and the streets were clear. The music from the apartment could be heard from the sidewalk which made him wonder how he heard Harry so clearly.

Must have been that his attention was all on him. Just like before.

He wasn't so drunk that he couldn't walk straight. It was just that the clouds happened to be moving in the most unusual way and the streetlights were a tad brighter than before.

"How could he?" He asked out loud, his arms going outward as if he were asking someone. His fingers tangled into his chestnut hair that was wild against his forehead. "She's not even that pretty." He muttered, looking at his surroundings to recognize a few signs.

The great thing was that he got an apartment close by to both Luke and Catherine incase of moments like this. Harry got him adjusted to walking everywhere so here he was walking to his building that was a few yards away.

He felt for his keys, a frown settling on his face when he suddenly realized that he left his keys in Catherine's car. This included his house key.

"Fuck." He cried out, "Just my luck, am I right?" He chuckled, bending over to squint at the apartment names and the buttons that rest beside each resident.

He had no one else in this building but Keith so with a sigh, he pressed the glowing red button a handful of times. He prayed to as many gods as possible that his neighbor was awake at this hour and in his apartment, feeling a wave of relief when the gated door began to vibrate.

He reached for the handle desperately, entering his building. He went towards the elevator because there was no way that he was risking his life by taking the stairs. Just like earlier, the doors opened almost immediately.

The ride to his floor felt like it lasted a second and the loud chime that came before the doors sliding open woke him up slightly. He stumbled into his hallway, his blurry vision causing the doors to lean.

"Fuck," he whispered as he walked to his door, resting his forehead against the metal door.

"Louis? Were you the one that ringed me?" Keith's voice questioned from two doors down. He sounded worried but this wasn't the first time that he had let Louis into the building.

"You didn't even ask who I was." The smaller man mumbled with his forehead still resting against his door and his eyes shut closed. He could hear his heart in his ears even though that sounded crazy. His body felt like it was on fire yet he had goosebumps from the light breeze in the building. "I could have been a murderer."

"Well," Keith chuckled, taking a few steps towards the man with a genuinely concerned expression on his face. "I'm not dead now." He beamed, a beautiful smile spread on his face that Louis absolutely did not want to see.

"Lucky you."

"Hey, look at me. Are you alright?" His neighbor begged, reaching forward to rub at his shoulder only to take a step back when Louis pulled away rapidly. "I-I'm sorry." He immediately apologized when he saw his grey orbs glaring at the ground.

All Louis could feel was anger. His veins boiled and his skin felt suddenly hot. He had to go into his apartment. He couldn't look at Keith because he looked too much like him.

"Louis," He whispered, trying his best to rouse up any form of reaction to the intoxicated man. His voice was thick and his eyes that glittered under the dim lights were the only things keeping Louis going.

After a second of defying everything he had in him, the chestnut haired man looked up to see his neighbor with gorgeous blue eyes and wild curly hair that swept to his shoulders. His lips were parted as he waited for a response and that only drove the man more crazy.

He knew that the man in front of him was definitely not Harry. Because his Harry pressed a girl against a wall and was lead out of the party by her hand. His Harry, was probably kissing her collarbones and pulling at her hair while he fucked her. His Harry was asleep with that girl by his side, completely naked.

But Keith looked so much like fucking Harry. So, he leant forward and placed a kiss on his lip heart shaped lips even though it was completely out of character.

"Woah," the dark haired man smiled, pulling away from the drunk man with his hands raised innocently. "You're drunk. I don't know if you actually want this. I don't do this type of thing." His eyebrows furrowed as he scanned Louis from head to toe.

"I want you so bad," The smaller man moaned, attempting to kiss the man again only to feel hands gripping at his shoulders.

"I won't do this with you while you're drunk. I respect people way too much for that." Keith stated, making sure that the two held eye contact to make sure that he knew he was being serious. "You can come back to my apartment and sleep on my bed while i sleep on the couch or something."

Louis pouted because he wanted Keith to just take him back to his bedroom and make him forget about seeing Harry. He didn't want to sleep and create images in his mind.

But he was locked out and this was the best option.

"Fine," he sighed, huffing as he trailed behind a hesitant man who was gnawing at his bottom lip. His grey eyes searched the apartment quickly while inside but his vision was so unclear that he gave up and just followed until they were in Keith's bedroom.

"I'll go grab a trashcan incase you feel sick." The man hummed, leaving the room for a moment to fetch his garbage bin from the bathroom. He ran a hand through his hair because what just happened was strange but he had to help his neighbor who was obviously locked out of his home. "Do you want me to get your shoes or do you have it?" Keith asked as he entered the room only to freeze as he saw Louis already passed out on his bed with his arms spread wide along with his legs.

He smiled at the sight, placing the bin down before tiptoeing out of the room with a deep breath and a racing mind because: what the hell was that?

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