When All Q Breaks Loose

By KarlieLucas2

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Hiro has finally recovered from breaking his ribs while trying to stop a mad bomber. Now that he's back in ac... More

Chapter One: Allow me to help
Chapter Two: Someone Has to Help
Chapter Three: Trying to Make Contact
Chapter Four: First Contact
Chapter Five: Welcome to Mi Casa!
Chapter Six: Agree or Disagree
Chapter Seven: Not Happy
Chapter Eight: Merely Surprised
Chapter Nine: Something Going On
Chapter Ten: Determined to Find Out
Chapter Eleven: What Were You Thinking?
Chapter Twelve: Suit Yourself
Chapter Thirteen: Don't See the Point
Chapter Fourteen: Don't Like the Sound of That
Chapter Fifteen: Find Hiro
Chapter Sixteen: State of Emergency
Chapter Seventeen: You Don't Look Fine
Chapter Eighteen: No Reason
Chapter Nineteen: Just A Dream
Chapter Twenty: What's Going On?
Chapter Twenty One: Good and Bad News
Chapter Twenty Two: You Must Be Mistaken
Chapter Twenty Three: Except For Hiro
Chapter Twenty Four: Go Looking
Chapter Twenty Five: Daddy
Chapter Twenty Six: Notice A Pattern
Chapter Twenty Seven: Don't Have That Much Time
Chapter Twenty Eight: You Know What This Means
Chapter Twenty Nine: You Awake In There?
Chapter Thirty: Absolutely Fascinating
Chapter Thirty One: I'm Right Here
Chapter Thirty Two: Working On A Strategy
Chapter Thirty Three: What's the Point?
Chapter Thirty Four: You're Going The Wrong Way
Chapter Thirty Five: Don't Give Up
Chapter Thirty Six: We'll Find Him
Chapter Thirty Seven: Hold On Tight
Chapter Thirty Eight: Begun To Suspect
Chapter Thirty Nine: Oh No
Chapter Forty: Unable To Determine A Cause
Chapter Forty One: I'm Sorry
Chapter Forty Two: Give Him the Best Chance
Chapter Forty Three: No Mistake
Chapter Forty Five: How Dare You
Chapter Forty Six: Just Drop It
Chapter Forty Seven: Waiting
Chapter Forty Eight: Last Chance
Chapter Forty Nine: Goodbye

Chapter Forty Four: You're Wrong

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By KarlieLucas2

Picard couldn't help but yawn as he sat on the floor. It wasn't that he hadn't been offered something to sit on. Worf had poked his head in long enough to see if his superior officer wanted a chair. It was more out of a stubborn sense of pride, if he was being honest. But the fact that it was getting late, the light was low due to the candles, and Deanna had somehow managed to find a device to play quiet music didn't help.

The unfortunate thing was that the atmosphere seemed to have the same effect on their detainee. James was having a hard time keeping his eyes open as well, though the counselor didn't seem to have the same problem. "Why don't we call it a night," Troi suggested when she realized that both men were about ready to drop into slumber. They'd only gotten through the most basic parts of the story so far, and she thought there was a lot more to it than desperation, as had already been suggested. However, it was getting late and everyone needed their rest. It had been a long day, after all.

The slight sound of snoring came from the other room. It took Deanna a moment to realize it came from Worf. She stifled a smile as she stood from her seat and turned off the music. "Perhaps it would be best to pick this up in the morning," she reiterated.

With a bit of a start, Picard opened his eyes. "What was that? Oh, yes. Quite right, counselor," he rushed, realizing he'd actually dozed off in the last few minutes. A bit slowly, he regained his feet. "We should pick things up in the morning." He gave a brief nod to Trio before exiting the room. The sound of Worf's snores quickly ended as the captain nudged him on his way out.

But before the Klingon could go in and see what was going on, Heathcliff entered the outer room. "I believe everyone is retiring for the evening," he informed Worf. "If you wish to do the same, I will secure the prisoner."

Deanna couldn't help but peer into the outer room at the butler's words. James had fallen asleep and she found no reason to suspect he was pretending. "Do you really think that necessary? He's clearly not a flight danger at the moment."

The butler entered the inner room, glancing briefly at the man in question. "It is not for me to decide," he informed her. He didn't need to add that he'd had orders, not from Fred, but his father, to detain the man with whatever force he felt necessary. And while this James person wasn't in any immediate danger of trying to flee, he wouldn't put it past him to take the earliest opportunity when he woke up.

Seeing as there wasn't much she could say on the matter, Deanna nodded. "Of course. We need make sure we're able to get to the bottom of this." She stepped aside to allow Heathcliff access to the man inside. She was only mildly surprised to see Worf following the butler, albeit a bit more slowly than usual. He did look tired, after all, and she contributed it to that.

"Allow me to assist you," the Klingon offered as Heathcliff expertly lifted the unconscious man over one shoulder, showing strength the Klingon would not have expected to see in such an older individual. "Then again, it does not appear that you need my help. However, I still wish to accompany you to wherever you are taking him."

Heathcliff nodded by way of answer as he turned towards the door. He didn't feel the need to say anything else as he gave a brief nod to Trio as well, before leaving the room. Worf followed after him, making sure to open the door so he could exit without difficulty.

Deanna let out a sigh as she moved to blow out the candles. It wouldn't do to burn the place down by leaving them burning unattended. That taken care of, she headed to her room for the night.


By the time Wasabi had calmed sufficiently down, Honey couldn't help but comment on the late hour. She stifled a yawn as she moved so her companion could regain his feet. "If I didn't know any better," she commented, "I wouldn't be surprised if everyone else had decided to go to bed." She checked her watch, realizing it was closer to midnight. "Maybe we should do the same."

Wasabi had to agree, though he still wanted to do something more productive than sit in the command center and pretend to be doing something. He hadn't been in much of the action today, which was both a shame and a relief at the same time. His muscles still hurt, despite painkillers and heating pads. He decided it might not be a bad idea to do some stretching in the morning, but he knew Honey was right. "Yeah," he agreed. "Sleep sounds good."

Since they were already near the second floor, it didn't take much to actually reach their respective rooms. They were just a quick jaunt down the hallway on either side. Honey Lemon's shared room was to the left, while Wasabi's was to the right.

The physics student couldn't help but slump against his bed as soon as he reached his room. He missed his usual bed back at his apartment. Not that the one in Fred's place wasn't nice. It was. He just was ready to go back to life before all of this craziness had happened. And it would even nicer to have Hiro back to his usual, sometimes annoying, self.

He glanced briefly over at the empty bed, wondering just what the young hero might be going through. Chances were pretty good he didn't really want to know. All the same, he couldn't help but be a bit curious. After all, everything was completely outside the norm. But that also meant he felt totally out of his element, which always left him feeling somehow ungrounded. It wasn't a nice feeling. He liked order, but there was nothing orderly or predictable about what was going on now.

Deciding there was nothing for it but to try and get some sleep, Wasabi changed into his pajamas and tried to get some sleep. Unfortunately, thoughts of impending doom floated around in his head, keeping him up much later than he'd originally intended. However, his brain finally shut up enough for him to slip into troubled dreams.


Hiro had no idea what time it was, nor was he sure he cared. Whatever his friends had done made things a little easier for him on the inside. The pain was no less, but knowing they were out there, rooting for him, supporting him as best as they could, helped. It didn't make the process any less tiring, but he could endure it better knowing he was no longer alone.

Part of him took the time to wonder why and how he'd returned to the Manor, as Tadashi had told him had happened. Had the kidnapper had a change of heart? Possible, though it wasn't necessarily likely. Though he couldn't say circumstances were anywhere near the typical. Nothing about his life was typical of the social norm. It was probably better that way, if he was being honest.

The last tendril he'd touched locked into place with its corresponding memories. Another one down, so many more still to go. This last one had touched on things he'd thought he'd already lived through. Except this one was different. Instead of surviving being shot at the hospital hold up, he'd actually died. He supposed it made sense that he'd have to go through that again. It was probably the instigating moment that allowed all of this to happen. And, now that he thought about it, several things started to make sense.

If time was supposed to run in a specific way, wasn't it entirely possible that his constantly going back had messed up with things? It would explain some of the random comments he'd heard, despite being in a comatose state. Hadn't the Doctors said something about his memories being connected to tears in the universe? It made a certain kind of sense, if he thought about it. He'd messed up the normal flow of time. It only figured that it would shatter, though there seemed more to it than that.

Despite there being so many more fragments of memory to piece back together, Hiro took the opportunity to sit back and contemplate. Things hadn't really started to get crazy, all of the consequences of his time meddling coming to light, until after their current visitors had shown up. And, more specifically, until Q showed up. There was no doubt in his mind that the energy he'd felt that first night was Q's energy acting as the last smattering of pressure needed to shatter the glass of the space/time continuum. Like tempered glass, it had held in its frame until some other influence had pushed it out of the protective bounds. And because of that happening, it allowed everything that had occurred to happen. It had to be true. There was no other logical explanation for it.

And, of course, it all centered around Hiro, because he'd been the one stupid enough to keep going back in time, over and over again, breaking the cosmic glass more and more, even though he hadn't realized it at the time. It was so stupid of him! How could he have not realized it?!

"Try not to beat yourself up too much," Tadashi admonished. "Not that I'm saying your hypothesis is wrong. It makes sense. But you don't have to be so hard on yourself."

Hiro shook his head. "You're wrong. This is all my fault. If I hadn't wanted you back so badly, none of this would have happened." He let his shoulders slump in defeat, because what he'd just said was true. None of this would have happened if he hadn't been so selfish.

Tadashi came up behind him and gave him a hug. "Hey," he admonished gently. "Have you stopped to consider that maybe things were supposed to happen like this?"

Hiro turned to look his brother in the eye, confusion filling his expression. "What do you mean? How could any of this been meant to happen? I broke the universe!"

But Tadashi shook his head, chuckling lightly. "While I do have to give you some credit, I think you're taking on way too much. Look at it this way, if you hadn't wished for the chance to get me back, would you be standing here now?"

Looking a bit sulky, Hiro dodged the question. "That's not the point! If I hadn't, none of this would have happened!"

Tadashi sighed. "You're not listening, bonehead," he pressed as he gave his brother a knuckle sandwich. "If you hadn't wanted me back, you would have died there on that hospital floor. Instead, you were given the opportunity to fix your mistakes."

"And look what good that did!" Hiro complained as he ducked out from under his brother's hand, turning to face him. "You're the one who's not listening! Maybe it would have been better if I'd died back there!"

The older Hamada couldn't believe what he was hearing and it showed on his face as his mouth fell open. "You don't really believe that," he stated, though there was a hint of disbelief and doubt in his tone. "You can't believe that. Do you have any idea what that would have done to GoGo, Fred, Honey Lemon, and Wasabi? Let alone to Aunt Cass. Can you honestly say it would have been better if you'd just died that one time?"

Hiro's eyes went wide as the implications slammed against him. What would that have done to the rest of his team and family? And why hadn't he contemplated it before? Chances were good they would be just as devastated as he'd been when Tadashi'd died. They were a family forged in loss, fire, and a mutual goal of helping those who couldn't help themselves. How could he even have contemplated how the idea that leaving them would have been better?

"I think you're finally starting to see," Tadashi said as he flicked Hiro in the head with one finger. "While you've adopted my mantra of "someone has to help", I think you've lost sight of the fact that it doesn't have to all rest on your shoulders. You're not the center of the universe, Hiro."

Hiro waved a hand to ward off another potential flick from his brother's all too accurate fingers. "I know I'm not the center of the universe!" He turned , walking a few paces away, arms folded as he sulked.

Tadashi let out another sigh. "I know that and you know that," he admitted, rubbing at the back of his neck with one hand. "I just think you sometimes forget that you're not the only one who was affected by my death. And what it would mean to everyone else to lose you. In a way, you are the central hub that keeps them together. They need you just as much as you need them. Don't ever regret your decision or wish you'd changed it, because that would have taken away from them someone just as, if not more important than I was to them."

"How can you say that?" Hiro asked in an incredulous tone. "How could you know how important I am to them?"

With a shake of his head, Tadashi thrust his hands into his pockets. "I know you can be dense sometimes, but this takes the cake. Haven't you been listening? You're family! Yes, it's not like you and me and Aunt Cass, but it's still family. They would do anything for you. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they had a few surprises in store for you when you wake up. Then you'll see just how much you mean to them. So don't be so hard on yourself, or them, for that matter."

Hiro wasn't entirely sure if he could believe all of that, but it had a ring of truth to it. At the very least, he could stop feeling sorry for himself. Tadashi was right. His friends would probably not have dealt with losing him well. He knew he wouldn't like it if they'd lost any others of the group. And when he'd thought he'd lost Baymax.... Well, it had torn a hole right in his chest that had been almost if not more painful than when Tadashi had left. Of course, part of that might have been because Baymax was also part of Tadashi, but that wasn't the point. What was the point again? Oh. Right. "I promise to try and not take myself too seriously," he said.

Tadashi smiled at that. "Just remember you're not alone. Aren't you the one who was feeling grateful for their support only a few minutes ago?" He pulled his brother in close, giving him another knuckle sandwich, only much more gently this time. "You'll figure out what you need to figure out in the right time. I know you're close to figuring it out, a way of fixing things in the here and now. But there are a few things you should focus on first."

Not sure what his brother meant, Hiro looked up with a questioning expression. "Like what?"

Tadashi rolled his eyes, rubbing at his face with his hand in disbelieve. "Unbelievable. Have you already forgotten what you're supposed to be doing? And here I thought you were supposed to be a genius."

It took Hiro a moment to realize what he meant. "Oh." His eye went wide in understanding. "Right." He gave his brother a sheepish smile. "Reintegration. Not that the break wasn't a nice while it lasted. Guess I'd better get back to work."

Tadashi smiled as his brother reached for the next strange of estranged memory. They would get through this together. Soon, there would come a moment when Hiro needed to worry about other things, but that time wasn't now. Until that time, he would look after his brother as usual, keeping him firmly grounded, just as he'd always done.


Data adjusted the flow of medication going into Hiro's IV line. After consulting with Baymax, they'd both agreed that it should be reduced just a little. The initial dosage had been more than enough to make sure Hiro's body would rest. Now it was time to see if a lower dose would be more suitable for their purposes.

"Thank you for allowing me to assist you," Data said as he finished adjusting the flow. "While our friendship has not gone in the manner I had hoped, it has indeed been informational."

Baymax blinked at his android companion. They'd had the opportunity to talk quite extensively while the others had gone to bed. Even Q had finally succumbed to the lack of sleep and had curled up on one of the spare cots. "Thank you for your assistance," Baymax countered. "While my creator intended a non-threatening, huggable design, it does sometimes impede with my ability to properly care for my patients. It is good to have someone who is able to perform the necessary procedures without the emotional attachment that might prohibit such."

Data wasn't sure he knew what to make of that speech. "My overall desire is to become more human," he informed the robot. "If that means I must deal with such emotions, I would gladly do so. Have you no such desires?"

"My purpose is to heal the sick and injured," Baymax informed. "Hiro has expanded that purpose to helping those in need. I do not see any need to go further than this. However, it would be helpful to better understand the emotional state of my patients if I had a better grasp of them."

He ran a quick scan of Hiro to make sure everything was stable. It was. And while his temperature was still elevated, it had not really changed since earlier that evening. At least it hadn't increased, though Baymax would not have minded if they'd been able to bring it down back to normal. He would take his victories where he could. The swelling of Hiro's brain was at least under control, so there was that.

The android moved to stand next to his robotic counterpart. "The technology and programming associated with your creation would be considered an advancement even where I am from. We do not have many fully functioning robots with an artificial intelligence able to evolve as yours seems capable of doing. Your creator must be proud of his accomplishments."

Almost as if he actually felt something, Baymax's eyes closed a bit at Data's words. "Tadashi Hamada created me to help those in need," he admitted. "However, Hiro has improved on my original programming. I am sure he is proud of his achievements and the achievements his brother was able to make before his death."

"Ah," Data said, realizing what he'd brought to mind. "I had forgotten about his death," he admitted. "I did not mean to cause you any discomfort."

Baymax couldn't help but tilt his head as he contemplated the android. "I cannot be uncomfortable. I am a robot," he protested in confusion.

Data decided to let the matter drop. It would be less confusing for the both of them. They were both so different, fulfilling the measure of their creation in different ways. It wasn't entirely unfathomable to believe the robot was more than happy with his role in life, not wanting to become like his companions. All the same, Data still wished to become as human as possible.

"I detect a change in brain activity," Baymax announced moments before the EEG registered the change as well. Was it a result of a change in dosage of the proprofol or was it from something else? He wasn't sure.

Data pulled out his tricorder and began scanning the area. "I detect a slight increase in the energy surrounding the area," he reported, though he felt sure the robot already knew that.

Despite the drugs running in Hiro's system, his body started to react as his muscles tensed. "Please increase the dosage of proprofol," Baymax requested as he monitored the change. Perhaps changing the initial dosage had been a mistake after all. And with the energy running rampant in the area, he had no idea what kind of effect it might have on the boy.

"What's going on?" the blue-clad Doctor asked as he entered the room. He'd left some hours ago to try and get a bit of shut eye but something had drawn him back to the room. His companion, however, remained in his TARDIS where he'd gone to meditate.

Data adjusted the drug flow as requested. "The energy levels in this room have increased," he informed the newcomer. "It seems to be countermanding the medication."

The Doctor whipped out his sonic screwdriver and scanned the area. "You're right," he agreed when he looked at the readings. "This is happening too quickly. We need to find a way to slow down the energy. In Hiro's current form, he won't be able to absorb all of it. As things stand, if it isn't stopped, it could tear him apart before he has the chance to finish what he's doing."

"Oh no," Baymax intoned at those words. "What do you suggest?" He looked almost expectantly at the Doctor, as if he somehow knew the man had the answer.

Data glanced at the readings on the various monitors, realizing the Doctor was right. Whatever had caused the increase of energy was not helping Hiro. They had to do something and quickly. The increase in the proprofol did not seem to be helping either, though it might be too soon to tell. The boy's temperature and vital signs had increased significantly.

The Doctor began pacing as he raked his hands through his hair. "Think! Think! Think!" he admonished himself. "How can we slow this down?" He slammed his hand against one of the counters. "Not slow it down! Block it! How do we block it?"

He dashed into the command center, heading for the bin of spare parts Hiro had collected over the past few months while tinkering with various odds and ends.

"Doctor," Baymax called out, "I would suggest you hurry with whatever it is you are doing. Hiro's vital signs are destabilizing."

The Doctor dumped the recycling bin over, scattering odd parts across the floor. He rapidly searched for what he hoped would be in there. Thankfully, he found something that would make do. "Data!" he called out, "I need your help."

Data went to join the Doctor in the other room, leaving Baymax to deal with Hiro's increasingly unstable pulse and respirations. He wasn't sure what they were doing but felt the closest approximation of relief possible for him when the two returned to the room.

Data carried the rather odd looking device the two had put together, which he placed on the counter closest to Hiro's head. "I hope this will do what you say it will," he announced as he positioned it. "We are ready," he finally stated, the device placed exactly as requested.

The Doctor approached the thing with his sonic screwdriver. He changed the settings on the sonic and pointed it at their creation. A high pitched hum filled the air as he activated it. Circuits popped on the makeshift creation as it began to function.

"It is supposed to do that?" Data inquired as he hastily took a step back.

But the Doctor didn't answer as he concentrated on what he was doing. He changed the settings on his screwdriver, the pitch changing as the device on the counter also changed the sounds it was making. He thumbed off the screwdriver. Without warning, he swayed as he did so, almost as if his strength had left him.

Data moved to intercept him before he could fall, supporting him so he could stay upright. "Are you all right, Doctor?" he inquired as the man in his arms seemed to go through several spasms before his body settled back to normal.

"I detected a change in heart rhythm," Baymax announced as he focused on the Doctor. He was about to go over and offer further assistance when the Time Lord pulled away from Data's supporting arms.

"Just stay back for a minute," the blue-clad man requested. Shuddering a bit, almost as if he'd eaten something vile, the Doctor closed his eyes and concentrated for several long seconds before opening his eyes once more. "Was not expecting that to happen," he admitted as he tried to pop his ears. "But hopefully it did the trick."

Data pulled out his tricorder once more. "The energy level seems to have decreased slightly," he announced. Covertly, he performed a scan of the Doctor as well. "I do not understand what you have done but it seems to have supplied the necessary buffer."

Baymax turned his attention back to his primary patient. "Vital signs are stabilizing," he announced as Hiro's pulse and respirations returned to normal. He also noted the boy's muscles seemed to have relaxed, allowing the medication to take hold once more. "I do not understand either," he admitted.

The Doctor moved to lean heavily against the counter. "The energy was gathering too quickly towards Hiro," he informed. "I had to do something to help buffer it until we can find a way to return Hiro to his normal form. If he were to integrate that energy in his current state, it would burn him up like a super nova and we can't let that happen."

The android contemplated the Time Lord. "While I understand the basic concept of what you did, I do not understand the means by which you accomplished it, nor why it affected you as it did. Please explain."

Slowly, the Time Lord removed his weight from the counter top. "I'm guessing that one of Hiro's memories excited the energy, making it think now was the time to swarm, in a manner of speaking. I merely created a device that would block his brainwaves from calling out to that energy until he's ready for it to happen. I'm sure that once he regains consciousness, regardless of his physical age, he should be able to better control that. As for why it affected me, I haven't the foggiest idea." He moved to step away from the cabinets, only to have his knees buckle.

Thankfully, Data was there to steady him. "Perhaps it would be wise for you to sit down," he advised as he looked into the Doctor's eyes. "It might also be considered wise to have Baymax scan you for further complications this incident may have caused."

But the Doctor waved him off. "Nah. I'll be fine in a minute. Just had to take a bit of my own energy to make it work. Nothing to it. I just need a little rest and all will be well."

Baymax was about to comment on that but wisely chose not to when the Doctor gave him a look. "Please inform me if rest does not remedy your condition," he instructed instead. The answer he got in return was more than enough to inspire his confidence so he turned his attention back to Hiro.

Data, on the other hand, didn't look entirely convinced. There was something the Time Lord wasn't telling them, though he couldn't figure out what.

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