Budo x Ayano ||y.s

By KayKyutie

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"I don't care about Martial Arts anymore.." More

Caught His Eye
Her Enemy
Taro's Ayano
The Witness
The Talk
The Phone
The Shoes
In Too Deep
Author's Note!
Locked Inside
The Regret
The Accident pt.1
The Accident Pt.2
Before The End
Crazy In Love

Where It All Ends

4.4K 134 31
By KayKyutie

After School

The bell rung, and everyone got out of their classes. Some went to their clubs, some went to the lockers.

 Budo walked the halls, empty. He walked slow, eyes low, tired. He crouched. He felt broken in half now that his mindset was on letting Ayano go. It was extremely difficult not to think about her.

 Ayano immediately walked downstairs, she wanted to get her objective done. She went to the second floor.

 Budo was in his martial arts room, he stood in his regular spot, staring into space. Shima noticed. When she was through practicing with other members, she walked towards Budo. She held her hands together and her head down.

 "Hi..Budo.." She greeted, almost mumbling. Budo looked down at her with his eyes. "Yes?" He asked softly. "Are you okay..?" Shima asked him concerned.

 Ayano had ran to the martial arts club, but before she burst into the room, she eavesdropped in on Shima and Budo's conversation. She stood at the door, peeking her head through.

 "I'm..fine." He lied. Shima shook her head, "Budo I know you. And I've never seen you like this. No energy, that's very rare. Especially for martial arts. And plus..I care about you, you know?" She held her head down, shy. Budo sighed. "I know, Shima..And i'm sorry for the other day, I was caught up in..something. I didn't mean anything." He apologized. Shima smiled a bright smile.

 Ayano thought it was enough and went into the room. When Budo saw her, his heart dropped. Ayano stood there for a second while they stare at each other. "A-Ayano..Hi." He says shyly. "You're back." He says. Ayano stared at him with the same blank eyes. Budo missed that look, even though he's seen it a hundred times.

 "I want to leave the club." She says. Budo lowered his shoulders. His mouth dropped a little. "Leave?" He asked. Ayano walked in front of him, pushing Shima back a bit. Ayano put her hair behind her ear. "Well yeah..i'm doing..something." Ayano told him, surprisingly feeling nervous. She was also making sure he knows what that something is. Budo looked at her.

 "Uh yeah..of course..you can resign." He nodded, pretending like he's not crying on the inside. Ayano held both of her hands out, and in her hands was the martial arts bandana. Budo looked at them before slowly taking the bandana and holding them tight in his hands. After Budo took the bandana, Ayano left the club. But also left Budo, hopeless.

 Osana left her classroom, running downstairs for the counselor. She was going to be the one to solve the case. And then everyone would want to be her friend! And Taro would be flattered by her bravery and intelligence and totally fall for her. It was the perfect plan.

 When she got there, the counselor was just packing up to go home for a relaxing Friday night. "Counselor!" Osana shouted. The counselor looked up at Osana. "Don't you yell like that, keep an inside voice.." She said and put her finger over her mouth. Osana nodded and put her hands together.

 "I believe I may have solved Oka's case.." Osana said, walking up into the room slowly. The counselor paid attention to packing, "Oh really?" The counselor raised an eyebrow. Osana nodded, "Yes..the murder case. I connected the dots." Osana said, proudly. "And who..might be the murderer?" The counselor asked.

 Osana walked up and whispered it inside of the counselor's ear. The counselor had a straight face. When Osana was finished, she leaned out and backed up. "And do you have proof that this person is really the one..?" She asked. Osana held her head down. 

 "I know she was the only one free during the time of Oka's death. Everyone else was in their clubs. I mean, I know she was in martial arts, but that has to be it right? She hasn't been attending! Plus, no one knew of her whereabouts when Kokona went missing! She always runs around the building and..i'm sure everyone see her as weird. She has to be it!" She explained in confidence.

 The counselor stared at Osana for a moment,"Hm. Well, when you have actual proof of this, come back to me." The counselor said, making her way out of the room. "Wait! You're not going to do anything?" Osana complained. "You shouldn't be doing anything. The remaining members of the occult club are the ones over the entire investigation. So your theories are unnecessary." After that, the counselor walked out of the room. Osana lowered her shoulders. "Fine..if the counselor won't do anything about it..then I guess i'll have to do it myself." Osana told herself. She then ran out of the room.

 Ayano was nowhere to be found. But no one was looking for her yet. Budo stood in the martial arts room, no energy. He felt drained. He didn't even want to do martial arts anymore. When the members started noticing, he shrugged it off. "I think I just need some water.." He said. He left out of the club room and walked his way to the boys bathroom.

 He was walking the halls, when Osana ran up to him from behind and poked him in the shoulder. "Budo!" Osana shouted. Budo turned around to her. "What?" he asked, a bit annoyed and concerned at the same time. "I need your help. I think I know who killed Oka." She responded. Budo's eyes grew big. He scratched the back of his neck. "And that would be who..?" He asked, a bit scared. Osana scrunched up her face.

 "It's her, Budo. It's Ayano." She said, confidently. Budo's heart dropped to his feet. "I knew something was up with her. It all makes sense. Only she would go that far." Osana explained. "A-Are you sure..?" Budo stammered. "Positive. And I'm going to bust her. But I need your help, you hung out with her the most so you probably would know where she could be." Osana put her hands on her hips. "Uh..U-Uh.." Budo stuttered. "Tell me!" Osana squealed. Budo shrugged.

 "I-I don't know, I don't see her anymore.." He said. "Ugh! Thanks a lot Budo!" She complained and ran past him. Budo stopped her. "Osana, are you sure it's Ayano..?" He asks. "What? Trying not to get your weird friend in trouble? When i'm through with her she'll be behind bars. And Senpai will finally like me like I want him to." Osana smiled, and ran down the stairs.

 Budo put his hands on his head. "Oh no.." Budo mumbled. He ran the other way to warn Ayano. But he started to slow down from running down the hall. Then he stopped. He stood still.

 "Wait..should I..?" He asked himself. "I'm supposed to let her go. Maybe Ayano should get what she deserves..maybe.." He looked down to his shoes. He put his hands in his pockets. He stood there thinking about it. But then he confessed,

"But if she goes..then i'll have to live everyday in school without her being there. I'll have to think about her without the option to see her, talk to her, follow her. I can't let her go. I just can't."

 He continued running down the hall to Ayano.

 It was 4:05, and half of all the students were gone. The students who had stayed for clubs were leaving, they all leave clubs early on Fridays. Ayano was still no where to be found. Budo looked everywhere for her, but also trying his best not to run into Osana. But he ended up running into someone else.

 Budo bumped into them, not paying attention. Him and the other person fell to the floor, both sitting. Budo rubbed his head. "Uh, ow!" Budo whined. "Sorry.." A familiar voice said. Budo looked at them. "Taro..?" Budo asked. Taro stood up and held his hand out for Budo to stand. Budo took his hand and stood up.

 "What are you doing here..?" Budo asked him. "Oh, I was looking for Osana. She wasn't waiting by the lockers for the first time..ever. I was worried. Have you seen her?" Taro asked. Budo looked down. "Uh..yeah. But I don't know where Osana is, currently. I'm just looking for Ayano." Budo explained. Taro folded his arms. "Her again?" He asked. Budo looked up at Taro.

 "Yeah..why?" Budo asked. Taro shrugged. "I don't know, you're just always around her. Did she do anything to you or.."

 "No, of course not. I just..I just..think she's the one." Budo mumbled. Taro's eyes grew big. "Really?" Taro asked him, shocked at his strong words. Budo nodded. "And I really need to go find her.." Budo said. Taro nodded.

 "Wow..she must mean a lot to you, huh?" Taro asked him. Budo put his hand behind his head. "Uh, yeah." He chuckled. "Hm..but I haven't seen her. Don't you think she left school already?" Taro asked.

 "No..I know her. She's here. Somewhere."

 Ayano sat on a wooden table. It was dark. She put on white gloves that reached her elbow. When she was done, she grabbed a mask.

 She took it and put it on tightly. After that, she grabbed the big, sharp knife from the table she was sitting on.

 And walked out.

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