Not Worth It Anymore (Adriene...

By HamiltonHaven

16.6K 409 367

We all have our own personal halls, but for Marinette, her entire life is her hell, until she meets Alya. Her... More

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2.9K 52 58
By HamiltonHaven

Marinette woke up to the sound of her alarm blaring into her room. She opened her eyes a little and slammed her hand down onto her phone to shut it up. Marinette sat up and stretched her arms above her head and she yawned. Marinette looked over to the sleeping Tikki over on her pillow, the sight made Marinette a tiny bit happy. It's not that she hated having Tikki around, no she loved having Tikki around, but her heart had been shattered so many times that the pieces just stayed scattered and didn't feel like fixing themselves.

Marinette remembered perfectly, the day everything went to hell and she finally gave up on fixing the scattered pieces. Marinette got off of her loft and started getting ready, she slipped into black leggings, she put on a plain dark aqua t-shirt and a black jacket. She slide on gloves that only went up half of her fingers and they went down to an inch from her elbow. (Like the ones in the picture above) She left her hair down and it hit her shoulders after she brushed her bed head away.

Marinette gave up on looking nice everyday and she stayed inside everyday that her skin is now a porcelain pale. It never bothered her since she kind of liked the way her skin looked. Marinette walked downstairs and saw her mother busy getting stuff cooked before she opened at 6:00 a.m., Marinette walked past her rushed mother and sat on the window bench and grabbed her black combat boots that dropped the front and covered the top until her ankle. She tided the laces and then put the front over them and let them fall to her ankle with the sides staying up. The boots went up half of her calf. (I love those types of combat shoes so much, but their hard to describe so sorry if the description sucks ^_^)

Marinette's mother stopped rushing around and walked over to Marinette, her mother placed a hand on her daughters shoulder and looked at her. Marinette looked up from the ground and straightened out her hunched form to look up into her mothers face. She looked into her mothers beautiful silver eyes and nodded understanding what her mother couldn't say. Her mother smiled a small smile and hugged her daughter slightly, then walked back into the kitchen of the bakery and got back to work.

"I'm surprised your still getting up at 5 in the morning to just go to school!" Her mother yelled out to Marinette and this caught her daughters attention. Marinette just stared off into space and looked at the ceiling thinking about when she started to get up and not cut it close to getting to school. She realized it was when her father was killed and Marinette had to hold back tears at thinking about her father.

Marinette left the bakery after grabbing her bag. She didn't want to feel the pain anymore, but she didn't want to make her mother suffer more either, so Marinette took the pain for her mothers sake. Marinette was walking towards the school to sit on it's steps for a few hours and design some new outfits. She did this everyday and she didn't care about what the people thought of her, weather she was strange for sitting in front of a high school in all dark clothing and sketching in a notebook or weather she was brave to do this.

Marinette knew exactly what time it was when she heard the clicking of high heels and she didn't need to look up to see that it was the spoiled mayors daughter. Bitch face. Marinette kept her head down and continued to draw as the bitch came closer with her side hoe following after her like she was a dog going after a bone.

"Oh, look it's Maritrash again!" Chloe said being the snotting bitch she was, she then snatched Marinette's sketch book from her and flipped through all the designs. She snickered at all of them and walked over to the trash to drop the design book into the trash. Though she let it hover over the trash then she let it fall from them and it landed on something crunchy.

"I was thinking about which trash to throw it in, this one or that one." She said pointing on 'or that one' at me. Marinette shrugged it off and waited until she left to retrieve her notebook, but sadly for her once she retrieved it Adrien Agreste walked up behind her and slapped it out of her hands and it fell into a rain puddle.

Now everyone knows what happened to the last person that got one of Marinette's book wet, but know ones done anything to her sketch book, because it was her prized possession. Adrien smirked at what he had done, since he forgot what happened the last time Marinettes book got wet.

*1 year ago*

Marinette was ready a good book when a girl, walked up to her and grabbed her book from her hands as she ate her lunch on the schools stairs. The girl flipped through the book contents and threw it to the side, where it landed in a water puddle and got the pages all ruined. Marinette stared at the ruined book for a few seconds before turning her glare to the dumb brunette. The brunette just laughed her head off and as she tried to walk away she felt a strong grip on her shoulder, expecting a boy she saw Marinette and her eyes looked black.

Long story short, the girl ended up in the hospital and she had 100 bruises on her body and face, she had a broken leg, nose, arm and a fractures wrist on the same arm. She also had a black eye and a tooth missing. Nobody wanted to drop something of Marinettes again and she left the school unpunished, since all the teachers and the principal where terrified of her.

*Back to modern time* (yay! XC)

Adrien then finally remembered his mistake and held his hands up in defeat, but Marinette was on him in one second flat. Adrien left with a broken nose, black eye, 200 bruises and a fractured knee. He was out of the his modeling job for awhile. His father was furious, but the principal and Marinettes mother did nothing to punish the girl, due to everything he's done to her for the past couple of years. (Her mothers reason, the principal was just terrified of Mari XD) Mr. Agreste wanted to teach the young girl a lesson for beating up his son, but then he saw her designs and got an idea.


Adrien had fallen for Marinette and he didn't like picking on her anymore, once he saw the designs he ruined. He cried is eyes out for hours, not from his injuries, no he believed he deserved them, but for everything he's done to Marinette and how cruel he had been to her for the past few years. He wanted to make amends and then date Marinette.

I only want to date her so I can hurt her again. He thought and with that he drifted off to sleep and awoken the next day to find himself going to school and finding Marinette not there for once. He frowned and heard that a new girl was coming to school today around lunch time. Finally a new target. Adrien was excited to meet the new girl so he could break her heart.

Adriens heart hurt when he thought about what the new girl looked like, then when he thought of Marinette his heart started beating rapidly and he was blushing like a tomato. Why did he feel this way about a girl? And why was it Mari? Adrien didn't like his heart thinking for itself so he just ignored it and after Science, he went off to lunch and waited for the new girl.

Adrien saw Marinette and a new girl walking and talking together, his heart started up again when he looked at Marinette, who was wearing black jeans, a dark maroon shirt and a black hoodie with her usually elbow length gloves. She was the smartest girl in the whole school and some guys where talking about her when she entered the lunchroom ignoring Adrien and continued to talk with the new girl.

Adrien over heard some guys talking and then once Marinette walked in they immediately changed it so they were talking about her.

"Mari is so smart and beautiful, plus she hates Adrien Agreste so he can't play her like all the other girls." One said. "Yeah, she works those dark colors and she's so smart it's hot." Said another boy fawning over Marinette. Those comments made Adriens blood boil and he didn't understand why. Wasn't Marinette just to be another toy added to his collection?

I hope you all enjoyed my first Adrienette fanfiction and I hope you enjoyed Adrien being a shithead, because I sure did. Let me know if I should keep going with this or if I should just drop it and with that bye bye!

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