RWBY: Spider-Man Unlimited

By Daleandjakup97

38.3K 487 146

Peter Parker is secretly a spider Faunus who rarely shows his abilities in public unless he is the web slingi... More

Chapter 1- Peter Parker
Chapter 2- Spider-Man In Signal
Chapter 3- Spider-Man Meets Ruby Rose
Chapter 4- Spider-Man In Beacon Part 1
Chapter 5- Spider-Man In Beacon Part 2
Chapter 6- Initiation
Chapter 7- Initiation Part 2
Chapter 8- Initiation Part 3
Chapter 9- Initiation Part 4
Chapter 10- Team SVRN
Chapter 11-Team SVRN Part 2
Chapter 12- Brock and Kasady
Chapter 13- Birth Of The Symbiotes
Chapter 14- Where Evil Nests
Chapter 15- Where Evil Nests Part 2
Chapter 16- Where Evil Nests Part 3
Chapter 17- Enter The Hunter!
Chapter 18- We Will Shock You!
Chapter 19- Neogenic Nightmare
Chapter 20- Neogenic Nightmare Part 2
Chapter 21- Neogenic Nightmare Part 3
Chapter 22- I Cried a River Over You
Chapter 23- I Cried a River Over You Part 2
Chapter 25- Queen Dethroned
Chapter 26- Queen Dethroned Part 2
Chapter 27- Queen Dethroned Part 3
Chapter 28- One Is The Loneliest Number
Chapter 29- One Is The Loneliest Number Part 2
Chapter 30- One Is The Loneliest Number Part 3
Chapter 31- One Is The Loneliest Number Part 4
Chapter 32- Monday Morning
Chapter 33- Monday Morning Part 2
Chapter 34- Model Behavior
Chapter 35- Model Behavior Part 2
Chapter 36- Model Behavior Part 3
Chapter 37- My Dearest Calypso
Chapter 38- My Dearest Calypso Part 2
Chapter 39- My Dearest Calypso Part 3
Chapter 40- Sins of the Fathers
Chapter 41- Sins of the Fathers Part 2
Chapter 42- Destiny Unleashed
Chapter 43- Destiny Unleashed Part 2
My Fan Casting Of RWBY: Spider-Man Unlimited

Chapter 24- I Cried a River Over You Part 3

481 6 1
By Daleandjakup97

Peter Parker woke up the next morning. Venus Deterzo was still asleep on her bed. He smiled as he got out of bed and came over to her. She was sleeping so peacefully and Peter leaned down to kiss Venus' cheek. Her eyes shot open as she looked at her boyfriend with a blush on her cheeks. "Morning, Venus," said Peter. "G-Good morning," stuttered Venus as she covered her face with a blanket. Peter chuckled as Venus said muffled under the blanket, "This is the first time anyone has woken me up like this." Peter gently rubbed her covered waist as Venus purred softly. Glynda Goodwitch came in as she asked gently, "Venus, honey?" Venus got out of the blanket as she asked, "Aunt Glynda?" Glynda said, "Let's go. Your mother is on her way here." Glynda turns to see Peter as she added, " If you stop Bench, I'll... put in a good word for Venus' mother." Peter nodded as Venus hugged him one last time and got dressed. Venus left with Glynda as Peter went to Maria's laboratory. He was building a device until Johnny Gallo and Nightingale entered. "What're you making?" asked Johnny. Peter answered, "A makeshift web-shooter that can mix this serum I'm making with my natural webbing. Hopefully the serum will interact with the H2O in Morris' body." Nightingale said, "We have peered into the emotions of Morris Bench. He is obsessed with getting Venus back. We hope you know what you are doing." Then the television blared up to see J. Jonah Jameson ranting, "Jewel robberies all around Vale! Spider-Man maybe behind all this." Nightingale frowned, "These robberies are inconsistent with Peter. When we coordinated with Officer DeWolff, the crime scenes were usually wet with water. We also felt smugness, obsessive, and jealousy within the water puddles. The police thought of us as 'off our bat'. We did not appreciate their own smugness as well." Johnny asked, "You thinking maybe Bench is behind the robberies?" Peter asked, "Why would Bench be interested in jewelry and gold pablums? I thought he was interested in trying to win back Venus." Nightingale suggested, "Maybe what he has stolen he thinks will bring Morris and Venus back together?" Johnny nodded, "That could be the case." Peter puts the web-shooter on his wrist and said, "Time I give Hydro Man a piece of my mind."

Venus reunited with her mother Minerva Deterzo. Minerva was as tall as Glynda, had a orange bob cut hair, cat ears, green eyes, and a tail. "So what's this I hear about you dating Spider-Man?" teased Minerva. Venus blushed, "Mom!" Minerva asked, "So, what is he like?" Venus answered sheepishly with a blush on her cheeks, "He's... better than Morris. He loves me and I love him. He's my everything." Minerva smiled, "I'm glad to hear that. So how about the three of us go to this Ursula's diner?" Glynda shrugged, "I don't know... I still have work to do." Then Ozpin came in and said, "Nonsense. The least I can do is allow you to spend time with your family." Glynda sighed, "All right, I'll go." Venus hugged her aunt as Glynda smiled.

The three made it to Ursula's diner as Venus told her mother about fighting the Synoptic and other super villains. Minerva smiled, "That sounds amazing, Venus. So when do I get to meet your boyfriend?" Venus replied, "Peter and my friends said they're on their way. He really wants to meet you." Minerva smiled as the three talked to each other until Venus excused herself to the bathroom. Eventually Venus was washing her hands as she thought, 'I guess you and I have something in common, dad. When things got rough, we hightailed out of there. But I'm not going to run away anymore. I love Peter, and nothing is going to change that.' Suddenly the water faucets on each sink forced themselves to run. The water flooding eventually turned into Morris Bench. Venus didn't have time to gasp as Morris took control of the water from the sinks and toilets and flooded the bathroom with Venus in it. The flood burst through the door and customers began to panic. Minerva and Glynda yelled, "VENUS!" Venus screamed as the flood burst through the exit and began flowing to the streets. Ursula stormed out of the kitchen and saw her diner was soaked. Ursula grumbled, "I had this place vacuumed. And now it is SOAKING WET?!!" Ursula calmed down and turned to Jenny as she ordered lightly, "Jenny, get all the towels and fans from the closet." Jenny nodded as she went to the closet.

The water carrying Venus carried her away as Spider-Man swung after them. The water then dumped into the water Venus in it. Spider-Man thought, 'Nooo! Wait, that's what he wants us to think. She's gotta be alive, but where?' He then spotted a pumping station as he said, "Hmm."

A bubble with Venus in it floated out of the water and on the floor as it popped. Venus looked up to see Morris who apologized, "Sorry for the rough ride, but I wanted to show you this." Morris pointed to a pile of treasure chests with golden pablums and jewelry. "You're behind all of the robberies?" asked Venus. Morris nodded, "That's right. I'm not a small timer anymore!" Venus asked, "How did you get this way?" Morris answered, "After you broke up with me, my parents put me into boarding school so I could stay out of trouble! But you were right to dump me, Venus. I was a nobody. Soon one day my semblance activated and turned me from a nothing to a something. Now I had power! Now I could have anything in the world I wanted! And I want you." Venus retorted, "Well, guess what? I'm not a thing! I'm a person! Don't you get it?" Morris protested, "I-I don't want to own you. I want to love you. All I want is for you to remember that you love me." Venus replied, "Morrie, listen. I don't love you! I never loved you!" Morris got angry as he yelled, "I'll flood all of Vale! Drown everyone and everything! Force everyone to leave so Vale will be ours! Forever!" He started to scream as he began to throw all of his stolen treasures into the pumps. Spider-Man popped out from one of the pumps and webbed up Morris. "Three minutes underwater!" quipped Spider-Man. "Do I get my merit badge?" He climbed up as Morris washed the web off him and asked, "You? Haven't you figured it out yet that your web doesn't work on me?" Spider-Man replied, "Yeah, which is why I made this new batch just for you!" He shot another web line which solidified Morris. Venus asked, "What did you do to him, tiger?" Spider-Man explained, "I poured powdered gelatin into my webbing. Hydro Man is getting his just desserts." Venus asked, "How did you find us?" Spider-Man answered, "When I spotted this pumping station. Then it hit me. With these pipes, Morris could go anywhere in Vale. Bank vaults. Sprinklers. Kitchen sinks." Morris leaked himself out as he poured a rush of water at Spider-Man and yelled, "Get away from her! She belongs to me!" Frightened, Venus dashed out of the pumping station. Spider-Man landed on the treasures as Morris turned to find Venus. "VENUS!" shouted Morris. "You can't hide from me! I AM EVERYWHERE!!!" He poured himself into the pipes as Spider-Man got up and looked around. "Where did they go? It's like a needle in a haystack!" said Spider-Man to himself.

Venus found Nightingale as they ran inside a recycling plant. They climbed on top of a tower of paper as Morris Bench walked in. Venus threw a hook attached to a zip line which splashed him into a puddle. Nightingale then pushed a tall pile of papers on him. They accidentally slipped as they fell on the ground. Morris reformed himself as he snarled, "That wasn't very nice." Venus and Nightingale ran into a door and it led them to Ricochet and two workers at a furnace. Venus hid behind Ricochet as Nightingale faced against Morris who entered the room. Nightingale shot an arrow but it went through him. "Get lost!" snapped Morris. He shot water streams at Nightingale and Ricochet as Venus quickly threw a bucket of powdered gravel on him. The gravel covered his face and chest as he almost stumbled into the furnace. Morris got himself away from the furnace as he turned to glare at the escaping Venus, Ricochet, and Nightingale who were climbing up a ladder to the roof.

Once they made it to the roof, the three stopped short. "Looks like the end of the line," muttered Venus exasperated. "That's right," said Morris, out of breath. "Nowhere else to run." Morris was in his liquid form. Spider-Man swung in and asked, "So now, how about we all take a break?" Morris glared, "You again? Haven't you figured out yet that you all can't beat me?" Spider-Man replied, "I don't have to, Slick. Venus already has." Morris asked surprised, "What?" Nightingale explained, "Venus has led you away from the pipes that feed the water within you. Your body is barely holding yourself together." Ricochet added, "You're barely holding, well, you!" Morris asked distraught, "Why, Venus? Why? I love you..." Venus shook her head as she answered, "You don't kidnap people you love, Morrie. And you don't force yourself on them. Morrie, we're done. We have to find you help." Morris yelled as he turned to Spider-Man and glared, "I'll kill you with my bare hands!" Venus cried, "Don't!" Spider-Man somersaulted away as Morris fell down on the roof and evaporated. Venus hugged Spider-Man as she sobbed into his chest. He comforted her as he assured, "It's okay. I'm here. We're all here. It's over." Venus smiled as she hugged him closer.

Soon Team SVRN and Minerva and Glynda got back to Beacon Academy. It was soon raining as Peter tried to cover Venus and him with a Daily Bugle newspaper. Minerva complimented, "What a sweetheart. I like him already." Glynda sighed, "Yes. He is that." Peter apologized, "Sorry about the rain. It seems you've been having nothing but water problems." Venus smiled, "You know, it's not much of a problem anymore." They both kissed as Minerva teased, "Oh, Venus. Hold that pose. I want to take a picture." Venus separated as she blushed, "Mom!" They got back inside as Peter and Venus kissed again.

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