Talex Who (Tobin/You)

By MackenzieGrace21

432K 8.2K 1.1K

#1 in Tobin #1 in soccer When Y/N Y/L/N gets called up to the USWNT, she meets Tobin. She may not be Y/N's fa... More



4.1K 82 6
By MackenzieGrace21


My first game back was the last send off game. We were in New Jersey at Yurcak Field for the game against Australia.

"Hey, Tobin," Kelley says as we walk into the stadium for pregame. "Don't get stepped on tomorrow night." Kelley says and Tobin tries to jump at Kelley, but I catch Tobin's wrist as Kelley takes off running, hiding behind Ashlyn.

"Toby." I warn and Tobin sighs.

"Come on, I just want to step on her." Tobin says and I raise an eyebrow at her.

"That's animal abuse, Tobin, besides, stepping on a squirrel that side would probably kill her." I say and Tobin laughs, kissing me softly as we walk onto the field, tossing our stuff down by the bench.

After practice, I laugh as I'm tackled to my bed and my stomach is straddled.

"You know, my girlfriend would kill you if she saw this." I say to Ashlyn who smirks victoriously down at me.

"As would mine."

"Then get the fuck off." I say, poking my best friend's knees.

"But then I'd be bored, at least here I know you're not going anywhere, so I can annoy you all I want."

"No, seriously, get the fuck off, Ash, I have to pee."

"You went before we got on the bus!"

"Hey, Y/N, you left your key card in your bag, I thought I'd just-what the hell?" I hear Tobin say and look around Ash to see her standing there with said key card held up.

"Hi babe." I say and Tobin chuckles. "Could you maybe get her off? I really gotta pee." I say and Tobin nods, so I watch as Tobin pulls my best friend off of me and I hop right up, rushing to the bathroom.


"Your girlfriend has the bladder of a squirrel." Ash says from where she lays, on Y/N's bed, obviously comfortable.

"Nah, Kelley can hold it pretty long." I say, smiling as Ash rolls her eyes, looking over my shoulder as arms wrap around my waist, I smile at Y/N, and she smiles back at me.

"Gross, guys. The cuteness still sickens me." Ash says, getting up and I chuckle.

"I think I heard Ali saying she was headed to the pool with some of the girls. Why don't you go join her and leave your bestie alone?" I ask and Ash puts a hand on her chest.

"Rude." Ash says, getting up. "No sex, you two!" Ash jokes as she leaves and Y/N heaves a heavy sigh, plopping onto the bed, pulling me with her.

"Babe, I need-"

"Cuddle me for a while and then you're free to go." Y/N says and I chuckle.

"Holding me captive?" I ask and she smirks up at me.

"You have said that I have captivating qualities and tendencies." Y/N says and I roll my eyes.

"You are so annoying sometimes." I say, looking up at Y/N as she straddles me, taking my hands in hers and playing with my fingers.

"Annoying or not, I'm yours and I'm not going anywhere." Y/N says and I smile up at her.

"I would hope not." I say, watching as Y/N swings our hands idly.

"I love you." She says, looking at me, so I meet her eyes and slip my hands from hers, reaching up and cupping her cheeks, pulling her in for a gentle kiss. When I pull away from the kiss, I smile when I see Y/N with her eyes still closed.  "You and your kisses." Y/N says, finally opening those green eyes of hers before laying to the side, cuddling into me.

"I love you too." I say, smiling as she cuddles further into me.


When Ash comes back, she looks over at us and points at Y/N, so I look down and smile when I see that she's asleep.

"Cute." Ash says and I smile.

"She is, isn't she?" I ask, kissing Y/N's forehead. We sit in silence for a while, just doing our own thing, Y/N still sleeping, Ash scrolling through something, and I'm reading while playing with Y/N's hair.

"Tobs." Y/N groans out, sitting up and I look over at her. "Stop. I'm not gonna sleep tonight if you put me back to sleep." Y/N whines and I smile at her.

"Okay baby, I'm sorry, I'll stop. Come back." I say and she gets up anyway.

"In a minute." She says.

"You gotta pee." Ash says and Y/N nods.

"Fight me, Harris."

"Go to the bathroom." I say and Y/N scurries off adorably, so I turn to face Ash.

"Bladder. Of a squirrel." Ash says and I chuckle.

"You leave my squirrel bladdered girlfriend alone." I say and she smiles.

"You guys are cute."

"Damn right we are." I hear Y/N say as she jumps onto the bed, wrapping her arm around me and pulling me backward, turning me onto my back.

"Hello." I say and she smiles.

"Greetings." She says before kissing me softly. "Let's go get food." She says and I shrug, getting up and following her out of the hotel room.


In the morning, I wake up to Y/N hanging off her bed, reading on her phone.

"Is a fictional version of Tobin being stupid again?" I ask and Y/N moves her phone to the side, looks at me for a second, looks back at her phone, before returning her focus to me and nods.

"Yep." She says and I chuckle.

"Why do you read stories about her anyway? You've got the real thing." I ask and Y/N shrugs, letting herself slip to the floor before sitting up like a regular human.

"I like seeing the creativity of the fans." Y/N says and I chuckle.

"Come on, let's go get breakfast so we can do our shit before the game."

"I've been ready for an hour." Y/N says, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Shit, okay." I say and she nods as I get up and get ready for breakfast, once I'm dressed, we go down to breakfast and eat quietly before heading to the field for Y/N to work on her striking and me on my shit. When we get back to the hotel, we relax until two, when we all get on the bus and settle in for the ride to the stadium, we've got an hour before kick off, so we start getting ready right off the bat, well, Tobin does. We all take our time. Y/N changes into her shorts and grabs her socks, still in her regular t-shirt on her way to the training room.


When I get into the training room, I hop up on the table and watch as Paul wraps my ankle for me and once he's done, I fight to get my sock on my foot before putting the other one on and leaving the training room, once I get back into the locker room, I go over to my locker and grab my jersey, take it off the hanger it's on, and slip it on before pulling my half zip on, sitting in my locker so I can put my shin pads and cleats on, since my chair disappeared while I was in the training room. When we go out to warm up, we begin loosening up and joking around, so when we get into the locker room, it's not tense or anything as Carli speaks to us. I'm not starting today, so I go sit on the bench with the subs as the starters stand on the field and when the game starts, I watch the game as it goes on and look over when Dawn calls my name.

"You good to play?" She asks and I nod. "Good, go get Christen." She says and I nod, getting up, taking my penny off, and walking over to the fourth official, telling him what he needs to know, and giving Christen the penny, hugging and high fiving her as we pass each other, Tobin holds her hand out as I jog past her, so I grip it gently as I continue on, taking my place near Alex, giving her a high five as we resume play. When Steph gets the ball, I get my foot on the ball, take the ball from her and drop to Tobin. She takes the ball and does her Tobin thing before passing the ball to Sam, who passes up to me, and I take it up the field a bit, doing my thing, getting past Alanna and taking a shot. A weak ass shot. It's saved effortlessly and I groan, getting back for the goal kick and watching Carli level it, I signal for the pass, since I was very poorly marked, and meg my defender with a very light back heel, going around her and taking the ball back as Alanna goes for it, and taking another shot just as Steph hops in the way, but the ball goes in for the first goal of the game, both Alanna and Steph groan as I take off running to Carli, jumping on her and hugging her.

At half, I had the first goal and an assist with Tobin's goal, the only other goal so far, as we sit in the locker room listening to Tobin and Carli speak, most of us who have been on the field these past ten minutes are hydrating, the rest are listening closely.

"Y/N." Carli says as I finish filling my mouth with water, so I just look at her with wide eyes and puffed out cheeks, the team, of course laughs at the sight and I swallow the water before laughing too, since the entire team was laughing. "How's your ankle feeling?" She asks and I shrug.

"Feels fine. Like nothing happened."

"You're good to play second half?" She asks and I nod. "Perfect." She says and I nod.

"Can I take a drink without being called on?" I ask and Carli laughs, nodding.

When we get back out on the field, we kick off, and we fight hard for five minutes, until the ball is tapped out of bounds and subs are called, so I look over and see that Morgan is coming back in, in Tobin's place this time, so I watch her as she jogs toward me, reaching for her armband.

"Don't you dare." I say and Tobin rolls her eyes, putting it in my hand.

"It's thirty five minutes. You'll be fine." She says and I sigh, letting her take my hand and squeeze it before going over to Moe, and letting her take her spot on the field, Alex comes over and helps me with the armband and ruffles my hair.

"You got this. Tobin and Carli obviously trust you with it." Alex says and I nod. The throw in is taken and I do my job until Carli gets the ball, she looks up and locks her eyes onto me before sending me a pass, so I take it and send Alex a through pass and watch it hit the net, smiling as Alex jumps on me and Carli comes up, celebrating with us.

"I knew you had it in you." Carli says as I set Alex down on her feet. "We all did." She finishes, walking off, so I furrow my brow, but get back in position to keep the game going. Australia scores, and Alex kicks off to me, so I drop to Moe and move into space, taking the ball back and back heeling it to Alex as I'm closed down from the front, and run up field with Alex as she tries to make a break, but take the back pass, taking it up the right wing and sending in a cross, which is cleared. Poor cross on my part, got in too big a hurry. I keep my head in the game as I shift with the ball, closing down on Alanna as she tries to drop to Steph, who was to my left, and intercept the pass to Steph, dropping to Kelley, backpedaling when the ball is safe with my teammate and watch Alex get the ball and rush into the box with Australia's back line and level the cross Alex sends in before trying to get the ball in, but pass to Morgan as she comes up to my right and watch her get a shot off, but it's defected behind for a corner, so we set up for it, Carli takes it and I get my head on it, but so does one of Australia's mids, it goes up in the air again, back to me, so I level it and pass it to Kelley, who gets it in.

The rest of the game was underwhelming for us, but Australia scored again, ending the game with a 4-2 score line in our favor. Once we get back into the locker room after interacting with fans, which was way different for me tonight, I got a lot of pictures of fans pointing at the arm band with surprised faces, and one even wanted to take one of me with the same expression so she could tweet it to me, autographs, pictures, the usual thing, then coming into the locker room to change, so as I walk in, I take the arm band off and walk over to Tobin, who looks up at me.

"You look cute in my armband. I should give it to you more often." She says and I chuckle.

"In four years." I say and she chuckles, holding her hand out for the band, so I go to give it to her and pull it back when she tries to grab it. "Kiss me first." I say and she sighs, smiling before kissing me softly, so I slip the armband into her hand as she kisses me and pull away slowly. "That's better, captain." I say before heading to the training room so I can get the tape job cut off of my ankle. When I walk in, Paul tosses me the shark, so I set it on the table I plan on sitting on to take off the tape, and hop up there, untying my cleat and fighting my sock off, cutting the tape job off of my ankle, handing Paul the shark as I throw away my ankle tape, taking my shin pad, cleat, and sock with me back to the locker room so I can change. Once I'm back in my sweats and comfy t-shirt, I put my stuff in my kit bag, grabbing my phone and my headphones, slipping them around my neck as I leave with most of the girls, Tobin has our hands intertwined as we walk to the bus and I smile, walking with my head resting on her shoulder. Tomorrow's her birthday, but I haven't shown her that I know, so she thinks I forgot, I overheard her and Amy talking about it earlier in the hotel when Ash and I were coming back from our little practice together. But we've got the day off, so I've got a little adventure planned out for us, we're in New Jersey, right? It's been a while since she's seen her family, and I've convinced them all to act like they were too busy to wish her a happy birthday, but I'm gonna take her to Basking Ridge for the day, I've already arranged everything with Jill. She's been a homie lately, I wonder if she's going to toss my ass back in goal again. I mean, I wouldn't really mind this time around, I've had more professional experience in goal than I had in 2017. But I still wouldn't be Olympic Gold Medal happy. Or maybe she's just being a homie. Maybe that's it. I'm gonna go with that, give her the benefit of the doubt. "So we won tonight, Ash is gonna stay with Ali so they can have a movie night, I say we do the same." I say as Tobin and I settle into our seats on the bus.

"Sounds amazing, babe." Tobin says, turning my face so I can look at her before she kisses me softly.

"Guys, stop with the adorable shit." JJ says as she passes us on her way to sit with Christen, who looked half asleep already.

When we get to the hotel, we all disappear into our rooms, or others' rooms, and as Tobin and I cuddle up on my bed, watching The 100 on my lap top, I smile as she wraps her arms around my waist from where she lays behind me, so I rest my head on her arm and smile as she traces patterns on my stomach.

"If that ever happened to us, you'd be Lexa." Tobin says in my ear and I chuckle.

"No, you'd be Lexa, I'd be Costia."

"Then who would be Clarke?"

"I'd become a ghost and possess Clarke, that's why she killed Finn and went to Lexa." I say, laughing with Tobin.

"I think I'd rather us be Lincoln and Octavia."

"You're naming couples where one has green eyes babe." I say and Tobin shrugs.

"What can I say, I have a thing for green eyes." Tobin says, kissing my neck softly, so I roll my eyes and scoff.

"That was so bad." I say and Tobin chuckles.

"But it's the truth." She says and I roll my eyes again, focusing on the screen as Clarke kills Finn.

"Don't go easy on him, Clarke! Kill his ugly ass!" I yell, smiling as Tobin laughs.

"I still wonder if you're not really straight and putting up a very convincing front of being gay as hell." Tobin deadpans and I scoff.

"Hey, I ship Linctavia."

"But you hate Finn."

"And you hate Raven."

"She's a bitch."

"It's called sass." I say and Tobin rolls her eyes.


"She's sassy and hot. Must be a Morgan thing." I say, squealing and laughing, kicking my legs as Tobin starts tickling my sides. "Ah! Tobin! No!" I say, squealing again as I turn to face her, only for her to use both hands this time. "Stop!"

"Say sorry."

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Tobin! Please!" I say and Tobin stops, so I sit up and scoot away, to the edge of the bed because now I have to pee. "See what you did? I have to pee now." I say and Tobin laughs behind me as I head to the bathroom.

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