Animal Kingdom at War with Hu...

By Lukatoji

962 67 43

I was born into an animal family as a human as I was told by my animal parents. I then was ubducted by humans... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Still part of Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
The Final Day ( Last chapter )

Chapter 17

15 1 3
By Lukatoji

     It's been two hours since the battle of trying to rescue me and Reach looks in rough shape but is not showing it at all. He looks irritated and want to kill however gets in our way and more than likely want to be over with this mission but there must be a reward for bringing me where ever he was instructed to. But then we ran into a river witch was calm and very clear. I looked around and it looked like we were going to stop here and rest to regain our strength. I went to the river and drank the water and splashed it on my face. It was cool and very refreshing with had only a very little bitter taste. I lay'ed down under a shaded tree and looked up at the sky and took a nap.

      I woke up and looked around to see Reach sitting on a rock that was over the water, just sitting there staring into the river. I got up and walked up to his side and sat down next to him. He snapped his head at me and looked at me and asked " what do you want Sean?". " I just wanted to sit up here next to you and see what's up" I said simply. He took a deep breath in and sighed, then looked me in the eyes and said " word just got to me that Angel, my first born daughter was blown in half by a bomb. I think about it everyday and wish it was me instead of her. I should of been with her in the front lines instead of staying back trying to get things started and to succeed". " sorry for your lose and I didn't mean to kill your first born daughter" I said breaking eye contact, staring into the river. He lay'ed down and put his head on his paws and whined witch most likely wanted me to leave and let him think and be alone for awhile.

      I got up and walked down to my tree to sit up against it and think what is going to happen when we get to where ever Reach had to meet my animal family. I sat down and kept thinking about when then a wave of sadness hit me and I just started thinking about Angel ( Reach's first born pup). Man that is cruel and I feel like it's all my fault . Just to think if I had a first born daughter and then she was blown in half by a bomb is scary and frightening. I don't know what I would do or if I would live with that for the rest of my life. Well luckily I don't have any children yet and if I did I would seriously give my life for them to keep there's. I took some jerky out of my backpack and some water so I was hydrated and not starving. Then I decided to lay back down and rest.

      After me laying there for awhile Reach came by and told me we're moving onward. I got up and packed up what I took out of my backpack and starting walking with Reach right by my side. We walked across the river witch was a bit cooler than before and fallowed a trail. The forest got thicker and thicker until we reached a clearing with other open areas near by that were shaded by the trees above. We got a shaded area for ourselves witch was nice but there were a lot more animals. 

     There was two tanks witch was ode but where moving about the area. No animals could drive tanks, so it must be remotely controlled by something or someone. I don't know but I hope I can just make my animal family understand that I don't want to be a animal because I ain't one and I already have a new family. I hope that they can understand that and not get mad and hopefully Reach does not go wild or crazy because he did all that work for nothing and took heavy casualties.

      Reach came over from his rock and lay'ed down by me and said " we only have a little further to go. Are you rested so we can move on?" as he pants from the heat. I nodded as I drank the water in my canteen and I get up. Reach gets to his paws and started walking as I fallow. No animals can with but Reach's pack and we all start walking out of the camp. The forest was not as think as it was earlier and we still fallowed a trail. A few planes flew over but they couldn't see us anyway because of the trees covering us over head. I heard gun shots and tanks firing back from where we came from but we kept moving. We picked up the pace so we hopefully did not get caught. Walking behind Reach made my notice he was bleeding in his leg, lots a chunk of his ear and the end of his tail. 

      That looked very painful but yet he showed no sign of it. I stoped in my trades witch made him turn around fast and give me a warning growl. " oh stop it Reach. Your hurt and bleeding, so let me help you" as he calmed. He looked away, ashamed that he will be getting cared for by a human. He turned his head back at me and walked forward and sat down in front of me and said " don't try anything funny or I'll kill you right here, right now" as I knelt down. " I won't.... I promise" as I took out a medical kit and some water. I washed his wounds, stitched him up, and tried to fix his tail but he won't let me. After I finished I packed up all the medical supplies and we moved on.

       We reached another open area but looked different than the rest. It had a hill in the center and a lot of animals on it and around it. We walked in and we were blocked off to make sure I didn't try to escape. We walked up to the hill in the center and then stoped and waited. There were so many animals around and I think I saw a tank moving in the distance. Then things started quitting down and Reach told me to look forward. 

      Then Reach presented himself aloud and made it clear that he had caught me and brought me back. I was instructed be Reach to present myself, so I did and in a respectful manor. Once I was done I looked up and saw Two lions along with a third. I recognized her at first sight. It was my sister and she has gotten a lot bigger and stronger by the looks of it. When they spotted me their eyes lite up but returned to a serious manner. 

      They announced to Reach " thank you for your help and resources Reach. I see you have done a magnificent job at the assigned task we gave you. As promised you will get the east side of the Kingdom along with a months worth of food". " the pleasure is all mine your excellency" as he bowed. For now let's celebrate my father said as he jumped done to greet me. He walked past, indicating me to fallow him. We walked away from the group and my mom and sister came with. I sat down and pulled some water, jerky, and cliff bars out and ate a few.

     They looked at my in confusion as I sat there eating. I asked " why aren't you guys eating?" As they sat down as well. " we wanted to talk about what's happened lately and how much we missed you. Your sister was worried sick as well as your mother. Also why don't you eat some meet?" as I looked at them like I was not really interested. I said " I missed you to but I have moved on and I am a human now, not a animal an did have a girl friend witch I miss and have not seen in days. You know how that makes me feel" as I glare at them. They had a shocked expression on the faces and I was not in the mood witch the pay could clearly see. They just ate some rabbit and deer as I ate my own food I brought. We just sat there and ate for awhile until there was a very loud BOOM! 

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