Fallen Angel. (A Supernatura...

By DevilsFavoriteDemon

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(This is a continuation of my other account CelticPhenom's story Fallen Angel.) [Book 1 of the ANGELS AMOUNG... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning [RE-EDITED]
Chapter 2: Bad Moon Rising [RE-EDITED]
Chapter 3: Mr. Grumpy [EDITED]
Chapter 4: Drunken Shenanigans [EDITED]
Chapter 5: Tragedy [EDITED]
Chapter 6: Please Don't Leave Me [EDITED]
Chapter 7: 10:41 A.M. [EDITED]
Chapter 8: Wibbly-wobbly, Timey-wimey Stuff [EDITED]
Chapter 9: I See Wings of Blue...[EDITED]
Chapter 10: ...And Red Boxers Too [EDITED]
Chapter 11: All Hell Breaks Loose [EDITED]
Chapter 13: Mystery Spot [EDITED]
Author's Note
Chapter 14: No Rest for the Wicked (Part 1) [EDITED]
Chapter 15: No Rest for the Wicked (Part 2) [EDITED]
Chapter 16: Getting Out. [EDITED]
Chapter 17: A (Mostly) Normal Life. [EDITED]
Chapter 18: Lucifer Rising. [EDITED]
Chapter 19: The Devil is an Angel Too. [EDITED]
Chapter 20: Loverman. [EDITED]
Chapter 21: Who Are You Gonna Call? [EDITED]
Chapter 22: The Real Ghostbusters. [EDITED]
Chapter 23: Abandon All Hope...[EDITED]
Chapter 24: Welcome Home (Sanitarium) [EDITED]
Chapter 25: The Reason He's Feared. [EDITED]
Chapter 26: Home Sweet Home. [EDITED]
Chapter 27: Beautiful Trauma. [EDITED]
Chapter 28: An Act of Desperation.
Chapter 29: Hammer of the Gods.
Chapter 30: So It's Come to This.
Chapter 31: Life and Loss.

Chapter 12: This is Serious Ya Idjit! [EDITED]

5.7K 149 62
By DevilsFavoriteDemon

Jean is shaken awake from the strangely pleasant dream. "Jean. Jeanie. Come on, Jeanie, wake up," says a voice Jean thought she would never hear again. The voice of her little brother, Sam.

"Sam?" Jean opens her good eye then rolls over on the bed to face the door. Her eye lands on the tall frame of her younger brother, "Sammy?"

"Yeah, it's me, Jean. Bobby managed to patch me up."

Jean's emerald green eye travels from her younger brother over to where her older twin brother is standing. "Did he?" Her gaze meets Dean's and she can see the guilt in his eyes. "Sam, do you mind finding a vending machine and getting me a candy bar? I'm starving."

Sam nods his head, "Sure. No problem." Sam leaves the room to search for a nearby vending machine.

As soon as Jean is sure that Sam is far enough away that he won't be able to hear them, she angrily asks Dean, "How long did the crossroad demon give you?"

Dean avoids looking her in the eye, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't give me that bullshit, Dean. I know what you've done...hell, I was thinking about making a deal myself." Dean frowns at her, "Now how long do you have?"

"A year," Dean replies.

"So we've got a year to get you out of the...."

Dean interrupts her, "No. If we try to welch my way out of the deal in any way, Sam dies."

Jean sighs, "Damn it." She sits up in bed, "Does Sam remember anything?"

"He told me that the last thing he remembers is me running towards him and you aiming your shotgun at Jake. I don't want Sam to know that he died or that I made a deal to bring him back, so I told him that Bobby patched him up." Dean pauses and looks his twin over carefully, "How are you doing?"

Jean throws her legs over the edge of the bed, "Well, you know...My twin brother is going to be ripped apart by hellhounds and dragged to Hell in one year and I may never see out of my left eye again. So, I'm just fucking peachy, Dean. Help me find my clothes would ya? I'm ready to get out of this creepy place."

As Dean looks for her clothes, Sam returns with a couple of candy bars. "Here you go," Sam tosses Jean one of the chocolate bars and she fumbles to catch it. She opens it and quickly devours it.

"Aha!" Dean exclaims while bending over to pick something up from the floor. "I found them."

Dean places a plastic bag with Jean's clothes inside on the hospital bed. Jean quickly starts to get dressed while both her brothers turn around to give her some privacy. Jean couldn't resist this golden opportunity and instead of pulling on her pants, she pulls down her lace underwear and turns her ass towards her brothers. "Okay," she says while trying to keep her giggles in check.

Dean and Sam turn around and they both immediately regret doing so. Both of them exclaim in disgust, "Damn it, Jean!"

Jean laughs, "Better be careful, boys, there's a full moon out tonight!"

"Are you done scarring us for life, Jean? Cause we should get out of here." Dean tells her.

Jean finishes getting dressed then she wraps an arm around each of her brothers and gives them both a hug. "Okay, let's get the hell out of this place. I hate hospitals." Jean suggests and the three Winchesters sneak out of the hospital unnoticed.

On the drive to Bobby's house, Sam explains to Jean everything that happened in Cold Oak. About how demons abducted the 'special children' of Azazel's that were still alive and pitted them against each other in a deadly competition where there could only be one survivor. It came down to Sam and a soldier with super strength and mind control, Jake Talley. Sam tried to reason with Jake, to convince him that they didn't have to kill each other, but Jake didn't want to listen and the two ended up fighting. Sam had knocked Jake out with a cast iron rod but decided not to kill him...Which turned out to be a huge mistake in Jean's opinion.

"That's a shame about Andy. I really liked him." Jean says as they pull into Singer's Salvage Yard.

They get out of the Impala and walk up to the front door to Bobby's house and Sam knocks on the door. When Bobby opens the door his eyes travel from Dean to Jean and then freezes in shock on Sam's hulking form. Bobby looks back at Dean as Dean says, "Hey, Bobby." Dean refuses to meet the older hunter's eyes with his own.

"Hey, Bobby." Sam and Jean greet Bobby while Jean wiggles her way past Bobby and into the house.

"Sam." Bobby looks the youngest Winchester up and down. "It's good...to see you up and around."

"Yeah. Well, thanks for patching me up." Sam tells Bobby as he walks inside and pats Bobby on the shoulder.

"Don't mention it." Bobby replies. Dean walks into the house and Bobby glares at him.

"Well, Sam's better." Dean says, still refusing to meet Bobby's gaze. "And we're back in it now. So, what do you know?"

Bobby leads the Winchester siblings into his study where Jean heads straight to a bottle of rum. She opens the bottle and takes a large gulp of the alcohol. She chuckles to herself before saying, "Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum." The three men look at her in disbelief, "What? If I gotta look like a pirate, I might as well act like a pirate."

Bobby shakes his head at Jean's antics before telling them, "Well, I found something. But I'm not sure what the hell it means."

"What is it?" Sam asks Bobby.

"Demonic omens," Bobby replies while looking at each of the Winchesters. "Like a frigging tidal wave. Cattle deaths, lightning storms. They've skyrocketed from out of nowhere. Here." He picks up a map and turns it to where the three Winchesters can see it before putting it back down on his desk.

"Arrrr! Here be a treasure map, but where be the treasure?" Jean says in the best imitation of a pirate's voice that she can manage.

The three men look at Jean in amusement before Bobby scolds her, "This is serious ya idjit."

"That's pirate idjit ta ye, me bucko." Jean chuckles to herself before looking at Bobby and notices him glaring daggers at her. "Okay, I'm done now."

"As I was saying," Bobby states, getting them all back to the matter at hand. "All around here," Bobby circles the entire state of Wyoming with his finger. "Except for one place. Southern Wyoming."

"Wyoming?" Dean asks.

Bobby looks up at Dean, "Yeah, that one area's totally clean." He glances at Sam and then back to Dean, "Spotless. It's almost as if...."

"What?" Sam asks.

"....The demons are surrounding it."

"But you don't know why?" Dean inquiries this time.

"No, and by this point my eyes are swimming."

Jean speaks up, "Maybe something there is keeping them out. Like a giant Devil's Trap or something."

Bobby shakes his head, "It would have to be one helluva Devil's Trap." He looks over at Sam, "Sam, would you take a look at it? Maybe you can catch something I couldn't."

"Yeah. Sure."

Bobby looks at Dean, "Come on, Dean. I got some more books in the truck. Help me lug them in." Bobby then grabs his coat and leaves the room.

"Yeah," Dean replies before following the older hunter outside.

As Sam begins going through all the information that Bobby has gathered, Jean sits down on the couch and starts to unwrap the gauze over her eye. Sam looks at her, "Are you sure you should be taking that off?"

"Yeah. I need to check something." She finishes unwrapping the bandage and Sam gasps. "What? Is it that bad?"

Sam walks over to her and tilts her head towards the light so he can see the wound better. "No. Actually, the wound looks months old instead of just days."

Jean stands up and walks to the bathroom. She stands in front of the sink and looks in the mirror. Sure enough, the cut over her left eye looks like it has had months to heal instead of just a day or two. She runs her fingers over the scar and winces slightly. The scar may not be bleeding anymore, but it's still raw and very tender. Slowly, she starts to open her injured eye. It's painful but she does manage to open it and, to her absolute delight, she can see. Things are blurry at first, but soon everything becomes crystal clear.

Jean suddenly frowns; first Sam returns from the dead and now her eye is mostly healed. Two of the three things the man from her dream promised her has come true. Which means that it wasn't a dream...so what was it? Jean shakes her head, trying to rid herself of those thoughts because she doesn't really want to believe that her dreams of this man are real and that some supernatural being has plans for her and Sammy. Maybe her eye was a part of the deal that Dean made? Jean makes a mental note to ask her twin about it later.

Jean walks out of the bathroom and shouts, "I can see!" She walks into the kitchen where her brothers are sitting near the table. "I can see!" Her brothers turn to look at her and so does Bobby, who is sitting at the table across from a very familiar woman with brunette hair. "Ellen! Thank God you're alive!" Jean rushes over to Ellen and gives her a fierce hug, even lifting the older woman slightly out of her seat. "Is Jo with you?"

Ellen hugs her back, "Good to see you too, Jean. No. I've heard that she's working a case in Arizona." Ellen pulls away and looks at Jean's face, "What the hell happened to you?"

"A couple of days ago, I got into a fight with a psychic who had a knife."

"A couple of days? That looks to be months old."

Bobby stands up and walks over to Jean. He turns her head so that he can inspect her scar, "Holy shit....And you say you can see?"

"Yep. Just as well as I could before the attack."

Bobby walks back over to where he was sitting and picks up a shot glass. He pours holy water into it then hands it to Jean. "Bottoms up." Jean rolls her eyes at him but drinks the holy water anyway. Bobby then picks up a silver knife, "Do you want to do it or should I?"

Jean takes the knife from Bobby and makes a small cut on her arm. "I'm me, guys."

Bobby looks at her closely, "Had to make sure. After all, no human is supposed to heal that quickly."

"Maybe, I had a little help," Jean suggests while looking directly at Dean. Bobby turns to look at Dean too. Sam and Ellen look at each other in confusion.

Dean raises an eyebrow and shakes his head. "Don't look at me," he says, ashamed that he never thought of Jean while making his deal. Dean turns to Ellen and asks her, "Ellen, what happened? How'd you get out?"

Ellen tells them about what happened at the Roadhouse and how Ash wanted her to get something from the safe in the basement. She then removes a map of Wyoming, that has several X's marked on it, from inside her coat. After doing extensive research, they discover that the X's are actually abandoned frontier churches from the mid-19th century and all built by Samuel Colt. He also built private railroad lines that run from church to church and form a giant Devil's Trap with an old cowboy cemetery right in the middle.

After Jean brags about her being right, they gather everything they think they'll need and walk towards the door. Before stepping outside though, Bobby stops and turns to Jean who is behind him. "Jean, I need you to stay here and work the phones."

"What! No fucking way Bobby! I'm going with you guys!"

"No, Jean." Bobby firmly commands, "I don't know how or why your eye has healed, but I do know that you need more than a couple of days to recover from that kind of trauma."

"I'm fine! So I got a little scratch on my face, that doesn't mean you guys should bench me!" Jean protests.

"Bobby's right, Jean. You say that you can see fine through your eye, but honestly I don't want to be in the middle of a fight and find out that your eye isn't as healed as you think it is."

Jean looks at her twin, hurt by his words. "But, Dean..." she looks over at Sam. "Do you agree with them, Sammy?"

Sam looks uncomfortably from Jean to Dean then back again. "I'm sorry, Jean. I think you should stay here. Because not only will Jake be there, but yellow eyes might be as well and we still have no idea what he wants with you."

Jean crosses her arms across her chest and scowls, "Maybe not, but we do know that he or any other demons won't hurt me. So I should go with you even if...."

Bobby catches onto what Jean is about to suggest, "We're not using you as a shield you idjit!"

Jean's frown deepens, "Fine. I won't go with you, but just so you know...I am pissed!"

Dean, Bobby, Sam, and Ellen leave and Jean returns to Bobby's study to pout. She removes her laptop from her duffel bag, opens it, and pulls up a series of online newspaper articles. She begins looking for anything that could be a case; Jean said she wouldn't go with them to Wyoming, but she never said anything about staying at Bobby's.

Two hours pass by with very little happening: a few hunters called needing help, but that's about all. Finally, Jean finds a case where a bunch of graves have been dug up and the bodies taken from a cemetery near Pike Creek, Delaware. Jean picks up her duffel bag, after placing her laptop inside, leaves the house and gets into her Mustang. Jean starts the engine and begins the very long drive from South Dakota to Delaware.

After almost a day and a half of driving; with Jean stopping once at a motel for sleep and two angry phone calls: one from Bobby and the other from Dean who yells at her for leaving; Jean arrives in Pike Creek. She checks into a local motel under the name of Amanda Hugnkiss. She walks into her motel room, puts her duffel down beside the bed, then collapses on the queen size bed. Jean falls asleep almost as soon as her head hits the pillow.

Jean wakes up at eight that same evening. She stretches, gets out of bed, and then walks into the bathroom to take a quick shower. Afterwards, she gets dressed in blue jeans and a green tank top. After lacing up her combat boots, she pulls on her leather jacket and leaves the motel room.

Jean drives to the local pub and grill, called Oliver Love. She parks her car in a vacant spot and gets out of the car. She makes her way into the pub then takes a seat at the bar next to a large man dressed in biker clothes with a huge beer belly and long graying hair and beard. The biker starts looking her up and down like she's a piece of meat. When the black haired bartender with a matching anchor beard arrives he asks her, "Hello, what's your poison?"

"I'll take a Guinness, please. And can I have a menu?" The bartender nods then leaves to get her a beer and a menu. A minute later, he returns and places the glass of beer down on a coaster before handing her the menu. "Thank you."

He smiles at her while trying to avoid staring at her scar. "No problem. My name's Cody. Just let me know when you're ready to order."

Cody leaves to attend to other customers as Jean begins reading through the menu. The large biker beside Jean begins running his hand up and down Jean's arm. "What's a pretty thing like you doing around here?"

Jean looks at the man's hand in disgust before putting down the menu and standing up to her full height. She's six inches taller than the wannabe biker and he is taken aback. Jean notices Cody starting to head towards them, but before he can reach them Jean grabs the biker's wrist and gives it a sharp twist. The sound of the man's wrist bones cracking accompanies the cry of pain that slips past the wannabe biker's lips. Still grasping his wrist with one hand, Jean reaches into her jacket pocket with her free hand and pulls out her fake FBI badge. She then flips the badge open so that he can see it.

The man's eyes widened, "You're a Fed?"

Jean releases the man's wrist, "Yep. I'm after a dangerous criminal that may be in the area, so I really don't have time for your bullshit right now." As Jean sits back down, the man backs away from her. "And don't worry about your wrist...I only dislocated it, I didn't break it."

Cody walks over to her, "Did you say that you're with the FBI?" When Jean nods her head he continues, "I know this is a bit much to ask of you, but can you look into a missing person for me? The local police said that a person has to be missing for twenty-four hours before they can do anything."

Jean frowns, "I can't make any promises, but I'll try to do what I can. What's the person's name and when did they go missing?"

"His name is Jared and he's my co-worker. He never showed up for his shift this afternoon and nobody has seen or heard from him since two this morning. He's about 5 foot 10 inches with strawberry blonde hair cut close to his head and blue eyes. He has a crooked nose from where it has been broken a few times and a tattoo of a roaring lion on his right bicep."

"Maybe he's sick or hurt. Or maybe he just decided to quit without giving notice."

Cody shakes his head, "No, he would've called. I went to his apartment to check on him, but he wasn't there. I've even called the local hospital, he's not there either. Jared loves this job; he always arrives early and he's always the last to leave. So there's no way he would just quit either."

"I'll try to check into it for you," Jean tells him before picking up the menu and handing it to him. "I'll take the chicken strips with fries, please."

He takes the menu from Jean after he thanks her for looking into his missing friend and then he leaves. Five minutes later, Cody brings her the food she ordered and refills her drink.

Once she finishes her meal, she pays her bill with cash and asks Cody, "You wouldn't happen to know who the last person to see your friend would be, would you, Cody?"

Cody nods and points over at a booth where a tall, dirty-blonde haired man is sitting alone, throwing back shots of whiskey. "Most likely, it was Nick Pellegrino. That poor man lost his wife and son over a year ago and now he's here almost every day; from five in the evening til we close up at two in the morning."

Jean thanks Cody then walks over to Nick's booth. On the way, she decides to stick as close to the truth as possible; she's not really sure why, it just seems like the right thing to do. "Mister Pellegrino?" The man doesn't even look up at her, "My name is Jean Winchester. I'm a...bounty hunter...for the FBI." She takes out her fake badge and places it on the table for him to inspect.

Nick reaches over and picks up the badge to examine it. "What can I do for you, Miss Winchester?" he asks her, while placing her badge back down on the table and indicating that she should take a seat across from him. Nick's gruff voice, which is slightly slurred from all of the alcohol he's consumed, seems to make Jean's heart skip a beat.

Jean slides into the seat opposite of Nick before picking her badge up and putting it back into her coat pocket. "Please call me Jean, Mister Pellegrino."

"Call me Nick."

"Okay. Nick, I'm here because there's a dangerous...fugitive...on the loose nearby and the bartender, Cody, has informed me that his fellow co-worker, Jared, is missing. Cody told me that you could have been the last person to see Jared before he went missing. Nick, I need to know if Jared told you anything before he disappeared; like if he was going out of town to visit relatives."

Nick finally looks up at Jean and she can see his face clearly for the first time. Even with his blood-shot, grief filled eyes and unkempt 5 o'clock shadow, Jean finds Nick to be a very handsome man. Nick's stormy blue eyes meet Jean's emerald green ones. "I'm sorry, but if Jared did tell me anything I can't remember it. I was pretty wasted last night." Nick's eyes linger on Jean's scar and for the first time she feels self-conscious about it.

Jean nods her head then starts to get up but stops. "Nick, I know this isn't my place, but I want to give you some advice. It's okay to grieve for the loss of our loved ones, but it's not okay to drink ourselves into such a stupor that we forget about everything else but our loss. A wise man once said, "By experiencing both victory and defeat, running away and shedding tears, a man will become a man. It's okay to cry, but you have to move on."

Nick looks down at the table before bitterly asking her, "What do you know about losing a loved one?"

"I've spent more time in the company of Death than any person ever should. When I was four, I watched as my mother was burned alive in a fire. About a year ago, I saw my father die; killed by the same man who killed my mother. My twin brother was left comatose after he was in a car wreck and he wasn't expected to live. This scar over my eye is a permanent reminder of my failure to protect my little brother and how very close he came to dying. I've seen some of my closest friends, friends that I considered my family, killed."

Jean stands up and Nick asks her, "Have you ever lost your spouse and child?"

"No. But with the way I was raised, I've never even had the chance to fall in love. You should consider yourself lucky to have been able to experience something as wonderful as true love, Nick. Because there are people in this world that will never get that chance." She reaches into her back pocket and removes her wallet. She slides a card that has her real name and number on it out of the wallet and places it on the table in front of Nick. "If you remember anything...anything at all...please call me."

"Wait," Nick calls out to her. "How do you do it? After all that you've been through...how do you keep going on?" He's looking up into her eyes, his own orbs desperate and pleading.

She gives him a small smile, "Because I know that if I were to just give up, my loved ones would kick my ass in the afterlife. That and I know that there's people here on Earth that still need me. Right now you might not be able to see that, Nick, because your own grief-stricken thoughts have blinded you to the truth. But there is someone out there who needs you."

Jean puts her wallet back in her pocket, says goodbye to Nick, then walks out of the bar. For now she puts the missing man out of her thoughts and focuses on the task of finding the ghoul. She climbs into her Mustang and begins to drive back to her motel room to wait until midnight before going to check out the cemetery where the bodies were dug up.

Jean has just pulled into a parking spot at the motel when her phone rings. She doesn't recognize the number but answers it anyway. "Hello?"

"Hello, Jean? This is Nick."

"Hi, Nick. Did you remember anything about Jared?"

"Actually, I did. I remember talking with him yesterday about the bodies that have gone missing from Stone Oak Cemetery and Jared said that he had family buried there. I'm pretty sure he mentioned checking on their graves before he came into work today."

This changes Jean's plans because, even though ghouls like to eat the flesh of the dead, that doesn't mean they won't kill a person first and then eat them. She can't afford to wait three more hours if a man's life could be on the line. She backs out of the parking spot and starts driving towards Stone Oak Cemetery, which is about a ten minute drive west of Pike Creek. "Thank you very much, Nick. You've been a huge help, but I've gotta go."

"Wait, will you be coming back to the bar anytime soon?" Nick asks Jean and she can hear the unspoken plea in his voice. This man is drowning in his own grief and he just reached out to Jean for help.

"I'll try to stop by before I leave town, but I can't guarantee anything. I've got to go, I'll see you later."

"Okay. Goodbye." He hangs up and so does Jean.

About seven minutes later, Jean pulls up to Stone Oak Cemetery and parks her car on the grass behind a black Chevy truck, which must belong to Jared. Jean gets out of her car, walks to the trunk, and then opens it. She pulls out a machete and a flashlight then she closes the trunk. Turning on the flashlight, she begins to make her way through the dark cemetery. After about five minutes of searching, Jean can hear faint screaming coming from deeper inside the cemetery and she takes off running towards the source of the screams. She soon comes to a small, grey mausoleum and can clearly hear a man screaming from inside. As Jean approaches the small building, as quickly and silently as she can, she sees a black-haired woman trying to get through the gate that serves as a door to the mausoleum, to get at a man, who Jean assumes is Jared. The man is leaning against the gate with all of his weight, trying to keep the ghoul out. The ghoul is throwing herself against the gate and reaching through the bars to claw at the man's back. Jean takes advantage of the ghoul being distracted to sneak up behind her. "Hey, asshat!" Jean shouts. The ghoul turns around and with a single swing of her machete, Jean beheads the ghoul. She then turns to the man, "Are you okay? You wouldn't happen to be Jared, would you?"

The man turns his head to look at her, "Y...yeah. Please tell me that you...you're not a cannibal."

Jean shakes her head, "Nope. I'm not a cannibal. Was there only one of them?"

Jared stands up, leaving the gate hanging precariously from its hinges. "I think so. Who are you? What was that thing?! I saw it take a bite out of a dead body, then it's appearance changed and it looked like the dead person!"

"My name's Jean." The gate to the mausoleum falls to the ground with a loud clunk, "And it looks like I'm just in time. That was a ghoul. Normally they only eat the flesh of the dead." Jared's face turns pale, "You should get back to Pike Creek, people are really worried about you." Jared starts to leave, but Jean stops him. "You, uh...might not want to tell anybody about what really happened here. If you have to tell them something, uh, I told the people at Oliver Love that I was from the FBI and a dangerous criminal was on the loose. You can tell everybody that you were taken hostage. Also you might want to thank Nick. If it wasn't for him, I would've arrived too late."

Jared nods, "Yeah, I'll be sure to pay his tab...for the rest of the year. Being taken hostage by a criminal sounds a lot more pleasant than what actually happened. I wonder how long it will take to convince myself that's what actually happened."

Once Jared leaves, Jean gets to work on burying the ghoul's body. About two hours later, after she's done burying the ghoul's remains and making sure she doesn't leave behind any evidence, she drives back to Pike Creek. She drives by Oliver Love's and when she notices that it's still open, she decides to stop. She parks her Mustang in a vacant spot and begins to walk towards the bar. The sounds of a celebration inside the bar can be heard even from the parking lot. Jean enters the bar and looks around for Nick. She spots him sitting at the same booth as before and makes her way over to him. "Mind if I sit here?"

Nick looks up at her, "Jean...you came back." He nods his head towards where Jared is standing surrounded by people, "Looks like you found Jared."

"Yeah, and thanks to you, I found him in time," Jean tells him before getting a waitress' attention. The waitress comes over to the booth and looks at the two curiously. "Can I get a bottle of whatever Nick's drinking and another glass, please?"

The waitress leaves but returns shortly with a bottle of Jack Daniel's and another glass. "Jared said this is on the house for saving his life," the waitress tells them while looking at Jean in awe.

"Thanks," Jean says to the waitress, who nods and winks at her before walking away to tend to other customers. Jean turns to Nick and asks him, "Did she just flirt with me? I think she just flirted with me."

Nick chuckles, "Most likely. Crystal is known for liking beautiful women."

For the next hour, Jean and Nick share the bottle of whiskey and tell each other stories about their lives. Nick tells her about what happened to his wife and son. Then Jean tells him how her mother died and how her father became obsessed with finding the man responsible; she didn't tell him that it was a demon that killed her mother, only that it was a very dangerous criminal.

Suddenly, Jean hears a familiar voice beside and slightly behind her say, "Working on a case, huh? I'm guessing what you meant was working on a case of whiskey?"

Jean turns her head and sees her brothers standing there and Dean looks absolutely pissed. "Dean, have I ever told you that the shade of red that your face is turning really brings out the color of your eyes?" Sam and Nick chuckle while Dean's scowl deepens. "There was a case here but I already took care of it and now I'm relaxing with my new friend Nick. Nick, this is my little brother Sam," she points at Sam and then Dean, "and grumpy here is my twin, Dean."

Sam greets Nick, but Dean just looks at Nick as an overprotective older brother does to any guy who tries to get close to his little sister; with murder in his eyes. "Let's go, Jean. You can explain in the car why you left Bobby's when you were told to stay there."

"Technically, I said that I wouldn't go with you. I never said anything about staying at Bobby's."

Dean glares at her before he starts to walk away. Sam shrugs then apologizes to Nick for Dean's rude behavior before following Dean out of the bar. Jean stands up and says goodbye to Nick, but before she can walk away he grabs her hand effectively stopping her. "Wait, Jean. Um...can I call you sometime?"

Jean smiles at him, "Sure. You can call me anytime you want. If I don't answer, I'm probably on a case, but I'll call you back as soon as I can." Nick releases her hand and she waves to him while walking towards the exit. "Goodbye, Nick. Take care of yourself."

"Goodbye, Jean. Be careful out there."

Jean leaves the bar, only to see Dean impatiently waiting for her by the Impala which is parked next to Jean's Mustang. "Jean, give Sam your keys. You and I need to talk."

Jean tosses her keys to Sam and he looks at her sympathetically before getting behind the wheel of her car. "What about my stuff at the motel?"

Dean gets into the driver's side of the Impala, "It's in the backseat of Baby. Now get in."

Jean gets inside the car and almost immediately Dean begins yelling at her. Jean chooses to tune him out, just like she used to tune John out when he would yell at her over nothing. She lets her mind wander back to the handsome, dirty-blonde haired man named Nick.

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