Bad Boy Mahone

By blink182s

239K 7.5K 887

"Some people bring out the worst in you, others bring out the best, and then there are those remarkably rare... More

Chapter One "School is school."
Chapter Two "I need you to do a favor for me."
Chapter Three "You're in danger."
Chapter Four "World so cold."
Chapter Five "That's my story."
Chapter Six "This Means War."
Chapter Seven "Bring it on."
Chapter Nine "Why do you always calm me down?"
Chapter Ten "It was time to let go."
Chapter Eleven "Oh? Do i make you nervous?"
Chapter Twelve "Don't act like you didn't like it."
Chapter Thirteen "I failed you and I'm sorry."
Chapter Fourteen "You're not scared of me are you?"
Chapter Fifteen "Keep an eye out."
Chapter Sixteen "Trust me."
Chapter Seventeen "There's something going on."
Chapter Eighteen "You never know what damage your enemies can do to you."
Chapter Nineteen "What do you want from me?"
Chapter Twenty "This house no longer is a home."
Chapter Twenty One "Hope is a bitch."
Chapter Twenty Two "Don't tempt me."
Chapter Twenty Three "Big mistake on your part."
Chapter Twenty Four "Sometimes you are destroyed."
Chapter Twenty Five "Stay With Me."
Chapter Twenty Six "I'm just trying to protect us."
Chapter Twenty Seven "Why now?"
Chapter Twenty Eight "Blown to bits."
Chapter Twenty Nine "I was afraid to love."
Chapter Thirty "We have a big problem here."
Chapter Thirty One "If you want to play with fire, you're going to get burned."
Chapter Thirty Two "How long can you stand the pain?"
Chapter Thirty Three "Its like you're screaming, but no one can hear you."
Chapter Thirty Four "Since when the hell do you smoke?"
Chapter Thirty Five "Pretty faces don't last long."
Chapter Thirty Six "I promise."
Chapter Thirty Seven "Don't judge a book by its cover."
Chapter Thirty Eight "You're turning into a monster."
Chapter Thirty Nine "Pick up the pieces."
Chapter Forty "I've already given up."
Chapter Forty One "You threw it away."
Chapter Forty Two "Memories will haunt you."
Chapter Forty Three "Letters to you."
Chapter Forty Four "Go get him."
Chapter Forty Five "When it's real you can't walk away."
Chapter Forty Six "Just another enemy."
Chapter Forty Seven "Everything feels different."
Chapter Forty Eight "Its time."
Chapter Forty Nine "Have fun in hell."
Chapter Fifty "It's already over."

Chapter Eight "There's something different about you."

6.1K 171 8
By blink182s

Chapter Eight

Chapter Song: Angels Cry - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

Elena's Point of View

"Okay I guess, that sounds good," I said through the phone. Austin wanted to take me somewhere to get to know each other and talk or whatever. That's really quite shocking, one considering the type of person Austin is. "Great. See you at 6," he hung up. This doesn't seem like a date or is it. Unless, it is to Austin and he's too tough to say it is.

I heard a car honk and I knew it was Austin. I walked outside and got in the car. "You ready?" he asked after I got my seatbelt on. I nodded and then we left. "So where are we going? Like a place to eat or something?"

"No. I don't want to tell you."

"Oh so is it like a surprise?" I questioned.

"Not exactly, it's a place that I know you're going to like. Well, I like it at least. I don't see why you wouldn't."

"Ah so keeping me in suspense I see," I laughed.

"Haha, however you want to put it as Elena," he smiled.

It's actually really nice getting to talk to Austin and not being called names or being told to shut up. We talked to each other a little here and there until we got to where we were going which wasn't that far.

It was an area where no one was really around. We parked on the side of the road and I followed Austin up the hill. What I saw was beautiful. We were up high but what was down below us was the beautiful scene of the beach. The sky was a red and orange because of sundown. Austin was right, I really would like it. Austin took a seat down on the grass, and I did as well crossing my legs. I picked at the grass before he started to speak. "So as I said, were going to get to know each other. Or, try to get along. So, what's your favorite color?" Austin asked. "You're really going to as that kind of question," I laughed.

"C'mon just answer it," he said while fixing his hair. "Purple, and you?" "Red. Now, you ask a question."

"This might come off a little rude, but what do you even see in Casey anyways?"

"She's hot, oh and really good in bed," he smirked.

"Gross!" I picked up some grass and threw it at him. "Hey hey hey, watch it," he picked some grass under his shirt. Austin asked me a question next. "What's the farthest you've ever gone with a guy?"

"Actually, nothing. I've never even had a boyfriend before," I put my head down. "What!?" he spat out. I shrugged my shoulders, I didn't have control over that. "Why are you so surprised?" I asked. "You're 18, a senior in high school and you haven't done anything with a guy?" I shook my head no. "Not even a kiss?" I shook my head no. "Wow. It's just I don't really see why guys wouldn't go up to you or flirt with you." "It's complicated." "I don't see how that's complicated. My life next to yours is complicated." That remark made me want to scream and just tell him everything that I told Robert. I can't just do that though, that's the thing. "Austin you actually don't know anything about my life and how it is, so don't even go there."

"Guys not liking you has noting to do with complications of your life," he said with an attitude.

"It plays a part with the question you asked, that's what I'm saying." Austin opened his mouth to say something, but then he stopped himself. I was done talking about that. I didn't want to fight with him again.

"That's the whole reason I actually brought you here. To tell you about my life because of how I acted yesterday." "Then go on," I stood up and put my hands on my hips. He walked me over the end of the hill where you could a full view of the scene.

"I come here when I'm stressed out and get to clear my mind of some things. I'm fucked up Elena, and trust me i know that. This is just how I live now. I moved out of my parents house at 15 and I have been living with Alex since then. I feel like if this one thing didn't happen I wouldn't hate the world as much as i do right now. Sean doesn't want us fighting because I lost someone from this.

Dean and his guy were coming after me to kill me. I wasn't home because that's the first place they would try to find me. My parents kept on calling me, but I didn't answer. It was 2 in the morning and I decided to head back home because I figure that they wouldn't wait that long for me. But, as I made my way into the driveway I saw my dad out on the porch waiting for me. I got out of the car to go back into the house until I heard a gunshot and saw my dad standing there with a white, blank face. He lifted up his had and saw blood. He looked down and fell on the ground in a fetal position. I took off my shirt and put it on the wound to stop it bleeding. I looked into his eyes for one last time until his pupils grew and he didn't make a sound."

Austin's POV

"Fuck!" I yelled and ran my fingers through my hair. I saw Dean come out of the shadows and smirked. "Next time I'm killing you." I wiped my tears and slammed fist against the garage. My mom came out and saw my dad laying there lifeless in a pool of his own blood. That's when I knew I was ruined.

Elena's POV

"How isn't he not in prison?" I asked. "There was no proof. We went to trial and god who knows what he did with all of his shit." I let him continue his story. "But after all of that I found this. I just take it all in to clear my head and do some thinking. You can probably understand why I want him dead. He killed my own father in front of me."

"I know how you feel," I sighed. "What do you mean?" I sighed before I told my story. "My mom killed my dad right in front of me when I was 5."

"My parents had such an unhealthy relationship with my mom being an alcoholic. They were always fighting, and I was always in my room covering my ears. And one night she took a gun and shot him right in front of me," I started to tear up a little bit. "At the age of 5 I didn't know what to think or how to react. Why would my own mom do that?

But she hid my dads body and we moved all around the country, living basically anywhere there was shelter. She started to abuse me almost everyday. I was so scared and I felt like piece of shit. Now that we moved here I actually feel a little free and accepted. Other then the fact that I go home and get beaten." I turned my head to the right and saw Austin looking at my directly into my eyes. I wiped away my tears and just stood there. "I never knew," he said quietly. "Yeah, I guess we both didn't know about each other. We just assumed things."

"Well, we both lost or dads and watched them die in front of us."

"Yeah, its horrible," I said. Austin put his arm around my shoulder. "We both have it rough babe." We were both quiet for a second.

"Wait, why don't you call anyone for your mom abusing you. That's the worst thing ever and no one should ever lay there hands on someone like that."

"It's hard. What am I going to do? I can't live on my own and I don't know any family members. And no matter what, my mom is still my mom and I still have a little care for her." "You still shouldn't accept it Elena." "I just-" Austin cut me off. "Tell me if she ever touches you Elena. I won't let that happen to you. I care about you Elena." I think I just lost my breath for a second. There is a part in Austin that is caring and nice. You just have to dig deeper and understand him in order to find that part of him. "That's all I really need Austin, is someone to look out for me when I need them the most."

The sun was completely down and the starts filled the sky. "By the way, there something I need to tell you Austin." "What is it?"

"Dean he, he came up to me yesterday and said that he's out for all of us and that I should watch my back. I can't take all of this. How do I know he's no going to take me and kill me? I-"

"Me, Sean, and the other guys are here to protect everyone we know. I will make sure he won't lay a had on you ever again." I felt a little relieved. Beside, Austin seemed pretty serious. He's out to kill them anyways.

We were walking back to car before I stopped him. "What's your dads name anyways?" "Carter. My middle name came from him." Austin Carter Mahone. "And what about yours?"

"Logan." He nodded his head. "You know there's something different about you Elena," he smiled.

We were in front of my house, just siting in the car in silence. "That actually helped a lot, you know. Know we can stop assuming." Austin laughed.

"Yeah, it was nice." I opened my door and before I cold get out Austin grabbed my wrist. "By the way, thanks for understanding me. It's kind of hard for other people to understand if they haven't been through something similar." I smiled and he let go. Once I made it inside my house he drove down the street. I closed the door and put my back against it. I just had this big dorky smile on my face. For a long time in forever I've never been this happy. It feels great. I'm actually laughing at myself because I probably look like a big idiot.

I took a shower and got under the covers. I felt so different. I thought today was great and I just hope that he doesn't turn into an asshole towards me again.

After school was over I saw Sarah rushing towards me. "Hey what's up?" "Elena you have to come here quick!" She grabbed my hand and practically dragged me out to the tables outside where the guys were. "Hey, what's going on?" I set down my bag on the table. "Casey's missing." Zach said. "Like, no one has seen around anywhere. The police are out on a search." Robert said. I didn't know what to say. I hardly know her and I don't talk to her at all. But, she's missing?

"I just figured that she was sick because I didn't see her yesterday."

"Elena have you seen her recently?" Alex asked me.

"No, I don't have any classes with her and I haven't seen her outside of school," I shrugged. We all stood there awkwardly because no one knew what to say. What was there to say? She's missing that's all. It's up to the police to find her. But, one person did look concerned.

Austin spoke up after saying nothing at all. "Dean has something to do with this. I'm positive of this, he would do something like this. I'm going to find her right now. Fuck the police, they won't ever find her."

He was walking to his car. Everyone just stood there doing nothing. None of the guys were even going. I turned around and Austin just turned out of the parking lot.

"He's not going without me."

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