When All Q Breaks Loose

By KarlieLucas2

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Hiro has finally recovered from breaking his ribs while trying to stop a mad bomber. Now that he's back in ac... More

Chapter One: Allow me to help
Chapter Two: Someone Has to Help
Chapter Three: Trying to Make Contact
Chapter Four: First Contact
Chapter Five: Welcome to Mi Casa!
Chapter Six: Agree or Disagree
Chapter Seven: Not Happy
Chapter Eight: Merely Surprised
Chapter Nine: Something Going On
Chapter Ten: Determined to Find Out
Chapter Eleven: What Were You Thinking?
Chapter Twelve: Suit Yourself
Chapter Thirteen: Don't See the Point
Chapter Fourteen: Don't Like the Sound of That
Chapter Fifteen: Find Hiro
Chapter Sixteen: State of Emergency
Chapter Seventeen: You Don't Look Fine
Chapter Eighteen: No Reason
Chapter Nineteen: Just A Dream
Chapter Twenty: What's Going On?
Chapter Twenty One: Good and Bad News
Chapter Twenty Two: You Must Be Mistaken
Chapter Twenty Three: Except For Hiro
Chapter Twenty Four: Go Looking
Chapter Twenty Five: Daddy
Chapter Twenty Six: Notice A Pattern
Chapter Twenty Seven: Don't Have That Much Time
Chapter Twenty Eight: You Know What This Means
Chapter Twenty Nine: You Awake In There?
Chapter Thirty: Absolutely Fascinating
Chapter Thirty One: I'm Right Here
Chapter Thirty Two: Working On A Strategy
Chapter Thirty Three: What's the Point?
Chapter Thirty Four: You're Going The Wrong Way
Chapter Thirty Five: Don't Give Up
Chapter Thirty Six: We'll Find Him
Chapter Thirty Seven: Hold On Tight
Chapter Thirty Eight: Begun To Suspect
Chapter Forty: Unable To Determine A Cause
Chapter Forty One: I'm Sorry
Chapter Forty Two: Give Him the Best Chance
Chapter Forty Three: No Mistake
Chapter Forty Four: You're Wrong
Chapter Forty Five: How Dare You
Chapter Forty Six: Just Drop It
Chapter Forty Seven: Waiting
Chapter Forty Eight: Last Chance
Chapter Forty Nine: Goodbye

Chapter Thirty Nine: Oh No

17 0 1
By KarlieLucas2

James probably ran two or three red lights as he sped onward in the car he'd stolen. Okay, if he was being truthful, it was probably more like ten or twenty, but who was counting? The little toddler had remained unresponsive as he swerved around traffic like a mad man. It was probably a good thing he'd thought to at least secure the boy with the seat belt in back, though it was a far cry from the usual safety restraining harnesses someone his size should have used.

At least the child wasn't screaming anymore. Once outside the warehouse, he'd gone as limp as a noodle in James' hands. After that, he hadn't really cared how many lights he ran, or who he ran off the road. He just hoped there were no cops out as he went about his mission of returning the young boy to his family, regardless of the consequences. If that power he'd felt only days before wanted to help him out, fantastic. But if not, so be it. He would take his medicine like a grown man. After he took a hit from some weed he'd found, to calm his nerves.

But, as he unbuckled the child and carried him up to the front steps, he couldn't keep his legs from shaking. His knees practically knocked together as he wondered just what would happen the moment he pounded on that door. There was no real turning back, though. Either way, he was in for trouble. It was best to just get it done and over with. So, shifting Hiro to lean against one shoulder, he marched as resolutely as he could up to the door and rang the bell. When that didn't produce any immediately results, he pounded on the door.

Looking rather like a deer in headlights, he stared as the door opened to reveal the chauffeur who'd driven the kid's mom and dad around. And behind him, a whole slew of people, including the brat's parents. He felt his knees go weak beneath him and he almost went down before the butler forcefully pulled him into the front foyer and closed the door.

Fred couldn't help but stare at the familiar mop of hair showing over the blanket bundle over the man's shoulder. "Who are you and why do you have Hiro?" he asked, getting into James' face. His eyes were uncharacteristically hard. He didn't know who this guy was, but he had a feeling there was decidedly more going on than he liked.

Before anyone could say anything else, Honey had taken Hiro from James' arms. "Oh no!" she whispered when she saw his state. "Baymax!" She turned almost fearfully to see if the healthcare bot was just behind them. She didn't miss the unmistakable smell of the weed on him, and only hoped the man hadn't tried to share.

James was in so much shock he didn't know what to do except stare with his mouth open. He blinked several times, trying to gather his thoughts but they wouldn't connect in his head. "I uh... I uh..."

"Perhaps it would be wise to take this man somewhere where he can gather his thoughts," Deanna suggested as she moved forward. She could feel the fear, confusion, dread, and some other emotion she hadn't expected to feel, concern. There was no doubt in her mind that this was the man who had held Hiro captive. But there was decidedly something off about him. and it wasn't just the smell.

GoGo strode up to the man in question and pulled back her arm to punch him but Heathcliff smoothly moved between them. "Allow me," he said in his clipped British accent. "With your permission, Master Frederick, I will take him to that room."

Fred continued to scowl at the man in question, his teeth clenched. "Yes," he agreed, his voice just as hard, if not harder, than it was when he'd first addressed the man before him. His suddenly proper language gave GoGo a start as she stared at her mascot friend, momentarily forgetting she wanted to deck the stranger.

As all this transpired, Baymax waddled over to Honey Lemon and the unconscious Hiro. "Oh no," the robot intoned as he quickly scanned the unconscious tot. "We must take him for immediate medical treatment."

Looking more than a little alarmed, Honey turned and ran towards the back of the building. Even though there were stairs leading up in the front foyer, the staircase near the back of the house would be faster. It led directly to the section of the manor housing their command center. "Hang on, Hiro," she whispered as she ran with the small boy in her arms.

Baymax waddled as fast as he could behind them. When he didn't seem able to keep up, Data took matters into his own hands and easily lifted the healthcare companion, quickly catching up to Honey as she disappeared out of sight.

James continued to stare in shock as he realized just how much trouble he really was in. "It wasn't me! I didn't do anything!" he protested as Heathcliff took him by the collar and began to forcefully escort him towards a different section of the mansion.

"Allow me to accompany you," Worf announced as he joined the butler. The two of them lifted the struggling man on either side, keeping his feet from making contact with the ground, despite his kicking and now screaming voice.

Deanna watched as the three men disappeared. "He's lying," she said under the breath, causing the others to look her way. "He exudes too much guilt not to be involved."

Fred slowly turned to face the others. "Heathcliff will find out for us, one way or another," he said, his voice still devoid of almost all emotion. His expression caused even the counselor to flinch.

Almost fearfully, GoGo reached out a hand to touch Fred on the shoulder. She'd never seen this side of her friend before. And, honestly, it scared her a little. She couldn't help but remember part of their conversation from earlier, about how she couldn't stand to lose another friend, that Hiro was like her little brother. Nor Fred's reply that he felt the same way. Whoever this man was, he'd obviously crossed a line with the otaku and she wasn't sure what all that meant.


Honey pushed her way into the medical suite in the command center, her precious burden snugly in her arms. She felt only mild surprise to discover Data was right behind her, Baymax firmly in tow. With almost faltering heart, she gently placed the unconscious youth on the examination table and began to unwrap the blanket from around his tiny form.

The blanket was filthy, though she supposed it could have been worse. And when she finally removed the last fold, she couldn't help but stare in horror at the boy beneath. Whoever that guy was downstairs, he must have put Hiro in the oversized t-shirt he wore, but that article of clothing was decidedly damp and was even filthier than the blanket. "I'm going to get some clean clothes," she decided as she quickly hurried out of the room.

Data moved closer to the medical bed and looked down on its tiny occupant. "I believe Hiro's condition to be quite severe," he observed, though he wasn't entirely sure what he should do just yet. Chances were good Baymax would require his assistance, but since his knowledge of medical techniques were not consistent with the current time period, he hesitated to do anything without approval. He did, however, take out his tricorder and began to scan the boy in the hopes that it would reveal something, even though it wasn't created for medical purposes.

Baymax blinked at Data's comment. He'd already tried to contact Dr. Jones, with no result. Chances were good she was still involved in whatever mission she'd gone on when everything had started. He doubted she would be returning any time soon. That meant he had to take charge of the situation.

Since he'd only performed a basic scan downstairs, he turned to perform a more thorough one now. "You are correct in your assessment," he informed Data. "However, I am unable to make a definitive diagnosis. As such, we will have to treat each symptom individually."

Honey dashed back into the room with the diaper bag over her shoulder, a handful of washcloths in her hands. "I thought you might need these," she said, more than a little out of breath. She looked towards Baymax to see what he might say about her friend's condition. "How is he?"

Baymax hung his head slightly. "I do not know. His symptoms are typical of several different childhood diseases, without the telltale characteristics of either. However, I do detect a high level of energy around Hiro consistent with the energy previously observed throughout the city."

Data took charge of the bag she'd brought, placing it on one of the cots he'd set up for the purpose. "If you will allow me, I will change Hiro out of his current garments and into something more appropriate." When given the go ahead, he took the tot carefully into his arms and moved him over to the cot where he could clean him, change his clothes, and place a diaper over the boy's nether regions. Once complete, he returned Hiro to the examination table. "Should I summon anyone from downstairs?" he inquired.

Baymax stared intently at his patient for a moment before looking back up at the android. "Are you able to help with Hiro's medical care?" he inquired. He knew he wouldn't be able to do it alone and wasn't entirely sure how Honey would do with some of the required tasks, though her help would decidedly be needed as well.

The android took half a second to consider what was being asked of him. He wasn't a medical officer but somehow knew the robot would need assistance in ways his companions might not be able to provide. "I can try."


Picard scowled as he watched the man who'd just arrived being escorted away. There was something unsavory about that character and he wanted to know what it was. However, there were more pressing issues to attend to. Turning back towards the others still in the foyer, he couldn't help but feel the tension mounting.

Fred still stood, his back uncharacteristically ramrod straight, his eyes still hard as GoGo placed a hand on his shoulder. He didn't so much as acknowledge the touch, which was decidedly not a good thing. He'd seen that kind of behavior before and wasn't sure he wanted to know what might result if the mascot were to be pushed.

Counselor Troi glanced between the three heroes still present. The anger she felt coming from them was understandable. What surprised her, however, was the depth of the anger coming from Fred. She'd never have thought him capable such intense hostility. It was probably a good thing GoGo had placed a somewhat restraining hand on his body. "I think we all need to take a moment to calm down," she asserted. "I know everyone has good reason to be upset, but the important thing is that we have Hiro back. I'm sure everything else can be sorted out when we're all a bit more calm."

GoGo looked up into Fred's eyes, hints of fear echoing from their depths. "Trio's right," she affirmed. "We have Hiro back. We have the man responsible in custody. The best thing we can do right now is focus on helping Hiro."

Fred closed his eyes, his fists clenched at his sides. Slowly, he counted to ten in his head. This anger he felt was irrational and dangerous. And he'd never felt anything like it before, not even when they'd discovered Callaghan's involvement in Tadashi's death. He could now more fully understand why Hiro had lost it back then. This was personal, not that losing Tadashi hadn't been, nor the betrayal of the professor. While he could understand the anger from back then, he hadn't been able to relate to it, until now. Callaghan had never been one of his teachers or mentors. And Tadashi had been a friend. Hiro had become family. You didn't mess with family.

"I need some time alone," Fred announced as he let his shoulders sag. It took a force of will to make his body slump. The raw emotions still swarmed through him like an angry hill of fire ants. It was probably for the best that he find a place where he could cool down before facing anyone. Abruptly, he turned on his heels and headed away.

Deanna watched him leave, more than aware of the emotions running inside him. She glanced at GoGo, who's shocked expression surely mirrored that of Wasabi's, who stood behind Picard. She didn't turn to verify that, though she could feel the shock coming from his direction. She took a step forward, tapping GoGo lightly on the arm. "You should go after him," she counseled. "Give him some space to come to terms with his emotions, but don't let him dwell on them for too long. Out of all those present, I think you're the best person to help him with that."

GoGo gave a curt nod before striding after the slightly older man. She tended to agree with the counselor's words, though she wasn't sure just what she could do. If she were feeling what he obviously was, she knew she'd leave a path of destruction a kilometer wide behind her. And that would be before she tore apart that good for nothing kidnapper limb from limb.

Wasabi stared after his friends, not sure what to do now. The immediate crisis was over and he couldn't help but feel drained. He noted Deanna and Picard standing nearby, watching the departing individuals. And, for the life of him, he suddenly didn't know what he should be doing, which was decidedly disconcerting. "Um..." he hedged, looking far from certain.

Picard exhaled deeply as he turned at the sound, straightening his shirt by pulling at it. "Yes, well," he huffed, letting the pressure evaporate from within. "There doesn't seem to be much we can do at the moment," he observed. "If we go up and see what is happening with Hiro, I'm sure we would only be in the way. Worf seems to have things managed with our detainee, so what would you suggest we do, counselor?"

Deanna resisted the urge to press a hand to her temple. The volatile emotions from Fred were slowly fading as she closed off her senses, but it left a rather heavy feeling behind. With an effort, she put a smile on her face and turned towards the captain and Wasabi. "I suggest we finish our meal." With that, she strode back towards the dining room.


Hiro couldn't help but stagger back as he let go of the latest memory fragment as it solidified with the rest of his brain. His mental body broke out in sweat as he stared in shock. How could he not have remembered such an explosive death? It just wasn't possible.

Still in a state of total disbelief, his legs went out from under him as his chest rapidly rose and fell from the experience. His heart pounded so fast he was afraid it would burst. And the memory blissfully undulated in front of him as if it didn't have a care in the world.

He'd essentially been blown up, the shards of his robotic companion penetrating deeply into his body, despite his best attempts to protect his number one patient. And to have turned long enough to see the far too familiar kabuki mask as the dark clad man turned away with such disdain.... He still couldn't believe he'd ever looked up to the man. How, in all the long years, had this malice never come to the forefront? How had no one known it existed? It just didn't seem possible.

"Are you alright?" Tadashi's voice asked from just behind him. He could feel warm hands pressing against his shoulders as he just stared ahead, the light mirroring the last images in his mind over and over again.

Hiro licked dry lips, his throat feeling tight. "How could you not have known?" he said with a voice hoarse from his emotions. "How could you not have seen what Callaghan was really like?" He resisted the urge to turn towards his brother, a hint of accusation in his eyes, though it was quickly drowned out. He already knew the answer. He just didn't want to accept it.

Tadashi moved into view, one hand cupping his neck almost sheepishly. "I guess it's harder to see the monster within when one wears rose-colored glasses," he admitted. "Those we hold in high esteem seem more like gods in our eyes. And how could a god possibly be anything more than what we allow ourselves to see?"

"I'm tired," Hiro confessed as he felt his body slide closer to the ground. "So tired. And yet, there's still so much left to do, so many memories I haven't connected yet."

His brother moved to sit next to him. "It's alright, Hiro," he soothed as he drew his brother into his arms. "You can rest for a little while. But soon... soon you will have to try again, and again, and again, until it's done."

Almost nodding, Hiro closed his eyes. "Soon," he repeated. But for now, it just felt so nice to lie in his brother's arms one more time.

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