Switched Out

By SamSuikun

8.3K 176 125

Storm Conley is a girl in a society where it is looked down upon to be straight. People who are straight have... More

Ch. 1 **PART 1**
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8 **PART 2**
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 13.5
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 15.5
Ch. 16 **PART 3**
Ch. 17
Author's Note/Tribute
Ch. 19
Ch. 19.5
Ch. 20
A/N #2
Ch. 21
Ch. 21.5
Ch. 22
Author's Note

Ch. 18

197 3 2
By SamSuikun


I stretched, and slid my hands down Nathan’s abs. Yep, he was still here. I poked his nose. He sneezed and opened up his eyes. I grinned up at him.

He rubbed his nose, “Well, morning to you, too.” Then, he laughed. I rolled off him, so we could get up. “You up for school today?”

I stood up, “Would I be standing here talkin’, if I didn’t?”

He tipped his head, “True.” Then, he smiled at me. I rolled my eyes at him.

I went to the drawer, picked out a shirt and threw it at him. It hit his face, but he was still grinning. I shook my head at him as he put it on. I turned back to the drawer to grab a shirt for myself, and the one below for jeans. I slipped the jeans on, but tossed the shirt on the bed. I pulled off the muscle shirt, and tossed it on top of my shirt.

Turning around back to the dresser, I looked to see where my binding was. No show. I spun back around to ask Nathan where it was, He stood there grinning way too big. Then, I noticed his hands were behind his back. Okay, I was naturally suspicious of people. Could you blame me, though?

I walked up to him. Crossing my arms over my chest, I asked, “Nathan, do you have my binding?”

He was still grinning, “Maybe?” He did in his left hand. Pushing up my arms, he went to put on my binding for me. I looked at him confused. “It’s not as hard to do as you think, hun.”

I sighed, and looked away. I turned my head back to him when I remembered what he said last night in the shower, “Hey, what did happen with Lee?”

Apologizing, “Damn, I’m so sorry I forgot. Ya, um. After school got out I waited for him. Punched him once, and gave him two black eyes.” I gave him a questioning look. “I didn’t think I’d be able to do that, but I was pissed at him.” He paused, “Did you actually push him into the lockers?”

I nodded, “After I bit his tongue.”

This time he looked at me, “Why did you have to bite his tongue?”

I looked away from him, “He had it in my mouth.” I could see his jaw tighten. “I’m okay now, ‘cause of you.” He grinned at me. “What else happened?”

He hooked the last of the binding, “After yelling back and forth, I figured out he’s straight.”

I went back to grab my shirt as he said that. I spun back around. “”How’d you figure that out?”

“Umm...” he paused and ran his hand through his hair.

I grinned at his delay. It was kinda cute, but I needed to know, now, before school.

I slid my muscle shirt back on, “Come on. Out with it.” Then, I picked up my shirt.

Watching him breathe out, he said, “I accidently let it out that you’re girl.”  

I dropped my shirt on the floor. My voice went high, “You did what?” It was out in less than three days. “Why?” He just stood there and looked down. I breathed out to calm myself, slightly, “Please, tell me what happened.”

I walked up to him. and picked his head up, “I was telling him how much of an idiot he was when I told him ‘if I lose her, you will die.’ I was breaking down. I thought I really was going to lose you.”

I pulled him into a hug. “You just proved to me yesterday that you’ll never lose me.” I breathed out, “You’ve helped me with things I don't know how to do, and some I’ve never done. There’s alot I forgot how to do...” I trailed off.

He asked, “Like what?”

I rolled my eyes, hoping he wouldn’t ask. “For one trust someone, ‘cause yes even though you slipped up, I still do. I knew you’d be upset with me in that state of mind.”

He grinned slightly “You knew, huh? What’s something else?”

I gripped his shirt, “How to love anyone outside of Jason and Lucas.”

He kissed my head “I’m glad I did that, then.”

I pushed off him. “I’m glad, too.” I went and grabbed my phone. Looking at it, I said, “We gotta go, unless you wanna be late like yesterday.”

He grabbed my hand as I slid my phone in my pocket, “Hell, no. Let’s go.”


In the school, we had about five minutes before we had to go to class. Nathan pulled me toward the cafeteria.

I dragged my feet, “Where are we going?”

He didn’t turn back to me, “To see people.”

I was confused, “What people?”

I could hear the playfulness in his voice, “You’ll see.” I rolled my eyes at him, but I let him continue to pull me. As we got to the other corner of the cafeteria, I notices about 6 other kids sitting together. Did Nathan know them? He stopped us at the end of the table. I looked to him confused.

He just grinned, “Guys, this is Storm.”

The one to the right of me, “So, this is the new kid. Who’d a thought he’d end up with you?” My face got warmer. He whispered to me, “It’s okay sweetheart, you sexy asses can have each other.” I grinned sheepishly. “Lilo, or,” actually, her voice got lower as she leaned in her curly  brown hair fell over her eyes, “Lilly, some called me Lila, which is how I came to Lilo.”

I looked to the guy to her right. I assumed they were girls or guys that were straight. Well, my mind went to Nathan. He had told me he was bi, but the only place I really saw any of that was when I revealed to him I had what the guy’s had. I’d be confused about myself for a quite some time, I knew that.

That second guy notice me looking, “I’m Adam.” He was full out goth, as you could get for school. Then, waved like he was waving me away, “Nice to meet you.” He folded his arms on the table and rested his head on them. I took it as he want to be left alone right now, so I turned my head to the dude to his right, but not before I saw Lilo roll her eyes at Adam. I had a feeling there was more there with them two.

With my eyes on the next guy. or she by how high her voice was. She shook her longish blond hair. “Jay, or Jason.” She lowered her voice as well, “Janice.” Then, went back to normal, “Nice to finally see Nate take to someone.” She grinned. I felt myself get redder as I turned back to Nathan.

I questioned him, “Nate?”

He grinned playfully, “Jay’s my cousin.”

I turned my head back to Jay. “You know it, babe,” and winked at us. I sighed. I was going to get alot of surprises that I needed to live with. I saw her expression change when she looked to the guy across from her. It looked like longing. I wasn’t always good at reading people.

I turned my head to him. He seemed to have been watching me the whole time, which creeped me out, slightly.

He physically shook himself. Watching his black hair, highlighted blonde, he spoke, Zac, or Zacy as Jay calls me.” He turned a grin to her. This time her whole face got red. I couldn’t help, but giggle. She turned her head the other way from us, so I turned my attention to the next guy.

He saw me look at him, “Brayden, if you want Bray. Not much of a talker are you?”

I shook my head, head at the pink haired guy. Yes, he had pink hair.  “I’m use to being the one beat up for speaking my mind.”

“Ah,” and then he shook his friend next to him who had fallen asleep. He stirred and shook his head. Then, he looked to Bray.

He grumbled, “Come on. I’m so tired.” I giggled at his stubborness. He turned to me, “Well, hello sexy.” Bray hit his arm. “The abuse.” I full out laughed at them.

He sighed, “Oh well, kitty boi.” He stuck his tongue out at him. Bray pointed to me. “That’s Storm, Pyro.”

I turned my head confused, “Your name is Pyro?”

He turned his head to me, “No, everyone calls me that, Though.” He sighed, “It’s Makay.”

I asked, “You no like your name?” They all stared at my grammar mistake, but I didn’t pay attention.

He looked down, “Noes.”

I grinned at him, “It’s okay, Pyro. I like both your names. They’re great.”

He quickly picked up his head, “Is you nuts?”

I shrugged, “Apparently.” I heard the bell go off for our first classes. “We going?” They stood up, I grabbed Nathan’s hand without thinking. An idea popped in my head, “Anyone have Foot this period?” I watched Pyro grin as he stood up. He was quite tall. I grinned back, “I take it you do.”

He  nodded, “Yep.” To Nathan, “I’m takin’ yo girl bro.” He hooked his in mine, and I froze in place. I wasn’t expecting him to grab me. I felt like I was going to cry. Why was I so afraid of everyone else touching me? I’d chalk it up to all the years I was kicked around. Alone.

Pyro turned to me. “Storm, you okay.”

Nathan turned to me, next, “Dude, look what you did.” He sighed.

He looked at him confused. His voice was higher, “What did I do?”

He let out an aggravated sigh as I tried to shake myself. I knew Pyro wasn’t going to hurt me. He went pull away.

I brought my other hand slowly over to his. I strangled out my next word, “Don’t.”

Nathan looked at my face, “Are you okay?”

I was still choking on my words, “Ya.” I was shaking uncontrollably now. I wish I wasn’t so afraid of touch.

They both kept looking at me. Then, Pyro asked, “You sure? Your like one of those little chihuahuas right now.” I grinned, since I never heard it put like that before.

Nathan looked to the clock, “Get her to class for me, bro.” He put his hand on my shoulder and kissed my cheek. “I’ll see you later, hun.” He looked back to Pyro, “Take care of her. I mean it.”

Pyro just grinned, “Will do, buddy.” Then, he jogged off to his class. That’s when Pyo started to drag me to class. I poked him. He turned his head to me, still walking.

I gasped with my chest still being tight from him grabbing me in the first place, “Too fast.” He immediately slowed. I did my best to calm myself, “He wasn’t joking about when he said to take care of me.” I breathed out. It was so hard to talk like this. He just looked at me confused, “He punched Lee yesterday for coming on to me, and causing me to break down before I even got to my first class yesterday morning.”

He giggled, “Nathan did that? Well, he much really have a thing for you if he did that.” He brought his other hand up to his chin to think. He looked like he didn’t like to shave, but it was most likely better like that. Who knows what was under that jungle. I giggled at that thought.

He looked at me, “What's so funny, Jack?”

I laughed harder, “Really, you don’t remember my name?”

He took his hand off his chin and waved it at me, “Pssh, it’s only been ten minutes.”

I grinned wickedly at him, “Atleast you can count.”

Then, he got into a hissy, “Oh no, don’t you dare give me that sass woman.”

I couldn’t help, but keep laughing. I didn’t realize that over the last couple minutes that my muscles had loosened up. I was actually calm.

He unhooked his arm from mine as we got to the door, and the bell rang. He started pushing me into the room as the teacher was coming over to shut it.

He frowned, “You’re late again, Makay.” I felt him shug. “And, nice to see you today, Storm. Are you okay from yesterday?”

I nodded, and Pyro started dragging me to the desks, “I was escorting this fine young gentleman to his chair.” I rolled my eyes at him. “Stop the sass babe, it’s a major turn off.” I heard the class snicker at his response.

I just said, “Sit.”

He stopped and tapped the desk, “You first sir.” I pushed him into the chair, and slid in the one next to him. “You are more stubborn than I am.”

I whispered as Foot started class, “Get use to it if we're gunna hang, buddy.

He sighed and put his head on the desk for a nap. I grinned as I turned my head to what the teacher was saying. This was going to be a long year, but hopefully a good one.

***Hope you guys liked Pyro. I'm dedicating to the guy I use for his personality. Don't forget to check out some of his stuffs. Thanks Kitty for letting me use you as Pyro, buddy. Next chapter will be Nathan. You'll be surprised by what happens.***

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