Michael Clifford Shorts

By WhatsGoodCalumHood

54.7K 1.5K 2K

Short imagines about our favorite guitarist! *requests open for my followers and longterm readers only* [32 p... More

Requests + Contents
BGM - You Get Scared During A Fight
DDM - He Takes Care Of You While You're Sick
BGM - High School Badboy AU
DDM - Making Slime
BGM - You're Both Famous
BSM - You Surprise Him On Tour
BGM - I Don't Want to Look
BSM - Hiccups
BGM - Off-Limits
BGM - Gang AU
BGM - You Want To Fight But He Won't Let You
BGM - (another) Gang AU
BGM - Beary Much
BGM - Say You Won't Let Go
BGM - Penal
BSM - Homecoming
BGM - Perfection
BGM - Break or Mistake
BGM - Break or Mistake - alternate ending
BFM - Paler Than Usual
BGM - Belle of the Ball pt1
BGM - Belle Of The Ball pt2
BGM - Forever Is Only a Moment Away
BGM - Belle Of the Ball pt3
BSM - Listen Closely: Gang AU
BSM - Listen Closely - Gang AU pt2
BGM - Can You See My Pain? (I'm Worried About You) - Soulmate AU
BGM - Kind Of?
BGM - Ice Cream Fight
BGM - Misunderstanding
BSM - Groove
BSM - Paging Dr. Clifford - Doctor AU
BSM GANG AU - Babylon

DDM - You Get Hurt At School And He Picks You Up

2.5K 72 41
By WhatsGoodCalumHood

Requested by:

I'm SO ready for the weekend- I gotta update my main bc I'm B E H I N D

"Y/N I bet you can't swing from the monkey bars like me!" One of your friends giggled as he clambered up the playground and grabbed one of the bars, letting his body dangle down. He then pumped his legs forward and backward until he was swinging like a pendulum. Back and forth and back and forth. "WHEEEEE!"

You watched warily. You had never been all that great at the monkey bars for one, and you had large blisters on your palms from climbing all over the playground the other day. You were worried that you'd fall.

But you were also a stubborn Clifford not about to back down from a bet.

"Oh yeah?" You replied, projecting far more confidence than you had,"Watch me!"

You waited until he dropped to the ground and got out of your way. You could feel your tummy twist as you climbed up the monkey bars. You were rather worried by that point but unwilling to back down.

Your two hands, now slick with sweat and sore from blisters reached out and tightly gripped one of the bars. You took in a deep breath and held it as you pulled your feet off of the little platform and let yourself swing out over nothing. Right away your hands began to slip and burn from holding the bar too tight. You gritted your teeth and got ready to swing.

"GO ALREADY!" Y/F/N yelled impatiently.

His insistence managed to speed you up as you slowly pumped your legs up and down. At first it all seemed fine, fun even, as you swung through the air. But then you got a little too confident.

You gave your legs a particularly hard pump which lurched you forward and made your palms slip off of the bars.

"AHHH!" You screamed as you fell. As you were nearly horizontal and facing down mid-swing when you fell, was your face facing the rally approaching Earth. Both of your arms went up to shield your head, arms pushed out in front of you.

You landed with a loud and painful thud. The wood chips didn't seem to have cushioned anything.

"Y/N!" One of the recess monitors rushed over to you, "Are you okay?"

You slowly lifted your face from the wood chips and shook your head. You could feel the sharp pain in your left wrist.

"Where does it hurt sweetie?" She helped you flip over and sit up. You cradled your damaged wrist to your chest.

She noticed and asked, "is it your wrist?"

You nodded, "it hurts."

"Can I see?" She held out her hand.

You looked at her nervously but let her see your arm anyhow. She was very gentle, lightly feeling the damaged area while watching you for responses.

"I think it's sprained," she finally said even though you had no idea as to what that meant.

"Okay," you sniffled.

"Let's go to the office and get you an ice pack okay?" She held out a hand and you took it with your undamaged one.

Y/F/N ran up and gave you a hug before you left, "I'm sorry Y/N."

"It's okay," you replied quickly.

You nodded up at the monitor and she walked you back inside the school and to the front office.

"What do we have here?" A secretary asked. She was a nice older woman that you had talked you a few times whenever someone had come to check you out early.

"Y/N here fell off of the monkey bars and landed on her wrist," the monitor explained.

"Oh no!" The secretary stood up, "I'll go get you an ice pack and then we can call one of your parents."

The monitor waited with you until the secretary came back with an ice pack. She handed it to you and you gently placed it against your throbbing wrist.

"Here, take a seat right here," she patted the chair next to her desk.

"Alright I'm going to go back out, goodbye Y/N, goodbye Mrs. Todd," the monitor waved and left as soon as you were settled.

"Good luck dear," Mrs. Todd nodded in her direction before turning her attention back to you. "What's your last name?"

"Clifford," you answered quietly, leaning back against the seat.

"Okay," she turned back to her computer and typed away, "here we go, Y/N Clifford. Do you think I should call your Mum or your Dad?"

You thought for a moment. Your Dad was closer.

"My Dad," you replied.

She smiled at you and grabbed the landline on her desk. Typing in the numbers on the screen, she dialed and waited for Michael to answer.

"Mr. Clifford?" She asked a few moments later, "Yes this is Susan Todd, I work at Y/S/N and-" she paused, "yes Y/N is okay, she just fell off of the monkey bars and injured her wrist. No she's not really crying. No we don't think it's broken. Yes. Okay. Thank you."

She hung up the phone and looked down at you, "he said he'd be here in five minutes."

You nodded in understanding. Mrs. Todd smiled and handed you a mint out of her jar, "you can just wait there."

The five minutes passed quickly. You ate your candy and silently waited until you saw Michael hurrying in the front doors.

"Daddy!" You cheered as soon as he walked inside.

"Y/N!" He looked rather relieved that you seemed to be okay.

You ran up to him and he picked you up. Mrs. Todd smiled and walked him though the procedure to check you out. Then, when you were free to go, Michael set you on his hip and walked out the doors.

"You fell off the monkey bars?" He asked as you walked toward his parked car.

You nodded, "my wrist hurts."

"Let me see," he said.

You stuck your injured wrist in front of your face. Michael moved the hand that wasn't holding you up to it, and gently probed the injured flesh. It was a little swollen, and beginning to bruise.

"Can you bend it?" He murmured.

You complied, bending it hurt, but not enough for it to be due to the bone being fractured.

"Alright, you probably did just sprain it then," he opened the backseat where your car seat was. Putting yo down, your father strapped you in firmly.

"How about we get you a better ice pack and then you can come hang out with me and your uncles at the studio?" He asked, leaning against the opened door. You did love spending time
with your uncles, but your stomach grumbled reminding you of a more pressing matter.

"Food?" You asked hopefully. You had recess before lunch so you hadn't eaten yet.

"Of course bug, food, ice pack, and then you can come to the studio until your Mum gets off of work and can bring you home," Michael corrected himself. It wasn't unusual for your Mum to come and get you when your Dad was busy, so you nodded again.

"Okay Daddy," you agreed, "but I want chicken nuggets."

He laughed, "chicken nuggets it is."

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