Run Wolf Run (Complete)

By Reject-rabbit

21.6K 714 75

Aria, a feisty Alpha female of the Flame pack who orphaned only a few years ago now hunts for answers as to... More

Run Wolf Run (Edited)
Chapter One (Edited)
Chapter Two (Edited)
Chapter Three (Edited)
Chapter Four (Edited)
Chapter Five (Edited)
Chapter Six (Edited)
Chapter Seven (Edited)
Chapter Eight (Edited)
Chapter Nine (Edited)
Chapter Ten (Edited)
Chapter Eleven (Edited)
Chapter Twelve (Edited)
Chapter Fourteen (Edited)
Chapter Fifteen (Edited)
Chapter Sixteen (Edited)
Chapter Seventeen (Edited)
Chapter Eighteen (Edited)
Chapter Nineteen (Edited)

Chapter Thirteen (Edited)

626 29 4
By Reject-rabbit

So this is my belated birthday present to you all xx it's extra long for once! Enjoy

Chapter Thirteen

Aria’s POV

My feet glided along the floor, the heels of my shoes clicking, but it was merely background noise to the whir of voices and music.

My dress clung to my body, the silk falling down to trail behind me slightly in dark red waves. My fingers were tingling with held in power, the moon was at its fullest and the magic that surrounded me tingled at my skin, waiting to be unleashed. I reined it in.

                “Aria.” I turned to see a woman, her blonde hair falling in waves around her shoulders as her eyes, light green, caught mine. She looked stunning in that dress and all it seemed to do was extenuated her already flawless figure, a burnt purple in colour, it suited her perfectly. Her eyes were dark and smoky while her nails were a glaring red.

                She slowly made her way towards me, smiling at those who greeted her, shaking hands delicately and politely as she passed. She owned the place, and it was obvious everyone was entranced by her, everyone except me.

                She finally stood before me, towering over me in her heels, and her eyes as cold as ice. They no longer held the sparkle that dazzled onlookers; instead they were enough to make anyone shrink under their intensity. Nevertheless, I continued to stand tall.

                “Darling...” she gave me a smile that was as fake as the nails that were digging into my arm, steering me away from the crowd. Her grip left no room for excuses or hesitation and when she had finally got me into a corner the pleasantries stopped all together.

“What do you think you’re doing? You’re meant to be setting an example, not flaunting around with your friends.” The word was like acid on her tongue.

                “I am setting an example mother, one that doesn’t show me as the kiss-ass you would have me as.”

She laughed quietly, a sound that was devoid of all humour.

                “Honey, to get around in this world, you have to kiss a couple of asses from time to time in order to stay on top,” she sneered at me, “and that’s exactly where’s it’s gotten us.” Her face once again became the stone expression that not many got to see under her perfect facade. “I will not have you ruining it for me and your father.”

                I snorted, a noise that had her shrivelling her nose up at me in disgust. I didn’t give a damn what she thought about how I acted.

“You seem to forget that it isn’t just you involved in this, we’re in a pack, sure you’re the Alpha female but that doesn’t mean everything is down to you.” She gave me a snide grin.

                “On the contrary, it does mean everything is down to me, me and your father that is. We are the leaders of this pack and that means you will do as I say, I will not have you messing up our reputation, especially not here of all places.” I stared into the harsh eyes of my mother, barely recognising her from the woman who’d raised me. She was nothing to me anymore, she’d become arrogant with power and that had made her priorities shift, she had no right to be lecturing me.

                “When you become and Alpha female in a few years you’ll understand.” I stood tall lifting my chin in a symbol of defiance, and I was not surprised to hear the low rumble of a growl erupt from her chest.

                “I will never be like you.” Fury flashed through her eyes and it was all I could do but to stand tall as I watched her raise her hand.

                “Aria!” The voice stopped her in her tracks, seeming to remember exactly where we were. Only a few people had noticed the exchange and she was soon smiling away to them like nothing had happened. I turned from her, walking towards the voice. I brushed past my mother without a second glance.

                I walked towards a cluster of people, spying a hand beckoning me forwards. I could feel my mother’s eyes on my back the whole time but I chose to ignore it.

                At last I met the warm eyes of my father, dark blue. His hair was the same shade as mine but he was strong in build, his jaw firm, and he had a presence that meant he easily commanded the small crowd that was gathered around him. He didn’t suck up to everyone, nor did he stab people in the back to get to the top like my mother did. He merely transfixed the crowd with his character and wit, not bowing down to anyone. The way he could draw a crowd just by talking was a measure of just how great an Alpha he was.

                Most people believed that I didn’t get on with him but, on the contrary, I adored him. Of course I’d inherited his passion and so we conflicted a lot, but I admired him more than anything. The power that radiated around him was like an aura, and yet he spoke to everyone with equal measures of understanding.

                “There’s my girl.” He enveloped me in a hug, despite the onlookers, and gave me a warm smile.

                “You called?” He nodded and slowly turned to the man next to him.

                “Well, Jack and I have decided that we’d like you to lead the ceremony this year.” I glanced at my father’s Beta, Jack, with my mouth hanging open. He was clad in a black tux with a huge grin on his face.

                “Really?” I looked up at my father, his eyes twinkling. I’d always been fascinated by the ceremony, choosing a new wolf for the pack was a huge deal and the process was even more spectacular. It was a huge responsibility.

                “Really.” I turned towards the new voice looking across to see Blaine dressed in a similar suit to his father. I’d known him since I was little and soon enough he would become the new Alpha of the pack, seen as a pack had to be run by a male. He was one of my best friends.

                I rushed forward and enveloped him in a hug.

                “We’ll do it together.” He murmured into my hair.

I composed myself, nodded, and stood up straight, glancing at my dad who was looking at the two of us. He glanced towards Jack with a twinkle in his eye, but I couldn’t quite place the emotion in them, pride?

                “You haven’t got long, but you’ve seen it before so you’ll be fine. Besides, just go with your wolf, they’ll guide you.” He placed a kiss on my forehead and turned back to Jack with a final glance between the two of us.

                I turned back to Blaine, taking in his appearance. I hadn’t seen him in weeks and even in that short amount of time it seemed he’d changed slightly, his hair was gradually getting lighter, his face more sculpted and he’d even grown a little. I found I had to crane my neck back a little to look at him.

                “Hey.” He smiled down at me.

                “Hey.” I met his smile with equal enthusiasm.

In that moment there was a loud screeching of doors. Everyone looked up to the top of a grand staircase as the grand double doors opened. A moment passed and finally figures could be seen emerging. Everyone held their breath as eight people descended the staircase, four were wolves from each pack, acting as handlers, while the others were the Potentials.

                Each Potential was being held by the arm with stone-like expressions on their faces. It was slightly unnerving to watch as they were hauled down the stairs, their hands bound, but I pushed it aside. This was my chance to prove myself.

                Everyone moved to the perimeters of the grand hall, making room for the scene that was about to unfold. Within no time at all the four Potentials were lined up in the centre of the room and were forced onto their knees.

                My father emerged from the crowd, striding into the centre to stand before the Potentials and their handlers. Spreading his arms wide he addressed the crowd.

                “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the choosing ceremony.” With a final glance over the faces of the audience he beckoned for each of the members of the packs to step forward. I was surprised to find that each of the Alpha’s children stepped forward; each of them would one day become an Alpha themselves. It seemed that it would be this year that we finally took over.

                “Let us begin!” With that he swept away with a final glance back at me and Blaine. Blaine nodded towards him and then we stepped towards the Potentials.

                “You ready for this?” Blaine whispered to me as we came face to face with one of them. I nodded and observed the girl.

                The Potential looked up at me; she could be no more than sixteen, and her hair was cropped short.

I could see the determination in her brown irises, she wanted this. It was not a new tradition to take humans and give them the gift of the wolf, the Elders, my grandfather and grandmother being among them, chose them and all we had to do was see which pack they belonged to, if any.

                I gave her a small reassuring smile and placed my hand on the side of her face, Blaine did the same with the other side and so did the others with their Potential. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back slightly.

                “Begin.” The voice echoed throughout the hall and in that moment I felt the power flood through my veins. It radiated through my fingertips and over the girl. It flowed around us, the heat rising rapidly and soon enough it was searing. I could feel the magic travelling through her, igniting a power in her that was unlike any other. It was not a pleasant process for the Potential and soon enough she was shaking with the restraint.

                The heat around us was immense and I knew that my eyes had become the purest silver. Then, as I lowered my face to her neck, I gently bit the skin and then I let my canines extend, sharpening. They drew blood.

With a final surge of power from both I and Blaine the girl let out an agonised shriek, breaking free of her bonds. A heat wave blew the hair back from my face, my hand dropping from the side of her face.

                I reeled back slightly, looking sideways at Blaine who was breathing deeply. I then looked down at the slumped figure of the girl. Her body shook with the remnants of power.

                 The tension in the air was palpable as I held my breath. Then slowly, ever so slowly, the girl raised her head. I breathed out deeply.

                A smirk lit up her face, as she glanced at Blaine and me. She began to get to her feet and I watched every movement she made. However, when she was finally standing her face contorted in pain as she brought her hand up to her neck where I had bitten her. I began to move forward slightly.

                When I was close enough I attentively reached out and moved her hand away from her neck. I could feel the tension in her at my touch but I continued to pull her short brown hair away to expose her neck. There, on the centre of her neck now sat a silver symbol, its edges twisting upwards, and my bite healed before my eyes. It was the mark of the flame pack.

                I couldn’t help the smile that lit up my face, I’d actually done it.

                “Welcome to the Flame pack.” My kind words slowly faded though as the new member of my pack stayed stock still.

The others were rising from the floor. It was only when our new member raised her head did the hairs on the back of my neck begin to stand on end, I had been expecting her to look shocked, or as excited as I was feeling. What I wasn’t expecting was the cruel smirk pasted on her face.

                Her low chuckle rippled through the room, and the quiet buzz that had been building went silent. Her eyes were cold but the heat that blared from her was scorching.

To my surprise a low growl made its way from Blaine’s mouth, but she didn’t give him a second glance. She merely rolled her head from side to side, as if relieving a strain on her muscles, and gave out a loud sigh.

Now, all eyes were on her.

                I could only watch as her hair lengthened, her teeth grew and her body hunched. I only had time to let a gasp leave my mouth before I was being shoved backwards by Blaine.

                I had only blinked and there stood before me a grey wolf. She wasn’t small I’d give her that, but from the way she began to stalk towards me, she felt like she was the biggest one here.

She was mistaken. This was my business now, she was a member of my pack and I wouldn’t have her endangering others because she had a power complex.

                She let out a resonating growl that had some of the younger members of each pack hiding behind their parent’s legs. It was all the parents could do to stare, but if the new wolf got too close she was going to be out of this new way of life as quickly as she’d came into it. I couldn’t have a massacre breaking out.

                I didn’t even notice the tearing of clothes until I was stood on all fours in front of the girl. I hadn’t changed in a while, my mother believing that we should only change when needed. It was like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders but a warning growl soon brought me back to reality.

                My eyes zeroed in on the new wolf, she didn’t seem all too pleased at my shift. I was much larger than her and she knew it. I turned my head to the side, Blaine still stood in human form.

                I turned back to the girl.

                What do you think you’re doing? She jumped back slightly in surprise, her fierce facade dropping for a moment at the foreign voice in her mind, her head tilting to the side in confusion.

                I’ll ask again, what do you think you’re doing? This time the fascination had seemed to wear off; she hunched down low into a defensive stance and growled.

                I could ask you the same thing. Her laugh came out as a deep cackle in her wolf form. It seemed all she was willing to say on the matter and before I could even blink she’d leapt towards the staircase with a feral snarl.

                Some of the women and children bolted out of the way with a squeal while the males stood their ground. I was surprised none of them had changed but as I looked around my eyes met my father’s, watching him give me a brief nod, only did it dawn on me that this was my problem. This was my chance to prove myself.

                My eyes whipped around to where the new wolf was leaping up the stairs. I tore after her. It was clear that she was trying to get used to the feel of being in her wolf form, as she paused on the steps each time she lurched upwards. She was hesitant, and that was her weakness.

                Before she could even reach the top of the staircase I had launched myself from the floor beneath the staircase to the balcony, rounding on her. I could see the surprise in her eyes at my great vault but I had little time to revel at her startled expression before her teeth were bared. I knew by then that her instincts would be screaming at her to attack, but with the loyalty to her pack now imprinted on her, she was conflicted.

It didn’t take long to find out which one she’d listened to.

                She leapt forward, her jaw opening to expose a set of razor sharp teeth that were at that moment, instinctively moving towards my throat. She was naive to think that she could beat me, a soon to be alpha, as a new wolf.

                She just met air as my claws grazed her thigh. Her howl of pain brought many emotions rushing to the surface; it felt wrong, fighting my own but my logic reasoned that she was a risk.

                Then she leapt.

Flying through the air with such speed it seemed impossible, she grabbed for me, claws trying to find hold on my fur. Only to be met with empty space a second before her nails dug into my skin.

She was a novice and I had the upper hand.

You’re going to have to try harder than that. I defied her again and again as she rushed at me, always missing me by milliseconds each time, as I appeared just a little too far to her right or left, whizzing past her in a blur.

Stop this whole cat and mouse chase and fight me already! Venom rolled off her tongue. Her eyes burned with rage but I could sense she was frightened but I knew it went deeper than that, she was terrified.

                I don’t want to have to do this. My claws cut into her leg, a warning.

                She hissed in pain, circled me for a moment and paused. I could feel everyone’s eyes on us.

Oh yeah? Well I do. She lunged but I saw what she was going to do even before she did it. She bolted to the side and I dashed out of the way as her claws grazed the air beside my ear. Before giving me a chance to recover and dive for her she ploughed into me.

I didn’t even have time to regain my balance before we were sailing over the banister.

                I fell through the air and had just enough time to turn over before I hit the floor. My eyes zeroed in on the girl as I rose from the floor. From how she lay dazed on her side, sailing over the banister hadn’t been her plan.

                She quickly got to her feet, but she made her fatal error. As she cast a quick glance around the room, looking at the faces of the crowd that was gradually depleting, I took my opening.

                The next few moments were filled with a blur of teeth, claws and roars of frustration. My breath was coming rapidly and I was surprised at the fight she was putting up. If we ever resolved this she’d be a great fighter for the pack.

                However, the scuffle ended as soon as it had begun as I made my move and my teeth met the soft, tender flesh of her neck. I only needed to press lightly for her breathing to halt as she lay beneath me, pinned. She still struggled to get free despite my hold on her, but we both knew she was fighting a losing battle.

                Relax! She whimpered at my command, hearing authority that dripped from my words.

                She shook lightly once again, her breath coming out in a huff. Relax!

Finally, she slumped to the floor with a sigh. I felt her body relax and only when I was happy she was calm did I remove my grip on her neck, but I didn’t get up off her.

                What’s your name? I looked into her eyes with a firm gaze.


I zipped up the side of my dress, standing in front of the mirror, staring at the newly acquired cut that ran down my arm a little way. My hair was a mess, but I didn’t really care about appearances any more. I was acceptable and I was dressed.

                My previous dress now lay in tatters on the ballroom floor but it seemed someone had been prepared for every eventuality. It hadn’t taken me long to find another dress.

                The creak of a door had me turning around just in time to see a hand with glaring red nails fly out at me. The next thing I knew my head was whipping to the side. The crack resonated throughout the room, echoing off the walls, I was surprised the whole party hadn’t heard it.

                “What the hell did you think you were doing?” I didn’t need to hear her voice to know it was my mother who’d marked my cheek. I continued to stare off to the side, composing myself; any normal person would have had tears rimming their eyes at the white-hot pain that was radiating along my cheek, but not me. I turned my glare on her, fire in my eyes.

                “I was protecting our pack, no, forget that- I was protecting all the packs while you just stood there and watched me.” The warning snarl that ripped through her chest told me I was walking on thin ice. I could feel the temperature in the room rise rapidly.

                “You made a fool of yourself, putting yourself at risk of being shown up by a new-born? It was ridiculous.” Her fists were clenched at her sides as the flames that flickered from the candles around the room soared higher.

                “I did what you didn’t have the guts to do, and by doing so I proved to everyone that I can take care of myself.” She let out a small chuckle.

                “My dear, all you’ve proven is that you can fight off a weakling.” I flinched as she traced the ugly red mark that stretched across my cheek, her fingertips burning. “You’ve proven nothing and soon enough this pack will fall under your reign. I can’t have that.” Her eyes narrowed.

                “I’ll certainly be a better leader than you,” I spat at her, “I’ll never flaunt around, stabbing people in the back with a gracious smile every chance I get, like you do. I will earn their respect and in turn I will give it, the packs should be equal- we’re the same after all.” My smirk was triumphant.

                Her jaw tensed, her knuckles turning white.

                “I’ve managed to keep this pack on top for years now, for you to try and jeopardize that means you are no child of mine.” The blow to my heart was harder than expected but I kept a straight face as she swept out of the room, her dress swishing behind her.

                The door closed with a soft click and I was left staring at the mirror.

                My voice came out in a frustrated cry as I ploughed my fist into the image reflected back at me, shattering the perfect surface of the mirror. I felt the bite of the glass as it cut into my knuckles but it was nothing compared to the raging pain that consumed my mind.

                Then an earth shattering scream ripped through my ears. My mother’s terrified shriek. 

Hope you liked it, now we finally have some clue as to what happened to Aria's parents. Next chapter is their death scene. VOTE AND COMMENT PLEASE x

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