RWBY: Spider-Man Unlimited

By Daleandjakup97

38.3K 487 146

Peter Parker is secretly a spider Faunus who rarely shows his abilities in public unless he is the web slingi... More

Chapter 1- Peter Parker
Chapter 2- Spider-Man In Signal
Chapter 3- Spider-Man Meets Ruby Rose
Chapter 4- Spider-Man In Beacon Part 1
Chapter 5- Spider-Man In Beacon Part 2
Chapter 6- Initiation
Chapter 7- Initiation Part 2
Chapter 8- Initiation Part 3
Chapter 9- Initiation Part 4
Chapter 10- Team SVRN
Chapter 12- Brock and Kasady
Chapter 13- Birth Of The Symbiotes
Chapter 14- Where Evil Nests
Chapter 15- Where Evil Nests Part 2
Chapter 16- Where Evil Nests Part 3
Chapter 17- Enter The Hunter!
Chapter 18- We Will Shock You!
Chapter 19- Neogenic Nightmare
Chapter 20- Neogenic Nightmare Part 2
Chapter 21- Neogenic Nightmare Part 3
Chapter 22- I Cried a River Over You
Chapter 23- I Cried a River Over You Part 2
Chapter 24- I Cried a River Over You Part 3
Chapter 25- Queen Dethroned
Chapter 26- Queen Dethroned Part 2
Chapter 27- Queen Dethroned Part 3
Chapter 28- One Is The Loneliest Number
Chapter 29- One Is The Loneliest Number Part 2
Chapter 30- One Is The Loneliest Number Part 3
Chapter 31- One Is The Loneliest Number Part 4
Chapter 32- Monday Morning
Chapter 33- Monday Morning Part 2
Chapter 34- Model Behavior
Chapter 35- Model Behavior Part 2
Chapter 36- Model Behavior Part 3
Chapter 37- My Dearest Calypso
Chapter 38- My Dearest Calypso Part 2
Chapter 39- My Dearest Calypso Part 3
Chapter 40- Sins of the Fathers
Chapter 41- Sins of the Fathers Part 2
Chapter 42- Destiny Unleashed
Chapter 43- Destiny Unleashed Part 2
My Fan Casting Of RWBY: Spider-Man Unlimited

Chapter 11-Team SVRN Part 2

741 13 1
By Daleandjakup97

Team SVRN left the classroom as Venus was still arm in arm with Peter. Team CRDL saw them as Cardin taunted, "Look, it's the alien hunters! What did the alien leader say?" They laughed arrogantly. "Oh, look! There's Ms. Baldy!" Nightingale had a hurt expression as Venus got angry. Her pupils were dilated thinly, her ears went down, and her tail fluffed up. She was about to pounce on Cardin but was restrained by Peter and Johnny. "Oooh.... you better keep your pet cat on a leash," mocked Russel. Peter soothed her, "Venus, they're not worth it. C'mon, we gotta get going." Venus huffed as she muttered, "Fine." They started to leave until CRDL started singing, "What's new, pussycat? Oh oh oh!" Venus clenched her teeth as she snapped, "That's it!" She sped over to them and gave Team CRDL a good beating for a few minutes. Finally she was done with CRDL and stomped away as Venus grabbed Peter's hand and dragged him with her. Johnny and Nightingale looked at each other in surprise as he commented, "Remind never get Venus angry." Nightingale still looked hurt as Johnny wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Nightingale gave him a short smile as they followed Peter and Venus.

Peter asked softly, "Where are we going?" Venus answered, "To our dorm room, silly." The team entered inside as they set up a meeting. "Okay," began Peter. "We've stumbled ourselves into existence of alien life that has been underground for who knows how long. The only ones who could believe us is the Fantastic Four." Johnny asked, "Question, how?" Peter answered, "Because they've dealt with intergalactic and inter dimensional shenanigans before. Plus Johnny Storm, the Human Torch, is married to a female shapeshifting Skrull." Venus' eyes lit up as she remembered, "Oh, yeah! I've heard about that! The news was having a field day with that!" Peter added, "Because the FF also invited me and my aunt and uncle for Thanksgiving one time. Ben Grimm makes legendary turkey." Johnny said, "Lucky." Nightingale asked, "We think Professor Oobleck would believe us. He is after all a professional archeologist." Peter shrugged, "Maybe. Then again, he would be asking if we watched too much Ancient Aliens and give us twelve book reports." Venus giggled as she asked, "What about my Aunt Glynda?" Peter thought about it and said, "Maybe, but then again she doesn't like me due to me dating her niece." Johnny looked at Venus and asked, "How is Goodwitch your aunt?" Venus explained, "My mom and her were best friends and they were like sisters. So, she's been my aunt since like forever." Then Glynda Goodwitch herself got inside the room and exclaimed, "Venus Aphrodite Deterzo!" Venus meows frightened and hid under her bed. Glynda sighed as she walked to the bed Venus was hiding under. "Venus," said Glynda. "I'm not angry at you. I just want to talk." Venus asked, "Are you going to yell at me, Aunt Glynda?" Glynda assured, "No, I'm not going to yell at you. Now will you please come out?" Venus then got out as she sat down on her bed. "Did you start a fight with CRDL?" asked Glynda. Venus replied, "Yeah, but they started it! They were making fun of us! They even mocked my cat side!" Glynda asked, "Were they singing your least favorite song?" Venus nodded as she pouts. Glynda sat down next to her as she assured, "I'll tell Professor Ozpin about this, but don't start anymore fights, okay?" Venus nodded, "Okay, Aunt Glynda." Glynda gets up and glares at Peter. "I still don't like you dating my niece. But you better be good to her or I will put you in permanent detention for the rest of the school year." She left the room as Venus looked at Peter and assured, "Don't worry. She'll like you eventually." Peter scoffed, "Yeah, eventually." Venus giggled, "So, can we go to Ursula's pancake house?" Peter shrugged nervously, "I.... don't know." Venus teased, "What? Are you afraid of showing off your girlfriend to her?" Peter sweat dropped, "Well..." Venus asked, "Wait, is there another girl in your life?" Peter answered, "Well, it's more of a fan girl crush than.... well." Venus smiled, "Well I think it's time she knows that Peter Parker is a taken man. C'mon!" She grabbed his hand and dragged him again as Johnny and Nightingale followed on their way to Ursula's pancake house.

Ursula and Jenny Vermin were just cleaning up shop until a familiar voice said, "Hey, I'm back and I brought friends." They turned to see Peter Parker, Venus Deterzo, Johnny Gallo, and Nightingale. Without warning, Ursula gave Peter a bear hug. "Ursula..." groaned Peter. She let go as she chuckled, "You have been gone for a while. So yes, I missed you." Ursula looked at his team as she asked, "So who are your new friends?" Johnny replied, "I'm Johnny Gallo." Nightingale said, "We are Nightingale." Venus announced, "And I'm Peter's girlfriend, Venus Deterzo!" Jenny asked, "She's your girlfriend?" Jenny sighed as Peter started, "Jenny, I.." Jenny gave him a short smile as she assured, "Hey, it's okay. I knew eventually you'll see somebody else." Jenny turned to Venus and added, "Take care of him for me, okay?" Venus nodded, "I will." Ursula smiled, "So you four are a team now, eh?" Peter nodded, "Yeah, it's official. We're Team SVRN." Jenny smiled, "Sounds awesome." Peter said, "We were wondering if we could use your restaurant as one of our meeting places." Ursula nodded, "Sure. You can have team meetings here whenever you want." Peter smiled, "Thanks." Ursula clapped her hands as she asked, "Now, how about some honey pancakes?"

Later tonight, team SVRN came back to Beacon Academy into their dorm room. Everyone changed into their pajamas as everyone said goodnight.

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