Falling for Jackson Wang | MA...

بواسطة lovesblockedbyseals

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COMPLETED MARKSON HIGHSCHOOL!AU FANFICTION "I was so relieved when I left for America, I never spoke, sent or... المزيد

Chapter 1| Eastwood High
Chapter 2 | Lunch with BTS
Chapter 3| Meeting the neighbours
Chapter 4| Forgive, not forget.
Chapter 5| Invitiation?
Chapter 6 | Ride home
Chapter 7 | Partyy
Chapter 8 | I don't know
Chapter 9 | Love? Maybe.
Chapter 10 | Oops
Chapter 11 | Trouble in paradise
Chapter 12 | Game on
Chapter 13 | Got him
Chapter 14 | Jealous
Chapter 15 | Sleepover Drama
Chapter 16 | Wasn't me
Chapter 17 | What do I do?
Chapter 18 | Monster
Chapter 19 | Meet the parent
Chapter 20 | Friends
Chapter 21 | Chemistry
Chapter 22 | Party II
Chapter 23 | Secrets
Chapter 24 | Date
Chapter 25 | Cheater
Chapter 26 | Visit
Chapter 27 | Sorry
Chapter 28 | Anniversary
Chapter 29 | Break up
Chapter 30 | Pain
Chapter 32 | Bad idea?
Chapter 33 | Game
Chapter 34 | Sorry, again.
Chapter 35 | Leaving
Sequel ;)

Chapter 31 | Hurt

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بواسطة lovesblockedbyseals

Kinda sad <3
"Good morning son. Good morning other son." Dad greeted Hoseok and I. To be honest I was surprised he didn't even question my friends presence.
"Morning other Dad." Hoseok smiled, standing beside my father, who was seated on the couch.
"How are you, Hoseok?"
"Better than ever Mr Tuan. Yourself?"
"Nothing much has been happening with me. Although, I have been so caught up in crime shows lately. I watched a whole season last weekend, it was hectic. They ended it on a cliffhanger. I hate cliffhangers so much-"
"Okay dad, please stop bothering my friend. We have to go to school." I complained, waiting by the front door. We were late enough as it is, but Hoseok had to have a conversation with my father before we left.
"We were just having a sophisticated conversation, Mark." J-Hope defended.
"Yes, about that crime show on-" Dad added, but I cut him off.
"Okay got to go, bye." I rushed, flinging the front door open and throwing myself outside of the house.
I heard Hoseok mutter a 'Sorry, I better go too' to my father before rushing after me.
"That was rude." He scoffed, closing the front door.
"It was, but we're going to be late if we don't hurry up." I rolled my eyes, starting our long walk to school.

Hoseok didn't have any clothes to wear, so I let him borrow some clothes. I figured he would have his books at school so it wasn't much of a big deal. Nothing happened between us.

Nothing at all.

We arrived at school 20 minutes before the first class started, so as always, we waited in the art rooms for class to start. Everyone except Vkook (Tae + Jungkook) was there.

"Hello!" Taehyung greeted us as he walked into the door with Jungkook, it was the first time he had been at school since... well, the accident.
"Taehyung!" I screamed, running- no, sprinting- to greet him, pulling him into a mild rib-crushing hug.
"Mark, be careful he's fragile!" Jungkook scolded, and Taehyung just giggled.
"Mark is worth it." Tae sassed, squeezing me just as tight.
"Okay." Kookie grunted playfully.

We spent a good majority of the time talking about how much we missed him, and how he needs to be a lot more careful. Especially around traffic.

But then Jimin changed the subject.

"So Mark, how did it go?" Jimin asked, and everyone's laughter stopped.
"Oh. Yeah, it went alright I guess." I mumbled, rubbing the back of my neck nervously. "Tae... do you...know?"
"Yeah, Kookie told me yesterday. I was really salty at Jackson." Tae admitted, giving me a sad smile.
"Look, it went alright. Sort of. Not really." I sighed, which caused every single one of them to give me a confused look, as if they were begging me to tell them what happened.

So I did. I told them everything.

"It was a bet, it was never called off. I knew that much, so did you. But it wasn't what we thought it was. The bet was, if Jackson got me to stay in Korea he would win. And he did win. He stopped me from moving back to America."


"So, he won." Yoongi gasped, and I nodded in response.
"He knew what he was doing all along, all those times he said he loved me was a lie."
"Mark-" Jungkook tried to comfort me, and I would have gladly accepted it, but everything was too much.
"Look, I don't feel like having a mental breakdown right now, but we can talk about it later, yeah?"
"Agreed." Everyone bar (except) Jin spoke.

Jin hadn't uttered a word since we started talking about Jackson.

"Seokjin, are you okay? You look sick." I asked, trying to take my focus off what happened to me last night.

And how small I feel right now.

"What a little sh*t!" Jin screamed, his face red with rage.


"Who does that?! Who uses a person like that?! I swear if I could get my hands on that boy-" Jin hissed, his voice is volume increasing rapidly.
"-he wouldn't be able to see the light of day!"
"Come on, let's go for a walk." Namjoon urged, pulling his boyfriend from the ground and rushing him out of the room.

"Well, that was different." Jimin commented.
"What do you mean?" I asked,
"That's the first time I've heard Jin curse, and actually mean it. Usually he's the one scolding us for foul language."

Jimin's right.

"Whoa." I gasped, a small laugh escaping my mouth.
"He's so angry, it's great." Suga laughed.
"Oh, Mark, almost forgot. We have sport soon, so should we go changed now?" Jimin suggested.
"Oh yeah. Sure." I muttered, heading towards the door.

That's when my stomach dropped and my chest tightened.

I have Sport this morning.

Sport with Jackson.

"Today, in honour of our legendary basketball game this weekend, we'll be playing basketball." Mr Smith announced, a lot cheerier than usual, probably because he's the coach.

The basketball game that I promised I would turn up to.

Jackson isn't here yet. I know because I checked. Twice.

He's probably at home, celebrating his win.

"Sorry I'm late, coach."

Or not.

"Don't sweat it Jackson." Mr Smith chuckled before he continued, "Get into teams of 10 and get ready to play."

I felt Jackson's stare on my back, but I didn't dare to acknowledge him.

I won't give him that satisfaction.

"Come on Mark, let's join Yixing and Chanyeol. They've got like 7 more people in their team, I'm sure we can have an extra." Jimin spoke, giving guiding me over to Chanyeol.
"Sounds like a plan." I smiled, doing my best to distract myself from my thoughts.

Does Jackson regret anything? Does he miss me? Did he love me?

No. Not at all.

"Hurry up! We don't have all day!" Mr Smith scolded from the sidelines.

And so, the game started.

It wasn't surprising, Jackson's team was winning, but our team was close. EXO- which is what Chanyeol's 'squad' called themselves- worked so well together and each one of them were practically professionals. Despite the intense game, it was extremely boring for Jimin and I. We would have made an effort, but we frankly couldn't care less. EXO had it under control anyway.

I stood in the corner of the court, Jimin was on the sidelines because of the extra team member we had. Everyone was screaming and shouting, routing for Jackson's team to win.


The players were at the far end of the court, where my team was supposed to goal, so I assumed I would be on the sidelines soon enough, coach would replace Jimin with myself.

That's what I thought.

Until Jackson grabbed the ball, started dribbling to my side of the court. As soon as I saw him approaching I froze, screaming at my legs to move but I had no control.

None at all.

One of Jackson's teammates had blocked my view, and I silently thanked them, finally regaining feeling in my legs.

Not so much my face.

Because it happened in a millisecond.

Jackson threw the ball, his team member moved, I was right in the fire line.

And suddenly I couldn't feel my face, or anything, because it was dark.

That's all I could remember.


When I woke up, my nose was throbbing, my head was throbbing.

It was indescribable pain.

"Mark! How are you feeling?" Jimin rushed to the seat beside me.

It took me a while to process where I was.

Uncomfortable bed, white walls, weird hospital smell.

I was in the sick room... or nurses office... I can't remember what it's called.

"Yeah. It just hurts."
"It would, it was a pretty strong throw."
"What happened?"
"You got hit in the face, you fell and your head hit the ground. I thought you were dead, I cried so much."
"How long was I out for?"
"An hour."
"That's not bad."
"Are you in pain?"


"Don't lie to me."
"What is it?"
"My heart hurts, Jiminie." I cried, tears forming in my eyes for the third time today.
"I know Mark, I know." He sighed, grabbing a hold of my hand and squeezing it.
"I just- I can't believe it. I spent so long with him, I spent so much of my time. I sacrificed everything and it was all a joke." I sobbed, which didn't help my head at all.
"Come on Mark, look at the bright side-."
"What is so bright about it? I hate the fact I miss him. He was horrible around his friends, but he could make me feel so special, Jimin. I can't stop thinking about him."
"Mark, he was a jerk. A lying, idiotic-"
"But he loved me-"
"He didn't love you, Mark! He doesn't know what love is."

At this moment, I wish Jimin would have kept his mouth shut.

"He's cold hearted, mean and selfish. He didn't deserve you. I know you love him, but you need to get over it. They're sadistic people-"
"-Jackson Wang will never be capable of love. He's broken so many hearts, including yours. He can't even keep one relationship, can you imagine what kind of husband he would be? If he ends up being one in the first place." Jimin ranted, his hands grip tightening as he spoke.
"Park J-"
"It was toxic. The relationship was horrible, you were never happy. Truly happy, and now, you will never be truly happy because that stupid boy decided to break you. Again. When will you realise there are so many good people out there? Why do you fall for playboys?"
"Oh my-"
"I'm just so salty. Jackson is such an idiot. I hate him, I can't believe he did that to you. What a selfish, stupid idiot!"

Too late.

"Thanks Jimin, I don't think I've heard that many insults about myself in one rant. Ever." Jackson chuckled, leaning against the door.

"What are you doing here?" Jimin fumed, releasing my hand and facing the monster.
"I've come to talk to Mark." Jackson rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest.
"There is no way I'm going to let you do that."
"Just go, I'm not going to hurt him."
"Promise?" I spoke, rubbing my red, swollen eyes.
"I promise." Jackson smiled.

Another promise, Jackson Wang didn't keep.

"Okay, fine. You have 5 minutes." Jimin threatened, barging out of the room and leaving Jackson and I alone, at last.

"I'm sorry about hitting you in the face with a basketball."
"Yeah. Okay."
"I'm sorry about everything."
"Oh, come on." I scoffed, rolling my eyes as he stood next to the bed I was sitting on.
"Mark, you don't understand the full story."
"I shouldn't need it, Jackson. I don't want it. We're over."
"You see-"
"I told you, I'm over you."
"You and I both know you love me, Mark. But you don't know-"
"Yes. Tell me more things I don't know." I sassed, trying to hide the tears that were falling at a rapid rate.
"I love you-"
"You've said that before. You've never meant it."
"I don't want to hear it, not right now. Tell me when I want to hear it. However, at this point in time, I just want to suffer, alone."
"That's my point! If you hear me out you don't have to suffe-"
"Jackson Wang, I need you to leave. Now."

The Jackson I knew would have yelled, told me how stupid I was, and stormed out the door.

But he didn't.

He gave me a small nod and left. Without saying anything else.

"Hoseok, why are you wearing Mark's clothes?" Yoongi asked, seated in his usual seat.
"I stayed over-"
"How come you stay over at his house but couldn't stay over at mine?" Jimin whined, and Hopie just laughed.
"Because I like Mark better."
"Savage." Yoongi laughed, and Jimin pouted at his response.

Then, Namjoon and Seokjin walked in.
"I'm so glad it's lunch, I was so hungry." Namjoon said, and Seokjin proceeded to sit in their usual spot.
"How are you feeling, Mark?" Namjoon asked, and I just sent him a fake smile.
"Damaged. Apart from that, I'm fine."
I'm pretty sure I heard Jin whisper some profanities under his breath but I think everyone in the room heard it.
"That's a new one, calling Jackson a-" Namjoon was going to say, but Jin screamed.
"Look, I think I'm just going to go home. I'm not feeling that well." I announced, and Jim shot me a concerned look.

It was true. I didn't eat all day, I couldn't even think about anything apart from Jackson for at least 2 seconds. I felt sick, but not just the stomach-sickness. It hurts to the point it doesn't hurt anymore.

"Do you want me to come? I can look after you-"
"It's okay, I'll be fine. Thanks." I fake smiled, rushing out of the room and to the office before anyone could catch me.

I need to get out of here before I throw up.

"Hey Susan- oh sorry, Miss. I've come to sign out." I told the new office lady, who was a lot younger. She had blonde hair and blue eyes, she didn't have glasses, and she didn't smile as much.

Where's Susan?

"Sure, go for it." She smiled, indicating the paper in front of me.
"You must be Mark, the other staff told me about you, and how close you were with Susan."
"Yeah. We are." I spoke, trying to hide my sadness behind a smile. "I'm not trying to be rude, but what happened to Miss Green?"
"You didn't hear?" She asked as I finished signing myself out of school, my hands gripping my school bag.
"Hear what?"

"She passed away two months ago."

----------/////\\\~ A/N: Not edited----
IdK where this story is going again lmao
Someone should comment some lit girl group (kpop) songs because I'm in need thanks 😂💞
I'm actually so sad I killed off Susan she was so cute :'(
-Dimsum xxx 6/05/17

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