Her Life Story.

By eve_j_agirl

1.5K 144 181

"The one who promises Must keep it The one who gives pain Must feel it The one who loves Must abuse it ... More

Prologue Eve
Chapter 1 - school day
Chapter 2 - Lee's Back Story
Chapter 3- Base 1127
Chapter 4- Being A Team Player
Chapter 5 - My Partner
Chapter 6 - Mountain Climbing
Chapter 7- Lunch Time
Chapter 8- All Girls
Chapter 9- Mr. Adam
Chapter 10- Just A Theory
Chapter 11- Bubble Bath
Chapter 12- Pranks
Chapter 13- Invitations
Chapter 14- Forgiveness
Chapter 15- The First Meet Up
Chapter 16- Four Figures
Chapter 17- Kidnapped
Chapter 18- Dress Up
Chapter 19- In A Pickle
Chapter 20- Angry Eve
Chapter 21- Choices
Chapter 22- Carnival
Chapter 23- A Ferris Wheel Ride
Chapter 24- Part one/The last meeting
Chapter 25- Part two/ Let's Get This Party Started
Chapter 26- Part three/ Perfect Timing
Chapter 27- Part four/ Suprise!
Author's Note Left On Fridge
Chapter 28- Purple?
Chapter 29- What Did I Miss
Chapter 30- Lil Pup
Chapter 31- First Encounter
Chapter 32- On The Run
Chapter 33- Friends, Flirting, and A Figure
Chapter 34- Suicidal
Chapter 35- Awkward
Chapter 36- Magic Lesson
Chapter 37- Another One Lost
Chapter 38- Where Are We?
Chapter 39- Tiny Angry People
Chapter 40- Daisy Isn't Cute
Chapter 41- Flamin' Independent Woman Who Doesn't Need A Man.
Chapter 42- Lost n' Found
Chapter 43- The Opened Case
Chapter 44- Dad's home
Chapter 45- Shot Dead
Chapter 46- No Fighting
Chapter 47- Prisoners
Chapter 48- Pressured Dreaming
Chapter 49- The Raven Leaves the Nest and Finds a Waterfall
Chapter 50- Amber Alert
Chapter 51- 2, 1, 9, 6, 44, 00
Chapter 52- Elevator Spy
Chapter 53- Your Life Is A Lie
Chapter 54- Back In Time
Chapter 56- Back To Running

Chapter 55- The End Is Just The Beginning

39 1 75
By eve_j_agirl

Blaine stepped into the room. He had a lab coat on. Casper walked in expressionless. Piper was no where to be seen. Eve looked down at her wrist wishing she had carried a pocket knife like her brother always did. That is, if he was her brother.

"So, do you understand now," he asked, "You do look just like Emily."

"Kill me! Get your precious necklace." Eve scowled.

He had his manic laugh, "Oh don't be stupid. I'm not going to kill you. I'll make sure you do that for me."

"I'll never let you control me." Eve snapped. He had too much against her for her to say that.

"I don't need you Eve. I need your powers. I'll get them out of you one way or another. Thanks to Logan here, I have a machine that will do just the trick." He laughed, "It works just as good as the MattBot12 did."

Matt? H-he's a robot? "I'm never letting you touch me. I'm not giving you my necklace." She said it with more confidence than she had. Would she live the rest of her life enslaved?

"Logan! Fire up the bad boy. We are taking this girl for a spin."


"That's Master to you."

"Sorry Master, but we haven't used this yet." Logan hauled the thing over. It was a giant metal contraption with a wire box on the back. On the top sat a huge deathly looking gun shaped weapon.

"Sure we have. I've used it on Piper multiple times." Blaine waved his hand. Casper looked up in disbelief and shock. He looked down and pushed the thing over. Eve wished she could have talked to Piper more. What made her want to go through such abuse?

Eve's face lit up. You have powers you idiot. Use them. But what could she do. It's not like she could just blow herself free. She couldn't cut her self free with thorns. She looked down at the necklace to see a red jewel. Scarlet. She knew Neptune had won. Thank the lord he did. She wondered if she could use Scarlet without offending her.

Go ahead pumpkin. I understand. I've seen enough to want to blast him too. Scarlet's voice approved.

Eve tried to think of a distraction. Anything to get Blaine to leave the room. Eve constructed a vine from her hand. She moved it up the machine, curving it slightly. Once long enough she pulled the back bolts off. It didn't matter which cord as long as it broke the machine. One pull. One chance. She pulled the blue one and saw instant sparks. Eve pulled back the vine and slammed the bolts back on. Logan sat up starring at Eve, but her vine was already gone.

Blaine growled, "Logan what's wrong. I thought you had it ready."

"I'll fix it." Logan looked angry, but Eve exhaled. She had time. The two left the room and left her to herself.

She made a tiny flame in her hand. It caught the rope on her wrist and burned it. Half of her expected the flame to burn her, but she knew better. It traveled to her other arm, then her leg, and the other one until she was free. She stepped down from her place of doom. Then she heard the voice behind her. It was Piper's small squeak.

"Don't leave me. I don't want to go through this again." Eve remembered the thing she said to her. It makes me happy. When she said that she was talking about the abuse. So what made her change her mind now?

"Piper.." Eve stuttered.

"Please help me. I can help you sister. I will understand like no other." Eve nodded and carefully burnt off the ties. They flames seemed to not touch Piper anyways. "Thank you."

"Now let's find a way out of here." Eve whispered. Piper pulled on her arm.

She whispered, "You need to know the rest. You need to know what happens to Emily. You need to know who killed her."

"What we need to do is escape. Come on Piper." Eve persisted, but Piper pushed on.

"She's coming Eve. She's coming for you. If you don't find out now, you won't find out later. Please," she starred at her with fear.

"Who's she?"

"Matt doesn't love you. He was made to give you affection. Casper is a monster. He's going after Bailee. She has the last p-" There was a loud zap. A blue light engulfed Piper and she screamed in pain.

"What are you doing to her!" Eve turned to Casper who had a sinister smirk.

He snarled, "What I'll do to you if you don't get your tail back in that chair. I knew you broke the machine. Good job Piper for distracting her."

Eve looked up at Piper, "I-I was- wasn't trying- t-to Ugh!" Her body went limp and she collapsed on the floor. Casper flinched, but looked back at Eve.

He pointed the gun towards her. She lifted her hands up and trees grew around her. She pushed her hands down, and a gust of wind blew Casper back to the walls. Eve lit flames in her hands. She looked at them in awe. Casper got his dart gun and tried hitting her. She sprouted flowers that caught the darts and gingerly descended to the floor with the darts.

"Are you mocking me?" He growled. He ran towards her and started to through punches. Eve dodged most of them, but he kicked behind her knees, and she fell to the ground. He lifted his leg above her, so she blew out wind that made him fall on his back. She tied him up with vines, but he ripped himself free.

She threw fire in his direction. He slid under them and stood to shoot a dart. It hit Eve in the shoulder. She yelped, but it healed quickly. It gave Casper some time to get the gun and point it at Eve.

"We can go like this forever or you can drop the huntress act and let us suck the life out of you. What's it going to be Eve." Eve knew she had no other choice. He was already here with the gun, and she couldn't fight for any longer. And what if she did get past Casper? The elevators were shut down. Plus Blaine would most likely be waiting outside the door. She slowly walked back to the chair. "Right choice." Casper lowered the gun.

"Why'd you lead her on? She loved you, and you threw her under the bus!"

"Can you shout up? I didn't do anything." He became more defensive.

Eve pushed on, "Who are you? What do I not know about you Casper? What does Blaine have held against you?"

"My name isn't Casper okay. Can't you just leave me alone?"

"I'm about to die might as well give me some input. Could you just tell me? A little about my older sister?"

He flinched, "You're nothing like her. She's confident and smart. She's friendly to everyone. Even the mean ones."

-Flash back-

"L- Casper this is your new partner, Bailee. She is Emily's daughter remember her?"

"No where's Blaine? I want to be his partner!"

"Casper, honey. Blaine isn't interested in you anymore. He needs time to think..."

"I don't care. She's ugly and I don't like her." I ran as fast as I could but she wouldn't leave me alone.

"Casper? Why don't you want me to be your partner. A- am I that ugly?"

"No you're fine. I miss Blaine. I miss my- nevermind."

"I know what that feels like. I miss my sisters, but mommy says they are in a better place now." She started to cry and rested her head on my shoulder. I couldn't help but cry too. And we connected that night. I starred down at her small chubby face. She sniffled and looked up.

She smiled at me. Ever since that day I wanted to protect her. I never told her that. I became more soft to her, but I found out the truth about it.

"Your mother was incompetent to own children. She used Bailee to save you. She used Adam and Trent! For you! And you let them die like that? You deserve to die for everything you've done. I hope you're happy with yourself."

Blaine walked in with pleasure, "Hope she didn't cause any disturbance." Blaine nudged Piper's limp body. "Let's continue shall we."

Blaine put on steel ties this time. He looked up at Casper who was holding the gun and gave him a thumbs up. Casper nodded and pointed it at Eve. Blaine held up his fingers and counted down, "Five!"

Eve flinched. She didn't know how bad it was going to hurt, but she was ready to not give up the necklace.

"Four!" Eve's eyes went down to Piper.

"Three!" Piper moved and opened her eyes.

"Two," Piper inched forward.

"One," Blaine yelled.

"Wait," Piper jumped up from the ground and jumped in front of Eve. The light hit her, but she didn't scream this time. She cracked her neck and smiled. She turned around slowly. Her eyes were dark.

"Piper?" Eve mumbled.

Piper laughed and placed her hand on Eve's neck. "What a beautiful necklace!" She took the necklace in her palm.

"No! It will shock you!" Eve warned.

"but it won't shock you." Piper yanked the necklace off Eve's neck. You'd expect sparks or an explosion, but none of that happened. There was a snap. Eve closed her eyes and flinched. Nothing happened. She opened her eyes.

Piper smiled at the necklace. Everyone gasped. "Now for the true holder to unleash its power!" She clipped it on.

In Eve's head Scarlet twitched. "What's going on?"

Zephyr started to twitch. Ivy dropped her potions, "She's here!"

Scarlet twitched harder, "I told you there's only-" Suddenly her eyes turned glossy white, dull, and lifeless.

The same continued for Zephyr. Ivy cried out as they drew near her. "Snap out of it. No! Don't take me!" They grabbed her and dragged her into the dark center of the necklace.

Piper started to twitch. "Maybe now you won't think I'm weak. Maybe now you'll see what you've guys missed. She'll see! Phoenix left us! If only she knew!" Fire curled around her finger tips. A gust of wind swirled her hair.

Blaine laughed, "Marvelous! Extraordinary Piper!"

Casper shouted, "How is that possible?"

"I told you Logan! I'm the chosen one!" Piper's eyes shot towards Eve.

What was she going to do now? With no powers, I'm screwed.

Meanwhile Matt smiled at the shut door in front of him. "Neptune how far is your diameter to control water?"

"Why do you ask?" Neptune smirked.

"Get ready guys. I'm taking you guys to the upstairs water park! First ride, the upside down waterfall."

Neptune smiled, "I got you covered."

The ground shook causing everyone to fall, "Sorry guys." Neptune cringed. Then he lifted his hands, and the sea appeared.

"Now what? We wait for the wall to erode?" Raven sassed.

"Seeing that Miss Phoenix brought solution made me think of the many things Mr. Woods may have. I don't suppose you have a bottle of Acetone. Since you are I scientist, I thought you would."

Mr. Woods pulled out a small bottle and handed it to Matt. "I still don't understand where you are going with this." Amber questioned.

"Acetone is highly flammable. All we have is water Matt." David held up Hula so she didn't get wet.

"Lighter anyone?" Bailee looked around.

Matt shook his head. "Just watch okay." Matt took the darts and poured acetone into each one. He told Neptune to shoot one up to the roof as fast as he could. The more impact the better. Neptune did so. There was a loud explosion. When they looked up their was a creator shaped dent in the wall that looked about ten feet deep.

Everyone starred at the roof, "Trust me next time." Matt gave Neptune the next dart.

Piper laughed, "I feel great. It is great.... to be back," she turned to Eve, "They tell me to get rid of you, and I'd hate to upset the voices. Eve."

She looked into her face, "You're crazy."

"To think she wanted you to be a sister. I don't want siblings. So I guess I win. Now its time for you to die." Piper shot fire at Eve. Eve barely dodged and felt a burn on the side of her leg. The straps melted off, but since it's the same fire from Scarlet, it did not burn Eve. Eve bolted off the chair. She shot wind at Eve, throwing Eve to the wall. Eve wobbled to her feet. Piper moved her hand back and forth. Tree roots gripped Eve to the wall. Splinters stuck into her skin, and she could feel the bark tighten by the  minute. A thick root wrapped itself around her neck.

"Logan, you know what to do." Piper snickered. Logan grabbed the gun and pointed it toward Eve.

The blue light came flying by and struck Eve. She screamed out in pain. It felt like a million nails poking you while a vacuum sucked your skin back. It felt like it was crushing her life and soul.

"Stop!" Eve cried. "I- ah!"

Blaine clapped loudly. "Well done Piper. Eve can't you just feel your soul being taken by the minute. Don't fret my dear. It will all be over soon."

Eve felt her will to leave slip away. She felt every depressing feeling she'd ever felt. At one point she thought it would be better to die now. She let everyone down. She wasn't the only chosen one. What made her special? Maybe if she never found the necklace Sir Trent wouldn't have had to die. Useless. Stupid. Worthless.

Piper's voice came over her. "Look at you, pathetic, weak, unstable. You can't handle it. Oh but I could. For a long time I could, but you can't. That's why I'm better of alive than you. Can't you see that. You wouldn't have changed anything you're too weak. The world needs someone like me."

Blaine stood beside her, "Cut it off Logan. I think she can do the rest."

Casper turned off the gun as told. Blaine pulled out a small black box. He unlocked it and pulled out something covered up by rag. He shoved it in Eve's face.

Tears traveled down her cheeks, "I don't- understand."

She let the rag slip off. It slipped between her trembling finger tips that then touched an ice cold metal. The rag had covered a sharp blade. Eve gasped when she saw it shimmer in the blinking lights.

"Kill yourself."

"What," Eve gulped

"Kill yourself," he said again and yet to Eve it sounded like the mean bullies at school. Their words always hurt more. "It would make things better. Trust me."

Eve stared at the blade in her hands. Everything could be over in an instant. No more bullies. No more twin sister. No more necklace. No more thinking. No more emotions. No more anything. Is it really that easy? Eve held the blade to her heart.

"That's my girl. Make it fast though. The world is waiting!" Blaine tapped his wrist.

Eve couldn't pace her breath. She was dizzy. Her eyes burned. Her hands become sweaty and trembled holding the weapon. She felt the point of it stab her shirt ever so slightly.

"Times a tickin' hurry up."

Eve's heart was beating faster and faster and faster. She pushed it more and tore her shirt. She felt the cold touch her chest. A tear rolled down her cheek and on to her hand. The knife fell out of her hand and clicked on to the floor.

Blaine started to shout words that weren't kind enough for me to put on here. He picked the knife up and shoved it into her shoulder. She fell and he kicked her head. He yanked the blade out of her shoulder. He took his foot and rolled her body over. The blade rose up above her. Then it came soaring down.

But so did Blaine.

A dart could have never looked so beautiful. It looked like an angel with its white tip. The black poison like a dark mysterious miracle. It just happened to hit Blaine right on the back of his head. He fell on his knees gasping for air. Logan jumped from his post to Blaine. Piper turned to fast, Eve could feel the wind.

Miss Phoenix slowly lowered the gun. "Oh my babies. Logan! Piper! I-"

"Why do you hate us? We never did anything to you." Piper shouted.

Miss Phoenix was shocked, "I don't hate you-"

"You left us, and now you just killed the only person who decided to stay. I hate you! I never loved you!" Piper shouted. Logan stood next to her.

Bailee looked at him in disbelief, "I don't even know who you are."

Casper looked down at his feet ashamed maybe? Piper shook her head. "I'm not letting you get away. I'm not letting you walk away this time. If you leave...." She laughed, "Its going to be in a coffin." She shot fire at her, which Neptune deflected with water.

Matt ran towards Eve as the fight began. "Eve! Are you okay?"

"Totally did not just get stabbed." Eve winced. Matt tore more of his shirt off and wrapped it around her shoulder. While he did so, Eve starred at him. He looked different then. He didn't look human. He looked like a model- wait Eve your friends need you. "I need to help them."

"No. They can handle it. We need to get you out of here." Matt said firmly.

"We can't just leave them here. They can't handle Piper. She's too powerful." Eve protested.

Piper's eyes glared. She twitched like crazy. "Well it looks like the place is lit. Let me heat up the tension," she giggled. It sounded like the time she busted the dance. "Ha- ha! I'm gonna kill you!" She churned back, "Ugh no! It hurts. Why did you hurt me? Master will get you back for this."

She swirled wind around and pushed forward. She grew a tree and plucked it out of the ground swinging it around like a sword. She hit David. Hula barked at her. She turned to the small puppy, "Shut up!" She flung fly traps at her.

"No!" David screamed. The dog yelped in pain. David started to swing at her in rage. Piper wrapped watermelon veins around him. You could hear his muffled scream.

Everyone else tried distracting her. She wind blasted Bailee into the wall taking Mr. Woods along with her. Amber got a good punch but Piper grabbed her hand and threw her into the wall. Raven growled and kicked her. Piper fell but quickly returned streaks of fire.

Miss Phoenix shot her stun gun at her, but that only made Piper angrier. She burnt her step mom's leg. "Ah!" She yelled in pain.

"Where's Eve? She deserves to die first. If she is too cowardly to even kill herself, I'll just have ot do it for her."

Matt didn't change his mind. He picked her up bridal style. "Put me down!" She squirmed around. All the sudden a bracelet slipped out of her pocket. She knew exactly where it came from. "Sir Trent gave this to me because it calmed me down when I was angry. Really I just thought of how he cared about me."

"I feel like you have a plan." Matt smirked.

"Put me down." she stated again.

Piper was too busy with the others to see the girl walking up to her. Piper was too angry to notice her sister walking up with opened arms. When Eve finally wrapped her arms around Piper she was violent at first. She kicked and shoved her away until soon, she gave up.

"I'm here. You don't have to be angry."

She sobbed, "It's not me. Its not me!" Her breathing became shaky.

"I know." Eve let them slowly descend to the floor.

Piper all of the sudden stopped moving, "What's wrong?" Eve panicked.

Woods came forward, "She just fainted." Everyone had a moment of relief, then that broke when the place shook.

"That doesn't seem good," Raven put in her words

Matt perked up, " We must of destroyed most of the support underneath this room when we got up here."

"That means the whole place is going to collapse around us." David picked up Hula who was now whimpering.

"We need to get out of here," Amber shouted

"Follow me!" Casper shouted

"No. We can't trust him." Bailee argued.

Miss Phoenix shook her head, "We need to get out of here now!"

The place shook again, "Let's move!" Woods ordered. Casper opened the door they came through.

"Wait what about my family?" Eve cried.

"Eve we don't know where they are. We need to get out of here. There's no time." Bailee told her sympathetically.

"Blaine? Piper?"

"Grab the necklace and lets go!" David held her hand. She nodded and did so.

They ran down tunnels that seemed to be going up. Finally they reached a door. Casper turned to them, "There's a helicopter up there. Get on and auto pilot will do the rest." Everyone climbed out. Casper started to crawl back in.

Miss Phoenix grabbed his arm, "Wait, you can't go back in there."

"I can't leave Piper and dad in there. Mom please," he kissed her cheek. Miss Phoenix started to cry, but nodded. Bailee rushed over.

"Casper...why?" She looked into his eyes.

"Despite what you might think, I love you Bailee. I always have." With that he closed the door.

"Bailee let's go!" Woods said holding the helicopter door open.  She walked in. As soon as they were up in the air, the entire surrounding shook. They could see the place collapse, but they couldn't see any living person down there.

"Hello- This is Phoenix. We are heading there. Yes- where?...." Her voice drifted off in the noise of the helicopter.

Eve starred out the window. Blaine, Piper, Casper, and Trent are dead. My 'family' is missing. And I have not told anyone what Piper showed me. So why do I feel so relieved?

"Guys" Eve turned to them. They all looked at her ready to have a group hug. "I'm starving."

They all laughed. "Don't worry Eve. They are preparing a welcoming party for us, and its at our new home." Miss Phoenix sniffled.

"I'm just glad we made it." Matt sighed.

"Tell me why we couldn't leave him?" David and Raven both asked. They all laughed. It felt good to all of them to finally just laugh, and even though it wasn't over, they felt happy.

"The end is just the beginning." Eve muttered to herself.

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