Safe and Sound

By mama-lolo

178K 3.7K 4.3K

Alren ageplay story. (Former tittle was My baby) More

The beginning
Flight and Flashback
Nala's Adventures
Gifts and accidents.
Her Nena
Biting, BITING
break time
Solving the puzzle doesnt always end in a pretty picture
Talks and Kittens
More talks and the ins and outs in headspace
The days rush bye, sugar for ya heart.
End of break pt1
End of break part2
Lets glue the pieces together
Safe and Sound
Happy 2018
Chapter 17 pt1

More than one kind of accident

10.2K 210 229
By mama-lolo

Guys I legit thought i had posted it yesterday! Shout out to @mrsgullible!

 for being amazing and helping me out tons!  Heres a chapter for you guys!

Green eyes once again opened in the darkness of her bunk, wet with tears and disoriented. Her heart was racing with the remnants of her dream. She was alone once again. She hit the mattress with her hand in frustration; she hated waking up in the middle of the night.

As soon as her brain was awake enough it registered a new feeling, wetness on her legs. She immediately sat up hitting her head on the bunk above and swallowed the whimper that wanted to come thru. She moved her legs feeling her pjs stick to them and carefully turned her phone on. It had to be sweat, it just had, she was all healthy there was no reason for there to be anything but sweat. The light showed what she already knew, she had a accident. She bit her lip in distress as she pulled the curtain back a little, the bus was silent, and dark, only the lights from the passing street lights came thru. Her eyes moved to Ally's bunk, she knew the girl would help her clean up without complains, and would tuck her back in to sleep for a few more hours but at the same time she was pull-up free because she was healthy! What if she thought she was a crybaby or something for having an accident because of a nightmare. The thought of Ally judging her, as incoherent as it was, sent a wave of shame through her and prompted her to suck it up and move.

Too afraid to be caught with her pants wet she stripped on the bunk, pulling the wet covers and her pj's at the corner. She used a dry part of the cover to dry herself, full of guilty, if ally ever found out she didn't properly clean up she'd have her behind. She wrapped herself in her thankfully clean kitty blankie and got off her bunk, finding clean pjs and a plastic bag she shoved all the dirty stuff in. If she didn't have an opportunity to wash them she would just throw them out.

Once she was in her clean pjs she got Nala and her paci. She was a bit thirst but was afraid of another accident so decided to skip it. Her bunk was still a bit damp so she decided to go to the back of the bus. She got on the couch and curled up hugging Nala to her. She looked at the pacifier on her hand then to the door before turning herself to the back of the couch bringing Nala up to her face. With her face properly hidden she let herself put the pacifier on her mouth and softly suckle on it, quickly finding a rhythm and relaxing, letting sleep claim her once again.


Her conscious came back to her what must have been hours later, to the sound of pouring rain and low voices.

"Do you think she spent the whole night here?"

She heard Normani ask someone but she was in that pleasant state between sleeping and awake, she barely noted her pacifier had fallen when she tried to suckle on it and felt air only, and resigned herself to suckle on her lip and curled herself up more to starve the cold. Now that she noticed it, it seemed way colder than it should be.

"Here guys, brought more blankets to add up to yours. She is still sleeping? Why is she still uncovered? And I thought you were going to wake her up Dinah?"

Ally. Instinctively she turned a little in the direction of the sound, suckling harder on her lip, a small whine escaping against her wish.

"shhh Ally! I think she recognizes your voice! She looks tired; we didn't have it in us to wake her up."

She heard footsteps approaching and felt a familiar hand on her arm.

"She feels cold! Hold her Simba blanket please?"

Instead of feeling a blanket over her she felt herself be picked up and opened her green eyes slowly, blinking lazily. As soon as she recognized Ally's face she let herself relax in the hold, as Ally sat down with her in her arms and Dinah put her blanket over her before going to her own blanket pile with Normani.

She felt warmth slowly creep back into her skin and sighed happily.

"Baby don't suckle on your lip. Where is your paci?"

Ally untucked her lower lip and Lauren immediately turned into her shoulder suckling at the skin there. Lauren wasn't able to explain why Ally skin was different, she felt no need or want to do the same to Dinah or Mani, but doing so to Ally always seemed to keep the stress away. She still felt really sleepy, maybe it was the cold. But why was it so cold? And why were they not moving?


"Are you still cold Nena? You will be warm again soon."

"K. Bus stopped?"

"Yes, we stopped its storming so we are waiting till it's safe to drive again. The driver is sleeping."

She closed her eyes but before she could go back to suckling Ally skin she felt the soft material of her paci against her lips. She opened her mouth and contently suckled on it, melting into ally and letting her warmth lull her back to sleep.


Ally and the girls were making their way back to the bus, they had finally moved on and stopped for breakfast, buying it to go so they could hurry back, as Ally left Lo still sleeping in her bunk. As they were approaching they saw the door open and Lauren's head coming out, looking one way and the other before seeing them and walking down the steps.

As she stepped on the last one wet from the light rain still pouring her foot slipped and she went down. She put her hand out to avoid hitting her face and Ally heard her scream in pain. She pushed the bag she was carrying to Dinah and rushed to her side.

Lauren sat back on her knees cradling her wrist as Ally kneeled down beside her.

"Are you hurt anywhere else?"

As soon as Lauren shook her head Ally scooped her up and got into the bus, sitting her on the couch. She carefully took the younger girl hand in her own and grimaced. The hand itself was badly scratched, with dirt and blood mixed in the palm, but what worried her was the swelling growing on her wrist and the redness spreading, now turning purple. It was at least sprained.

"Dinah, can you tell the driver to stop at the next hospital?"

"No hospital!"

"Shh nena, someone needs to take a look at your wrist ok? But we will be right there with you"

"Here ally"

Normani had got the first aid kit and went into the mini kitchen to look for ice as Ally got a cotton ball and rubbing alcohol and began cleaning the crying girl hand as gently as she could. When it was as clean as it would get she pulled the girl into her, taking the towel with Ice Normani handed her and putting it carefully around Lauren's wrist.

"Can I have my paci, please?"

Lauren asked in a timid voice looking up with doe wet eyes and pouty lips and Ally had to control herself not to coo at the sight, knowing how much it took her to actually ask for it out loud and in front of Normani. She looked up to see Normani silently cooing over them and holding a finger up and going to the bunks to look for it, giving to Dinah as she was making her way to them before heading into the bathroom.

Dinah gave the paci to Lo and kissed her cheek before sitting down.


It took a couple of hours, an x-ray and a medical examination to confirm it was just a bad sprain, there was no need for surgery but a few ligaments were slightly torn, and she would need a brace for a couple of weeks to keep them as still as possible so they could heal well.

So now they just got into the bus after leaving the venue (Lauren argued a whole 30 minutes to do the show without the brace. She didn't stand a chance.) to go to the hotel for the night, thankfully having a day off before the next 3 and last shows before the break.

After agreeing to meet up after dinner in one of their two rooms the girls split up to shower and get comfortable.

Ally was the first in the shower as she told Lauren to call her parents, to tell them she was ok and explain in case they had seen a video from the show. She frowned when she could not recall last time she saw them, they didn't visit this leg of the tour, and she could not remember them last tour either, nor in LA visiting, as Lauren was always the one to go as both her parents had full time jobs. She wished they had visited at least when she was sick, Lauren would surely love being taken care by her mother. But then again, her inner voice whispered, that would mean she wouldn't have had the chance of caring for her like she did, she would have been the outsider. She felt horrible the moment the thought went through her head.

"oh my God. Im sorry Lord, for the thought and feeling that just crossed my mind and heart"

She muttered and turned the water off. Once she dressed herself and dried her hair she got out to the room to see Lauren sitting in a chair fiddling with Nala on her lap.

"Did you call your parents?"

"Hum? My...? Oh yeah, everything is good"

Ally raised her brows as she saw the girl rush into the bathroom to shower. She walked to the bed and sat down, getting a new book to read. 15 minutes later she felt there was something weird. But there was nothing. It was silent and... Silent? She didn't hear the shower turn on! She marked the page and left the book on the bed and got into the bathroom, finding Lauren silently crying sitting beside the tub, her dress only half taken off, and a puddle under her. Oh! Her wrist! Ally mentally beat herself for not remembering, and Lauren must have been too embarrassed to ask for help. Looking back at it she didn't remember Lauren leaving her side to go to the bathroom since before going to the hospital.

"Nena... why didn't you call me?"

"I was going to 'lly, but I got stuck and when I decided to it was too late"

"I really should be scolding you for avoiding the venue bathroom but you look miserable enough right now. Come on up you go. We need easier clothes for the next show, this dress is really hard to get off. Ok done, what about a bath after we rinse you off?"

Lauren was still embarrassed but was also really glad Ally was helping her get clean, her wrist was pulsing in the same beat as her heart from her attempts at undressing herself.

Ally helped her into the bath and got the washcloth and began washing her body, being very gently with her tight because she seen a slight redness. She knew she had an accident the night before because when she went looking for her blanket she saw the bunk but stayed silent. If Lauren had taken such care to hide, she had to respect it as technically the girl wasn't obligated to tell her. She wished she did though. Ally would have felt a zillion times better if she was the one to make sure she was clean and dry so she would not chance another rash.

Once she was all cleaned she moved to her hair, washing it thoroughly and conditioning it, the vanilla scent was familiar to Ally and she relaxed as much as Lauren did from it.

"All clean! Can you get up nena? Good, now let's get you dry!"

As Ally was blow drying her hair and Lauren let her mind wander. She was so embarrassed at having another accident, and being unable to even take a bath by herself because of her stupid hand. But she was the most conflicted at how relieved she felt when Ally got into the bathroom. How her anxious thoughts calmed and she felt safe. How good it was letting go of control, to have Ally just take care of her.

She was taking from her thoughts as the blowdryer was turned off and began brushing her hair. She smiled as the older woman held onto her hair as she brushed the knots so it wouldn't pull and she couldn't help but remember her mother doing the same till a couple of years ago.

"All done! I ordered food on the way up so it must already be on the table. Lets fill up our tummies!"

Lauren walked behind her to the table and sure enough there were two plates of warm food waiting for them.

"Do I need to?"

"Lauren you only had a banana before the show. You haven't eaten anything else all day, so sit down and eat."

There was finality in Ally's tone that made her not argue. So she sat down and clumsily ate her food with her left hand, stubbornly not asking for help. Soon they were done and the other girls were knocking on the door. Bellies full and tired from the show they were just talking and lazing on the sitting area. Ally on an overstuffed chair and Lauren sitting on the ground leaning on her legs while scrolling twitter, heatedly making a post about yet another unfair law being passed that not even using her left hand was stopping her. She briefly looked up when Dinah moaned loudly about how tired she was.

"We are almost at the break Dinah! My parents will be a bit busy but I look forward to sleeping and being comfy all day long"

Ally said animatedly trying to cheer up her bandmates.

"Yes! I'm planning to take my siblings to Disneyland! I miss my lil monsters!"

"My mom is waiting for me to come home to redecorated part of the house! Its going to be awesome! I love this kind of stuff! What about you Lo? What you got planned? How are you siblings? Haven't heard you talk bout them in ages!"

Lauren was suddenly aware of all eyes on her and she cleaned her throat.

"Uh they are good. I think Im gonna lay down girls, all the politics gave me a headache"

She avoided Allys frowning face and hurried to the bedroom.

She stopped by Ally backpack taking the first of her things she found, the blue all silicone small paci and went to Ally's bed.

She nervously bit on it as her thoughts ran wild. The break was a few days away. The girls were going to their own home. Ally too. How was she going to deal? Each time it was getting harder and harder on her. They will leave her alone.

At the last thought she bit straight through the silicone, the paci not made for biting. And for some reason that was enough for her to cry in despair, non stopping full out sobs. She really liked it even though she loved to suckle on her simba one instead.

Oh got she bit it clean! There were two pieces now. Was Ally going to be mad she destroyed it?

"Hey hey hey nena whats wrong?"

Ally came running having heard the sobs all the way from outside the bedroom. The girls also came, but stood apprehensively near the door.

"Sss-sorry 'lly"

She showed the parts of the paci to Ally.

"Did you swallow any bit of it nena? No? Its all good them... Don't cry, theres no need to be upset, you didn't mean to"

Ally got worried when her cries didnt slow down and picked her up, one arm under her butt to support her and the other along her back, with the hand on the back of her neck as she began to bounce her.

"Why are you crying so hard princess?"

When she only got sobs as an answer she asked Mani for a paper and pen and hastily wrote down a couple of things on it.

"Dinah... you have young siblings so I think no one will bat an eye if they see you buying stuff... And I can leave Lo right now so can you please?"

Dinah nodded, got the paper and motioned to Normani to follow her.

Once they were gone Ally turned her attention back to the girl in her arms still crying and tried to shush her with growing concern. She checked her hurt wrist but everything seemed to be in order. She didn't have an accident, she didn't swallow any of the silicone but she was worried still, it was not normal for her to cry so hard over a bitten paci, especially since it was not her favorite one. She got Nala and sat on the bed with lauren still in her arms and gave her Nala, which she hugged, and began rocking her and humming, letting her suckle on her skin, as Lauren finally, finally, began to calm down, her cries turning in hipcups and finally silent tears.

Soon the girls got back, gave her the bag, and left murmuring goodnight.

She used one hand to open the bag, taking first one of the things she was going to buy the next day

An actual teether in shape of a pacifier, it was bigger than the destroyed paci but way more durable. Ally knew Lauren loved the paci shaped but her simba paci wasn't for biting.

"Look Lo, this one is for your pretty teeth"

She saw lauren hesitantly reach for it and put it in her hand letting her appreciate the shape before nibbling on it and looking up at Ally, her eyes all puff and re rimmed. She looked so innocent in that moment and it sent a protective wave over Ally. There was something more going on and she would find out.

She reached into the bag rolling her eyes seeing that instead of one kitty beanie boo there were four of them. If she didn't control them, the girls would have bought Lo tons of stuffed animals already.

She took them out one by one putting them on Lauren stomach while the girl looked on wide eyed.

"Look at this litter the girls fund on the way to the hotel! It seems Nala will have lil small friends to play with!"

She smiled at laurens awed face at them, her cries long forgotten.

"Can Nala and the kitten and I sleep with you? Its their first night with us they might get scared!"

Ally smiled and nodded to her.

Soon they were all tucked in, Lauren examining them with her good hand, now her simba paci moving with each suckle, getting sleepier by the second. Ally was laying by her side, her head propped up by her hand so she could look down at her.

"My nena. Night night princess"

She pressed a kiss to her forehead and kept there for a long minute, eyes closed immersing herself in her smell, only backing when she heard her soft sleep breathing.


 I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Soooo I know like nothing from you guys so maybe I can begin asking how old are you? Im 24 by the way!!!

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