Hetalia One-Shots (Requests C...

By kaitlynn-bush

55.3K 1.3K 429

The title explains it all More

England x Colourblind!Reader
Hetalia x Country! Reader
Prussia x Child!Reader x Germany
Father!America x Child!Hawaii!Reader
2P!America x Reader (LEMON)
Chibi!S.Italy x Reader
Prussia x Reader x Italy Brother's
Spain x Mermaid!Reader
America x Rebel!London!Reader (Partial Song-Fic)
England x Reader
Papa!Spain x Mama!Reader (Chibi Romano Involved)
America x Reader
Japan x Child!Reader (done)
Hetalia x Country! Reader (Part 2)
2P! France x Ex-Alcoholic!Reader
Canada x Reader
America x England (USUK)
2P! America x Reader
America x Dying! Country! Reader
England x Native America! Reader
I Got Tagged
France x Child!Reader
France x Country!Reader
N.Italy (Romano) x Singer!Reader
Father!Prussia x Daughter!Country!Reader
Padre!Spain x Child!Reader x Papa!Romano
BTT x Reader
Perv!Male!Reader x Ukraine

Germany x Nyo!Germany

1.2K 17 4
By kaitlynn-bush

Requested by @onslaught01 Thanks for the request!


"Working out"

Ludwig and Monica weren't a very.. lovey-dovey couple...

They woke up at the same time and worked out together, but then spent the day alone. Even though they lived in the same house, they didn't interact much. They both lived on a timely schedule, with little to no mistakes.


4:30 - Wake Up
4:32 - Take Shower
4:40 - Finish Shower
4:45 - Eat Breakfast
4:50 - Clean up
5:00 - Get ready to Workout
5:00-5:30 - Wait for Ludwig
5:35 - Go to Park to Workout (With Ludwig)
5:50- Work Out (With Ludwig)
7:30 - Finish workout (With Ludwig)
7:45 AM-8:30 PM - FREE TIME (Without Ludwig)
8:35 - Dress in Jam-Jams
8:40 - Get in Bed
9:00 PM-4:30 AM - SLEEP

           So they enjoyed what little time they spent together. Even if it was only for 2 hours and 5 minutes.


             Ludwig was doing push-ups on the ground, while Monica was secretly watching. She may have been a woman who refused to show much emotion, but, like everyone else in this world, enjoyed a little loving every once in a while.

             While secretly glaring at her male counterpart, she thought of something. With a small blush and a smirk, she sneakily crept up on her working boyfriend. When Ludwig was up for his push-up, she slid underneath him and connected their lips when he came down.

            Ludwig was shocked, flustered, and confused. "Monica..?" He asked, blush taking over his face. Monica hummed in reply, looking impatient about something. "What are you doing?"

           "Waiting for you to do another push-up." She replied, laying back completely and relaxing. "Of course, unless it's that you don't want to kiss me."

             "What?! No! Th-that's not it, Monica." He said, blushing even more.

           "Then do the push-up. Come on, aren't you the man here?" Monica teased lightly, but was shocked when Ludwig actually lifted his body up and pushed himself back down, connecting their lips. He quickly pulled away, and continued the cycle.

             Monica would blush every time he pulled away and smirked down at her, only to reconnect their lips. Eventually, Monica yelled at him to stop smirking, and that he was acting like Gilbert. Ludwig simply cut her off with another kiss.

           This kissing-session lasted the entire work out time. All 2 hours and 5 minutes of it! And when they were done, Ludwig just complained that his arms were sore from too many push-ups.

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