Set Up ( O2L/ Jc Caylen )

By untimely

37.9K 1.2K 144

What happens when Jack(thatsojack) and Kian set up Jc and Alex, Jack's bestfriend? The two meet in California... More

Schedule Update


4.9K 60 7
By untimely

This is how it all begins, the set up between the shy, guarded tomboy Alex and the hilarious internet personal Jc Caylen. Our story starts here.

Alex's POV-

"Alex hurry up! If this is up any later than it already is, my fans will eat you alive." Jack ran a comb through his hair attempting to create a quiff.

I rolled my eyes, they wouldn't be upset with another hour or so.

"Do we have to? Gossip Girl is on. Look it's Chuck! You know he's my favorite." My eyes grew with anticipation until Jack grabbed the remote out of my small hands.

"You know, for a tomboy, your television interests are off-putting." He smiled as he clicked the button to shut off the television.

"No wonder you're still single." I stuck my tongue out at him before running upstairs.

I entered his room and glanced around the room before finding my place in a chair.

Jack's bed was partially made behind us, his blue comforter strewn on top of his sloppy white sheets. His lamp was off as he preferred to film with natural light over electricity.

After a minute or so, Jack joined me upstairs and sat down as he set a glass of water down on his desk that was dismantled and covered in a flurry of homework and other papers.

The camera was already set up facing directly toward Jack and I as we had our legs dangling down from the wooden chairs that we were sitting on. His bed was in the back of the frame, making a nice background with his teal walls.

"Time to film, best part of the day."

I've always respected his passion for YouTube but other than being featured in a few videos, it wasn't something I enjoyed. This gives him a lot of opportunities and makes him happy so I can't complain.

I counted down from 3 before turning on his camera and the video had officially began.

"Hey guys, it's Jack," He announced as he began his weekly video while I sat next to him in an attempt to assist.

As every YouTuber does, he probably had to say each line a few times to ensure that the final cut would be perfect, although rehearsed.

He continued with a smile, "So today I am doing another Ask Jack with my best friend Alex. You ready to start?" Jack tugged at the collar of his black shirt, allowing himself to breathe easier, and punched my arm playfully to ease my tension.

"Ready when you are." I replied, pulling out my iPhone, covered in a hard black case, from my black basketball shorts that hung loosely from my hips where it met my red cut-off tank top that spelled out Nike in thick, bold capital letters.

Jack had previously instructed me to read out the questions to him that he had received from Twitter.

I read out the first question, "How did you two first meet?" I brought up my legs and sat on the chair, tucking my feet under me after sliding off my hightop black converse.

"Well," Jack explained extending a pointer finger, "we both live here in Connecticut. Alex moved here a few years ago and I had not really talked to her until halfway through last year. But, ever since then, we've been practically inseparable and have so much in common."

I laughed, remembering the exact moment we met. When I first moved here, I didn't really know anyone, then I bumped in Jack one day as I nearly knocked him out due to my clumsiness and we just clicked ever since. Now, I practically live at his house.

Luckily, his mother and father adore me and don't mind me barging in at random times unannounced.

"Next question, what are your thoughts on One Direction?" I told him, well aware of the reaction that he was about to have.

He started smiling and bouncing in his chair. "One Direction is freaking perfect and I love them to no end. I've never love something more. I'm sorry Mom if you're watching. Alex?"

I tried to be ready for what was about to occur as I spoke cautiously, "I can't stand them." Jack's jaw dropped, although this was no surprise, so I ran out of the room and hid in the bathroom before he could attack me.

One Direction wasn't my style. I listen to more alternative music and some rock. I absolutely love Blink 182, The Killers, the 1975, and Fall Out Boy.

"Alex! I'm not going to hurt you, we all know you're stronger." He laughs moving his thin arms around, smacking them up against the door.

I exited the bathroom cracking up as Jack forced me to admit how cute Harry Styles truly is. It's not like I'm lying, he is decently attractive. Out of the five of them, I have to say that he is slightly cuter than the rest.

Taking my seat again, Jack handed me my phone so that we could continue the video without anymore delays.

"If you had to name your children now, what would their names be?" I thought this question was a good one, as it caused me to pause deep in thought.

Jack grinned, "I think I would name the boy Matthew since it's my middle name and I would name the girl Lucy just cause it sounds adorable. You?"

"The boy would be Jonah and the girl would be Maddie." I answered simply, having no desire to go into too much detail, or any at all.

He nodded in response.

"Another one is, what are your future plans?" I read off of my phone, turning to face him.

"Hopefully, I'll still be on YouTube cause it's amazing. Alex?" Jack crossed his right leg over his left and cupped his hands around his knee.

"Well, I am going a more academic route but heading to the college of my dreams, Brown University." I held up my hand with my fingers crossed.

I'm top of my class and live for learning and school. Yes, I'm kind of a nerd.

"Last question, can you hug Alex?" I shook my head no immediately after reading the horrific question.

Jack leaned in to hug me but it was more of an air hug cause we both hate it when people touch us. We shouted back and forth at each other.

"Don't get any closer!"

"Don't you touch me!"

We fell off of our seats in the midst of laughing hysterically. Jack and I are honestly like twins with our personalities. You'd think that we grew up together or something.

"Well on that note, that's all for today guys but there will be another video next Sunday just as soon as Alex and I finally move." Jack grabbed a pair of sunglasses and put the on his head.

"We are moving? Oh, where to?" I faked ignorance for the video because I knew Jack was extremely excited about this.

"California, ladies and gentlemen."

I couldn't wait, I've always wanted to go live there and Jack was able to convince some of these boys on this YouTube collab channel to let us move in with them. I've never been more excited.

"So see ya!" Jack said ending the video, shutting the camera off and hiding it away in his desk drawer.

We had to go pack since our flight would be leaving in about 3 hours. I was freaking out. I had already packed so we threw a ton of clothes in Jack's light blue suitcase and brought it down the stairs to lay it next to my black suitcase. Our carry-ons were placed to the side of our bags.

We hopped in the car, heading to the airport, knowing that in a few mere hours we would be on a plane to Los Angeles, California with warm weather and palm trees.

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