Addicted Billionaire

By TheKinkyBaby

36.7K 1K 69

As the self established owner of Milan Fashion and Design, Isabella does not have the time for tedious obstac... More

Fair Warning! Read before Moving On
1~ A Gentleman
2~The Coincidence
3~The Plan
4~The Mistake
5~The Wine
8~Confused Feelings
9~ Surprised Visit
10~ Guilty Pleasure
11~Guilty Pleasure: Part 2
12~ Forgive but never Forget
13~Decisions, Decisions
14~Random Kisses
15~Little Nympho

7~Lies and Emotions

1.5K 58 0
By TheKinkyBaby

What do I do...should I go with him in the ambulance or just let him go alone.
I went with what came to me first because there was really no time for me to argue with myself.

I guess taking a trip to the hospital was not so bad so why not, I thought to myself as I sat next to Ian being rolled in.

"He's going to be fine" I whispered to reassure me that he wasn't going to die because of me.

"...because of me. "

How will he react when he's wakes up? If he wakes...

I started to lose myself in my thoughts until I was snapped out of it by one of the ambulance people.

"WE'RE LOSING HIM, HURRY OR HE WONT MAKE IT". I basically hyperventilating by this point and if there person next me wasn't trying to calm me down, I most likely would've fainted.

"He's going to be fine...can you please state your relationship with this man?"

Our relationship...

That's the problem what was our relationship? I didn't even know, because if you call having a one night stand a relationship then I'm going to have to be more careful.

"Ma'am.." snapping me out of my thoughts I replied with a little hesitation,"Close friends. "

As once stated we arrived at the hospital and Ian was pulled out in a hurry and I followed.

I was asked to stay outside the room and wait for further information. I couldn't help but worry because I was suppose to be angry with this man I just slept with, and he could be dying as I think.

Without noticing a tear slipped down my cheek and after that they all just came down at once. I held my head in my hands as I slide down the wall to the hard cold floor sinking in my emotions.
After what felt like hours the tears came to a halt and I heard foot steps heading my direction in a hurry making me look up.

It was a rather old man holding onto a cane and stopped on front of Ian's door. I couldn't help myself but sit up straight and accompanied the man in front of the door.

"Hi are you here for Ian?" The old man turned around to me and I had better visual of his hazel eyes and the grey hairs growing along his face. He was slim man that was the color of a tan crayon. Im not good with descriptions but all I can say is that he resembled Ian in a certain way but just older.

"Yes, I'm his grandfather and you are..." He studied me from head to toe and came back to my eyes.

"I'm Ians friend and also the reason why he's in this situation." Putting my head down in shame for that this was my fault and I had to accept whether or not.

"What do you mean?" I could tell that he was beginning to become impatient with my answer.

" I was leaving Ian's house in hurry and he had followed me in the street as a car was speeding toward me leaving me in shock. " I decided to tell him the truth since he's was his grandfather for crying out loud and I was not going to lie to his family. "And the next thing I knew was that Ian had pushed me out of the way and took the hit." The tears started to swell out in my eyes as I tried to keep my cool.

"IM SO SO-RRY SIR!", the tears had slipped out again leaving me repent my sins because what I've done was a terrible thing and I knew that I was gonna have a long section with my pastor next Sunday. "IM SO SORRY TH-AT I COULD-NT SAVE YOUR GRANDSON SIR... IM SO SORRY!"

I felt arms wrap around me putting me in a hug and I let him embrace me as he whispered in my ear.

" It sounds like your already deciding my grandsons fate when we haven't heard further in formation, let's wait and see my dear." As on cue the doctor walked out and came toward us.

"Are you Mr. Bells family?" I had let Ian's grandfather do the speaking because we'll he was family and not me.

"Yes I am his grandfather." And Ians grandpa had released me and listened to the doctor that was gonna give us the bad or good news.

I don't know bout y'all but I could feel my heart hitting my chest at a rapid past waiting for the impact that was coming.

"Well we have good news and bad news and I'm just gonna hop to it. The bad news is that Ian was severely hurt in his lower abdomen and was put though surgery in order to stop the leaking inside him along with a few broken ribs that will need to repair over time. He had a minor concussion and is resting right now. The good news is that since he only had a minor concussion he should wake up in a 3-6 days. If  you want you can go in now to see him.

We thanked the doctor as he left and walked inside. Ian was laying down looking peaceful even though he was bandaged up.

Why am I still here? I have no right to be here since I was the cause of this. I should leave before he wakes up.

" I'm sorry Mr... "

"Steven...just call me Steven. "

"Well Steven I should be going I have not right to be here and I think that Ian wouldn't like to see me when he wakes up. " A part me wanted to stay but the bigger half was saying to go before the truth why I left is revealed.

"Why, I think Ian would like to see the women he saved next to him alive. "

"No he wouldn't...he hates me."

Lies but this is this best thing to do right now so I could get out of here.

"If you say so but on your half I will tell him that you was here miss.. "

"He will know when he wakes up but for now I think we should hold onto the fact that he will remember everything without regrets...goodbye." With that I slipped out of the room just as tear rolled down.

Damned these emotions...

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