When All Q Breaks Loose

By KarlieLucas2

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Hiro has finally recovered from breaking his ribs while trying to stop a mad bomber. Now that he's back in ac... More

Chapter One: Allow me to help
Chapter Two: Someone Has to Help
Chapter Three: Trying to Make Contact
Chapter Four: First Contact
Chapter Five: Welcome to Mi Casa!
Chapter Six: Agree or Disagree
Chapter Seven: Not Happy
Chapter Eight: Merely Surprised
Chapter Nine: Something Going On
Chapter Ten: Determined to Find Out
Chapter Eleven: What Were You Thinking?
Chapter Twelve: Suit Yourself
Chapter Thirteen: Don't See the Point
Chapter Fourteen: Don't Like the Sound of That
Chapter Fifteen: Find Hiro
Chapter Sixteen: State of Emergency
Chapter Seventeen: You Don't Look Fine
Chapter Eighteen: No Reason
Chapter Nineteen: Just A Dream
Chapter Twenty: What's Going On?
Chapter Twenty One: Good and Bad News
Chapter Twenty Two: You Must Be Mistaken
Chapter Twenty Three: Except For Hiro
Chapter Twenty Four: Go Looking
Chapter Twenty Five: Daddy
Chapter Twenty Six: Notice A Pattern
Chapter Twenty Seven: Don't Have That Much Time
Chapter Twenty Eight: You Know What This Means
Chapter Twenty Nine: You Awake In There?
Chapter Thirty: Absolutely Fascinating
Chapter Thirty One: I'm Right Here
Chapter Thirty Two: Working On A Strategy
Chapter Thirty Four: You're Going The Wrong Way
Chapter Thirty Five: Don't Give Up
Chapter Thirty Six: We'll Find Him
Chapter Thirty Seven: Hold On Tight
Chapter Thirty Eight: Begun To Suspect
Chapter Thirty Nine: Oh No
Chapter Forty: Unable To Determine A Cause
Chapter Forty One: I'm Sorry
Chapter Forty Two: Give Him the Best Chance
Chapter Forty Three: No Mistake
Chapter Forty Four: You're Wrong
Chapter Forty Five: How Dare You
Chapter Forty Six: Just Drop It
Chapter Forty Seven: Waiting
Chapter Forty Eight: Last Chance
Chapter Forty Nine: Goodbye

Chapter Thirty Three: What's the Point?

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By KarlieLucas2

Worf couldn't help but growl in frustration. He'd searched the majority of the manor, excluding the areas he knew the others would be using. Chances were good that if Q really had gone AWOL, he wouldn't go where they others were. Having run out of places to look inside, he took up his tricorder and headed outside. He'd seen many individuals use something similar looking, if not less clunky. When he'd asked about the devices in question, one of their new team members had called them cell phones. Everyone seemed to have one so he doubted he'd stand out with his device.

Chances were good he wouldn't be able to find Q through trying to determine DNA. His tricorder wasn't made for that kind of thing. But he could keep an eye out for any residual energy running rampant. It was always possible Q would be drawn to those occurrences as well. And, if nothing else, he could use the data for something else later on. He'd opted to leave his phaser back in his room, safely hidden away, just to be safe. It was a shame their communicator badges didn't work, and that Q didn't have one.

Walking towards the same park Deanna and the other girls had visited, Worf almost bumped into someone walking in the opposite direction. He gave a low growl, sending the jogger running away in a much quicker manner. With a shake of his head, the Klingon continued down his chosen path. He would search the whole city if he had to, brick by brick.


GoGo sat behind the wheel of one of the sweetest cars she'd ever had the opportunity to drive. Should she really be driving? Probably not, but she didn't care. How else was she going to get the opportunity to drive a Maserati?

"Now, remember," Fred said as he buckled himself into the passenger seat, "no crazy driving. I had to make some serious promises to the rest of the gang, especially Baymax. We just go to the bank, get the money, and come back. My parents will kill me if you so much as scratch this car. Kapiche?"

The adrenaline junky rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah," she said as she turned the key in the ignition. "I got it. Can you just let me drive? Jeez."

With an almost comical smile, Fred settled back in his seat. "Just thought you needed a reminder. I mean, I'm too old for grounding or anything like that but I can still be cut off."

GoGo shifted the car into gear, momentarily closing her eyes as the engine purred. "Don't worry," she assured, "we'll be back in one piece. I just gotta take this chance while I have it." Realizing what she had in mind, Fred had only a few seconds to brace himself before GoGo hit the gas pedal, pealing out onto the main road.


Heathcliff found the remaining group in the library, where Data had gone to print off another map. This one showed only the area in question. "Pardon me," the butler said as he set down a small box he'd procured from the spy shop down the street. "The young master requested I acquire this for your afternoon activities."

Honey Lemon glanced up from the map, blinking a bit in surprise. She doubted she'd ever understand how the man could do so much in so little time. "Thanks," she said, smiling at him. "Now all we need to do is figure out what we're doing and place the tracking device."

Picard glanced at the map, trying to figure out the best defensive positions. Chances were good the kidnappers didn't know about the rest of the team and wouldn't be looking for them. If that were indeed the case, they could have several of their people placed beforehand to keep an eye on things. And then, as previously discussed, one or more could follow the kidnapper back to their base. The tracking equipment was more of a backup, as far as he was concerned.

"Data, while I appreciate that you had to take some time printing off this map, I can't help but wonder if you've yet checked in on Mr. Worf or Q," Jean-Luc said without looking up. It really hadn't been all that long since they'd left the breakfast room, but he still hadn't heard word about his chief security officer and his charge. Surely the android hadn't forgotten.

The android in question looked up from the computer. "My apologies, Captain," he said. "I did take the opportunity to check in on both of them. However, the room was empty. Neither Mr. Worf or Q appear to be in the immediate area."

That comment did bring Picard's head up to look at the officer. "And you couldn't have told me this sooner because...?"

Data looked somewhat confused as he tilted his head from one side to the other as he looked back at his commanding officer. "I did not see a need to inform you as it appears Worf is still with Q, even though they are both no longer in the immediate area."

"I will be the judge of that," Picard reminded, then he let out a sigh. "Well, there's not much to be done about it now." He glanced around the room. Deanna sat in one chair across from the small table where the map was currently located. Honey Lemon stood near her, while he was on the other side. Wasabi sat closer to the captain, still looking rather worse for wear.

Baymax and the two Doctors had opted to go off somewhere else, though Jean-Luc didn't know where. He hoped that wherever they'd gone, whatever they were doing, would be helpful to what was going on right now. But since the two men were as elusive in his understanding as Q was, he couldn't be sure about that. Not to mention, there was still the matter of things only partially explained from earlier. That would have to be remedied, but later. Once they apprehended the fugitive.

Data acknowledged the reprimand from his superior and moved to join the others around the map. "I believe the current problem is deciding on whom to best send for this mission," he observed. "While either Fred or Honey Lemon must understandably be the one to deposit the money, there is the matter of who should be in the area to observe the transaction. I do not believe the kidnapper will show up until after they have left the immediate vicinity."

"If I can be close enough, maybe I can get a read on him," Troi pointed out. "If nothing else, that will help us determine the mental state of our target."

Picard had to nod at that logic. Since no one else seemed inclined to take charge while GoGo was gone, he'd taken on the responsibility. "Yes, that would be helpful. We can't be sure if this kidnapper truly means to harm Hiro or not. I think Mr. Data and I should also be present, as well as GoGo. Wasabi, you should remain behind. I don't think you're in any condition to offer your usual services."

Wasabi leaned back in his chair, arms folded. "Fine with me. With my car totaled, there's really not much I can do on that end. Besides, it might look a bit weird if Fred and Honey didn't show up with the same driver as before." He knew his sore muscles would only slow him down, though he had every intention of doing everything he could to remedy that.

"What about Worf and Q?' Honey wondered. "I know they're not here right now, but shouldn't they be somehow involved?"

Deanna glanced over towards the captain, her expression unreadable. "I have a feeling those two might be occupied for a while," she commented. "It's probably best to let them do what they're doing for now. I'd say the same for the two Doctors as well. I think they're working on something of their own that might prove helpful, though I can't be sure about that."

The counselor's reasoning was sound, Picard supposed. The two Doctors would likely do their own thing regardless. And he doubted they'd be taking any orders from anyone. "Fine. We'll let them do their own thing. For now. As for the rest of us, let's start working on strategy, then go out and survey the area in question."

With everyone agreeing to the plan, things started to come together. All they had to do now was wait for Fred and GoGo to return with the money.


Fred couldn't help but press himself back against his seat, his eyes wide as he stared out the front window of the Maserati. There was just a hint of fear behind his gaze. He was usually up for some pretty crazy stuff but he really wasn't sure about this. Though, in a way, it was his fault for not going with one of the other, less expensive cars. He's just wanted to show her some token of his feelings by letting her drive one of the most expensive cars in the garage.

"Uh... GoGo? Think we could slow down a little?" Fred called out as he braced himself against the potential of a very quick stop. "Remember what we talked about earlier?"

GoGo didn't so much as look at him as she shifted the clutch, sending the car forward at even greater speeds. Chances were good they'd attract the attention of a cop sooner or later, which was why she'd opted for the highway. And at this time of day, it wasn't as congested as it might otherwise be. "Woman up," she reprimanded as she shifted gears once more. "What happened to your sense of adventure?"

Fred had to swallow back a bit of bile as she swerved around traffic that was going much more slowly than they were. "It's perfectly intact," he countered. "I just didn't think we were going to go on a road rage detour."

Letting out a bit of a sigh, GoGo decelerated, her foot easing off the gas pedal. "Fine," she pouted. "But what's the point of having a fast car if you can't drive fast?"

With a somewhat loud exhalation, Fred tried to unhinge his fingers from the seat belt. "Much better," he breathed. "I don't mind speed any more than the next person," he defended. "But remember we're on a mission. Hiro's depending on us. We just need to go to the bank, get the cash, and head back to my place."

"Fine." The car slowed down even more, allowing the rest of the traffic to catch up with them. Realizing they were close to their destination, GoGo veered sharply in front of another vehicle so she could make the exit they wanted. A few more quick maneuvers brought them to the bank's parking lot, the car drifting into an open spot as GoGo applied the hand brake, making the car rotate 180 degrees before putting it in neutral.

Fred took a moment to regain his composure before the fan boy side of him kicked back in. "That was awesome!" He was about to ask if they could do it again when thoughts of their current assignment crept back in. From the corner of his eye, he though he saw GoGo smirk just a little as he undid his seat belt.

"Am I good to wait outside or do you need me to act as your body guard while you get the money?" GoGo quipped as she adjusted her seat to lean back, her hands now behind her head. "I could use a nap."

Looking at his friend a bit more closely, Fred realized she was still a bit more pale than usual. "Um... I'm not trying to be nosy or anything, but how are you feeling? It's been kind of a rough couple of days for us all and, I don't know, you just seem to be having more of a rough time than others."

GoGo peeked over at Fred's sincere face, noting the concern in his eyes. The bandage on his nose had gotten a bit dirty and probably needed to be changed. The thought brought back memories of the day before and her rather impromptu actions in the bathroom. A hint of color crept up her face as she thought about it. "Nothing I can't handle," she said, trying to sound her usual gruff self. "What about you? You can't keep blaming yourself for what happened either."

"You know," Fred partially drawled as he turned dramatically towards her. "Since we're letting out or feelings and all that, maybe now would be a good time to discuss what happened yesterday."

The color rose up even higher on GoGo's cheeks, though it wasn't as noticeable as it could have been. "What about yesterday?" It wasn't that she didn't want to talk about it. It was just that she didn't know what she thought about it. Yes, she'd kissed him. Yes, she'd leaned on him. She really wasn't sure what had gotten into her. "There's not really anything to say. Like you said earlier, we have a mission to focus on right now. Everything else can wait until after we rescue Hiro."

"Yeah," the mascot reluctantly agreed as he dropped back against the seat, his shoulders sagging. "I guess you're right. Hiro comes first." Slowly, he opened the car door and climbed out, almost hitting his head as he ducked to swing onto the parking lot. The car did sit low to the ground, making it more difficult for him to get in and out with his added height.

GoGo let out a growl as she undid her seat belt. "Hold up. I'm coming in with you," she huffed as she opened her door, taking the keys as she locked up. "I can't take you anywhere, can I?"

A small smile lit up Fred's eyes as she walked around the car to join him. He almost reached out his hand to grab hers but refrained. GoGo was right. They should wait to talk about what happened.


The two Doctors waited until the others had left the breakfast room before escorting Baymax up to the control center. There were decidedly a few things that needed to be put out in the open before they proceeded with anything.

Baymax waddled towards Honey's chem table, where the blue-clad Doctor had placed Hiro's map. "I believe you wished to ask me about Hiro," he reminded as the man poured over the map, his companion joining him. He wasn't sure if the two men were stalling or just scatter-brained.

"Right," the two of them said in unison as they looked up, one clapping his hands together while the other rubbed his instead. "Now this is very important," the bow-tied Doctor began. "Tell us everything you remember about Hiro's encounters back in the time loop. Any details you can remember may be beneficial in understanding what all is going on."

The robot blinked questioningly at the two Time Lords. "I do not see how this information will help Hiro's current situation," he admitted.

The younger Doctor moved to the other side of the table, closer to Baymax, and leaned against the edge. "We're trying to determine just how many times you remember Hiro going back in time," he explained. "It will help us get our timelines straight, I hope. After all, we did attempt to keep things to rights a few times. We just need to make sure the numbers match up."

"Understood," Baymax said, then leaned back a bit so his stomach protruded. "I will show you all the video recordings I kept from the various incidents you described." With that said, Baymax activated his internal projector and began showing the footage.


James let out a sigh of relief as he finally came up with an extension cord that should actually work. He'd found several fragments of various cords, though they'd all been too damaged to risk using. But, finally, he'd found one tucked away in a lower office. At least he thought it was an office. It didn't really matter. He had a cord and that's what was important.

All but running, he went back up the stairs, two at a time, the cord trailing out behind him. It was a nice long one, and should reach any outlet. And since the lights still worked, he figured those should too.

The door to Hiro's room stood open, just as he'd left it. And the toddler lay just where he'd left him as well. He had to look around to find an actual outlet, but that was more easily managed than finding the cord in the first place. He attached the appropriate ends to the socket, then to the heater, praying he hadn't been ripped off and that the old thing still worked. Not that he was out any money for it.

The motor started up with a bit of a clatter, but it soon evened out as the heating element kicked in. The heat felt wonderful when compared to the colder air of the room. "Yes!" he exclaimed, resisting the urge to do a happy dance. It worked. Now to situate the brat to keep him warm. He didn't want him too close or something would catch fire, but he didn't want him too far away either.

"Okay, kid, your turn," James said as he rolled him up more snugly and moved him to within a meter or two of the heater. "That should do the trick." It took him a moment to notice that the boy's lips had started to chap, reminding him of his own thirst. If he was thirsty, the boy should be outright dehydrated by now.

James cursed. This wasn't going to work. Yes, he could get the kid warm again, but that wouldn't do any good if he couldn't keep him hydrated enough not to cause problems. Then he remembered the water bottle from earlier, along with the burritos. They'd gone cold while he'd been looking for the extension cord, but he didn't care. The water was what mattered at the moment.

Propping up the toddler against his knee, James opened the water bottle and tried to pour a little of the clear liquid into the boy's mouth. Most of it dribbled out, though he thought some probably made it to the back of the kid's throat. At least he hoped so. "Come on, kid," he complained. "You gotta work with me here."

But Hiro continued to lie listlessly in his arms as he tilted the boy's head back further to get a little more water into his mouth. More dribbled out, but the boy swallowed. Maybe it would work better if it was a baby bottle, James mused, not that he wanted to go out and look for one at the moment. He had to make sure the kid got warm enough he wouldn't catch hypothermia or something first. And if that meant he had to stay with him for an hour or two, well, that's what he would do. There was no way he could return the kid in a worse state than he already was in.

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