My Uncle My Mate (BoyxBoy)

By xMaxLorenz

56.6K 1.5K 220

Troy had a special gift, but no one knew it yet. All that was on his mind was his up coming 18th birthday and... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 6

2.9K 89 2
By xMaxLorenz

---Smutty warning! Rated R- PG 16 -smexy stuff. No Like No Read----

Troy's POV

This Mason guy was strange. He was so calm and collected and he could give you whiplash, he was that fast with his words. Changing stories and his calm banter with Justin's witty throw back's. It was endearing, like it was impossible to hate the guy.

I saw why Justin's grin got wider everytime he laughed with Mason. This was his best friend, soul mate, brother. And I could only wish Baker and I were this awesome together.

I didn't even mind that he joined us on our date even till dessert. I could laugh along at the seemingly normal stories they told, reminising together. Nothing like the crazy stories Baker and I had to tell but always avoided talking about. Everything had an embarrassing ending on our side for either or both of us.

At some point I had moved closer to Justin and practically cuddled with him while eating my ice cream with Justin's deathly cake. My eyes drifted to the crowds that were walking past the ice rink on the other side and I instantly growled as Serena stepped out of the rink with her posse.

"You okay Troy?" Justin asked as I sat up straight glaring as she spotted me, probably by scent and smirked slaundering over making me gag.

"Nope, everything is wrong now" I huffed and turned my back to her looking at Justin's raised brow and Mason's knowing shake of the head "guessing you know this too"

"From your sudden hostility and her predatory sway of the hips and smirk, yes. She believes you two are destined to rule the world. Or am I over exhadurating the situation?" Mason concluded calmly making me give a wolf whistle to which he bowed his head and bite into a piece of his waffle.

"You are good. And yeah, she pisses me off saying we're mates and all that, even said 'even if I have to make sure of it' last time" I growled and Justin frowned wrapping an arm around me and pulling me closer.

"Over my dead body" he growled. I caught a glimpse of something and looked at Mason as his fork fell from his lips and his eyes flashed from their freaky periwinkle to a bright colour I have never seen in anyones eyes before.

Justin cursed but somehow shook his head at me telling me to stay still. After a few seconds Mason blinked, his eyes back to their previous colour of periwinkle. Shaking his head he reached to rub his forehead "my apologies"

"Did you-" Justin started but was so rudely interupted by heels clicking to a stop next to our table on the other side of the rails sectioning off the restuarant to the mall itself.

"Well well, if it isn't my gorgeous boo. Why didn't you tell me you were having a party. Maybe we should make this a triple date, I mean three boys, three girls. It must be destiny calling" I visibly shuddered and gagged before turning to her with a sneer.

"Guess I'll just press ignore and block that mofo. Because his calls are sick jokes" I spat making her lip pull back in a snarl.

"Besides, our party is already full. I already reside as the third wheel. There are no more room for more wheels. As you teenagers would say" Mason surprised me by speaking up. Making everyone glance at him.

"You're hot and all but-"

"Thank you, but I do not recall asking for your opinion of me. Now please, if you would so kindly move along. My friend here has a short temper and, I would not blame him for hitting a girl. I mean all wolves are considered equal, am I correct?"

"Of course you are" Justin smirked and it turned me on. Like hard core. It was sadistic how his eyes flashed to his true eyes for a moment and the three girls jumped with squeaks before Serena brushed it off.

"You think these two losers can scare me off Troy? You're so wrong. Because I-"

"Welp. Look at the time. I think you better go. My boyfriend would love to rip your head off but I would really wanna fuck him tonight without the thought that he laid hands on trash. And honestly, I don't want to get your stink on my hands either. Now kindly, fuck the hell off" I said simply before turning my back on her staring at Justin who blinked down at me making me raise a brow questioningly.

"Boyfriend huh?" Justin asked smirking pleased as I blushed and stuttered before he grabbed the back of my head and brought me closer until our lips were together.

I could hear a really pissed off scream followed by a "uh uh, move along now" and clicking of heels soon after.

A grin took my lips making us both chuckle as it got harder to kiss and pull away. I stared up at him grinning my hands gripping his shirt before i bit my lip "what?" He chuckled moving his hand down my back again.

I only shook my head and gave him a peck before cuddling into his side happily "just happy is all"

He shook his head and kissed my hair before Mason spoke up "I see you two are no longer afraid"

Looking at him I thought about it and glanced up at Justin. With Baker, as crazy and idiotic as he was, by my side with this man next to me there. And my family, as gigantic as it is, behind me. What could I possibly be afraid of?

"Not at all" I mused and Justin agreed giving me another peck. We paid the bill and all three headed outside where Justin and Mason hugged for a full five minutes, I timed it, before saying good bye. We got into my dad's car and I stared at Justin dreamily until he asked me what was up.

"Nothing. I'm just really happy. And I really enjoyed myself. Even if your friend joined us at the second part. I loved it. He's really nice and so endearingly calm. And quick. Love how he told Serena to go fuck herself in such a nice way. I couldn't do that even if I was high as fuck"

Justin laughed and smiled out at the road "yeah, well that's Mason for you. He's an entirely different entity, because no other being on earth can be that calm all the time"

"I'm guessing he's always been like that?"

"Jip. Since the day I met him. He actually angered me with how calm he always was and how he could dodge my fists like he knew they were coming. We were what, 7 years old. I was the mean kid on the playground, still don't really know why but he knew, and he talked be up until I was furious only for me to calm down quickly" he laughed at the memory making me smile "I told him 'we're friends now nothing you can do about it' but he said 'no. Go a week without being an idiot and then we can be friends' it baffled my little toddler mind but it intruiged me more. So I wasn't the bully anymore and we were instantly best friends"

"Sounds so much more interesting than me throwing my toy car at Baker and starting a lifetime of abuse" we both laughed and he reached over taking my hand.

We fell silent for a few minutes before I realised he wasn't driving us home "where are we going now?"

He glanced my way only smiling and instantly changed the subject "so, boyfriend huh? Didn't know we were that official"

I blushed again and groaned turning my head out the window to hide my red cheeks "it slipped out okay, didn't mean anything by it. Unless-"

I glanced over at him and he only raised a brow before shaking his head "nah. You're not getting it so easily"

I gaped at him and huffed pulling my hand away to cross my arms over my chest and pout glaring out the window at the passing houses as we drove through the suburb.

He laughed before we fell silent. I watched as we drove to the city only to go into a look out peak. Frowning I looked over at him only to chuckle "really? Taking me to the best car fuck spot around? You really shouldn't have"

He snickered and shook his head at me "what? It's the best view we have and maybe I want us to have the most clichéd date in existance. And if that inclueds us stooping down to the levels of making out on Panty Drop Peak then so be it"

I laughed at the name and shook my head. It took a while of slow driving near cliffs before we found an empty spot, there were others who had the same idea as us thus the occupied spots.

But once parked he turned off the lights and I stared out to the lights of the city down below. I was slowly getting more and more nervous as the silence continued.

----smut start----

After a few minutes I jumped and yelped as my seat suddenly fell backwards and the entire car swayed before Justin was successfull ontop of me. I laughed belly aching laughs that had me in tears at how he had to struggle in the car, and how he made it rattle.

"Oh shush" he grumbled giving the car a final curse before he stared down at me expectantly.

I slowly tried to calm down but it was too funny or I was just too anxious. He seemed to sense it was the latter and stole my lips, taking my oxygen along with it.

Instantly I melted and moved my arms to hook around his head pulling him down closer. He parted my lips and slid his slythering tongue into my mouth pulling a moan from my throat. I couldn't breathe as he ravished my mouth in the slowest most possible way.

My heart was beating fast and my body arching up to feel more of his heat against me. It ended too soon but our lungs started to protest so we parted to stare at each other as we gulped in precious oxygen.

"Just a little, not all the way. Just to sate the beasts. I want our first time to not be in your father's car. We would definately be killed"

I chuckled and nodded breathlessly at that "just a little bit" he smiled and moved one of his hands, keeping the other proping himself up, down my chest to slip in under my shirt making me moan at the contact and pull his head back down.

Our lips finding each other again as his fingers sent shivers over my skin while his touch stayed soft and delicate until his arm hooked behind my back lifting me from the seat and giving my body what it wanted, the heat of his own.

Our legs shifted as he pressed a thigh between mine up against my crotch making me gasp. He moved his lips from mine down my neck to my shoulder. My eyes closing as my head turned to give him better access.

He pulled back only to pry my shirt off, that was actually Baker's, and get back to licking and sucking on my shoulder. Leaving probably a big nasty hicky that I'll never want gone.

I tried to shift but it caused my leg to press up against his groin, while mine rubbed agaisnt his massive thigh. We both growled, my hands gripping his hair and his back while his teeth nipped my skin and thigh pressed harder. I hissed and bucked my hips grinding down with a moan pulling from my lips.

"Just a little" I heard Justin groan to himself as if reminding himself not to get carried away.

Whimpering I turned my head to find his lips again. This time nothing slow or sweet came from it. He ravished my mouth and pulled moans from me I never knew I could make.

All while he grabbed my ass pulling me closer to his hips where we made the car shake as we ground our hips together creating amazing friction that had me whining as the zipper bit into my skin.

He raised his head and I moved a hand down to undo the zipper, the sound filling the car along with our heavy pants. He growled and pressed his hips against my hand as if urging me on.

Biting down on my lip I cupped him and gulped, I couldn't even hold the entire buldge in my hand making my mouth salivate and eyes travel down "do with it as you wish" he husked his voice having gotten so deep I had to check his eyes to make sure it was Justin and not his wolf.

Satisfied with the green eyes, that had darkened from their usual brighter colour, I returned to my hand. Where I slowly undid his zipper as well, popping the button free before he pooled out, his boxers the only thing keeping it to the imagination.

Gulping down I cupped him again and this time I could feel the heat against my skin. I closed my eyes laying my head back as I did as I wished with my hand, over the thin fabric of his boxers.

Justin's breath moved over my throat, his lips moving down creating a trail that soon his tongue continued. My whole body was goosebumps and the heat in my hand only made my own painfully throb. I gripped Justin's hair before my hand slipped beneath the fabric making Justin gasp and moan holding me tighter.

I rubbed at the smooth skin. I could feel his curcumsision scars beneath the tips of my fingers, and the bit of wettness at the slit of his head. I burned everything into my mind by touch, the length, the width, the feel, every ribbed curve as it grew harder in my hand. Even the hair at the base felt more like fur.

I opened my eyes and turned my head to look at Justin who had his eyes closed before they opened, no longer green but glowing their brownish red.  Not really marroon. You could see that from close up. There was signs of red but they were mostly brown. Not golden brown. Darker. And it was so sexy. I loved those eyes just as much as I loved the shining green eyes.

"Justin, it's starting to hurt" I whispered breathing heavily. He shifted and laid me down on my back against the seat. My hand staying on him, tightening on the width making him hiss pleasantly.

His tongue flicked out over his lips before he moved his arm from around me, sliding his hand directly under the briefs that held my boy in place.

Gasping at the direct contact before a moan pulled from me. Staring with deep lust up at Justin as he fondled me within the briefs for a bit before he took me out and matched his movements with mine. I rubbed until I started stroking, staring up at him as pants left my lips. Soon his own breathing came quick.

He leaned down and took my lips in a sloppy tongue fight where no one won as our bodies heated more and more until I whimpered and bucked my hips into his hand. Mine growing faster as his followed suit before he just released making me gasp and stare at him bewildered "not yet" he husked and pulled my hand from him bringing it up to my lips.

I blushed and bit a fang into one finger, only now realising Wolfe had surfaced. Justin shifted, prying his eyes away from my mouth before he got what he was looking for. A box of tissues mom kept in the car. "For the mess" I grinned at that and he chuckled leaning down to take my lips while I grabbed a few for us. He threw the box aside and returned his hand to my throbbing length.

Moaning I moved both my hands down to him, playing with him that had him twitching and me smirking. But his hand tightened around me making me gasp and loose rythm feeling him smirk against my lips.

Scoffing I returned to earlier stroking and held the tissues close. Moaning as he pulled me into an orgasm that had me seeing stars and calling to the ceiling. He growled and followed suit, soiling all the tissues.

We slowly rode the high down and lazily kissed before tucking each other away. He got out of the car to dispose of the evidence while I rightened the seat and pulled my shirt back on. Final cleaning up before I was pinned to the side of the car.

----smutt end----

I grinned wrapping my arms around him pulling him closer until our lips melted together. Pulling away he hummed "can we enjoy the view now?"

Nodding we got on the hood and cuddled together watching the starless sky and twinkling lights of the city.

It was a miracle we didn't fall asleep there and decided to drive on home. Stopping for ice cream on the way of course.

I helped him eat his cone laughing as he got it everywhere, his nose and chin included. We were finished when we drove down the dirt road between trees and soon parked in front of my house.

A few wolves lurked in the darkness, the night watch Enforcers on duty keeping an eye out for trouble. Smiling I took my dad's car keys and wallet from Justin as we walked up to my front door. Stopping there I turned to him as he sighed "I wish i could kiss you now but, Jacob might still be awake"

I smiled sadly and gave a nod "yeah. But I think the other thing made up for the lack of lip lock now" I smirked and he chuckled returning it.

Giving a nod he stepped from the porch and stared up to me "see you tomorrow then?"

"Let's hope" he laughed softly and shrugged before giving me a wink and walking acorss the lawn to Paps and Gran's house.

I slipped inside before he reached the house and softly closed the door behind me. Setting the keys and wallet in the kitchen I went on to grab a bottle of water from the fridge.

I didn't try to sneak around, it only made you look suspicious. So I stretched out as I treked up to my room. Where I stripped down and slid into bed. Successfully making my bed now smell like Justin too.

His scent was heavily on me and it made me smile. Cuddling down into my bed happily.


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