Kissin' Pink | A$AP Rocky

By bigheadkaye

342K 13K 3.2K

My Work #3 | October 2013 - March 2014 | Completed [previously known as Purple] Twenty-five year old Rakim Ma... More

1 | Purple
2 | Purple
3 | Purple
4 | Purple
5 | Purple
6 | Purple
7 | Purple
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9 | Purple
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11 | Purple
12 | Purple
13 | Purple
14 | Purple
15 | Purple
16 | Purple
17 | Purple
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19 | Purple
20 | Purple
21 | Purple [R]
23 | Purple
24 | Purple

22 | Purple

9.5K 362 90
By bigheadkaye

Author's Note -

Because I need time to finish up some of my stuff for Truly Yours 2, and Oxymoron, none of my stories are on an update schedule. And lets not forget that I'm writing a sequel to this story. Just be patient with me and expect the next update sometime next week.


Luckily, when I got home, Luke was no where to be found. I quickly gave thanks to God, then proceeded to go and get ready. Stripping out of my clothes, and grabbing the shower gel to my current favorite Bath and Body Works smell, Beautiful Day, I instantly hopped into the tub and took a nice, hot, long shower.

Afterwards, I lotioned myself up with the matching body cream, and made sure to put on deodorant. I decided to wear one of my matching pantie and bra sets that I haven't worn yet, and went to my closet to get an idea on what to wear. It was currently 18 minutes past seven, meaning I had a little over half of an hour left to get ready and to the place we were meeting at.

Tristan had texted me the address, and the address only. He stated that where we were going to was a surprise, but he also requested me to wear something nice. Considering that that probably meant formal attire, I settled on a strapless red dress, and a pair of red bottoms.

Lord knows I wouldn't have normally been able to buy the pumps on my own, so the money for the shoes of course came from, you guessed it, Rakim. The thing that I liked about being paid by Rakim is that he didn't just hand me money just because he had it and could. He paid me for actually doing my job as an assistant, and keeping him on track as far as his career goes.

But the thing is, is that my job as being his personal assistant is so much fun that I don't even look at it as work.

After leaving my hair naturally wavy and damp, I sprayed the Beautiful Day body mist in the appropriate places, grabbed my small clutch that contained my cellphone, my keys, money and a few lip products, then I was out the door.

Once inside my car, I put in the address that Tristan sent me, into my GPS. Luckily, the directions it gave me weren't too complicated, but I unfortunately didn't make it there at eight. The time that read on both my radio and my cellphone was five minutes after eight when I pulled into the lot.

I quickly removed my key from the ignition, locked the car behind me, then proceeded to make my way into the restaurant.

It was a restaurant I had never been to, and one that I was quite impressed with. The exterior of the building had a ancient Rome theme to it, and looked as if it was a structure taken straight from a History book. It looked pretty upscale, and I was shocked to see that Tristan could afford this.

Maybe he really did went back to school and created a better life for himself.

Once making my way inside the restaurant, I found the interior to look just as nice. The color scheme was brown, white, and peach. A fairly tall, hispanic looking woman, with an all white uniform greeted me with a warm smile as she grabbed a menu.

"Just a party of one today?" she questioned.

"No ma'am," I gave her a small smile. "I'm here meeting a friend."

"Oh okay! Do you know what name the table is under by chance?"

"Wells I believe, " I replied.

Tristan's last name was Wells, so it would only make since to have the table under that name. Sure enough, she confirmed that the table was under the last name Wells, and proceeded to lead me towards it. Once successfully meeting Tristan at the table, the waitress took my drink order, then left to give me a minute to look over the menu.

"Hey! I thought you stood me up for a moment there," Tristan stated as he embraced me in a hug.

"Why did you think that?" I chuckled.

"I don't know," he shrugged. "But you look stunning."

"Thank you," I blushed, as he pulled out my chair for me.

I then took a seat as I proceeded to grab a menu. I had never been here before, so I had no idea on what to get. Just as I opened up my menu, our waitress returned with my Coke that I ordered, then left to give us more time.

"Have you ever been here before?" Tristan questioned as he watched me skim through the meal choices.

"No," I sighed. "All these choices! This is overwhelming!"

"Well, what are you in the mood for?"

"I don't even know!" I lightly chuckled. "What do you normally get?"

"Every time I come I either get the four cheese lasagna, or the bruschetta chicken."

"What's bruschetta chicken?" I asked having no clue on what bruschetta was.

"I don't know how to really describe it," he sucked his teeth, "It's like diced tomatoes mixed with garlic, basil, and olive oil. It looks like a fancy salsa dip. It's really good!"

"Hm, that sounds good, I might get that," I smiled, making a decision and closing my menu. "What are you getting?"

"Maybe I'll be a copy cat and get the same," he smirked. "I'm not in the mood for lasagna. I had Fazoli's just the other day."

"Alrighty then," I laughed as he closed his menu also.

Our waitress then appeared at the table as she retrieved a note pad and pen from out the pocket of her apron.

"Have you guys had enough time to look over the menu?" she asked politely.

"Yes ma'am. We're ready to order."

"Okay! What can I get for you?"

Tristan then gestured for me to go first out of respect.

"Um, can I get the bruschetta chicken please?" I asked as the waitress directed her attention towards me.

"Yes you can! Would you like that with a side of rice or noodles?"

"Noodles please."

"Alright!" she replied as she wrote down my order. "And for you sir?"

"Can I have the same please?"

"Absolutely! With noodles also?"

"No, could I have rice with that instead?"

"Brown or white sir?"

"Brown," Tristan stated as she wrote down the last bit of her notes.

"Alrighty then!" she smiled as she stuffed her notepad back inside her apron pocket, and stuck her pen behind her ear. "I'll be back shortly with refills and more breadsticks."

She then collected both of our menus, and hurried away.

"How did you find out about this place?" I asked Tristan, curious.

"I noticed it one day when I took a different route from my job, back home."

"You live in this area?" I questioned,surprisingly.

The area that this restaurant was in was a nice and well kept area. You could tell that only people who have money could afford to live over here.

"Yeah," he smiled proudly. "I've only been living in this area for a few months though."

"What made you want to move from where you were living, to here all the way out to no mans land?"

"I don't know," he laughed. "Probably just because I could. I finally have enough money to life comfortably now, so I felt that upgrading some things in my life was only necessary."

"That's what's up! I'm happy to hear you've been doing good!"

"Yeah, I finally went back to school and got a degree in law. A friend of mine works at a law firm so he put me on with a job, and wala."

"Must be nice," I smiled. "Seem as if you have it all now!"

"Everything except for what I really want."

"And what's that?"


I couldn't help but laugh as a smile crept upon my face. "Oh shutup."

"I'm serious Rave'," he started. "I got my life together like you wanted me to, and now I want to share it all with you. Maybe start the family that we wanted together, have -"

"Tristan I don't know," I interrupted.

He suddenly grew quiet as his whole demeanor changed. "What are you saying?"

"I'm just saying I don't think it would be smart to just dive back into something. Things take time Tristan."

"But we both feel the same way about each other. Right? Was is waiting around going to do other than waste time? I don't want to waste anymore time being without you."

"I understand that, but talking things out first and getting on the same page is not wasting time Tristan."

"Was is there to talk about?"

Was he serious right now?

"Well for starters, you haven't even asked anything about me! You want to jump back into a relationship but we haven't even talked about anything that happened in our lives during our split. The reason we split to begin with is because we weren't on the same page, and we still aren't. Can't you see that?"

He let out a sigh as we then noticed out waitress approaching our table with a tray full of food.

"Can we just move on from this subject?"

"Sure," I sighed too.

Once the waitress handed us our food and a basket full of bread sticks, she came back shortly with more refills. After wishing us an enjoyable meal, she hurried away and gave us our space. Everything was then an awkward silence as we ate quietly. No words were exchanged until it was time to pay for our meal.

"I'll get the bill," I stated as I reached into my small clutch to retrieve my money.

"Raven stop," he placed his hand over my arm. "No need to spend your money. I have it."

I knew me and Tristan would be here arguing all night on who would pay the bill if I didn't let him pay it, so I let him go right ahead.

He always felt the need to cover everything, although I had my own money. He respected the fact that I wanted to do things for my own sometimes, but he grew up in a home where he was taught to always take care of your woman even though she can take care of herself.

After slipping the money into the tab book, the waitress collected it and came back shortly after with the change. As we both collected our things, me and Tristan made our way outside to the parking lot in more awkward silence.

"So," Tristan sighed as he leaned against his car. "This is it?"

Tristan had what looked like a 2014 Hyundai Elantra, but it was the color red. It was a pretty nice car if I must say.

"Of course not," I smiled. "We may have gotten off on the wrong foot tonight, but there's always room for another date."

"You would really go on another with me?" Tristan chuckled in a surprised tone.

I couldn't help but laugh too as I shook my head. "Of course! Why would you even ask a question like that?"

He shrugged his shoulders as he licked his lips in a somewhat attractive way.

"So when's the next date Mr. Wells?"

"I don't know, you tell me!"

"Well, I'll call you and let you know the next time I'm free. Sound like a plan?"

"I feel like you gone try and play me," Tristan smirked with a slight roll of his eyes.

"No I'm not!" I laughed.

"We'll see Raven."

"Alright then," I smiled.

Everything around us then grew silent as a smile spread across his face too. Before I even realized what was happening, he was leaning in for a kiss and our lips met for a split second afterwards. A goofy smile was still plastered across my face as he then began to climb into his car. I watched as he placed his key into the ignition, gave me a quick smile, then was off.

What did I just get myself into?

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