Perfectly Bad

By byfantita

560K 14.6K 1.8K

"Jadelynn Genevieve Berkshire! That's it! I've had it with you and your stints. I'm sending you to live with... More

Chapter 1- Family dearest
Chapter 3- Meet the Untouchables
Chapter 4- It's kind of a funny story...
Chapter 5- Colourful Revenge
Chapter 6- Headmaster Spencer Spencer
Chapter 7- You two again
Chapter 8- Will's apology
Chapter 9- Locked in and getting emotional
Chapter 10- And yet another enemy
Chapter 11- His dirty little secrets
Chapter 12- The Plan
Chapter 13- Finally Friday
Chapter 14- The Party
Chapter 15- Brunettes & Backstabbers?
Chapter 16- The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 17- Dangerous Decisions
Chapter 18- So I may have gotten us into a little trouble
Chapter 19- Good luck & Good Riddance
Chapter 20- No Turning Back
Chapter 21- Who will it be?
Chapter 22- The 'Bet'
Chapter 23- Blame it on the Lemonade
Chapter 24- Here we go
Chapter 25- You Better Watch Your Back
Chapter 26- Emma Knight
Chapter 27- Confessions of the Broken
Chapter 28- Goodbye
Chapter 29- I don't know why
Chapter 30- Let it all out
Chapter 31- Promises, Apologies & Laughter
Chapter 32- No need to waste any time
Chapter 33- Oh Great.
Chapter 34- I still love her (SUPERCHAPTER)
Chapter 35- Here comes the secret...
Chapter 36- Who deserves what?
Chapter 37- Facing the Past
Chapter 38- You, me and the world

Chapter 2- First day of hell

25.3K 708 85
By byfantita

Chapter 2

        I woke up with mixed feelings. I was ready to put Ashley in her place, but I was also nervous about the new school. Being the new girl was so not fun. I calmed my nerves with a warm shower and came back to a freshly ironed uniform sitting on my chair and a page with my school address, home address, dad's number, Kristen's number and Jeffrey's number. Beside the list was a hot pink iPhone with my name on the back and my car keys. I changed into the drab uniform which consisted of a red and navy plaid thigh length skirt, a white dress shirt, a navy vest and a red tie. I opened up a few buttons of the dress shirt, loosely put on my tie and stuffed my vest in my oversized bag. To top it off, I put on some red lipstick that just made my whole look pop. Satisfied with my appearance, I made my way downstairs to breakfast.

         As soon as Kristen saw me, she dropped her cup of tea.

        "You like?" I smiled twirling. Paige's eyes sparkled and she nodded in agreement.

        "Jadelynn, dearest, maybe you should wear your uniform more like Ashley," Kristen said.

        I looked at Ashley's perfectly adorned uniform. She even had a matching headband in her dark brown hair.

        "Look sweeties, I've got to go," my dad said kissing Kristen on the forehead and ruffling Paige's hair before he hurriedly left the room.

        "I think I'll skip out on the whole preppy look," I smiled grabbing a waffle.

        A maid came in and started cleaning up the shards of the broken glass.

        "That wasn't really a suggestion," Kristen said more sternly.

        "Either way, I'm not changing," I informed her, not even taking the time to look at her.

        "Look here, missy. Your father's not here, so I don't have to be all sun shiney to you. I will not have you going to school looking like, cover your ears Paige, a slag."

        "I do not look like whatever a slag is. I just spiced up the bland uniform. My skirt's the same length as Ashley's and my boobs aren't popping out of my shirt."

        "I will not have you disrespect-"

        "I'm sorry to cut you short, but I don't want to be late," I said unapologetically, leaving the room and sparing myself a lecture. I went to the garage and fell in love with my hot pink Lamborghini with pink rims. "Oh yea!" I yelled getting into my new car. I put my school's address in the GPS and drove there.

        I pulled into a huge school and when I say huge I mean HUGE! I had to give my name to a tough-looking security guard to get past the tall black iron gates. It even had electric barbed wire over the high stone walls. I guess they didn't want anyone looking in on their poshness.

            "When you go to the reception, you'll need to get your ID. You'll need it to get into the school in the future," the security guard said. He had a gruff voice, a heavy Irish accent and was very, VERY buff. I drove into the school and searched for a parking space amongst the Aston Martins, the Bugattis and Ferraris. I was glad when I finally found a parking spot near the front of the school. I was about to park when a cherry red Aston Martin quickly pulled up into the space, essentially cutting me off. I exasperatedly honked my horn.

        A blonde guy walked out the car and asked, "Is there a problem?"

        "No shit Sherlock. I was about to park there."

        "Sorry love, better luck next time," he replied flashing me a smile that was meant to melt my heart.

        I rolled my eyes and searched for another parking space. I found one sort of far from the school and had to walk all the way to the front, where I followed the signs pointing to the reception.

            "You must be Jadelynn," the red-headed receptionist said disapprovingly as she pushed back her thick-rimmed black glasses. She must have read my file. You do a few illegal things and suddenly you get the stamp of disapproval from every school official.

        "Yes," I smiled. She handed me my schedule. "Oh and the security guard said I needed an ID?"

        "Don't you know everything?" the receptionist replied sarcastically. "I'll need to take your picture really quick. Stand over there," she ushered me. I made a serious face until I saw her about to click and then I made a kissy face.

        The receptionist sighed and shook her head in disapproval.

        "It's too late to change now," I smiled. She slowly walked over to her computer and printed an ID for me. "Thanks," I said as she handed me the ID.

        I made my way out of the reception and looked for my first class. After 10 minutes of searching, I finally found it: Room E401.

        I ignored the looks I got as I came in and took a seat in the middle of the room. With 3 minutes to spare, I took out my iPhone and texted my BFFL, Cleo:

1st day. Wish me luck. IMU

        She immediately texted me back:

        U dnt need it bbe. Txt me how erythn goes ;). IMU2

        I smiled at the text and looked up to a glaring Ashley.

        Everyone else in the class turned to look at the unfolding scene.

        "That's my seat," Ashley spat.

        "Are we really gonna do this?" I asked bored already.

        "At this school, there is an order. Ashley's at the top and you are at the bottom," a dark haired girl sneered.

        "Well I don't follow rules, I break them," I retorted.

        "That's too bad," Ashley smirked. "Bridget, Amelia, you know what to do."

        The two girls walked to either side of me and lifted my petite body of the chair. I gave them a WTF look and struggled to get myself out of their grasp but they were stronger than they looked. I got out, but ended up on the floor. I glared at them, grabbed my bag from where Ashley was now sitting and took the walk of shame to the back of the classroom.

Me- 1. Ashley-1. For now.

        "Good morning class, we have a new student today, Jadelynn Berkshire, so be nice, show her around. My name is Mr. Humphries," the teacher said as he strode into the classroom. And the murmurs began:

        "Is she related to Ashley?"  whispered one.

        "She's fit!" whispered another.

         "She's nothing special," whispered someone else.

        All the girls stopped gossiping as soon as 4 sexy as f*ck guys casually strolled into class. "Ashton, Cameron, Preston, Sebastian, so nice of you to join us. You just missed me introducing Ms. Berkshire," Mr. Humphries said pointing to me.

        "She's already had the privilege of meeting me," the blonde jerk who stole my parking space this morning smirked. His petty crew sniggered as they took their seats. I pursed my lips and rolled my eyes.

        "Thank you for sharing, Mr. Westfall," Mr. Humphries replied. "Now Shakespeare..." and so the class started. I spent it searching for someone to befriend: someone who didn't kiss ass to Ashley and who wouldn't bore me to tears. As the bell rang, a honey blonde haired girl walked over to me.

        "Hi. My name is Rosaline, but everyone calls me Rose. If you want, I can show you around."

        I looked her up and down. I guess she would do for now. "Sure."

        "What do you have next?" she said looking at my schedule. "Bio and then Phys. Ed? Me too. Today we're playing football." She was silent for a bit, waiting for me to respond, but when I didn't, she asked the question she'd probably been dying to get the answer to. "So are you related to Ashley Berkshire?" she asked as "her friends" joined us.

        "Yea, she's my stepsister. No blood relation whatsoever."

        "I figured. She was especially mean to you this morning."

        "Whatevs. Do you know where locker 432 is?"

        "You have locker 432?" one of Rose's friends asked in shock.

        "Yea, what about it?"

       "Locker 432 is the locker in between the Untouchables. It is every girl's dream locker!" she exclaimed.

        "The Untouchables?" I asked skeptically. Seriously?

        "Yes, the four richest, hottest guys in all of England or our school at least," Rose replied. "The golden blonde with the blue eyes, is Cameron Westfall IV." I remembered him. He stole my park space and was being a jerk. "The chestnut brown haired with guy with the hazel eyes is Ashton Van Der Bass. The dirty blonde with the green eyes is Sebastian Knight and the other blonde with the dark brown eyes is Preston Lexington III. "

        I scoffed. "Are you guys serious?" And I could tell from the look on their faces that they were most definitely serious. I walked over to my new locker and put some books in it.

        "Hey locker neighbour," Ashton smirked.

        "Hi," I smirked back. From the corner of my eye, I saw a fuming Ashley.

Me-2. Ashley-1.

This was the start of a beautiful, beautiful friendship.

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