By ANNwithnoE

393K 28.1K 3.7K

Three years ago, Andrea "Dei" Mendoza is stricken with wedding jitters and backs out of her wedding to Richar... More

Damask Rose
Morning Glory
Yellow Rose
Yellow Carnation
Call for Help
Lime Blossom
False Reality
Eglantine Rose
Anemone 2.0
Purple Carnation
White Tulip
Ivy 2.0
Yellow Tulip
Tansy 2.0
Green Willow
Green Willow 2.0
Red Rose
Red Rose 2.0
White Rose
Striped Carnation
Girl Friday


6.6K 504 131
By ANNwithnoE

Hi there my dears, I think you've been waiting for this chapter long enough, so here it is, a bit of a development towards reconciling for our couple. Everything is still shaky, but they braved the baby steps, and it will progress beautifully from here.

When two people hurt each other, the tendency is for them to be too careful and to skirt around the issue. Sometimes, the carefulness worsens instead of helps them mend their differences. Let's see how our ficDei and ficRichard  will progress despite their unanswered questions.

Oh, and Mike is appearing again in the next chapter. You will finally get to see him. As usual my dears, comment below :)

It was already 8:00 in the evening and everyone had gone home. Richard and Dei were still working on their pitch, which was to be presented the following week. They were looking at the executions of the Facebook and Instagram ads, the content buckets and budget, trying to figure out how to add more value to the campaign.

"Ok, we are pegging the budget at 30 million and based on our allocation here, we still have about seven million to allocate. Why don't we put it in Youtube or Google ads?"

"Jay, I think Youtube would be a better option than Google ads, since they already have some following there. We can work with Youtube on a Brand Lift study at the start of the campaign to see the impact of the new ad."

"Hmm. Ok, then we can make shorter versions of the video and use it on Facebook as well. Like carousel ads maybe?"

"Videos on carousel ads would be great but remember, not all consumers have a data plan. Some consume Facebook on free data, so they won't see the videos."

"You think we have enough executions? We can send this to Harvey for creatives?"

"I think so. I already did some of the job orders, I'll finish them tonight so they can start working on it tomorrow."

"Ok, finish up while I check my email. Then let's have a quick dinner, I'm starving. Just leave your car, I'll drive you home."

She smiled when he left the conference room, hugging the thought to herself. He was taking her home again. This was the third time since they started working on this project that he offered to take her home. She wondered how Shayne was taking it, if she was ok with them working together. He never mentions her, nor does she ever visit him here in the office.

The thought of Shayne dampened her happiness somewhat. They were getting on better than before, and she like that he let some of his guard down with her. But she didn't relish the idea of being a third party in a relationship.

She set aside ideas of Shayne and focused on work, mentally taking note to ask about her later as they have dinner. After an hour, she was finally done and went back to her work station to tidy up. She got a message from Richard, telling her he was ready to leave. Quickening her pace, she tidied up and messaged him back, waiting for him by the elevator.

Dei was really tired, and her body was telling her to slow down. Her muscles and joints ached, it was a bad sign. Richard met her at the elevator and took her laptop bag from her, noting how tired she looked.

"You ok, babe?"

Shit. He called her babe. Freudian slip of sorts, in his mind she was always his baby, his babe. She didn't seem to notice, thank goodness.

"Just tired and hungry."

"Are you still up for dinner or should we just takeout and eat in your place?"

"Takeout please?"

"Ok, takeout it is."

They called a favorite Chinese restaurant ahead and ordered takeout food, noting that with the traffic, the food was likely ready for pickup by the time they passed the restaurant. Dei reclined her seat and closed her eyes. Richard took his jacket from behind and draped it over her.

"Thanks, babe."

He smiled, feeling warm all over. He missed being called that. He felt her cheek and noted she was slightly warm. He drove to the nearest pharmacy along the way to buy some paracetamol for her.

Traffic was relatively light, and he was able to get their takeout after half an hour. Another fifteen minutes later, they were in Dei's building. He woke her up gently, and noticed her temperature was higher now.

"Dei sweetie, your temperature is up. Come on, let's eat, so you can take something to feel better."

She grimaced upon sitting up, feeling more pain in her joints. He helped her out of the car and let her lean against him for support. As soon as they arrived in her unit, Dei got a glass of water and took I to her room to take her medication, hoping it would be enough to ease her pain. She took a hot shower and dressed comfortably in soft joggers and a t-shirt.

"You want to take a shower, Jay? You still have some clothes here. Just look in the cabinet."

"Ok. I already set the table, start eating so you can take something."

He took a quick shower and found a shirt and shorts. When he came out of her room, she still wasn't eating and was quietly browsing stuff on her laptop.

"Hey, how come you haven't eaten?"

"I was waiting for you. I'm not very hungry, can I just have the soup?"

"Ok, you want to have it there?"

"Yes please."

He took the soup to her and started feeding her spoonfuls, making sure to blow on it before she sipped. He felt her cheek again and noted that the temperature seemed to go down somewhat, even though she had not taken the paracetamol. Strange but good, at least her fever was waning.

He let her lie down and switched the TV on, taking the laptop away from her. He ate on the table alone, observing her, wanting to take care of her when she was vulnerable like this.

"Jay? You don't have to stay ok? I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?"

"I want you to stay but......Shayne might be waiting for you."

"Don't worry about Shayne."

"But I don't want to cause trouble between you two. You're back together aren't you?"

He heard the catch in her voice when she asked. It must have been difficult for her to ask the question, especially feeling sick and vulnerable like this. He looked at her flushed face, the sad eyes and the lips he missed, and suddenly, it didn't matter what she'd done to him. In a few strides he was there beside her, scooping her up to settle in his lap, her arms automatically wrapping around his neck.

"Shayne and I aren't together, babe. We never got back."


"Dei.....let's talk about Shayne some other time, ok? Just be assured there's nothing going on between me and Shayne."

He felt her tears dampening his neck, and his arms tightened around her. Damn, it felt good to have her close like this, to smell the fragrance of her hair and kiss her smooth cheek. He ran a hand at her side, his thumb grazing the side of her breast.

"I missed you so much, Jay. Please, can we be friends at least?"

He couldn't reply, feeling so much pain in his chest. Why did their relationship seem to be so complicated? His feelings for her never changed, he still loved her.

"Yes, we can be friends."

It was a painful reply. But what was she expecting, she walked right into that. If she wanted a reconciliation then that's what she should have asked for. She did not know that he was playing it by feel, that he was merely mirroring her statements. That he was thinking of a guy named Mike, and what the hell he was in Dei's life.

''Can friends hug like this?" He asked her, burying his face in the space between her shoulder and neck.

She didn't reply but instead turned to straddle him. They hugged tightly, her mouth pressing kisses to his Adam's apple, and chin. He lowered his head, his lips catching a kiss meant for his chin, and fire ignited in his belly. His tongue coaxed hers, he licked and sucked while his hands cupped her bottom to squeeze her firmly against his hardness.

"Can I stay here with you, Dei?"

"Yes please."

He carried her to the bedroom, gently laying her down because she groaned with pain. He saw her holding back her tears and it worried him. There was a faint beginning of rashes on her face.

"Baby, where does it hurt? Will a massage help?"

"I don't know."

"I'm taking you to the hospital, Dei. You don't look ok."

He prepared a bag of her things and assisted her to the elevator. While walking to the car, he noticed her calling someone. She was feeling weak, but she made the effort to call him.

"Hello. Mike, I'm going to Medical City.......Yes someone's driving me. See you there."  

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