THE ONE (The Selection Fanfic...


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Things started to change for America as she already had realized she has fallen deeply inlove with the Prince... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11 (part 1)
Chapter 11 (part 2)
Chapter 12

Chapter 10

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"No, no, no and No!" I heard the voice of Princess Ysabel say as she tarted to shout at one of the maids who decorated the Christmas tree wrongly.

"I told you the Christmas Tree is supposedly Blue not green! The color theme here is Blue people! Not green!" She shouted again and this time she looked around the maids around her who was busily throwing away the green Christmas tree.

"You!" She shouted at the maid who was throwing away the green Christmas tree.

"Yes miss?" The maid asked, her voice cracking at the end of the line.

"Get out, i want Jane to throw it away!" Princess Ysabel said glaring daggers at the maid who was beside her.

"Yes your majesty" the maid courtsies and get out. I saw Princess Ysabel push 'Jane' roughly on the pile of the green Christmas Tree on the floor.

"Clean it and i want it spick and span, and before the stroke of 9:00 pm i'm gonna expect to see the blue christmas tree this time" The princess snapped at her and sashayed her way to the desert area.

"Why is she such a bitch" I heard Elise whisper to Kriss.

"I know right, she is such a pain in the ass" I heard Kriss whipered back and i just swiftly walked passed them ignoring their comments of the princess.

I might hate the princess too but i just know that deep inside she has a rough past and she's building such high walls on her life, high walls that cannot be broken or unleashed and I know that her kind heart is still there and alive.

"Hi America!" I heard a chirpy voice say and i turned my head around to see Princess Ruby all bubbly and alive.

"Hey Rubs" I said trying my best to smile at her.

"Something's bothering you" Ruby said eyeing me and my features.

"Something is bothering me, and that something is a someone" I said sitting down on the near benches of the hall.

"Let me guess, Ysabel?" Ruby said perking her one eyebrow up and sitting down next to me and I nodded my head in reply.

"I mean, why can't she just be thankful to other people who are trying their best to be good to her?" I said trying to control everything up.

"I don't really know with her, she's been like that eversince that tragic day" Ruby said emphasizing the word 'that day' i looked at her confused and she started to speak up.

"That day was the day she confessed her love for a guy" Princess Ruby said and i widened my eyes in shock.

"A guy?"

"Yep, i'm gonna tell you what i know but pleade don't tell a word to Maxon or her okay?" Ruby said looking at me straight in the eye.

"Of course, i promise" I said and she sighed in relief.

"Good" She replied and she started to speak up again telling me the story about what had happened.


(This is Ruby's P.O.V.)

"Ysabel!" I shouted at my sister who was running away from the gardens tearing up.

She turned around to look at me and she had an angry look on her face, i looked at her with confusement and she just ran away.

"Ysabel wait!" I shouted at her trying to catch up with her, when she had arrived at her door she was about to close it but i blocked it.

"Let me in" i said and she sighed giving up opening the door.

"What do you fucking want?!" She said her voice filled with anger as she turned her back on me.

"So what happened?" I asked Ysabel as i tried to touch her shoulder but she slap it away and i look at her filled with worry.

I was hurt a little bit but i tried to let it pass.

"Nothing just leave my room, would you?!" She shouted and she turned her to face me, i gasped a little bit because her eyes were puffy and red,her makeup was a little bit smudge and she didn't look like the Ysabel that i had known before, her face was no longer happy and jolly instead her face and eyes were filled with hatred and darkness.

"Ysabel, are you okay?" I asked her taking a step forward but when i took a step forward i felt a hand slap my cheek.

"You freak!" She bursted out and she started to pull my hair out and I screamed in pain.

"Ysabel, stop! What did i ever do to you!" I said my eyes filled with tears and pain as she started to push me on the floor pulling my hair.

"What did you do to me?! YOU FUCKING RUINED MY LIFE! YOU WARFREAK!" She shouted and she began to slap me in the cheek again and i was defenseless, i don't know how to fight her, what got inside my brain was just to pull her hair and so i did.

We now started a catfight, with Ysabel above me and with me under her trying to push her away while pulling her hair.

"What the hell?!" I heard a deep husky voice say as we were in the middle of our fight, we stopped midway and turned to look at the person.

I gasped as i saw that it was my brother, Maxon.


"And that's how she changed" Ruby said looking down.

"You mean she changed without any reason, why?" I asked her but she shook her head.

"I don't know she didn't tell me but i know deep down she changed because of something" Ruby said shrugging and i nodded my head in reply.

"Yeah i think so too"

"Lady America your needed at the ballroom" I heard one of the maids say as she came towards our direction.

"Oh, yes! I gotta go now, bye Ruby!" I said standing up from my seat and waving a goodbye to Ruby.

"Bye!" Ruby said cheerfully and waved back at me.



"Well aren't you gonna tell me what my dress would be for the Christmas Ball?" i impatiently asked at my designer who was busily drawing something.

"Ah, yes! Here it is your highness!" she said as she had finally realized that i was here she quickly ran to the closet of dresses and as she came back i saw her hold a pink fluffy dress with some beads.

"Didn't i say to you that i want my dress to be blue?" I asked glaring at her.

"But Princess Ruby's dress is blue"

"I don't care if hers is blue if hers is blue then just give her that damn pink dress!" I commented angrily and she shook her head.

"I can't give her the pink dress her blue dress is already ready to wear"

Damn this girl, she's not giving up eh?

"Miss.Fray do you want to lose your job?" I asked her in a mean way and she shook her head widening her eyes.

"Then if you don't want to lose your job then just give her the damn pink dress" I angrily said and walked out of the room.

Urgh, what a stressful life!

People are so nosy today!

"Miss i'm sorry to tell you this but the Royal Family's arriving today" I heard one of our maids say from the office of my mother and i sneakily went to her office hiding behind the door i pushed my ear to the front door to hear their conversation.

What if the Royal Family is Nate's Family?

Oh my gosh.

"Oh, i thought they would come here tomorrow" i heard my mother say

"It seems like they wanted to come here early my lady"

"Well then, we better prepare for their coming today" My mother said and i heard the maid reply an 'ok' so i hastily rushed myself to my bedroom to change my clothes and look pretty.

Oh my gosh, Nate's gonna be here and i need to look extra pretty today since he's gonna come here.

I roam around my walk in closet and two hours later i still can't find a perfect dress to impress Nate.

I almost gave up on looking for a dress but i caught a glimpse of a white dress near the shoe racks.

I got the white dress and it was above the knee, the dress has a belt on the waist and it was plain white but it looks cute and smexy.

I quickly wore my white dress and put on a light shade of make up since Nate does not want girls who wears light make up.


I already heard my mother say to me that Nate's family is already here and i can't control my breathing, i'm kinda nervous since me and Nate did not get along pretty well since the 'incident' and i'm kinda worried if he's still gonna ignore me.

"Ysabel! Nate's here!" i heard my mother say from downstairs and i quickly put a light shade of pink lipgloss on my lips. I checked my reflection on the mirror again and i smiled proudly at myself.

You look perfect Ysabel.

I quickly ran downstairs to be surprised by the heart warming smiles of Nate's Family, i walked towards their direction and kissed both of their cheeks.

"Where Nate?" I asked and his mother pointed at the garden outside, i quickly said a thank you to his mother and walked towards the garden.

I stopped dead on my tracks as i saw that my sister already was there all googly eyes with Nate. I looked over at Nate who was smiling brightly at her, he still did not change but his smile got a lot cuter.

My heart shattered into pieces when i saw Nate caught Ruby by the waist when Ruby was about to fall, i felt a tear trickle down my cheek but i quickly wiped it away. I decided not to get in the garden instead of gretting Nate a hello i quickly ran to my room and lock myself in there crying my heart out.






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