direct messages | gmw

By riarklerrs

85.5K 3.1K 854

[ COMPLETED ⚡️🌱 ] ; a texting story in which riley, maya, lucas, farkle, smackle and zay meet through Instag... More

one | random human beings
two | 'folks!'
three | smackle's backstory
four | their selfies
five | farkle likes smackle?
six | lucas's brief backstory
seven | their introductions
eight | farkle likes who now?
nine | farkle's backstory
ten | who's jealous?
eleven | lucas and maya?
twelve | josh
thirteen | where did riley go?
fourteen | lucas realizes
fifteen | riarkle's first "i love you"
sixteen | the breakup
seventeen | riley and maya's chat
eighteen | THEIR MEET UP #1
nineteen | THEIR MEETUP #2
twenty | THEIR MEETUP #3
twenty-one | THEIR MEETUP #4
twenty-two | THEIR MEETUP #5
twenty-three | THEIR MEETUP #6
twenty-four | THEIR MEETUP #7
twenty-five | THEIR MEETUP #8
author's note ✨ - gmw cancellation
twenty-six | instagram posts
twenty-seven | riarkle
twenty-eight | zayadora... and maya?
twenty-nine | smackle's feelings
thirty | zayadora is real... what about lucaya?
thirty-one | the talks
thirty-two | his backstory
thirty-three | riley's backstory
thirty-four | maya
thirty-five | the reconcillation
thirty-six | found again
thirty-seven | updates
thirty-eight | smackle's new friends
thirty-nine | the 605s
fourty | the new girl
fourty-one | who's the angsty man?
fourty-two | 'you're a disgusting creature!'
fourty-three | smackle's reaction
fourty-four | the girl at his window
fourty-five | cory and topanga
fourty-six | betrayed(?)
fourty-seven | we find out who the blonde girl is
fourty-eight | london at midnight
fourty-nine | the theory
fifty | the fake outfit
fifty-one | the unexpected voices
fifty-two | blood
fifty-three | ally
fifty-four | the scream
fifty-six | SIGNING OFF
author's note - new oneshot book!!!
author's note 💥 - 20/7/17, an iconic day
author's note 💥 - 20/7/17, an iconic day pt. 2
author's note 💐 - corey's birthday project!!

fifty-five | the group hug

629 22 0
By riarklerrs

at home, in the basement, in New York.

I turned around sharply to look behind me as soon as I heard Riley's voice, and saw the devil running towards me with... with a wooden stick. "You're coming with me. No matter what," she said, as she brought the stick up and ready to hit my back with it.

I turned my head and saw Riley lying on the floor before the stairs which led down here, looking at me desperately in pain. I wanted to run, I wanted to get to her, I wanted to break the distance between us, but I couldn't now that the devil's hand was tight, on my arm.

I struggled, trying to get away from her but to no avail. Just as I was going to close my eyes, I heard the sound of many footsteps- probably the 605s and the four from our gang- and they were all protesting.

I felt myself being pushed back as they tried to pull the devil away, but all I could think about was Riley's bloodstained face. Is she going to be okay?

Suddenly, the devil screamed, "EVERYONE, GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!"

And with just one swing of the stick, she could easily knock me unconscious.

But before she had the chance to do so, there was a loud, strong, male voice. "POLICE! Let go of the weapon and let the boy go!"

Immediately, I felt her hand let go, but everything went by like a blur. Ri— Riley...


in the hospital, in New York.

I opened my eyes to be blinded by the bright light, and immediately shut them again. Right then, there were murmurs and I heard someone shouting, "Doctor! She's awake!"

Who's awake? What's happening?

I tried opening my eyes again, and the light wasn't so blinding this time, so I reached up to rub my eyes. I looked around, realizing that I was... I was in a bed. And beside me was Dad, Mum, Farkle, Maya, Smackle, Lucas and Zay, all of them looking at me in concern.

"Wha— why are you guys looking at me like that? Where am I?" I sat up and looked around. Machines, tubes... I reached up to scratch my head, only to realized that it was bandaged up.

"Riles! You're awake!" Farkle pushed his way through the group of people and put his hands on mine, grinning.

He then reached down to kiss my forehead, whispering, "I was so afraid I would... lose you."

His mother. She knocked me out. Blood everywhere. I heard something break in the basement as I was half-conscious and I crawled in pain toward the stairs leading to the basement. I saw the love of my life, and his devil of a mum behind, aiming a stick at him, and screamed. I wanted to run to him and protect him but I was so dizzy and in pain I couldn't do anything at all.

...and the hospital is where I ended up at.

My mouth curled into a smile and I stroked his hair. "That would never happen."

"Riley!" Maya, Lucas, Zay and Smackle rushed over and hugged me all at once.

I hugged them all back, and laughed. "I love you guys." They then let go of me.

"I was frightened to death! Thank god you're safe," Maya smiled sweetly and hugged me tightly again.

All of them then moved back and my parents walked over to me. First, Dad came up to me.

"Hey, sweetie. Do you feel fine?"

I nodded.

"I'm so glad you're okay, princess. Now your mum would like to talk to you." He smiled, and let go my hand, moving behind Mum.

Mum? I thought she would lecture me the moment she saw me here.

"Darling..." 'Darling'? It's been a decade since she called me that.

"I— I'm sorry. For everything. You never deserved to go through my beatings and unreasonable scoldings. When I heard that you were admitted into the hospital, I only then realized how I should treasure you. You're my one and only and I could never afford to lose you. I was so afraid that you... you would just leave me and I'd never have the chance to apologize for anything."

My mouth widened and my jaw dropped. But I quickly recovered from the shock and grinned like a Cheshire Cat. "I love you, Mum! I— I can't believe..."

"I love you too, Riley. And I'm sorry," she said as she pulled me in for a hug.

We then pulled away and I smiled at all of my favorite people in the world. "I love all of you."

They crowded around me and we were all embraced in a huge group hug.

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