The Maid's Son

By SarahEvansxox

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BoyxBoy Dianna is the maid to a very nice family consisting of two twin girls and a teenage boy along with th... More

Chapter 1: New Home, New Job
Chapter 2: First Day of Work
Chapter 3: They meet on a Thursday
Chapter 4: Under the Moonight
Chapter 5: Malls and Coffee shops
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
New Book Cover

Chapter 14

227 15 3
By SarahEvansxox

Ethan's P.O.V

Another day awake another day in hell. I'm not exaggerating, school is like a modern day hell except every class is always extremely cold.

"Come on Ethan, you're food's getting cold." My mum is accepting of me so that's all that makes things worth while.

I ran over to the kitchen and greeted my mum with a kiss.

"Hey, sorry I took so long." I sat down in front of her.

"It's okay I just needed to tell you a few things before you leave for school. First I'll tell you that Mr. and Mrs. Miller have gone away for a few weeks. They took the twins so it's just gonna be Alex. His parents told me that we need to make sure that there are no parties and no friends at the house in a school night. However, you're gonna enforce that rule for two days. I have to go for two days to another job interview. That means you come straight here from school school, okay? Maybe take an hour or so to do homework then off to work. Only for two days though okay?" I nodded.

"Okay." She smiled.

"So, I'm gonna need the car for today so I got Jaxon to come pick you up okay." I nodded again and finished my food quickly before going to the living room to wait for Jax.

"Okay hun, I'll be back, be good, don't do drugs, I'll see you on Friday." She walked out with her things in hand and I continued to wait.

Ten minutes later the door was knocked on and it was Jax, I grabbed my back pack and hugged him before we walked this car.

"Had you gotten here five minutes later we'd be late for school you know." He laughed lightly.

"Hey, you can't rush me, you think this comes naturally." He said signaling to himself.

"Oh, I thought you woke up looking that ugly." We laughed at our ridiculous jokes before getting in the car and driving off.

Once we got to school the whole place seemed foreign as if being away for a day somehow made everything different, strange. I dunno it just felt wrong.

I ignored all that and walked to my locker anyways with my friends, even Gabby.

"So, I'm sure you guys know that I'm moving my now, right?" Gabby spoke sadly.

Gabby is the eldest of the bunch, she's a junior and kind of like the big sister you wish you had. Recently her parents have been talking about moving because they thought she wasn't getting a good enough education, or at least that's what they've been telling her. She's gonna be missed a ton, she was my sister, I never got to have one but with Gabby, I did.

We nodded.

"My mum and dad said it was 'for the best' that my education needed to be given in a better environment. I know that's just a load of bullshit. They've left, I have till Monday. I have to drive there from here. I wanna throw a party. With as much crap as I can get since there's no furniture. It'll be maybe Friday after school since I need to start leaving on Saturday. Can you guys come?"

"Wait upperclassmen are gonna go. I don't think I can handle all that... talk people." Megan stated.

Megan is really short so she has to constantly look up to see people.

Gabby laughed.

"You'll be fine. We'll all be there, right?"

"I can't be there straight after school, I have to work. If I ask my mum maybe I can go a little late though." I smiled at Gabby and she smiled back.

"Yeah, I'm in too." Jax said.

"Fine I'll go but if you guys leave alone I'll slap you." Megan pointed at us meanicingly.


I sighed quietly as I left my house for work. I finished my homework and ate so I'm ready for it. Thankfully it's just Alex in there and the house keeping should be easy.

I opened the door to the house and saw everything in tact, as if no one has been here for weeks. However based on the sound of running water I'm sure Alex is here. He's taking a shower. I decided I'd make him some food, just in case he was hungry.

When the shower turned off I was almost done cooking. So me being me and in love with cooking didn't notice when Alex walked in the room and stood right behind me.

"Smells good." I jumped, startled not just because he popped out of nowhere but also at the close proximity.

"Y-You scared me." I turned and shoved his shoulder playfully.

"Sorry. I didn't realize you were so invested in your cooking." He smiled a bit before laughing.

"It's fine. Sorry. So, you're hungry?" He nodded.

"Yeah, I haven't eaten." I thought so.

I served his food and he took it gratefully before heading to the table to eat it. I took that time and decided I'd do some laundry since it must have gotten to quite a lot seeing as my mother wasn't here the previous day to do it.


Before the laundry came out of the dryer the house was all cleaned up and I just needed to get the clothes put away then I could go. I went to the laundry room and folded the clothes as I took them out of the dryer. I came to learn who's clothes belong to who so this was an easy task. Except you know the undergarments....

Pause for awkward moment...

Anyways when I finished the clothes I began to walk to put them away. However the wall there was anything but easy, I was thinking up a ton of excuses as to why had to go to Gabby's for the party. As I was putting away Amber and Suset's clothes I was thinking that I could say that a teacher gave us a project that we have to turn in before she leaves. However as I was putting Mr. and Mrs. Miller's clothes away I thought that she won't believe it since we haven't been working on it all. And as I was in Alex's room, I considered just telling her the truth, yeah I don't think so. I mean I doubt she'll let me even if she feels bad about it, she wouldn't let me. Especially because she's a junior and that means upperclassmen will be there. Ugh, what I'm I gonna d-

"Hey, watch out. You might break something." Alex laughed down at me.


Hey. So yeah, update, yay, right. Sorry I'm not so enthusiastic right now, I've had a horrible day except talking about Brendon Urie at school with my friends. Wait, I'm gonna put a Panic! At the disco song, hold on.

Wait, you already have it, nevermind.

Anyways so yeah, I don't have much to say, just, can't wait for next week's chapter, I hope you liked this chapter, i kniw it was boring but, it'll get better soon... I hope.

I can't write soo, I know it's bad but it's fun and I like it so, I do it.

It's short so sorry. Bye.

April 21, 2017

By the way, it's my cousins Birthday, his name is Jesus therefore, it's Jesus' birthday... *smiled cheekily*

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