Strange meets weird

By asat3683

2.2K 54 12

Best friends Linny and Amy find a mirror that send them to an alternate reality. At first they can't wait to... More

Strange meets weird
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 5

87 3 0
By asat3683

Author's Note: This chapter is based on a dream I had. Actually, the entire story was written around this dream. 

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Strange meets weird - chapter 5

After a couple of days in the hospital, Linny was finally discharged. She was getting more and more frightened by the day because she still hadn’t heard anything from Amy since the gift basket.

As for her mom, Lucy, she had told her that she had been harassed by some drunk guys and when she ran to get away from them, she crossed the highway and got hit. Amazingly enough she believed the story. Linny also managed to ask her to give her a ride to the address Amy had written in her message without sounding too suspicious. She said she was going to deliver a box of supplies to a poor family that lived nearby, so that she could do both things at the same time.

Linny had no idea how to get to the city. Luckly for her, her mom did. She took them on her sports car. During the ride, she only saw lights everywhere. They highways were either bright yellow or orange, the sidewalks were of an electric blue and everywhere buildings' windows shone with different electric colors. Linny felt she needed sunglasses to take all those bright colors and since there were so many lights, she couldn’t even tell which were streets and which weren’t. It was confusing but at the same time she felt safe knowing her mom was with her and that she knew what she was doing.

Finally she parked the car in a very shady part of the city. Linny tried to hide how everything seemed so strange to me and tried to fit in. Fortunately for her, people didn't seem to care about those surrounding them. They had to take electric stairs to go up, so after walking carefully on the deep snow, they went up and searched for the right building. When they found it, her mom told her to wait with the box in the foyer while she looked for the apartment. They only knew his first name, so this would take a while.

After sitting for ten minutes, Linny stood up and started pacing. After twenty minutes of waiting, she saw a guy dragging furniture to an apartment nearby and then suddenly he took her mom’s box. She was furious, so she knocked on the door, not even considering the danger involved. A pale looking guy opened the door and she explained what happened. He was kind enough to tell her that they got confused and that she could get the box back. He even introduced himself: his name was Linus. At the sound of his name, Linny's eyes widened but she didn't even get the change to say anything because seconds later, Linus and his friend received a call and ran out of the apartment asking her to lock the door on the way out.

 Fortunately, Lucy was coming back when this happened. She locked the door rapidly, leaving the box in Linus’ apartment and took her mom's wrist while dragging her out of the building. While running she explained what happened. She couldn’t explain why talking to him was so urgent, but fortunately for her, she didn’t bother asking and just accepted this as a fact.

The guys were taking the stairs leading to the metro. Lucy took the ones on the right, Linny took the other ones. When she was almost arriving at the subway station, she heard a loud grave voice « I found you and now you won’t escape me again ». At first, Linny thought he was talking to her and she froze. However, then she realized he was talking to Linus. For some reason, she felt protective of him. "Of course I feel protective of him", she thought, "I need him to find Amy!", but deep down she knew that wasn't the only reason. She located a rich looking family and screamed « Rat ! ». They made such a commotion, even the guard had to come. While that happened, Linny took Linus’ hand and ran fast. 

Lucy was clever and having seen what happened, she took them through an old tunnel out of the station and near her car. They all took a seat in it and Lucy accelerated well passed the speed limits. She was awesome like that.

Moments later they were leaving the city behind. Meanwhile, Linus hadn’t said a word.

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