Writing Our Story (Complete)

By Monsi_Salcedo

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Demi Lovato & Harry Styles Demi Lovato moves into a new town after the death of her mother. Her dad wanting... More

Writing Our Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Thank You
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Fun Facts on Writing Our Story

Chapter 22

97 5 3
By Monsi_Salcedo

Demi's mind kept on going to her dad as he didn't even check on her threw the whole night. He seem distracted when she woke him up that morning. Looking back at her friends who was looking at her with concern eyes. They were sitting down at their regular spot in the cafeteria. She was so deep in her own little world that she mange block out the world around her.

"What? Sorry I wasn't listening."

She told them as they all just shake their head to her. They smile at her as Perrie look at her.

"I ask you how did you like the pie. Did it taste good ? My mom told me to ask you."

Demi realize what she meant as she only nodded her head.

"Yeah it was delicious. Tell your mom thank you for making it and inviting me."

Demi only said as she smile at her friend. Her mind was distracted as she couldn't focus on anything threw most of the day. The fact that her dad didn't tell her that he was seeing somebody, that what hurt her the most. He wasn't honest with her. They never had a talk about him moving on or asking her if she was okay with it. Rubbing her face as she felt frustrated. Hearing Niall's voice as he said that they should hang out after school. Demi and Liam both shook their head saying no.

"I can't I have work."

Liam said as Demi remember that he works. Demi tried to figure out an excuse as she was planning to stay after school with Harry. Looking at Niall as she found an excuse.

"I can't I have a lot of homework. I got behind in one of my classes."

Niall understanding as he gave them a a soft smile but Demi could see the disappointment in his eyes. Demi was about to tell him they could hang out on Saturday but they blow the whistle before she can even get a word out. Looking at the assistance principles as they all grab their things as they headed to their 6th period. Demi started to feel bad as she had lie to Niall. Her stomach started to hurt as she had started to lie more often then ever. Walking into her art class as she sat down in her regular spot before placing her hands on her head.

Soon the last bell rang as she watch Liam put his notebook inside his backpack. They said a quick goodbye as finally the last student left. Harry was sitting down in his chair as Demi walk to him sitting down on his desk. He had his chin resting against his hand as he was only looking at Demi.

"What do you want to do? I don't have any papers to grade."

Harry ask as he place his chin in his hand. Demi move her head to get her bangs away from her eye as she thought about it. Biting her bottom lip as she look back at her backpack.

"Do you want go to the music room? I would like for you if you could teach me the song you wrote."

Harry smile as they grab their things. Harry lock his door as they walk down the hall. They were looking at each other as both of their smiles grew. Harry took out the key to the room as he made sure nobody was near them. Opening the door as he switch the light as he watch the room become filled with light. Letting Demi step in as he close the door behind them. He look into the hallway as nobody was there. They would forget that they have cameras all over the campus. Harry took out the keys to the room before turning on the light. He turn around as he watch Demi enter the room, put her bag down as she sat down on the chair. He walk up to her as she place her finger on the keys.

He watch her as she slowly play any keys she wanted to as she quickly made a small tone. He smile at her as he sat down next to her. Demi look at him as they smile at each other. Harry let out a breath as he fix his long sleeves from his dress shirt.

"Okay Demetria. You want to learn how to play if I could fly. I'll be your teacher."

He gave her a smile as he watch her cheeks become red as he knew that she blush easily. He look down at her lips as he wanted to give her an actual reason to be blush. Bring his face closer to hers as he gave her a quick peck on her lips. Even with that small peck they could feel their spark. Demi's eyes widen as she cover her face as she felt embarrassed. She could hear Harry letting out a chuckle as it created butterflies to fly wildly in her stomach. Demi drop her hands as she only said.

"I'll love for you to teach me, Harry."

They smile at each other as Harry began his lesson. He loved that Demi was a fast learner as an hour have pass and she already know how to play the song. Harry would watch as Demi fill the room with the beautiful piano music as he slowly and soft sang his lyrics he wrote for her.

"I'll be right back home to you. I think I might give up everything just ask me to. Pay attention i'm hope that you're listening as I guard down right now i'm completely defenseless."

He would sang as he couldn't keep his eyes of his secret girlfriend. She was playing the music he wrote for her as he couldn't be happier. Hearing the tones coming off from the piano. Demi couldn't be any more happier as she got up from the chair. Grabbing Harry's hand as she got him off the chair. Walking to the middle of the room as she had the biggest smile on her face. Standing in front of Harry as she look into his eyes. Harry smile as he wrap his hand around her small waist bring her closer to him. They would take slow steps as they dance to the imagery music playing in their head. They dance around the whole room, making sure they didn't bump into anything. They would hum the song as they held on to each other. Harry would spin her around his body and dip her every time he got the chance. Bring Demi back up as she was laughing looking up into his green eyes. Demi would cuddle her face into his chest as she smile at him. Looking into his eyes as all she could see was pure love. Getting on her ends of her toes as she brought her lips to his. Harry would move his body bring it lower to her as his hold on her waist was strong. Their hold on each other was strong it almost look like they were melting together. Soon letting go for the lack of air as they just held each other. Demi let out a breath as could feel his hands moving on her back sending shivers throughout her body. Harry would just look into her eyes as he loved how they sparkle under the light. Looking at the clock that was hanging on the wall as it was getting late. Looking down at her as he move a piece of hair away from her face. Cupping her cheek into the palm of his hand as he brought his head lower. Laying a soft kiss as he decided it was time to leave. They grab their things as Demi's dad was still running threw her mind. Looking at Harry as she grab his hand pulling him back before they could be seen by any of the camera in the hallways. Harry look at her with concern eyes as he read her expression.

"My dad didn't notice I wasn't there all night. It's been bugging me ever since he told me. I can't believe that he didn't notice. He didn't check on me last night. He always does ever since my mom got sick. He promise us that he'll check on both of us. I...."

Demi spilled out as she look into his green eyes. Harry's brows narrow down as he could tell that she was having difficulty telling her story. Bring her closer to him as he wrap his arms around her. Laying his chin on top of her head as he felt her arms around his torso. He let out a breath as he knew how important Demi's dad was to her. She just didn't know how to show it.

"Everything will be alright. Just try to talk to him. Get him to listen to you. Or write him a letter if you can't get it out. The most you can do is to tell him how you feel. One way or another."

Harry said as he look down at her. Returning the glace as Demi just nodded her head. He lay a soft kiss on her forehead before they left the building. Passing threw the front door as they both pulled out their keys. Harry walk to his truck that was park across Demi's bike. She bend down to unlock it as Harry open the driver's side. He got in as Demi pulled her bike off the rack. He watch her leave the parking lot before he left it himself.
Demi jump on the side walk as she could see her house, her paddling went slower when she saw her dad's car in the driveway. Stopping on her track as she pulled out her cellphone to check the time as it was barley pass 4. He wasn't supposed to be off work for two more hours. Getting of her bike as she notice a Honda park outside her house. Looking back at her house as her stomach drop when she remembers the conversation he had with the mystery person on the phone. Scratching her forehead as she look across the street wondering if she should go to Perrie's until the person leaves. Biting her bottom lip as she couldn't make up her mind.

Demi had push in the garage's door as she put in her bike on the regular spot she always leaves it. Passing by the door that would lead to the house as she could hear laughter from the other side. Taking her eyes to the door as she tried to figure out if she should go in or not. Shaking her head as she took the door that would lead her to the backyard. Closing the door behind her as she on the sidewalk. They haven't done anything special with the backyard. Well yet as her dad had a few ideas what they could do, but he said that later when they have more money. For now they only had small table with four chairs and a grill next to it. Just enough if they wanted to do a barbeque. Pulling out the chair before she took off her backpack. She started to some worksheets she didn't finish for a class when her phone rang. Looking at caller ID as she didn't question it, pressing accept as she place it next to her ear.


Hearing his voice knowing where he was made goosebumps appear on her skin.

"Demi sweetheart, where are you ? I thought you got out at 2:45. It's about to be four thirty. Where are you?"

Holding the phone with a strong force as she look at the window that she could see the kitchen. Licking her lips as she could see his body moving.

"I'm outside in the backyard. I stayed for tutoring for a class. I came in by the garage and stayed in the backyard. I'm doing homework, do you need me for something?"

She watch as his eyes look threw the blinds from the window as their eyes meet.

"What are you doing outside? Isn't cold outside? Come on inside, you haven't eating anything. I already made something for us to eat."

Demi look at her hand as she couldn't argue with him. Grabbing her things as she walk to the door. Taking a deep breath as before she open the door. Taking a few steps in as she saw the dinning room light on. She could hear a soft voice speaking whenever she got closer. Poking her head out as she saw a women sitting down on one of their chairs. The women smile at her as her dad stood up.

"Demi I want to introduce you to Blake Lively. She's one of my co-workers. Blake this is my daughter Demi."

Demi watch as Blake turn her gaze to her to her dad back to her. She stood up as she fix her blue dress. Walking to her as she extended her arm out to Demi.

"It's so nice finally meet you Demi. Ryan have told me so much about you. He never stops talking about you."

Blake tell her as she smile at her. Demi returns the smile as she look down at her hand. Taking a deep breath as she extended her hand combining it with her. Giving each other a quick hand shake as they both drop their hands. Demi shallows a big gulp of saliva as she looks at her dad. He could see many emotions in her eyes as he brought his hands together.
"We should eat. We haven't eaten since noon and either has Demi. Come on, we can go to a restaurant. Do you know any good one Blake?"

Demi's dad said as they both agreed. He let the girls walk out first as he walk behind them. They got inside Blake's car as they drove to a restaurant near by. Demi put on a fake smile as she felt odd having dinner with her dad's new girlfriend, even though he introduced her as his co-worker. By the looks that they are giving each other, she could see so much more. But her dad was happy again, shouldn't she ?


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