•DISCONTINUED • Yan sim male...

By StaticWolf1355

79.6K 1.5K 3.4K

(Y/N) (L/N) just moved to Japan from (C/N) because of simply wanting too.She comes to the school just to lear... More

~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~(Preview)
Im sorry
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9 pt.1~
~Chapter 9 pt.2~
~Not dead~
~Chapter 10(preview)~
~Chapter 10~
Hey :).

~Chapter 3~

6K 138 86
By StaticWolf1355

April 2,2017

-(Y/N) p.o.v-

I yawned as I woke up to my second day going to Akademi.I looked down to see Hanakō laying on my chest sleeping peacefully.I started shaking him lightly until he woke up,which he did after the 5th time.

"Hanakō come one we gotta get ready for school."

The boy smiled at me and walked I assume to get his clothes for a shower.I woke everyone else up and we all started to take times taking showers.After we were all done Amao made us some yummy breakfast and we headed out the door.

-time skip to the school-

"So Osorō you still going to class with us?"

"Can't i know I promised but I'll see you when you go to gym."Osorō said as I sighed but quickly stopped.

"You'll wait for us by the track!"

Osorō looked at me before saying yes and walking where every the hell he goes.

-time skip-
I walked in the room happily knowing that I wasn't late as my group of friends,excluding Osorō,walked in the same way.

"Oh look who isn't late quite early actually~"Mr.Mido said looking at me and grinning as I sighed in defeat knowing the teasing will never stop.

-time skip to 20 minutes into class-

I jotted down the notes that Mr.Mido wrote as I finally finished and sighed in relief as no one else was done.

Suddenly I got a text message on my phone(I just noticed I said iPhone in the first chapters instead of saying a saikou phone but who cares)from a random number that I never seen in my life saying
'Heads up Megami is coming'.

I looked at my phone confused before texting back.

'Who's this'

'None of your business'

'we'll stop texting you'

'Ooooook I was just tryna tell you your in trouble with the student body president~'

'Yeah y-WAIT WHAT'

'Yeah he's about to be there in'





As soon as he texting 1 the door slid open at a quick speed and the silver haired guy came outta nowhere and stood in front of the class interrupting Mr.Mido's class.

"I need (Y/N) (L/N) she I come with me."everyone looked at me as I grabbed my stuff hesitation taking over me before I reluctantly agreed and walked to him as we walked out of class,

As we walked down the quiet hallways I examined each and every detail.From the folded up table leaning on a box to the occult club.Soon the male known as Megamo stopped at a door and opened it to reveal-

-I'm soooo sorry for not updating fast enough and when I finally do I only write 439 words I know it's not my usual 2500+ but i have a huge test coming up and school is just putting their foot up my ass and it hurts like hell but anyway I ❤️ all of you your all sweethearts I ❤️ u my dear pups bye bye😘-

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