Switched Out

By SamSuikun

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Storm Conley is a girl in a society where it is looked down upon to be straight. People who are straight have... More

Ch. 1 **PART 1**
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8 **PART 2**
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 13.5
Ch. 14
Ch. 15.5
Ch. 16 **PART 3**
Ch. 17
Author's Note/Tribute
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 19.5
Ch. 20
A/N #2
Ch. 21
Ch. 21.5
Ch. 22
Author's Note

Ch. 15

202 7 5
By SamSuikun

***I think I'll make a second part to this chapter for Nathan. I think we need to see what he's going through as this happens, and after.***

We were late getting outside. I knew we’d have to run to get there before the first bell. I quickly said my laters to the guys, after Jason redid my bindings.

We skidded to a halt in front of the doors. I felt good after I ran. I looked to Nathan he was heaving. I grinned and grabbed his hand. I pulled my phone out with my other hand and turned it on. It didn’t get much charge, so I had to keep it off.

I was dragging him abit. He was laughing in between breaths, “Can I please catch my breath first?”

I tuck my tongue out at him, and then said, “No.” I turned my head back to my phone. We had a couple minutes before the first bell to go to class.

I kept hold of his hand, but I stopped and slid my fingers between his. “Fine, you can rest we have a few minutes before we have to go to class.”

He asked, "Can I have my hand back for now?"

I sighed. “Alright,” and let him go. He put it on his knee, similar to his other hand. I grinned and leaned against the wall.

He finally stood up, “Damn, you have alot of energy.”

I grinned and shrugged, “I had to.”  

I heard the bell ring, and turned to my first class.

I held out my hand, “You coming with me?”

He slides his hand in mine, “Wouldn’t have it any other way.”

We walked down the hall with everyone staring. My face went about 10 degrees higher. He started swing his arm, causing mine to do the same. I couldn’t contain my laughter. It felt like the happiest day of my life.

I stopped us across the hall from my class. “I have to go in there.” I tilted my head to the door.

I slid my hand up my shirt he was wearing. He had decided to borrow a pair of jeans and an old shirt of mine from the dresser with my T.V. on it. He looked good in them really, but I knew I didn’t need to say anything with the drool that was coming from the corner of my mouth. I snapped out of it when he came over to wipe it off. He grinned knowing he chose the right clothes.

I looked back up at him, right now. His brown hair was disheveled. Why was I so into looking at him and thinking about every single piece of him? I was in deep with him, now, and I was realizing it.

He noticed me just staring and tried to steal a quick kiss. I wasn’t going to allow it to be as I put my hand behind his head to stop him from pulling away.

When I finally allowed him to go, he gave me a kiss on my forehead, “I gotta go before the bell.” He jogged off as I waved to him.

As soon as he was around the corner, my head turned to another voice. “You’re way better than that, Thor.” It was the guy that had beat up Nathan yesterday. Lee, I was most certain it was that.

He pushed off the locker toward me. He put his thumb on my chin. I gritted my teeth “You could have all this,” he gestured to himself. I wanted to roll my eyes. “And popularity, but you choose that,” he spat.

I tried to push him off, but he moved, pushing his lips to mine. I wanted to cry. This was awful. All I tasted was cigarettes. I had open my mouth to holler, instead I got his tongue in it. I whimpered. I wanted him off. Taking the noise as pleasure, he pushed me against the lockers, sliding his slimy hands up my shirt.

I started to cry, but before I allowed him to go any further, I bit down on his tongue. I believe I drew blood as he turned his head to spit red on the floor.

“You bitch,” he swore at me.

With his hands still up my shirt, I pushed him back with as much force as I could. He was too surprised to catch himself. He rattled the lockers when he hit them. The door to the classroom opened as he got to his knees.

I felt disgusting. I wanted to curl up in a ball, away from the whole world. Is this what it really felt like to break apart?

The teacher looked at me, I was still crying. I wrapped my arms around myself. I never was good with anyone touching me, but I never knew this feeling before. It was worse than anything I ever felt.

“Mr. Erion, are you okay?” All I could do was shake my head. I looked over to Lee as he stood, off balance. This caused the teacher to look over to him. “What happened? I want the truth now.”

Lee looked me, “All you had to do was tell me to get off.”

My voice was high and squeaky, “How could I? You had your tongue in my mouth.” I choked out the last word.

I dropped to the floor, and pulled my knees closer. What did I do to get all this? I cried silently.

The teacher started to yell at him, “Office, now, and tell them to get the nurse down here.”

Almost silently, he answered, “Yes, Mr. Foot.” I heard him walk down the hall.

I heard the teacher step toward me, I whimpered. I didn’t want anyone near me. I looked at his brown shoes. I heard him holler down to Lee, again.

“And, tell them it might be in his best interest to get ahold of his guardians.”

I heard whispers from the classroom. He went back to the door, “Sit down and start reading section two. I don’t want to find anyone out of their chair.” I heard alittle bit off clamoring and then, nothing.  

He turned back to me. Mr. Foot leaned over in front of me. I cringed.

He breathed out and lowered his voice, “Storm, you need to get up. You can’t stay sitting on the floor, son.” I heard footsteps, and he turned his head to the person. I assumed it was the nurse, but I turned my head to see Nathan. I didn’t want to have him see me like this.

“Why are you here, Mr. Tully?” My heart skipped a beat hearing his name.

Nathan simply said, “I felt something was wrong.” He frowned at the teacher. Then, he turned to me, and I could tell by the look on his face that seeing me like this was breaking him apart.

Nathan kept his eyes on me and continued to talk to him, “He was bullied at his last school to the point touch scares him. I’d just barely got close to him this morning.” He turned his head to the teacher, now. “I’m most likely the only one that can make him come back out of his shell. That’s here anyway.”

I just stared at Nathan as he turn his head back to me. I really didn’t want him here right now. I turned my head away from him.

“Come on, sweetheart.” He held out his hand to me. Hearing his voice, I wanted cry more.

I could feel the venom he was holding back as he said to the teacher, “Who was here with him?”

Before he could answer, I heard another set of footsteps. Without turning around, Nathan held up his hand to the man. His gaze was still on Mr. Foot.

The teacher said, “Mr. Garson.” I cringed at the name. Nathan made both hands into fist. Then, slowly let them go as he breathed out and he turned back to me.

“Hun, I promise, he’s not going to touch you, again.” I could tell  by the look on his face, if he had his way no one else would, either. I really did mean the world to him.

I stiffly moved my arm toward him. I was shaking uncontrollably. He held out his hand. I almost pulled back. I wanted to stay in this little ball.

He whispered, “I know you’re in pain. I may not know how you’re feeling exactly, but I’d never make that worse, you know that, hun.” He kept his hand out, and still, “Please.”

I slowly put my hand in his, and let him pull me into him as he fell to his knees on the floor. I shook against him, and cried into his shirt. God, I felt like death. My tongue was sand paper. It was like he took saliva out of my mouth. I want to throw up.

Then, I felt Nathan’s hand go through my now short black hair. His other hand was rubbing my back.  

I heard him whisper, “It’s going to be okay, I promise” His voiced settled most of me down. The tears were still streaming down my face. I felt so wrong with him holding me like this.

“Nothing will make me leave you, hun,” he continued to whisper to me. He leaned his head back and kissed my forehead. “Nothing.” He rocked me back and forth.

After a few minutes, Jason came running down the hall, “Storm?” I’d laid my head on Nathan’s shoulder after he’d kissed my forehead. Jason was on the other side him. I had turned my head abit, so I could partly see him.

He crouched down beside us. “I think it’d be best if I took him home with me.” Nathan nodded, but he didn’t allow Jason to pick me up, though.

He said to my brother, “You sign him out. I’ll put him in the car.” He scooped me up. I yipped, slightly at the fast motion. Then, I let my arms go limp against myself. I turned my face to Nathan’s chest. I assumed it was okay with Jason, because as soon as Nathan stood up, he was walking away. It didn’t take long for him to get to the main doors.

As we got next to the car, he fixed the position of his hands to open the door. Then, set me down on the seat, and buckled me in.

He whispered to me, “I’ll be by your place later to check on you.” He paused, “Hopefully.” He turned his head to the doors, as did I to see Jason walk out. I picked my knees up close to me.

“It’s going to be okay, I promise you that.” He kissed my head and closed the door. He said something to Jason I couldn’t hear. He nodded and said something back. He turned to go back in the building. I didn’t feel right about staying with Nathan right now, but I felt worse leaving him here with me like this.

Jason hopped in the driver side, “How are you feeling?” I turned away from him. “I know things are wrong. I’m here for you, love.” He turned on the car, and headed out of the parking lot. His next sentence shocked me abit.

He looked out the windshield, “I had a feeling Nathan was the one for you. I can really see it, now.” He paused, “He was the only you allowed to touch you that I could see.” I nodded, and curled back into a ball.

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