His Child

By seperdre

51.5K 1.1K 197

| Second book in "His" series | "There's no escape for you Willow! You're a worthless piece of shit!" Ryan y... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 21

1K 27 0
By seperdre

Willow's POV

Let's just say my perfect opportunity hasn't come. And I've been waiting a bit longer then I planned to.

I did try to meet Justin at his room but things got strange. He wasn't there and nobody's mentioned him since. I have a feeling someone found out he was trying to help me and killed him. I feel so bad now. That thought is constantly on the back of my mind. I mean, he died trying to get me out of here. Well I think he was trying to help me.

Girls have been disappearing as well.  Lizzie was the first one to vanish and now eleven girls have just vanished. Most of the younger girls and even some of the heirs have disappeared as well. Ryan's completely furious about it all but they haven't mange to find any of them.

I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy who's now nine months old. He started crawling a few days ago which was really emotional. I never really thought I would grow so attached to Ryan's baby but he's so gorgeous. He's my little bundle of laughter and joy in this shitty situation. That's why his name is Isaac.

I'm still looking for my escape opportunity. I don't want Isaac to take over Ryan's gang but there's nothing I can do about it. Unless I find my escape route. It's difficult with Isaac as well. I don't know how to get out and take him with me, without being seen.

I celebrated my eighteenth birthday here. Nothing special. It was quite horrible actually. I really need a prince charming to come waltzing through the door. I honestly don't know how much longer I can wait.

Although Ryan is pretty pleased with me at the moment. Giving him a boy. Not trying to escape. Pretending to be broken. Listening to him.

It's been over a year since my loving stepdad gave me to Ryan. I honestly don't know if there is an escape anymore. I've looked for my perfect escape opportunity but it's never come.

I lie on the couch, staring at the roof. Isaac is sound asleep next to me. We are never apart. I'm trying to protect him the best I can. I feel so guilty for bringing him into this mess. My shitty mess. He doesn't deserve this. He deserves to have a normal life. He shouldn't be raised in a gang. He shouldn't be the next heir to this gang. He doesn't deserve this life. He deserves a normal life with a loving family. Not this. Anything but this.

Tears slide down my face. He doesn't deserve this. He doesn't deserve to have Ryan as his father. He deserves someone so much better. He doesn't deserve to have me as his mum. I don't even know what I'm doing. I'm only eighteen. He needs a loving mother and thoughtful father. He needs a better family. He deserves a better family. He deserves to have fun. He deserves to have a life.

And with Isaac in mind, I knew I needed to look harder for my escape opportunity. There has to be an escape opportunity somewhere. I need to get Isaac out of here. He doesn't deserve this. He shouldn't be stuck here. He needs a life. You've got to get out of here. Get out of here for his sake. Try harder. Fight for it. Isaac deserves a life.

Larissa walks into the room, smiling. I still can't believe she's smiling. I've lost all hope ages ago. Well maybe not all of it but most of it.

"Hey Willow. How's Isaac?" She asks, sitting on the other couch.

"He's asleep. He's crawling and clapping as well. How have you been?"

"Yeah, I'm getting there. Caleb's pretty pleased with me. Twins boys, another boy and now pregnant again."

"Yeah. How far along are you now?"

"Nearly a month. Anyway Abbott wants you in his office."

"Abbott wants me in his office? I didn't even know he had an office."

"Yeah he does. I'll show you where it is if you want."

"Yeah thanks. I'll probably get lost any of my luck."

"It's a huge house. I still don't know where half the rooms are. Don't worry about it."

I force and smile and nod. I sit up and scoop Isaac into my arms.

I walk after Larissa down a hallway and up two flights of stairs. I knew the house was big, but this big? It's ginormous. Why do you even need a house this big? Well I suppose it's for more then one person. A whole gang to be exacted.

Larissa finally stops and points to one of the doors on the right. "That's Abbott's office."

I thank her and she leaves. I take a deep breathe before knocking on the door.

The door soon opens and Abbott looks me up and down. "Yes?"

"Uh- Larissa said you wanted to see me."

He takes a deep breathe and nods. "Yeah I did. Come in."

I walk into his office and close the door behind me. I stand awkwardly in the middle of his office, holding Isaac in my arms.

I slowly take in my surroundings. There's a few books shelves in the corner with a couple of chairs around them. There's a circular table in the other corner with stacks of books. His desk is front and centre, with more book shelves behind it. There's two doors off his office, leaving me to wonder where they lead to.

Abbott clears his throat, causing me to look back at him. He's sitting at his desk, motioning to the other chairs.

I cautiously make my way over to them and sit down. I rock Isaac back and forth in my arms. He's so peaceful when he's asleep. I wish he could always be this peaceful. I wish he didn't have to grow up. He doesn't deserve his future. He deserves so much more. He deserves a loving, caring, understanding family. He deserves a good family, not me. Not Ryan. Not this gang. I need to get him out of here. Even if it means signing my own death certificate. I'll do anything to keep him safe. He needs a life. He shouldn't be in my shitty mess. This is all my fault. Why did I walk through the alley? Why did I get the baby aborted? Why didn't I fight more with Ryan. Why didn't I try harder escape? This is all my fault.

I look up when I hear footsteps and nearly faint.



I hope this chapter makes sense. The first half is written in past tense. Willow was reflecting on the year that had been.

I am also speeding up time so it doesn't drag and I can add my beloved rainbows and unicorns. They are coming. I promise.

The cliffhanger won't last that long either. I'm probably going to update more then one chapter today.

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- Bethany x

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