Train To My Marriage

By Aashika98

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When two souls united by nature come together ,yet unable to recognise that they are made for each other... More

First journey together.........
Oh my angel!
Interestingly....not interested!
Go not far....
Arjun's left puzzled
So,what's next?
Is it a mere hormone rush?
A dream come true...
The second meeting
On cloud nine....!
Is this all happening to me?!!!
Truth behind
The preview
Plan of the day!
Arjun's days off!
Shruthi's P.O.V
Something's fishy!
A throwback
The freshers' start
The hormones play...

The bitter truth

100 22 18
By Aashika98

Arjun's P. O. V

"I know Dhruv"

Did I really say that! Dammit! I spilled it out to her! To hell with it!

She stopped in the middle of her way in the steps and turned back to see me. The expressions in her face warned me that she was going through a relay of confusion, shock and .....pain to the core!

"Shruthi... Uh.... I did want to speak about it but not like this... In an uncomfortable and irresponsible way! I wanted to clear it out and reveal it to you but not like this! I know you weren't prepared to receive this shock from me but I planned it to give it as a surprise! Just to say that all your problems will be cleared with my help. But it turned out to be something else!" I continued talking as I slowly reached her, picked up her hands and let her towards the couch.

I made sure that she was comfortable.

Yet there wasn't even a small clue of her expressions being changed. She sat like a statue in front of me... Completely expressionless!

I expected it too! But if not today, then never tomorrow.

"Shruthi" I swayed my hand in front of her.

Returning to conscious she said "Arjun, who are you? How do you even know him? Are u his friend or something? Have you come to spy on me?"She said with a shivering voice, yeah I expected it and thankfully I was completely prepared for everything.

"Shruthi, just relax, please sit down shru! Look I'm not a spy or something okay! I'm Arjun! ARJUN! SHRUTHI'S ARJUN! You get it! I've always loved you and I will!okay. Relax shruthi,please! "

"Arjun no you can't be mine! I want none for me! Not especially dhruv and how can you even say that arjun! Even after knowing my past? About Dhruv? No please stay away! How can I ever believe you! It's not so long we've met and moreover you know Dhruv! That's enough for me to say you to get away! " She stood up anguishly.

She spatted away these words in a breath! I could clearly get her feelings!

The feelings of a girl being betrayed by the one on whom her complete trust was engraved!

The feelings of someone being disruptly cheated and taken advantage of one's innocence and belief!

"Knowing your past or someone who has betrayed you doesn't mean that I'm too involved in it Shruthi! I know it wasn't disclosed and it'll remain to be! I know it's hard to believe someone whose presence with you was not enough! But do you really don't believe me shru? "

She was silent! Staring at her hands! Eyes welled with tears! It was really very pathetic to see her like that! But it was my responsibility to make her come out of that! Completely! To make her feel that none was her mistake!

Moments passed! They weren't moments! Those were like ages! Her silence was killing me slowly. She was in her very own deep thoughts, evident from her wrinkles in her forehead!

Before I could open my mouth, she tried to say something which emerged out as a whisper.

"You've been with my dad for a long time Arjun. You've been taught the way of life by my dad! How could I ever suspect you? But that isn't enough to entrust my personal to you right? "

With a short sigh, I inched a little towards her. "Shruthi, I'm not Dhruv! I understand you now that u are shocked to hear it from me! But we really have to speak it now! "

She turned towards me without even blinking. She asked, "what do you wanna speak? Dhruv? Keerthi? Or something else? "


Shruthi's P. O. V


Well! So he knows everything....! No point in hiding anything from him!

His gaze didn't make me feel uncomfortable then as if they were really concerned for me.

He'd been with my dad for long! How could be ever think of cheating on me?

Though we've not been so close together, something made me believe him! Believe him that he's good! That he has the power of hearing my soul's voice!

"I admit you know everything Arjun! Then what do you want me to say now? "

"I don't want you shruthi, I need you, completely! I need your full self! For that you ought to be clear that nothing in the past was your mistake.... Except for that u had valuable trust in that bulls**t Dhruv! "

What is he even trying to say?

"Are you convincing me Arjun? Without even knowing the entire thing? "

"I'm not sure but I do know a little! But I desperately believe that you will someday share everything with me. I'm a good listener, u know! "
He said with an expectant look.

"But please say me how do u kbow Dhruv? "

"He is my assistant's brother! Brother of Kishore who was sent to me by Ravi sir! "

Dhruv did have a brother! Kishore, yes I have seen him with Dhruv in his family picture. He had said me that kishore was looking out for a chance in movies. How come dad knows him?The world is so small, isn't it!

That was enough for me to blabber out every inch of my bitter past to him! With complete confidence! To someone on whom I have placed my entire trust at present which, I m sure to continue till my breath! For it wasn't blindfolded just like in the case if Dhruv.

"Let me say you now Arjun... Dhruv is....... " be continued...............

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