Bokuto X Reader [Ruining Chil...

By TrashedJams

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How great would it be to have your dumb best friend's mom as your teacher? Great? Great so she can make you p... More



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By TrashedJams

"M-Mom. I didn't know would be here early."

I held on to Kuroo's hand and basically ran inside. "Are you okay? You're sweating." Kuroo said using his jacket to wipe off my sweat.

I nodded. Awkward. "I'm fine. I just... Need to go to the restroom." I said letting go of Kuroo's hand and ran away.

Bokuto even said it in the text message. His mom was going to be here. Why am I scared? Oh right.

I was scared by just reading the message. She's going to watch me act, which is bad enough. Plus she knows who I am.

I really just want to go home. Staring into the mirror acting like I'm doing something important, so I don't have to leave the restroom.

"Please help me with my eyeliner." Turning around to see Mikki, my eyes widened. Seeing her eye messed up with smeared eyeliner over her eyelids.

I got a wet paper towel. "Uh... Well. I'm not good at doing this."

"I don't care. You're probably better than me. Please." She said handing me the eyeliner.

I quietly fix her eyeliner for her. She looked into the mirror with wide eyes. "T-Thank you so much. Can I have your number for future reference?"

"S-Sure..." I mumbled taking her phone to put my number in. "Mikki? Are you still there?" I heard a voice outside of the restroom.

"Yes! I'll be out!" Mikki called out. She took out her bag a 10. "Thank you again. I'll call you again." She took her phone and hurried out of the restroom.

How long am I going to stay in the restroom? "Uh... (Y/n)? It's Kuroo. Are you ready? Bokuto said we were going to start soon." I heard Kuroo's awkward voice from outside. "I don't want to rush you or anything. Take your time, I'll tell him if you're not ready."

"N-No. I'm done." I said awkwardly walking outside of the restroom.

Kuroo smiled at me. "Let's go then?" I nodded.

Can I just tell him I don't want to? No. It's too late. I honestly don't want to be here anymore.

I walk with Kuroo to where the stage was and everyone was there. Akaashi rose an eyebrow as we walked in. "Thought you'd never come out."

I smile them awkwardly. Maybe this won't be so bad..

"Let's start?" Bokuto said looking at everyone making sure they were ready.


"What is it mom?"

"I just think something's missing. Where's the lead you were talking about? Remember you said got a pretty lead, but I don't see Mikki on the stage." She said looking around the stage.

Bokuto gave an awkward face. "Actually she's right here." He said putting his hand on my head. "(Y/n) is our lead."

So he told his mom that I'm the pretty lead.

"Let's start already." Akaashi said. Everyone agreed and went back stage but for me.


"Based on a true story." A girl said on the mic.

I looked at my script. "A victim plays as a suspect." Walking backstage.

Bokuto smiled at me. "Do you want water?" He said whispered. I shook my head a watched the other actors and actresses.

A loud bell rang and I ran out into the stage with the other students. Akaashi was in front of all of us. "You test may start."

"Hey Misaki. Can you give me some answers? I really don't get it."

Who's this character? I looked at my script. It's USELESS. "Sorry... I'm not really allowed to give any answers for this."

"But I'm your best friend."


"Hey!" Akaashi came up to the both of us. "You know there's no talking during the test right Misaki?" 

"I'm sorry."

A girl stood up. "It wasn't just Misaki who was talking!"

Akaashi gave her a look. "She was talking either way wasn't she?" He walked towards the table and took a ruler.

Useless rose his hand. "It was me who made her talk. So don't point her out like that."

It's replaying. The whole feel of the play is bringing it all back. The feel of it all.

"Wait! Stop!" Bokuto all of a sudden said stopping the play.

Kuroo ran over to me. "(Y/n)? What's wrong? Are you okay? Talk to me." Worry filled his voice.

"Why'd we stop?" I asked trying to sound natural.

Kuroo took my hands. "Well, first of all, You're shaking!?" He said as if it was the most obvious thing is the world.

Bokuto came up to Kuroo and I. The rest of the cast was surrounding me. "Is this too much (Y/n)? We can stop if you'd like. Your understudy is here."

I nodded. "I'm sorry.." I said getting up. Running out of the stage and out of the whole auditorium.

Why did Bokuto make a play to flashback all of these? Out of everything in the world he picked a touchy subject. Bokuto is a bright person, so he should've made a happier play.


I turn around see Bokuto's mom standing in front of me. My heart start beating faster and faster.

"I'm sorry. Let me talk to you. Actually let me just get to the point."


"Quit the play. It'll be easier for you and my son." She said looking me up and down. "I'll convince him to just restart the whole thing with a better plot. His play sickens me."

Before I could say anything she walked away. "Live your life (Y/n). You should treat yourself like you deserve better."

Just run away (Y/n).

im sorry ah :(

ill update more since i have school and need an excuse to not do work ;) jk

hopefully my readers are doing well in school aH im watching you guys


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