No more running...

By ValkyrieRider

11.8K 304 72

Alex has been used for far too long. He wants revenge on MI6 for all they've done to him. Will Fox be able to... More

No More Running...
The Royal and General Bank
No Pain No Gain
The Point Of No Return
The Plan
The Past
St. Dominic
Guardian Angel
Back to Breacon Beacons
Rough Nights
Hiding Facts
On the run
What it takes to be a spy
Fight for you
Into The Lion's Den
The Devil's Luck
The Shouldering Burden
Code Red
Author's Note
Still in the works

Missing Agent?

519 15 3
By ValkyrieRider

Alex was seated in the cafeteria. He had many nurses and doctors there attempting to coax him back to his room. They had been given a photo of him and were under strict orders not to let him go out unsupervised. But Alex wasn't having any of it. He just sat there, his mind once again having drifted somewhere in space as he took a trip down memory lane.


Ian had arrived home as always from one of his bizarre unknown conferences. This time, (unsurprisingly) with a new injury. A burnt mark on the left of his calf. It was bleeding as blood was seeping profusely out of the wound.

Alex had also noticed the slight limp as Ian hobbled into the bathroom where the first aid kit was kept. Probably another broken ankle, he thought. "Ian?" Alex asked as he approached the bathroom where his uncle was bandaging himself with gauze. "Hey, Alex."  Alex looked at his leg. "This is nothing. Just a scratch. Fell down from the stairs at the meeting. Nothing to worry about. What's for dinner?"

End of flashback/

Alex remembered how his uncle had always faked his injuries. Telling Alex lie after lie. A small fall from the stairs went to something as trivial as a simple accident with the photocopier, those were the excuses. But Alex had always been able to see right through them. Ian had once praised him that he was observant. Maybe that was why he had always been able to see through Ian's lies. Observant was one of a great trait of a spy. Maybe that was why Alex had always been exceptional.

K-Unit POV/

The unit went in pairs. Wolf had paired up with Eagle and Fox was with Snake. Wolf and Eagle had went to search the corridors. Fox and Snake had gone the other way, hoping for a sign that Alex was still in the hospital.

Fox and Snake had already checked the air vents (Alex was a small boy. He could fit through them) and the other wards. Still no sign of Alex.

Fox was starting to get worried. He quickened his pace and ran to the receptionist. "Can I make an announcement? Alex Rider has gone missing." The receptionist nodded and allowed him to speak through the microphone.

"Attention all staff members and residents!" His voice barked through the speakers. "Agent Alex Rider has gone missing. Please report to the reception area if anyone knows anything at all of his current whereabouts. I repeat. Agent Alex Rider has gone missing. Please report to the reception area if anyone knows of his whereabouts. Any piece of information will be greatly appreciated." Fox nodded his thanks and continued his search. He hoped that Wolf and Eagle had better luck.

They had gone through all the wards and checked with all the nurses when both Wolf and Eagle had heard the announcement made by Fox. "Looks like Fox and Snake hasn't found him yet. We better keep searching." Snake nodded, worried for the teenage boy. Then he realised something. "We haven't checked the cafeteria yet." Wolf nodded and off they went.

Alex's POV/

He had heard the announcement and recognized the speaker to be Fox, but he stayed where he was. Then, the door to the cafeteria opened and in emerged Wolf and Eagle. Both lit up when they saw Alex. "Cub!" Alex turned his head towards them and shot a small smile at his two unit memebers. They ran up to him and Wolf spoke through his communicator that was perched on his left ear. "Wolf to Fox. Cub has been found. He is okay. I repeat. Cub has been found."

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