Hetalia One-Shots (Requests C...

By kaitlynn-bush

55.5K 1.3K 429

The title explains it all More

England x Colourblind!Reader
Hetalia x Country! Reader
Prussia x Child!Reader x Germany
Father!America x Child!Hawaii!Reader
2P!America x Reader (LEMON)
Chibi!S.Italy x Reader
Prussia x Reader x Italy Brother's
Spain x Mermaid!Reader
America x Rebel!London!Reader (Partial Song-Fic)
England x Reader
Papa!Spain x Mama!Reader (Chibi Romano Involved)
America x Reader
Japan x Child!Reader (done)
Hetalia x Country! Reader (Part 2)
Canada x Reader
America x England (USUK)
2P! America x Reader
America x Dying! Country! Reader
England x Native America! Reader
Germany x Nyo!Germany
I Got Tagged
France x Child!Reader
France x Country!Reader
N.Italy (Romano) x Singer!Reader
Father!Prussia x Daughter!Country!Reader
Padre!Spain x Child!Reader x Papa!Romano
BTT x Reader
Perv!Male!Reader x Ukraine

2P! France x Ex-Alcoholic!Reader

1.2K 28 3
By kaitlynn-bush

This was requested by TheFABULOUSbeings , so yeah...
WARNING: Cussing (duh, it's a 2P!), Alcohol (it's literally in the title), and Francois being an asshole towards you.

"Alcoholic Anonymous Meetings"

You glared at your boyfriend, who was currently passed out on the couch with a wine bottle in his hand, and a cigarette hanging from his lips. You rolled your eyes at his unconscious state before walking over and prying the bottle from his cold (seemingly dead) hands, and the cigarette from his lips. You walked to the kitchen and put the extinguished cigarette in the trash, along with the wine bottle.

You walked back over to Francois and wrapped his arms around your neck and (dragged) carried him up the stairs and to your guys' room. You (threw) gently set him on the bed and laid down next to him. You cuddled up to the blankets and turned away from your boyfriend.

"This is happening too much," you whispered to yourself. "He needs help. And I'm gonna give it to him.."


You woke up at 5 in the morning, and smiled with a yawn. Today was the Alcoholic Meeting. That means, Francois was going to go with you today. It doesn't matter if he didn't want to. He was going.

You rolled towards Francois and shook him until he woke up with a groan. "What the fuuuuuckkkkk..???"

You rolled your eyes at him before dragging him out of the bed and towards the shower. "Woah-ho-ho! If you wanted shower sex, you could've waited until I was awake at least, you horny bitch."

You rolled your eyes at his remark, and pushed him into the bathroom, you still outside of it. "No, not today. (Le wink) But we do have a Alcoholic Meeting to attend to."

He rolled his eyes at you, obviously not listening as he started to undress in front of you to get in the shower. You blushed severely, which he noticed. You tried to cover your face, but he just smirked at you. "It's not something you've never seen before, (Y/N)."

You blushed harder, and slammed the door closed as he started to take off his underwear. You wiped the small amount of blood from below your nose, and started to get ready for the day.


You both exited the (f/c) car and you smiled at the familiar building. You walked over to the passenger side and pulled Francois out of the car. You dragging him into the building, ignoring his groans and complaints. You both entered the building and you nodded to the person at the desk before continuing on to the meeting room. Once entering, you and Francois sat down next to each other.

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen! Let's start by saying our names, our problem, how long we've had that problem, and how long we've been alcohol free!"


You skipped out of the building, Francois dragging his feet behind you. You got into the passenger seat, and Francois into the drivers seat. You buckled yourself in (SAFTEY FIRST, KIDS) and turned to your boyfriend. "Now wasn't that fun?"

"Oh yeah, just great!" He growled sarcastically as he started the car and put it into reverse, checking behind him to make sure not to hit any cars. You grabbed his free hand happily and smiled brightly.

"I know right? I can't believe Sydney has been alcohol free for twenty years!" You said back excitedly, not noticing his thick sarcasm. He looked over at your happy and cheerful expression, his frown lifting slightly into a small smile. He squeezed your hand back, before looking back at the road.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I guess."

A/N: Sorry if 2P! France is OOC, I tried.

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