The Lives Of The Broken

By WeasleyIsMyKing540

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AU MARRIAGE LAW FIC: With Harry Potter dead and the war lost, the Weasleys and Hermione struggle to survive i... More

Chapter 1: Decree No. 71
Chapter 2: Meetings And Decree No. 75
Chapter 3: Chess
Chapter 4: Broomsticks And Dirty Tricks
Chapter 5: Malfoy Manor
Chapter 6: The Return Of Viktor Krum
Chapter 7: The First Time
Chapter 8: Letters To Hermione
Chapter 9: A Star Is Born
Chapter 10: The Anniversary
Chapter 11: The Safe Place
Chapter 12: The Secret Keeper
Chapter 14: Brown Vs. Weasley
Chapter 15: The Plans
Chapter 16: Back From The Dead
Chapter 17: The Interrogation
Chapter 18: Returning To England
Chapter 19: Reunited
Chapter 20: A Strong Bond
Chapter 21: Christmas Morning
Chapter 22: Special Delivery
Chapter 23: Moving On
Chapter 24: New Year's
Chapter 25: In All Actuality
Chapter 26: Please, Don't Go
Chapter 27: The Final Battle

Chapter 13: Breadcrumbs

1K 27 14
By WeasleyIsMyKing540

After Tatiana napped some more, Molly had the rest of the family as well as Draco come over to meet the little girl, as well as discuss the situation at hand. She had also reached out to Kingsley Shacklebolt, who had been in hiding since the war, as he was high on the Death Eater kill list.

Ron sat with Tatiana on his lap at the kitchen table, as the others sat around him, each looking between the two.

"I can't believe my baby brother knocked up a bird before I did." said Fred, amused.

"Stuff it Fred. You already have a kid." said Ron.

"Angie and I have a BABY. Freddy Jr. is a baby. This lovely here is a full grown child." said Fred laughing.

"This is just a shock to us, Ronnie." said Bill.

"Especially since we heard the act of creation." said George, slapping his knee .

"There's a child present!" snapped Molly.

"As I was saying, this is a shock.” said Bill. “You haven't heard from Hermione in years, and then a child who she claims is yours falls out of a fireplace?"

"Claims? She is mine! Hermione would never lie about this!" said Ron, trying hard not to get angry.

"I'll have to agree." said Charlie. "I mean come on, look at her. The hair, the face. She's practically a female Ron, only more lovely."

"I think she looks like her mum actually, but no one can deny that hair." said George.

"She's Ron's alright. Especially with the look that she is giving us right now." said Fred as he pointed to a scowling Tatiana, whose face resembled Ron's at that moment.

"Can we move on from this?" asked Ginny, laying her head on Draco's shoulder. "I need to know what is going to happen with Hermione."

"First we need to know what's been happening with Hermione." said Kingsley looking at Tatiana. "Can you tell us dear?"

Tatiana stiffened up in her father's arms. She looked at Ron as if she needed permission. Ron smiled and nodded.

"We all just want to help Mummy, okay? But we can't help her if you don't tell us what you can remember,
0yeah? So can you answer our questions?" said Ron putting his forehead against Tatiana's.

Tatiana nodded.

"Okay then, little love. Now, what was living in your house like?" asked Ron.

Tatiana held Momo close to her as she talked. "Father Krum yelled a lot. About everything. He yelled at Mummy, and he yelled at me. Mummy had to take me to see Auntie Ari a lot to change my hair. I couldn't have red hair around him because Mummy said he didn't like redheads."

"Who is Auntie Ari? Is she ARJ?" asked Ron.

Tatiana nodded once again. "She's my god mummy. Mummy's healer. She takes care of us, and Mummy when she gets hurt."

"Ron, let Tatiana sit with me." said Ginny as she looked over and seen Ron's hate filled face. "Come over here for a second, darling."

Tatiana slid off of Ron's lap and walked over to Ginny, eyeing Draco extremely closely as she passed. Draco gave the girl a smile. Tatiana didn't return it.

"So, what happens with your mum and Viktor, dear? asked Kingsley.

"I don't see everything. Mummy makes me close my eyes, or go to another room. Mummy is the nicest person in the whole world. But he calls her a really bad name I am never allowed to say, and other names. And he makes Mummy darker in places."

Ron felt as if he was ready to explode. So that bloody prick was hitting her. If he hit Hermione in front of his daughter, he can only imagine what he did to her while she was pregnant.

"There are bad men chasing us now. Every time we go and hide, they find us. So Mummy told me about the safe place. She said that Daddy and other nice people would be there and keep us safe." said Tatiana starting to tear up. "The bad men say that Mummy has something that the evil one wants, but she won't tell me what it is."

"The evil one is old Moldy Voldy I'd gather." said George. The others nodded.

"What's a Voldy?" asked Tatiana.

"You don't need to know. Now what were you saying, little love?" asked Ron, trying his very best not to lose it in front of her.

Tatiana shot another mean glance at Draco. Her eyes kept saying back and forth over to him and random people and things in the room while she spoke.

"We kept trying to floo over to the safe place, but Mummy said it must be broke because the fireplaces kept spitting us back out. We have been doing it for a long time."

Molly gasped and clutched Bill's shoulder. "Oh no. When the fireplace was acting up. Dear, we prevented them from coming here!" Molly sobbed.

"We didn't know." said Bill in a soft but very sorrowful voice. "Had I even had a clue..."

"It's fine." said Ron. "None of us knew."

"We had to leave the house when it was really dark out." continued Tatiana. "Mummy took me to Auntie Ari's and we stayed there for a little while, but the bad men and Father Krum found us. Mummy said that we would try one last time and wanted me to go first. She said she would be right behind me. So she pushed me into the fireplace and threw the floo powder on me and screamed out some word. And then I was here. But she didn't follow."

"Did you and your Mum move around a lot?" asked Fred. “Do you know where?”

"I don't know. I just went where she would go. I remember staying somewhere for a long time that Mummy said was a muggle place. It had a really big and pretty clock. But then after a while we went back to Sofia."

"Muggle London. Shit...sorry love." said Ron. "They were in Muggle London and we had no idea."

Ron put his face in his hands. Tatiana ran over to him and started to rub his back."

"Its okay Daddy, bad things happen sometimes. But good things happen too." said Tatiana in an almost motherly voice, causing the group to look at her strangely.

Mummy cried a lot too. And when I said what she would tell me, she would feel better. I thought it would work on Daddy." said Tatiana.

"You poor dear." said Molly. "You've had to be strong for your Mummy a lot, haven't you?"

Tatiana simply shrugged and continued to rub Ron's back.

"Not much to go on. said Draco. "Maybe we should try to get in touch with this aunt of hers."

Tatiana turned and glared at the sound of Draco's voice. Draco looked back at the girl, bewildered.

"Something about me you don't like, love?" he asked her.

"You look like one of those bad men. The evil unicorn.” growled Tatiana.

Ginny gasped and looked at Draco, who seemed stunned.

"I'm sorry? I look like who?"

"The evil unicorn. He's a bad man with long white hair, just like yours." said Tatiana suspiciously.

Everyone turned their focus to Draco, furiously.

"Drayke..." whispered Ginny.

"Malfoy, what the hell!" yelled Ron, standing up so quickly, he knocked his chair over.

"Okay, this is mental! I would never chase after a child with the intent of harming it. And if I knew where Granger was, you would be the first I would tell Weasley and you know it!" snapped Draco.

"You father...its got to be your father, Malfoy." said Bill. It's got to be. What other Death Eater has long white hair?"

"But Father fell out of favor with Voldemort ages ago. Surely… Fuck, Ginny." said Draco, giving Ginny a worried look.

"The week long trips he's been taking lately. He would never tell us nor Cissy know exactly where he was going, only that they were business trips. "Oh Merlin! He's been hunting down Hermione, Draco!" said Ginny, panicking.

"Ginny, don't panic, you'll upset the baby!" said Molly.

"The baby...Orion! Draco!"

"I'm on it!" said Draco, and with a wave of his wand, he disappeared.

"Gin, what are you talking about?" asked Bill as he helped Molly fan his sister.

"Lucius was leaving what started every other week, to every other day, saying it was business with his company in Italy. Of course we all went along with it, he does have businesses there, along with other parts of the world, but I would have never imagined it being this! It has to be him. Tatiana wouldn't say Draco looked like him if it actually was him would she?"

"I agree." said Kingsley. "It must be Lucius. Probably trying to get back on Voldemort's good side for some reason. The question is why would they be chasing after these two? What does he want?"

A moment later, Draco popped back into the kitchen, a strawberry blonde, brown eyed toddler in his arms.

"Mother had just came in." said Draco, as he handed Orion to Ginny, who hugged him as close to her as her pregnant belly allowed. "I didn't tell her anything, just that Orion would be staying the night over here with the other kids."

"That's totally fine, dear." said Molly. "I'll set up Ginny's room and Tatiana will be going with Ron."

"We are going to have to talk to your father immediately, Draco." said Kingsley. "Either the easy way, or the hard way."

Draco nodded. "Mother told me that Father had contacted her and said he will be there in the morning. We have dungeons, and we have Veritaserum. You're more than welcome to it."

"Hopefully it'll be that easy." said Charlie. "He could very well go back and tell Voldemort that we have Hermione's daughter. He could try to use her as leverage. Or worse."

Ron immediate grabbed Tatiana's hand. "No one is touching my daughter. And that's all I'll say on the matter." he said, voice almost as cold as ice.

"Let's just rest our heads for now." said Molly. "Its getting late, we are all overwhelmed, and this little one needs proper rest."

"Me little one Grammy?" piped Orion from across the table.

Molly laughed. "No dear, I meant your cousin Tatiana. But you can sleep too."

Orion looked over at the new red headed bushy haired girl. To him, it was just another person with hair like his mother so that meant she was good.

"Hi." he said waving wildly at Tatiana, who smiled and waved back."

While sleeping arrangements were made for everyone, Ron reluctantly made the decision to pop back over to his flat, taking his daughter with him. If his bed was bigger in his old room, he would have stayed there, but he and Tatiana needed more space that a twin size could offer.

"You want to see Daddy's home?" he asked her.

"Is it safe? The bad men won't get me there, will they?"asked Tatiana timidly.

Ron scooped his daughter up in his arms. "Little Love, as long as you're with me, your uncles and aunt, and your grandmum, you'll always be safe. I promise, we won't let anything happen to you. Especially me."

Tatiana nodded and held tight to her father.

"I will warn you though." said Ron. "There is a wild beast at my house. But don't worry. She won't harm you."

"Is she a mean beast?"

"She's more of an annoying beast really. Just don't call her a beast though, okay?"

Tatiana giggled and nodded and with a wave of Ron's wand, they were gone.

Sofia, Bulgaria. Krum Estate.

Hermione woke up in pain, cheek lying against a hard, cold floor that she was very familiar with. She moved frantically until she realized that she was chained to the floor.


"VIKTOR? VIKTOR I KNOW YOU HEAR ME! ANSWER ME NOW!” she screamed knowing that he was only a couple of rooms away and that the walls weren't soundproof.

She looked around and saw no sign of Arista, nor Tatiana. She only hoped and prayed that her daughter had gotten away.

A few minutes later, the door to her cell/room opened. Viktor Krum walked in with two other Death Eaters. Dolohov and Lucius Malfoy. Both looking pretty smug.

"Ah Herm-own-ninny, I see you're up and well rested." mocked Krum. "Now maybe you're in the mood to answer questions for us."

"I don't have to tell you anything, you heartless bastard. Now, where is my daughter?" snapped Hermione.

"She's dead. We killed her." said Dolohov, smirking.

"You're lying! Your pathetic Dark Lord would have your heads if anything happened to her and you know it." said Hermione, trying to hide her elation. Tatiana had gotten away. She had made it.

"Well then my dear, since you know so much, who don't you tell us where she is?" said Lucius with a sneer.

"Wherever she is, she's far away from you, that's for sure!" said Hermione.

"She's probably with that healer bitch." said Viktor. "Or with bloody-"

"Where is she, Mudblood?!" yelled Dolohov, seemingly in a panic.

Hermione grinned. "She is somewhere that you will never get to, you vile scum! No matter how hard you try!"

"We can get to the healer bitch tomorrow. We will make sure she tells us everything." said Viktor calmly.

"You won't find her either, you idiot. Can't you see? You've lost! Even if you do try to kill me, it won't make any difference. You have lost! And when your leader finds out, it'll be your heads!"

Viktor stepped forward and backhanded Hermione hard in the face. She looked at him as if she was unaffected and spit out blood from her mouth onto his shoe.

"Filthy Mudblood bitch." said Viktor, shaking the blood off of his shoe and walking out the door. Lucius and Dolohov eyed Hermione, who looked ready to spit on them as well. They quickly exited the room.

Hermione sighed and sat down on the floor. She looked relieved as she thought about the fact that Tatiana had made it to Ron. She knew that with him, she would be protected and loved.

Now all she had to concern herself with was making it out of Bulgaria alive.

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