Unloved But Unforgotten

By DemetriaTheGreat

174K 3.7K 559

Lillian Mathews is 15 years old and goes to South Hagerstown High School. her life has always been horrible e... More

Unloved But Unforgotten
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Maybe Sequel ?
Sequel and more!
drabble/one shot

Chapter 16

3.2K 61 4
By DemetriaTheGreat

- Lillian's POV -

"So i never did catch your name." i said as i gathered my books. 

the boy tunred to me and smiled. "Jake. Jake Martinez." he said before leaving the classroom. 

i walked out of the classroom with Josie close behind me. 

"So, your next class is... Ms. Keller. good luck!" i said as i directed her to the classroom at the end of the hall. 

she gave me a painful look and i laughed as i made my way to Mrs. King-Carters classroom. 

i walked in and sat in the usual far back seat that i always sat, ready to zone out. 

as soon as Mrs. King-Carter began, i fell asleep. 

i abruptly woke up to the sound of a loud bell and the shuffling of chairs and desks as everyone made their way out of the classroom. 

i grabbed my stuff and met Josie outside of Ms. Keller's classroom and walked her to her fourth period class. Mr. Mallory. 

i went to Demi's class and slumped into my seat, throwing my head down. 

i was tired already. 

i lifted my head when i heard someone's nails tap on my desk. 

i looked up to see Demi standing before me. 

i gave her a weak smile and she gave me a 'please pay attention' smile.

i nodded and she wlaked away. 

i huffed out a breath as she began talking about stuff that i didnt care about. 

after a few minutes, i took out my journal and started to doodle on my paper. 

the book slipped from under my pencil and i rolled my eyes, not even having to look up to know that its Demi. 

i pretended that i was listening until the bell rang and i tried to leave the classroom. 

"Lillian." i heard Demi call from behind me right before i made it to the door. 

i rolled my eyes and spun around. 

"What did i talk about today?" she asked me, laying a book, my book, down on her desk before leaning on it. 

i gave a guilty look and she sighed, placing her hand on her hip. 

"Demi, i have to go walk Josie to the cafeteria." i said. 

"Who's Josie? your imaginary attempt at getting out of this?" 

"What? no! she's the new girl! and getting outof what? trouble?" i snapped back defensively. 

"Who's homeroom?" 

"Yours. she started today but came in second period. check your roster." 

Demi turned towards her computer to look it up and it frustrated me that she didnt believe me. 

she looked back at me and nodded.

i left angrily and rushed over to Josie's fourth perios classroom where she was waiting. 

"I am so sorry, i got caught up in something. c'mon." i said and she followed me to the cafeteria. 

i was supposed to go back to Demi's classroom because i'm her TA but i decided not to. 

i mean, i wasnt allowed to skip it but i was anyways. 

i sat at  my usual empty table and Josie sat with her sister on the other side. 

i pulled out my new phone under the table and started to log in to my twitter and facebook and stuff because, you know, the phone is new. 

the smell of food was making me feel sick so i put my phone back in my pocket and stood, about to go roam the halls but i heard someone yell my name. 

i looked around to see who's eyes were meeting mine and saw that it was Jessie who called me. 

i walked over to her and she directed me to sit across form her. 

i sat and smiled at Josie. 

"So, rumors are, that Jake Martinez asked you to the fall dance. is it true?" Jessie said. 

i nodded. 

"Oh my god! that's great! did you say yes?" she exclaimed. 

"I dont know, i mean, i told him i would think about it because i dont usually go to those kinds of things and i've never been asked to go anywhere with anyone so i dont know." i said. 

"Are you serious!? do you know big of a deal it is that he asked you?" 

i shurgged. "He doesnt seem all that great to me but i might say yes just because he asked me." 

Jessie just sat there and stared at me with shock until the bell rang and she emptied her tray and we all left. 

Josie followed me. "You dont talk much do you?" i asked her. 

"Not really." she answered. 

"Why not?" 

"Well, i just dont want to say anything wrong. i mean, i just started here and i'm scared to say something out of place." she said. 

"True. i mean, you caught me on a good day because i normally dont say anything at all but i'm supposed to be starting a whole new look for myself and stuff." i said. 

she nodded and we continued to walk. i took her to Mrs. King-Carter's class and then i went to Mr. Mallory's class. 

i fell asleep instantly and woke up when the bell rang. 

i headed back to Demi's class but stopped out front of the door. 

do i really want to go in there right now?

i mean, i'm already in trouble for skipping lunch so skipping sixth period wont be all that bad, right?

i sighed before opening the door anyways and sitting in my seat. 

there werent alot of students in this class.

i watched as Josie walked in and sat in one of the vacant desks that always surrounded me.

she smiled at me and i smiled back. 

Demi handed back most of our graded papers and i stared at my grades. 











oh my god. 

this is horrible. 

i sighed as i balled them up and tossed them in the trash. 

i mean, its not like Demi hadnt seen the grades. 

Demi declared that it would be a free day so i just sat there until Josie began to speak to me. 

"So, tell me about yourself." she said. 

"Um, well, what do you want to know?" i asked her. 

"Where are you from?" she asked me. 


"When is your birthday?"

"April 20th."

"That's my birthday too! okay, so, tell me about your home life. like, siblings, parents, everything."

i started to panic to myself. 

"Um, i dont have any siblings and i dont live with my parents. i was adopted like two days ago." i said. 

"Oh. well, i just moved here from staying with my father in Ohio. and Jessie is my sister. that's it." 

i nodded. 

"Who adopted you? like, do you like it so far?" she asked. 

"Well, um-" i was cut off by Demi pulling a chair up next to us. 

"Hey, what are you girls chatting about?" Demi asked. 

"Me." i answered. 

"Oh. i need to talk to you by the way." Demi said. 

i nodded slowly and she began to chat to Josie. 

i just sat there and thought about random stuff. 

finally, school was dismissed but i just stayed there and waited for Demi. 

"So, you want to talk now or when we get home?" she asked me, fixing the desks. 

i shrugged. 

"Well, i know you didnt eat lunch, so drink the rest of this and i will let you off." she said, handing me the rest of that stupid milkshake shit from this morning. 

i took it, rolling my eyes and began to drink it, slowly.

once it was all gone, we left. 

Demi answered her phone when we got into the car. 

after hanging up, she was all smiling and stuff. 

she started to grip the steering wheel nervously while biting her lip. 

i dont know what was going on. 

she started to shift in her seat a little. 

"Where are we going?" i asked her, realizing that we werent getting closer to her, our house. 

"Airport." she answered. 


"To pick someone up."


"Do you have to ask so many questions?" 

i didnt answer. i just stared out the window.

we finally pulled up and started to walk through the large place. 







~ Alisa 

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