A Different Path

By diana-ily

457K 14.8K 2.6K

[ ON HOLD ] What if he chose to walk a different path? What if he chose to leave everyone and everythin... More

Willing To Change The Past
Living In The Present
After All This Time
The Decision Of A Lifetime
Old Comrades
Reaching For The Lost
An Ancient Legend
Once Upon A Friendship
Fallen Leaves
Tormented Souls
Glitter Of Hope
Hidden Memories
The Truth Behind The Mask
As Master, As Student
Never Ending Threat
Locked Within
Always By His Side
Coming Back To Life
Brotherly Love
Dwelling On Obsessions
Back On Track
Unbreakable Bonds
Ninja In Disguise
Street Brawl
Playing With Fire
Alpha And Beta
Tenchi Bridge
Here Once More
Demon Business
Stifled Cries
Late Night Fire
Saved By The Enemy
It Has Begun
Trial Of Innocence
A Sinful Past
Clash Of Clans
The Calm After The Storm
The Twisted Truth
Pouring Rain
Peace Begets War
War Begets Pain
Pain Begets Hate
Hate Begets Despair
Despair Begets Sadness
New Enemies
A Pleasant Reunion
Just Like Old Times
Scars Of Chalk
The Child Of Prophecy
Too Close
Ice Cold
The Five Kage Summit
It's Never Enough

Sworn To Protect

9.5K 315 48
By diana-ily

Sasuke's POV

Sasuke's feet finally moved from their resting place with a determined look on his pale face. Jiraiya wasn't able to jolt towards him and stop him but Shikamaru was. The brunet reached out and grabbed the raven's wrist.

"Let me go." Sasuke hissed through gritted teeth.
"Remember that he didn't want you to follow him. You may have not noticed but the reason why is that you'd only get in his way." The Uchiha clicked his tongue, annoyed. "And instead of protecting himself he'd also have to protect you." Shikamaru's grasp loosened slightly as he narrowed his eyes.

Sasuke jerked his hand away angrily.
"I'm tired of him protecting me! I've never asked him to!" He bit the inside of his cheek to calm himself. Jiraiya examined the Uchiha carefully. He knew Sasuke was really fond of Naruto and so was the blond, no matter how hard he'd deny it. The Sannin was relieved to know that there still was someone to whom Naruto could return.

Another howl echoed throughout the forest. Then silence. Wind jumped from tree to tree, gently rustling the leaves. The grass bent with the will of the breeze, almost as if it was sleeping.
No animal or insect could have been seen. It was almost as if nature was asleep. Or dead. Only five shallow breaths were being heard in the thick air.

Suddenly, Sasuke saw something near him, with the corner of his left eye. He was able to move away right before the creature jolted into the ground, creating a cloud of dust.
Sasuke could feel his heart thumping tiredly inside his chest while sweatdrops rolled down his porcelain skin.

"Sasuke!" Sakura looked around, frenetically. Haru took a few steps backwards, rubbing his face in fear.
"I'm fine!" Sasuke crossed his arms over his face, to prevent the sand from getting into his eyes. Shikamaru hurried over to Jiraiya and pulled out a kunai as he positioned himself protectively in front of the exhausted elder.

"Lord Jiraiya! Now's not the time to pass out!" The Nara yelled at him.
"It's not my fault the blond brat knew how to half-block my chakra network!" Jiraiya yelled back indignantly, his arms and legs stiff like four pieces of wood, after his legs gave up and so he had fallen down again, half-paralyzed.

Once the smoke cleared, the shinobi realized the one before their gazes was the Half-Blood, and not Naruto. Sasuke's eyes widened.
Where's he? What happened?! He searched the area but he found no sign of him or his chakra signature.

In the blink of an eye, the enemy jumped in the air and swiped its giant, clawed paw at the Uchiha. There wasn't enough time for him to react or protect himself and so he closed his eyes, bracing himself for the impact. He couldn't hear anything. It was almost as if time stood still.

The raven felt a gush of wind run along his side. His eyes burst wide open to see the Half-Blood thrown a few feet away while a transformed Naruto parted his back legs protectively in front of the Uchiha. Sasuke's mouth opened but closed soon after. He was extremely relieved. He's fine..

Jiraiya stared at the man before him and couldn't believe his eyes. He had tried to teach Naruto how to control the Nine Tails' chakra in the past and so, due to his repetitive fails he was afraid the blond was out of control.
The enemy gathered himself and stood on his paws before growling loudly and aggressively.

Naruto growled back, lowly. His glowing eyes narrowed.
"Have you ever seen him do this before?" Jiraiya was able to tilt his head to a side.
".. Yeah. Once." Shikamaru looked at them thoughtfully while Sakura trembled at the memory. Haru felt tears tingling the corner of his blue eyes. He realized that he had also been like that, a few days earlier.

"Was he in control of himself?" The Sannin stirred his muscles. The dense, red chakra cloak made Naruto look even more animalistic and unpredictable.
"He seemed like-!" A growl interrupted Sasuke's sentence.
"I can still hear you." Naruto spoke through his slightly parted jaws, scaring the shinobi. His voice came out raspy and deep, his gaze still fixed on his opponent.

"Just stay out of my way or I won't hesitate to go through you." He huffed. The others only felt their muscles tense. It wasn't a comfortable position to be in and yet, they knew that deep down, their former comrade didn't mean his words.

The enemy lunged forward but Naruto swiped his tails at him before he got to lay a claw on him, pushing him back once more. They faced each other, walking circularly while growling and arching their backs in order to intimidate, just like two lions fighting.

Naruto stopped dead in his tracks. He dangerously eyed the Half-Blood as he dug his claws into the dampened grass. With a small roar, he jumped on top of the other's back and wrapped his tails around him, pushing all of the air out of his lungs. The Jinchuriki's fangs grew even bigger before he sank them into his scruff, making him let out a pained yowl as they fell to the ground.

He's.. He's biting him?

Heya! Apparently, I've written 17 chapters so far and I actually had no freaking idea. Heh. Well, anyway!
& Share!
~See ya!~

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