Several Kinds of Hunger

By Femme_X

13.6K 765 42

Elise Valdés is determined, successful and cautious. Three combinations that keep her life in track...until s... More

A little Note...
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34

Part 24

301 24 4
By Femme_X

Leo places a plate of food in front of me and my stomach growls, I didn't realize I was hungry. "Try the bread, it's delicious." He prepares himself a plate.

I take a bite and chew. "Wow," I nod and smile, "very good." I take another bite.

"It's my favorite type of bread, a Mediterranean style dough with authentic Kalamata olives. I can eat a whole loaf, if no one restrains me." He says and takes huge bite out of a slice.

I giggle, "So I take it you're a fan of Mediterranean food?"

He nods, "I'm a fan of all types of food. If it smells, looks and taste good...I'm a fan. I mean," He shrugs, "Who doesn't love food?" He smiles.

I smile and I'm surprised how charming he's right now. "True." I look at him and then I can't help to imagine him sitting at home, his eyes glued on the food network like its porn. With that image, I laugh and shake my head.

With his mouth, full of food, he tilts his head, "What?" He swallows.

"I was thinking about you at home, what you would be doing."

Leo reclines on his chair, "Well that's...interesting."

"I don't know," I breath, "I was wondering how you would be at home. In your atmosphere." I pop a piece of melon in my mouth.

"Hmm." He hums. He stays quiet for a few moments and then looks at me. "What..." he pauses, "what would think I would do, at home?" His question is full of curiousness.

"Well," I begin to smile, "with the talk of food, I picture you sitting at your couch, sipping wine and drooling over some episode on the food network."

He tilts his head back and bursts out laughing and I can't help to join him. That's the thing about Leo, it surprises me how little things like this, like small talk, makes me have a greater connection to him.

"How, effeminate." He continues laughing, "not that there is anything wrong with wine or the food network. I just don't do both at the same time."

"A-ha! So, you do watch the food network." I smile in victory.

He shakes his head. "I'm more of a beer guy and yes," He leans in, "I do sometimes happen to come across an episode on the food network." He whispers.

"You know," I rest my hand under my chin, "a lot of women find that sexy."

"Find what sexy?" He reaches across table and grabs my other hand.

"A man that can cook."

Looking down at our entwined fingers, he smirks, "How do you know I like to cook?"

I scoff, "You love food and you occasionally watch cooking episodes? Please, I might be naïve in certain things, but I'm right about this."

He continues smiling, knowing I'm right. "You're not entirely wrong."

Leo continues threading our fingers, not saying anything, just looking and our hands. What is he thinking about? All this talk about him at home, what he does when he's at home, makes me think about the biggest curiosity of all... How is he when he's not wearing a mask? What does he do when he wakes up from bed? Does he have another job? He owns this club; does he own other ventures? How old is he? Does he have hobbies? Does he have a dog or some other type of pet? What does he look like? Does he think of me as much as I think of him?

"I can practically hear your thoughts." Leo breaks my pensive state, "Tell me, what's going on in that beautiful head?"

"A lot," I answer, "but more specifically, I'm thinking about you." My eyes keep still on his.

He un-threads our fingers and says, "Why?" He takes a sip of his wine.

"I mean, how could I not? I'm involved with a man, engaging in all sorts of sexual endeavors and I wonder..." I shrug, "I wonder about the man," I think about the most imminent question I want to know, "why didn't you tell me that you own this club?"

Leo takes a big breath. "Who told you?" He simply asks.

"Blair did."

Leo looks a bit mad and I immediately feel like vowing for her. "Please don't be mad at her. She told me out of..." Courtesy, safety, warning...

"Out of what?" Leo's tone is irritated.

"Politeness. She just wanted me to know who you were, who I was going to do this with." I think back to her words. Her surprise in him wanting to be in starting a courtship with someone new, which gets me thinking even more.

"Why did you want me?" I say immediately, "I'm sure there are other, more qualified patrons that meet your standards."

Leo waves his glass in the air. "I liked you immediately. Since the first moment I saw you, I just wanted you." He gulps down his wine, clearly evading any more input.

"I'm not buying it," I raise my eyebrow, "Why am I getting the sense that you're not telling me everything?"

"Well, Ms. Lara," He starts out, "in case you forgot about the nature of our relationship, I'm not supposed to tell you anything. We're together for one purpose fuck and to let the world see us fuck. So, am I really supposed to tell anything more?"

"Wow," I'm taken by his cruel remark. Not that there wasn't any true to that, but was it necessary to attack me? Why is he so defensive?

"Point taken," I tell him. I finish eating and stand.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"Home." I put my jacket on. The conversation went from enjoyable to rude and I don't know why, and you know what? I don't care why. In the past, I would sit here and take it. Dylan would snap at me and I would, of course, feel like a chastised puppy. But things are different now and there is a great revelation from Leo's attitude. We're just strangers, nothing more. So, what it the purpose in sharing a meal, texting, talking?

Leo groans, "I didn't say that to end our night, we could-"

"Leo, I get it. Thank you for the reminder." I tell him. "Are we on for tomorrow?" I grab my purse.

He stands, "Look, sorry if I came off..." his eyes wonder.

"Like an asshole?"

He looks at me, a bit offended. "That was harsh."

"Well, if you can dish it, then you can take it," I kiss him on the lips, I bit strong. "See you tomorrow." I pull away and walk towards the door.

"Let me walk you out." He grabs his jacket and puts in on.

I laugh, "I'm good. Enjoy the rest of your night." I take one last look at him and wave and then leave his room. As soon as I close the door and take a few steps, I hear a chair fall and loud shout "fuck!"

I tempted to go back, but some chilling feeling in me tells me to get home and end this night.

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