Whispering Tempest

By LifeLustingDreamer

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With more foster parents than facial piercings (a feat in itself), Abigail "Gail" Hendrix has never been acce... More

Chapter One - Bon-Bons at the Bonfire
Chapter Two - The Freak Freaks Out
Chapter Three - Whisper, Whisper
Chapter Four - The Male Teenager
Chapter Five - Perfectly Normal?
Chapter Six - Emerald and Amber
Chapter Seven - No-Sleep Sleepover
Chapter Eight - Lucky Me
Chapter Nine - Strangers are Strange
Chapter Ten - Long, Awkward and Weird
Chapter Eleven - Good Kind of Hurt
Chapter Twelve - Not Another Tempest Thing
Chapter Thirteen - Chuck Norris in Hell
Chapter Fourteen - Something Dark and Something Fishy
Chapter Fifteen - Phoenix Blessed
Chapter Sixteen - The Prophecy's Inception
Chapter Seventeen - A Past Reclaimed
Chapter Eighteen - Flames and Shame
Chapter Nineteen - Five Witches, One Spencing
Chapter Twenty - Tears of Joy
Chapter Twenty One - Hot Stuff
Chapter Twenty Two - To Act Differently
Chapter Twenty Three - Spellers and a Cellar
Chapter Twenty Four - Battle, Fight, Die?
Chapter Twenty Five - Blood Red
Chapter Twenty Six - A Burn to Return
Torrid Silence

Chapter Twenty Seven - Every Beginning Needs an End

551 32 8
By LifeLustingDreamer

Chapter Twenty Seven – Every Beginning Needs an End

I’ve never liked endings. It’s ironic since I’m the one who moved around a lot in the system, bouncing from one family to the next. They weren’t fresh starts and neither were they new beginnings; they were simply chapters of my bigger story. I have to remind myself that part of my life is over. If I still believe that’s who I am, then when will I open the next book on my life? Never. I am letting my past go. This is my beginning… and this is my end.

“Do not forget to visit, dear Emi— I mean, Abigail,” Lisa bids me as she wrapped her bare arms around my torso. She is the only one left standing with me at the Ledge since I needed to say our goodbye alone. I nuzzle my head into the crook of her neck. Her skin feels as soft as petals and a floral scent looms around her. She feels like life itself. I hold onto Lisa with a fear of letting go of her comforting touch.

“Why don’t you come visit me once in a while? I think Scott has tasty plant food somewhere around the house.”

Lisa chuckles and pushes a dreadlock out of my face. Both of us barely contain our tears. “Nymphs cannot leave their burial ground for long. You know this.”

I nod and embrace her again. “I’ll miss you.”

“Why should you,” she asks. “If you ever need me, you know where I am.”

Tears rush down my face from our heartbreaking goodbye. Lisa goes to ‘be one with her site’, as she put it. It must be a Nymph thing. Watching her drift away into the trees is hard. The wind picks up and my dreads fall over my eyes. By the time I fix my hair, she’s gone. I just got her back and she had to leave again. Ivette and Stephanie are a different story. They left a pit in my stomach which won’t ever heal.

I stay up at the Ledge. The morning tints the sky pinkish orange over the dark waves of the Atlantic. Out in the distant, a fish or something splashes in the water. Maybe it’s my sister. Maybe it’s Priya. Whatever or whoever it is, I hope they appreciate this sun as much as I do right now. It creates the serene atmosphere which keeps this the perfect place to cry. It’s the spot where I died, where I was reborn and the last place I have in remembrance of my sisters. Unlike before, I let myself weep over my losses. Emotions aren’t a weakness, they are a gift. They are what make us human. I need an ordinary place and my ordinary thoughts need time alone.

My heart feels emptier with part of my soul is missing, used in the spell to heal Xander. Lisa said it was normal. My best friend holds that other half, bound with me for life. I wish he were here but he was taken back to the beach house. He needed to rest on a softer bed than the grass he bled on. I glance at that spot. There’s still so much blood there. A shiver crawls up my back and I have to turn away.

As the wind kicks up again, I pull the edges of Carter’s shirt down. It’s so lucky he has a long torso otherwise I’d be more naked than I feel. My bare feet stroll over to the boulder Stephanie sat on last night, making sure the tail of the button up is tucked under my bottom. I gaze out to the ocean and sigh. This really is a beautiful place.


My head circles back to find him. He watches me with shallow breaths emanating from his chest. His hair has fallen from his preferred spiky style, his cheeks are flushed and his skin is pale. A shirt too large for him lies over his torso since his other was covered in blood. Xander is standing there with the most grateful smile I’ve seen anyone wear. My heart soars from seeing him.

“Thank you,” he mutters simply.


There is no feeling can match the pure thrill of seeing him alive. I can’t contain my urge to rush at him. My best friend and I find each other’s arms as if nothing else could prove they were truly there. His muscles are firm under my grasp but my fingers make their way to his cheeks, wondering how on earth he could have survived that. He lost so much blood.

“The power of the human soul,” Xander clarifies. He holds up his wrist which bears his new amber charm. “You never told me how cool it was to be able to hear someone’s thoughts.”

“Invasion of privacy much?”

Xander laughs and I hug him tighter. His arms push me off reluctantly but with reason. Xan-Xan the man-man unveils my bracelet with the tawny bird trinket. I gasp, thankful to see it. The chain is clasped around my wrist and a wave of calm rushes over me. “Carter said you would need that.”

“Yeah,” I say out of breath.

My eyes gaze happily into Xander’s. They are perfection with their crystalline blue-green color. My fingers trail his jaw line and his grasp on my wrist tightens. His small intake of breath is in accordance with mine. We want this so badly to happen. The sunset, the crisp breeze making my skin prickle. Here and now, I want to make the biggest mistake of my life by placing my lips on his. I want to feel his hands pull me closer at the waist, kissing with ferocity and passion. He pushes me into a tree pressing his upper body on mine. We’d have our minute; a moment of lust and love because for once, the whole world can suck it and let us enjoy the freedom and confinement of adolescence.

The worst thing is I can feel it inside of him too. There’s a need to embrace one another as only lovers do but we let go and take a step back. Looking at him takes my breath away yet Katie doesn’t deserve this. We nod to each other knowing we think the same thing. We are Katie’s best friends and we will never be that selfish.

“Tell me how your annoying Phoenix butt is still alive!”

Someone climbing up the hill behind us calls me out, ruining the moment. But the uncomfortable longing turns to relief. My grin widens as I see his beaming face. I run into Trevor’s outstretched arms practically plowing him over. Ryan, who climbed up with him, chuckles at the scene.

“You’re late,” I scold.

“Yeah, well my luck had me pulled over by a cop for speeding,” Trevor tells me flatly. “You’re paying for that ticket and for gas too.”


He squeezes me harder to his chest. When he lets me breathe though, we take a step toward the edge of the cliff where Xan waits calmly. Trevor eyes up my wardrobe and hold me back to explain. My cheeks redden for not wearing anything more than Carter’s shirt. I really should get some pants on.

“I heard what happened from Carter,” he starts. Trevor gestures to my outfit of choice and cocks one eyebrow. He’s having a hard time containing his laughter. “But this never came up. What the hell happened here?”

“My clothing was flammable,” I remark sarcastically. “Who knew?”

“Aw. And I wasn’t here to see that? Unfair,” he jokes.

“You don’t go for my gender anyways, remember?”

He heaves his shoulders up and down while Ryan does a double take. I guess Trevor doesn’t fear people finding out his preferences anymore. The corners of my lips have a hard time staying relaxed. I’m sure with all that’s happened, this isn’t too big of a deal for the Spencing boy. In fact, something in the air tells me that it makes him a little hopeful. With my intuition more settled in my system, I know exactly why Ryan was never going to be ‘that guy’. I laugh as the thought passes through my mind. No wonder.

“These are for you,” Ryan tells me, holding out a pair of basketball shorts. I thank him loudly before slipping them on. The guys all turn in respect but I know the real reason is two out of the three don’t like my parts and the other has a girlfriend. The hilarity of this day keeps getting better and better.

Once I’m done, I take Ryan’s arm and pull him toward the boulder closer to the edge of the cliff with Xan and Trevor. The four of us sit to watch the sunrise. It’s hard letting others in but Trevor knows exactly how to make me feel better. Xander too. They always have, even without having to glance at my mind. I don’t ever want to lose them. I hope Ryan can join our small gang of misfits too. He’s someone I’d want in my life.

“I’m glad you’re okay,” Trevor says quietly. “Sorry I wasn’t here sooner.”

“And I’m sorry I wasn’t more help,” Ryan adds.

“Thanks guys.” I pull the button up tighter over my body, needing its comfort more than warmth. Turning to Ryan, I watch as he stares out at the hypnotizing waves. “I’m sorry for all of this. It’s not fair you were involved.”

“I never liked her anyway,” Ryan chuckles. It takes a moment to remember he was my sister’s stepson. It’s too weird to think about. I smirk and let him rant. “Mama Ivy was always so intense. She had to have everything in specific orders and have her alone time. Dad said we just needed to get to know her. Now, I really know why I didn’t like her.”

“And why is that?” Ryan elbows me teasingly and I elbow him back.

“Because all along, she really was a bitch.”

I giggle along with the other guys before letting my thoughts take me away again. Ryan does the same. We all lean back on our arms and soak up the first rays of the day. These are the moments when I realize how much I love summer and my friends. A long exhale leaves my lips along with the feeling of satisfaction.

“I’ve got to go back to check on Brenda,” Ryan tells us. I pout but he’s already standing to make his exit. Xan and I wave him goodbye as he takes his time walking back down to his vacation house. Trevor eyes his backside as he goes but shakes his head of his obviously naughty thoughts.

“We can take his memory away,” Trevor mumbles quietly. “He’d be happier without remembering this.”

I roll my eyes at his obliviousness. “I have a feeling you might like it better if he knows what really happened,” I tell Trevor. “I know he’ll like you better that way.”

Trevor glances from me to the boy walking away. “Really?”

“Go get ‘em Tiger.” I nod my head and push the Witch guy off the rock, throwing a wink to his direction. Turning around and feeling his own wave of intuition, Trevor jogs to catch up to Ryan. Before I lose sight of them, I watch my friend hang his arm over the Spencing’s shoulders as they go for their long talk. Life has a funny way of turning things right.

“Did we stop the prophecy?”

I turn my head to Xander. His expression is hardened as he looks to his feet. My cheer falters a bit. Xander understands this isn’t over but he shrugs. “I didn’t think so but I thought I’d make sure.”

My head falls gracelessly on his shoulder and I exhale with a bit of a groan. This is a mess. I regret what I did back in the 90s before I was reborn. Normal people don’t deal with this sort of thing.

“Hey,” he tries to cheer me up. “Next time we’ll be ready. Next time we’ll both know how to use your powers. There’s no way they can stop you now.”

“Or us,” I comment. My fist is held up waiting for his to connect. We will be best friends before anything. He smirks and hits his knuckles to mine. Old or new, Witch or not, we are pretty awesome.

“Come on,” Xander pulls me away. “I’m starving and I’m sure you are too.”

My ears perk up. “Food?”

“Food,” he replies. I jump up at and skip merrily to the trees. A plate of eggs and bacon or a cheese burger sounds amazing.

Xan carries me down the hill since I have no shoes. I hold onto him tightly, squealing when he slips and laughing when nothing happens. It’s nice to have this moment to feel like a regular teen. There’s no worry if someone might be trying to kidnap us. Those who were at the gathering are scared of my incredible power and I’m sure word would have gotten around. I was a total badass last night.

We exit through the trees and find the beach again. Xan puts me back on the ground and holds out his arm. I link my elbow with his and start walking. I don’t what will happen and though I have the abilities to find out, I’m not sure I want to. I’ll be ready for whatever it is. Life has healed itself. Summer vacation is almost over and senior year will be here soon. I slow my pace behind Xan.

“You sure you’re okay?”

I shake my head. “No,” I answer honestly. “But I will be.”

Xander nods and hurries back, letting me take my time. The sun climbs higher in the sky spreading light and heat. The breeze rustles through my hair as my intuition kicks in overdrive. Things have settled but there will be plenty of things to deal with. It’s time to stop pretending I’ll ever be normal. I was born to be different and I’ll bear that proudly.

Seagulls cry overhead, flying toward the ocean. My feet slide uncertainly through the sand that sneaks between my toes. Cold waves lap my ankles and a sigh of relief slips through my lips. I head for the origami house where the people who love me, my family, wait for my crazy self to return. My smile widens as I let the joy of this moment overtake me.

Life is unconventional.

And strange.

And downright bizarre sometimes.

But it’s mine to take. I’m proud to be the Phoenix. I’m proud to be a Witch. With my best friends at my side, the past far behind and the future to look forward to, I know the strength of our love will be the real type of unstoppable. And that suits me fine.


AUTOR'S NOTE: What I've written... it's true for me as well. I hate endings but that's because I always feel something was missing. If I'm missing something, please tell me. As always, thank you guys so much for reading!! It was a thrill to write this. I very much wanted to convey the side of growing up weird is perfectly normal and totally okay. "I myself am strange and unusal..." ;) Please give it a vote if you liked Whispering Tempest. I want this published so if you have ANY comments at all, let me know. Thanks again!

   Stay insane <3

     Allie Lynn

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