Unloved But Unforgotten

By DemetriaTheGreat

174K 3.7K 559

Lillian Mathews is 15 years old and goes to South Hagerstown High School. her life has always been horrible e... More

Unloved But Unforgotten
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Maybe Sequel ?
Sequel and more!
drabble/one shot

Chapter 14

3.4K 60 5
By DemetriaTheGreat

- Lillian's POV -

I opened the bigger box first.

"A LAPTOP!?" I yelled, not sure if I was seeing correctly.

Demi and Dallas nodded.

it was a very nice laptop and had a camera in it.

I grabbed the other box and almost cried when I opened it to see the newest black iPhone.

I bit my bottom lip as it quivered.

Demi came over and hugged me.

Dallas stood there awkwardly so when Demi let go, I rushed over to her and hugged her.

she was shocked at first and her body was tensed but after a few seconds, she relaxed and hugged me back.

something deep down in my heart made me speak.

"I love you guys." I mumbled.

I didn't mean to say it but it just came out.

I haven't said those words since my mother was alive.

this made Demi cry and..... even Dallas was crying.

this shocked me.

a lot.

Dallas tried to hide her tears but she couldn't hold it in.

we all hugged, including Mackenzie.

"I have something for you too." Mackenzie smiled.

"Go get it." Demi said.

Mackenzie nodded and ran out of the room.

she quickly ran back into the room with a small box.

I opened it and saw an iPhone case.

"I paid for it with my own money." Mackenzie said.

I looked at Demi who nodded in response.

it was customized with my name on it.

Lillian Jest Lovato.

that's what it said.

"How do you guys know my middle name?" I asked them.

"Your birth certificate." Dallas said, wiping her tears away.

"What does 'Jest' mean?" Demi asked me.

"The object of laughter" I said.

"Can we call you Jest?" Demi asked me.

I laughed. "Sure, if you want to die!" I laughed out.

"What about Lily?" Dallas asked me.

I shrugged. "I guess that's not bad."

we all stood there smiling like idiots.

"So your phone is already set up and we have wifi for the laptop and phone." Demi said.

I nodded and smiled bigger than I have ever smiled in my life.

"Well, you should probably put your shoes on and any jewelry that you want while I finish getting ready." Demi said.

I nodded and she left the room, followed by Dallas.

Mackenzie stayed with me though.

I put on my shoes and laced them up.

I sprayed a little of the perfume on me and put on the necklace that spelled my name.

i put rings on both my middle fingers and a little pinkie ring on my left pinkie.

i put on the regular diamond stud earrings and went to Demi's room, with Mackenzie following me like a lost puppy.

i knocked on her door and she told me to come in.

"Can i use your flat iron?" i asked her.

"Yeah, if you use it in here." she said, applying make up on her face.

i thought about my makeup. i didn't use it often.

i plugged it in and let it heat up.

"Mackenzie, come out of there." Demi said.

Mackenzie groaned before leaving the bathroom.

i was in Demi's bathroom which was huge. it was way bigger than mine.

i started to flat iron my hair.

it took a little while because not only was my hair long but it was thick too.

i finally finished and went back to my room.

Mackenzie followed me again.

you would think it was annoying but i thought it was cute.

it didn't bother me at all.

its not like she was talking my head off. she wasn't talking at all.

we went into my bathroom and i pulled out my makeup bag.

i grabbed my foundation and rubbed just a little into my face.

i didn't like heavy make up so i never used a lot.

i put on some mascara and eye liner.

a light gray eye shadow around the middle of my eye lid and then blended into a darker gray.

i applied lip moisturizer and then a red lipstick, i chose a red that was as close to the color of the red letters on my shirt as possible.

i turned to Mackenzie. "How does it look?" i asked her.

"Perfect!" she shouted, jumping excitedly.

i laughed at her reaction and ran a brush quickly through my hair before grabbing my book bag and an old jacket and ran downstairs where Demi was waiting for me.

"Whoa! you look great! how do you do your makeup so perfectly in such little time!?" Demi asked me, very shocked.

"Um, thanks. and i don't know, I'm an artist remember?" i smirked.

"It looks great! you're gonna have to teach me how you do that with your eyes." she said.

i nodded and she smiled.

"So, you thought the gifts were finished right?" she asked me.

i gave her a funny look and she just laughed.

she turned around a picked up a brand new book bag and grabbed a black and silver studded leather jacket off the rack.

she handed them to me and then she took my book bag and jacket from me.

"Does this have any special meaning to you?" she asked me, looking at the torn jacket.

i shook my head as i slipped into the new one.

she threw the jacket in the trash along with the book bag after handing my books from out of it.

i put the books in my new book bag and then she went to grab something else from behind her.

she handed me a big black leather book.

"Sketch pad." she said to me.

she handed me a pencil bag. i opened it and there were those really expensive drawing pencils and expensive colored pencils. she then handed me another leather book that was a bit smaller than the other.

"Journal for your songs." she said.

she then handed me something else. another journal but not leather or anything special.

i opened it up and it was full of empty music pages.

"For writing music notes when you write a song." she said.

i just wanted to cry. i didn't because of my make up but i wanted to.

i put all of the stuff in my new book bag and then we left for school.

i felt like a brand new person.

while stopped at a red light, Demi reached into her purse and pulled out a bottle and a granola bar.

she handed them to me and gave me a sympathetic smile. "Breakfast." she said.

i gulped and nodded.

i took them.

i looked at the bottle.

"Ensure." i read aloud.

i went to turn it for the nutritional facts but Demi grabbed it out of my hands.

she tore the wrapper off of it, leaving just a bottle without anything on it.

she handed it back to me.

i sighed and opened it.

"It's like a milkshake. that one is chocolate flavored and i also bought you some strawberry flavored ones that are in the fridge. trust me, the vanilla ones are gross so i didn't buy them for you. you don't have to drink the whole thing. a few sips with fill you up pretty fast but you have to drink at least one whole one by the end of the day. the granola bar is optional." she said to me.

i swallowed hard before putting it up to my lips and taking a sip.

it didn't taste bad but it felt heavy in my stomach as if i were eating fat.

i looked over at her and she smiled at me.

i gave her a weak smile back before taking another sip.

i held it in my mouth for a little while.

i took another sip and held it in my mouth for a long time.

i couldn't swallow it.

not because i really didn't want to but because i really couldn't.

my throat wouldn't allow me to.

i breathed deeply through my nose before finally swallowing it.

i tried to put it back up to my lips to take another sip but Demi's hand wrapped around the bottle.

"You don't have to drink it all right now. you did really good." she said.

i nodded as i put the top back on the bottle and handed it to her.

she put it back in her purse and then she ate the granola bar.

we pulled into the parking lot of the school. only a few cars that belonged to teachers were there.

she went around the back and parked the car gracefully.

i felt like i was going to throw up.

i didn't want to so i planned to hold it for as long as i could, hoping the feeling would pass.

"Demi, I'm going to wait out here for a friend of mine." i told her.

"So, are you telling me or asking me?" she asked me with a serious, almost motherly, look on her face.

"I-i guess im asking." i stuttered.

"Okay, then. sure. but do not be late for my class." she said.

i nodded as she locked her car and walked into the building.

i waited by the back door for Jessie and Chandler, hoping they were coming today.

after about twenty minutes, they came around the back.

"Hey! long time no see!" Jessie said, a shocked expression on her face.

"Yeah, i guess." i said.

"Dude, can i just say, you look hot today!" Jessie said.

i laughed. "Thanks! got new clothes and shit." i said, chill.

"Awesome! so, turns out my little sister is coming to this school now and she's in your grade so i was wondering if you wanted to help her around? Principal Marks wont let me because I'm a senior and not in her grade." she said.

a friend?

"Um, yeah, sure! when's her first day?" i asked.

"Today, actually! my mom is dropping her off at 11am so i'll tell Principal Marks to call you to the office to show her around.... man, you just look so different! in a good way of course!" she said.

i laughed and nodded. "Cool, if she's anything like you then I'm pretty sure she's awesome!"

"Yeah! so you up for a smoke?" Chandler butted in.

my smile disappeared.

oh, shit.

i couldn't just break my promise to Demi like that.

he pulled out a blunt and a lighter, waving them in front of my face.

i wanted to grab them and take the biggest puff i could but i didn't.

"I-i cant, man, sorry." i said.

"Aw! come on! one wont hurt." he said.

"I-i don't know, man. I'm trying to get clean." i said, hoping he would give in.

"Oh, alright. that's cool. i respect you a lot for that, Mathews. i might just follow in your footsteps." he said.

thank god he dropped it! i wanted to correct him for calling me Mathews but whatever.

"Well, because of temptation issues, i think I'm going to go ahead in." i smiled.

"Oh yeah, of course. see you later, Lillian." Jessie said.

i rushed in the door of the school and down the hall.

a lot of people were staring at me and one boy even had the nerve to whistle at me.

it made me uncomfortable because i wasn't used to it.

i wasn't used to any positive attention at all.

"Nice outfit. your make up looks great." i heard a few people compliment.

i smiled at them.

i finally reached my locker and opened it.

i took my school books and my binder out of it.

i decided to leave the big sketch pad behind but i took the writing journal with me.

class was where i got most of my good ideas.

i walked to Demi's classroom where she was writing instructions on the board.

she smiled at me.

i was the only student in the classroom.

"So, you know you have to call me Miss Lovato in school right?" she said.

i nodded.

"Speak, Lily. i want you to start speaking up more." she said.

i cleared my throat. "Yes ma'am." i said.

she smiled at me and then continued to write on the board.

i sat in my seat and opened my new journal.

it was so perfect that i almost didn't even want to write in it.

i pulled a pretty pen out of my pencil case and began to jot down some ideas.

my whole life

ive been waiting for you

and now that you're here,

i don't know what to do

... shit.

i don't know what else to write.

i'll finish later, i told myself.

i closed the journal as i realized all the students were in the class.

Demi began to teach.

"So, we're starting a project today. i want you to choose one person out of the entire world. living or dead. famous or poor. doesn't matter. just choose one person, and i want you to write how much they have impacted your life. i want you to write how, if everyone else knew them, they would impact their lives too. one person. it has to be a minimum of 3 pages. no skipping lines or big letters. this shouldn't be hard. if someone has changed your life drastically in a good way, then you should have a lot of good things to say about them. so can i have a volunteer to pass out the rubrics?" she asked.

i looked around the class as everyone else did. no one raised their hands.

"Lillian." she said.

i looked at her with fear in my eyes.

she held the papers out at me with a smile as if she weren't doing anything wrong.

"Does she not know how to pass out papers?" i heard someone snicker.

this made me angry.

i took the papers and stood.

the same person stopped snickering and looked at me with shocked eyes.

"Yes, Miss Lovato, i'll pass them out." i said loudly.

i heard a lot of people gasp.

everyone's face was priceless as i handed them their papers and some of the guys were staring at my clothes and body.

i would just smirk at them.

i walked back to my seat and put one on my desk before handing the extras to Demi.

she smiled big at me and i smiled back.

i pulled out some loose leaf paper and began to write.

i was writing about Demi of course.

what better way could i tell her how thankful i am for her?






~ Alisa

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