Spaces in between (Stockholm...

By XPerfectDistraction

108K 7.3K 964

SPOILER ALERT!! It's crucial that you read Stockholm Syndrome before you read the extended book. It contains... More

Author's Note
January 2017
February 2017
May 2017
June 2017
June 2017
January 2018
March 2018
August 2018
February 2019
February 2019(2)
June 2019
June 2019 (2)
July 2019
July 2019 (2)
November 2019
November 2019 (2)
November 2019 (3)
December 2019
December 2019 (2)
January 2020
January 2020 (2)
February 2020
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May 2020
June 2020
June 2020 (2)
June 2020(3)
June 2020(4)
June 2020(5)
June 2020 (6)
July 2020
July 2020(2)
July 2020 (2) Continuation...
July 2020(3)
July 2020 (4)
August 2020
September 2020
October 2020
October 2020 (2)
October 2020 (3)
January 2021
Anniversary special 1
Anniversary special 2
Anniversary special 3
Anniversary special 4
Anniversary special 5
Anniversary special 6
April 2021
August 2021
November 2021
March 2022
September 2022
March 2023
March 2023 (2)
March 2023 (3)
March 2023 (4)
April 2025 (2)
April 2025 - Day 1

April 2025

1.7K 97 22
By XPerfectDistraction

A/N: So...Spaces in between is coming to an end :'(. You will have noticed the massive time jump. I have decided it's time to say goodbye to Archer, Felix, Stella, Clark, Marx and the others. Time for new ideas, new people and well...I really do need to pay attention to my other books. Don't despair, this isn't the last chapter. But there'll only be a few more chapters (5 estimated) and an epilogue.

Much love,





"Nine-teen", a soft voice repeated after me, followed by some giggling.


"F-wenty", the little girl lying in my arms repeated like a parrot. She hadn't quite gotten it right but I wasn't dissuaded. That she was lying there instead of bouncing up and down the house was testament to her eagerness to learn things.

My left hand lifted from the edge of the book I was holding and my finger tracked through some drawings of oddly shaped frogs to a bunch of elephants. I stopped there.

"How many are these elephants?" I asked clearly.

"Belephants?" a little voice enquired uncertainly.

I nodded. I didn't correct her, knowing her love for adding letters in front of words that started with vowels, especially the letter "B".

Marie giggled slightly. She traced the elephants before putting her little finger at each and muttering something under her breath.

"Fifteen!" she said excitedly.

"Well done!" I said smiling widely.

Marie could at three years old, count up to twenty, with occasional mistakes. It was a feat for a child her age and I was immensely proud of her. She seemed to love doing it and would pick up the book so we could practice. I had decided to buy small balls for her to physically count, but I kept forgetting.

I was about to close the book when we were interrupted by a guest. The guy lazily walking towards us was Marie's companion and guardian. He was covered in a fur coat from top to bottom, with several areas on his head and "feet" spared. The fur was faded black and tan, with black mask and black body markings. He was large and at 60 cm on all fours, was only 37 cm shorter than Marie.

He walked closer to the couch where Marie and I were sitting, sitting just close to my legs on Marie's side.

"Bucky you are back", Marie squealed excitedly and rushed to get out of my arms, almost tripping and her dress pulling up her thighs. I steadied her and she placed both feet on the floor, rushing to her guardian.

Bucky raised his long neck excitedly as Marie ruffled the hair on his forehead and proceeded to play with the dog's ears. Bucky- a German shepherd- would not let anyone else besides his owners and our close friends play with his ears or any part of him really. He was alert, intelligent and obedient, but could be very aggressive if he sensed danger, especially to the toddler he was assigned to protect.

Bucky had become part of the family when Marie turned a year old. My husband wanted a dog. I wanted a cat. After a short debate I gave in. I had a condition for giving in- he had to get a small dog. He said he would. I knew from his hidden devilish grin that he wasn't going to do that. I lamented not going with him to get the dog when he brought Bucky home. He'd brought home a dog that shed his fur every day and was sure to grow bigger than our small bundle of joy, I was angry.

I tried not to, but I fell in love with Bucky. He was intelligent and after a couple of training sessions with a professional, he could do anything you told him to. He obeyed complicated orders and was- like the person who'd gotten him- protective of Marie. He walked and sat with her. He even pretended to like the odd things she did to him. I knew she loved him to bits and pieces.

I was wondering how I hadn't heard the front door open right before a tall man walked into the living area. His movements were slow and deliberate. He was a well-built man with strong features. He was the epitome of tall, dark and handsome, sinfully handsome.

Felix had transformed even more from the time I first met him. At 37 years his skin was darker and his facial features more defined. His handsomeness had increased, if that was even possible. His dark black hair was still there in a short tousled hairstyle that suited him. His equally dark eyes still saw movement seconds before. He had light stubble growing along his jaw and above his upper lip.

Besides the normal process of aging, Felix had added some changes onto his skin. He'd taken his love for art and other things and engraved it onto his skin. At that moment he was wearing a short sleeve blue light cotton t-shirt and dark blue casual jogging pants. A couple of years ago he'd gotten his left forearm and part of his chest inked. On his forearm he had several small birds drawn at different parts, flying in the same direction. Most of them were black but two were blue. The biggest of the birds, on the inner side of his forearm looking towards a pink and blue lotus flower, was wearing a gold crown and had blue-black feathers. On the wrist he had three tribal arrows that circled his wrist. Above one of them was the name "Marie Alexa" in small print, gotten on Marie's 2 years milestone.

The tattoo on his chest wasn't as elaborate as the one on his forearm. It was below his left nipple just below his chest. It was small text. It read "Archer, thank you" in Brock script. There was a little black heart next to the words.

"What are you guys doing?" he asked as he neared the couch.

"Papa!" Marie screamed and ran to Felix, who bent down so he could pick her up. She threw herself into his arms and he lifted her up. Her little arms went around his neck.

He collapsed next to me, taking Marie with him. He leaned in to kiss me on the cheek. Marie kissed me on the other cheek and giggled.

"We were practicing counting. How was your walk?" I asked.

He fished for Bucky's leash in his back pocket, making Marie bounce up and down in his lap.

"He ran a couple of laps. I don't know why you make me take this with me", he replied. "How many numbers can you count up to now princess?" he asked Marie, tickling her.

"Fwenty", she said amidst a lot of giggling and squirming.

"Twenty?! That is a lot. Are you sure you can count to twenty?" he asked playfully.

She nodded and subsequently got off her father's lap to harass Bucky some more. I could swear he shot an annoyed look Felix and I's direction.

I closed the book in my hand and put it on the couch next to me. Felix turned to me.

"Do you really have to go?" he asked. Somewhere in those black beautiful eyes, I could see a desperate plea.

"Yes Felix, I have to. It's for charity", I replied.

"Marie and I need you here", he said sweetly.

I scrunched my nose. "You are just nervous. You'll be fine. She's always giggly. Besides, you guys really need to bond", I said.

"We have a bond", he said.

"I'm not saying it's bad, but Marie sees you as more of her protector. She'll always come to you when she is scared or in trouble. Without me here you can learn to play with her and take care of her...and yourself", I said.

He pursed his lips and crossed his arms. "I am not going to convince you to stay, am I?"

"I am not missing my alumni charity soccer match", I said standing up. "You just have to be a good boy and listen carefully to my instructions", I said with a smirk and walked away.

Felix groaned and Marie giggled. Our daughter was quite a giggler. She laughed at everything and anything. From the time we got her she'd been easy to raise. She of course drove us crazy initially, making sure we didn't sleep, but overtime it got better and at some point she got used to a sleep and eating routine. It had been plain sailing from there.

At three years old, there were tantrums, but they were easily manageable. She had a mild temperament. She rarely lashed out and loved playing with Bucky. She adhered to simple instructions, like bath time and put your toys in the box. Felix said he'd chosen well, which only made me laugh.

I could remember the first day we'd met her. It was on the third year of our marriage and 6 years into our relationship. We had discussed having a baby during the second year of our marriage and decided we were ready. We felt we had lived a less-responsible life long enough and were ready to hear the pitter-patter of small feet. And Felix wasn't getting any younger.

We filled in the adoption papers and went through the numerous interviews. Felix and I were both working, owned a house and had been married for almost 2 years. I was 23 years old at that time and that discouraged some parents. But then there was Emily. She took a liking to Felix and I and felt we could raise her child better than she could. She was 22 years old and just not ready to be a mother.

Felix and I were both excited, but it couldn't compare to the day we finally met Marie. She was born a day after my 24th birthday, weighing a good 5 pounds 9 ounces and healthy. We were called to the hospital when Emily was in labor and held Marie a few minutes after she was born. I instantly fell in love the moment she appeared to smile and kicked at my arm. She was beautiful with big light-brown eyes, a few strands of light strawberry blond curly hair and light pink lips the softest I had ever seen.

At three years her hair had become even lighter than before and at that moment it went past her shoulders. It was still curly and now there was a lot of it. Her eyes were more sharply curved but still big. She had full cheeks and full lips which she loved scrunching every time she talked to Bucky.

At the arch marking the entrance to the living area, I stopped walking.

"And oh, please wash him while I'm gone", I said nodding my head towards Bucky.

Bucky glared at me and made a small whining sound. He loved water but didn't like being washed. He could throw himself into the pool but complain about getting into a tub of water. It was too bad because he really did need a wash. We hadn't washed him in almost a year, and by we I mean Felix. He was responsible for Bucky. Bucky was a good dog and didn't roll around in dirt, but he still needed a good bath at least twice a year.

"I don't think he likes that", Felix said.

"That's the least of his worries. He still needs to go to a vet for that booster shot. If I were you I'd get it over with so he can hate you for only a day", I said.

"If you were me you wouldn't be annoying", he said with a grin.

I shrugged and walked into the kitchen. We were still living in the house we'd bought after we got married. Despite housing a 3 year old artistic kid and her four-legged companion, it was clean and well-maintained.

"What's for dinner tonight?" Felix's voice travelled from the living area.

"I don't know. I'm still trying to figure it out", I replied.

I opened the fridge, looking at all the food there. There was a lot of food. I did have an idea what I wanted to cook; I just didn't know what I could cook for Marie and Felix to eat while I was gone. It obviously had to be something freezable that they could reheat. Felix could only cook fish and Marie was allergic to fish.

I was about to take out some frozen chicken pieces when something furry passed by my leg, lightly touching my jean. By reflex, my leg moved away and my hand flailed, causing the chicken packet I was holding to be jerkily forced out of the fridge. I couldn't hold onto it and it fell to the floor. I looked down to see none other than Bucky holding a yellow plush snake in his mouth. He looked up at me apologetically before we both heard,

"Here boy". It was Felix.

Bucky ran back immediately with the toy firmly gripped between his teeth.

I grabbed the chicken packet and put it on the table, then walked a little towards the living area. "Are you trying to trip me?" I yelled at Felix.

He looked confused.

"Play your game somewhere else!" I said.

He chuckled. "Sorry. This place has the most open area", he said shrugging. Something about that apology wasn't sincere. Felix had thrown the toy where I was on purpose. He was taking revenge for me leaving.

"And you, you ran laps! Aren't you tired?" I said to Bucky who was looking up at the toy in Felix's hand.

He barked at me and turned back to Felix expectantly. He was licking his lips. Felix made the motion of throwing the toy to me, but didn't release it. Bucky didn't move. I did, walking over to Felix.

"That's it! Upstairs", I said.

"Daddy is cranky, right princess?" he said to Marie.

She nodded and giggled, trying hard to hide her giggle by putting her hand over her mouth.

"Come here", Felix said opening his arms to me.

I glared at him but eventually walked to the couch and sat with him. He put an arm around me.

"I didn't get a proper kiss", he whispered after leaning in.

"You knew I'd come back?" I said.

"I know you Pancakes", he said giving me a devilish smile. That smile still made me weak at the knees.

I rolled my eyes but leaned in for a kiss. A part of me wanted to get it over and done with, but a large chunk was seated there because this was Felix I was kissing. Every kiss was different and yet had the same love. We'd been together for so long and I was still madly in love with him. His lips tasted good and his mouth even better. I could remember kissing him that morning. It felt like a long time ago. It was easy to get carried away, but I forced myself to pull back after a few seconds.

Marie was only 3 years old. She wasn't really clued up on appropriate and inappropriate things. She learned that kissing someone was a way to show you love them. Felix and I kissed in front of her, but to a certain degree. We never allowed it to go beyond a few seconds. Through that she knew that we loved each other and we loved her.

"That's much better", Felix said.

I smiled and stood up. "What do you guys want to eat when I'm gone? I can cook a couple of meals than you can freeze and reheat".

"Nothing. I'll cook", Felix said.

"Yeah right, like I'll let you give our child Salmonella", I said.

"Yet you are leaving", he said.

"Don't try to guilt-trip me mister, it's not going to work", I said. "You'll just have to eat whatever I cook".

A couple of hours later we were seated at the dinner table. Felix sat opposite me while Marie sat next to me in her high chair. She had a plate of food next to her and she was playing with the peas. Bucky was eating from his bowl on the floor next to Felix.

"Eat up Marie", I said.

Felix chuckled.

I looked up from my plate. Felix looked at his plate but couldn't contain his chuckling. Marie was also giggling slightly.

"Okay, what's up with the two of you?" I asked.

"Nothing", Felix replied.

"Nothing daddy", Marie said softly.

I turned to her and she quickly shifted slightly. She looked like she had just been caught stealing from the cookie jar. I looked at her plate. Marie didn't like vegetables, but I put some in her plate. It was important for her to have a balanced diet. Normally she ate a few. That day, her plate was empty of peas in a few seconds.

"Strawberry you finished your peas?" I said slowly.

She pressed her lips together. There was a bit of silence which was interrupted by Bucky barking next to Marie. I immediately knew where the peas were and why Felix was laughing. I was too impressed to be cross.

"Honestly Bucky, you should just sit on the table with us so I can see you move", I said.

Bucky barked in reply. I looked at Marie. "You gave Bucky your peas, didn't you?"

She shook her head.

"Strawberry", I cooed.

She looked at Felix and then back at me.

"It's okay. I'm not going to be upset", I said.

She nodded slightly.

"Strawberry you shouldn't do that. I know you don't like veggies but you have to eat some of them, okay? They are good for you. They make you healthy and strong. You want to be strong and run like Bucky, right?"

She nodded.

"Will Bucky be...trouble?" she asked tentatively.

"", I said but gave Bucky a warning look. He whined and lay down on the floor.

"I must say, I'm impre..." Felix said but I interrupted.

"Don't say it. She'll get the wrong idea", I said.

"This is why you shouldn't leave us alone", he said.

"Nice try", I said setting my fork and knife on my plate. "Can you give her a bath after she's done? I have to cook 2 more things".

Felix's eyes enlarged. He was about to say something when his phone rang. He answered and ended up leaving the dinner table. Part of the reason why I felt it was necessary for Felix to spend time with Marie without me there was because of the family business. Felix managed the gallery he'd set up years ago in California. At that moment he was busy with plans to open another one in New York – a bigger one. He'd had to jet to New York countless times in that year to oversee things. He'd hired a project manager who he felt the need to dictate to. The opening was closer, which meant Felix obsessed over minute details.

He'd only just gotten back a week ago and his phone rang like he worked at a call centre.

"Done!" Marie said excitedly.

"Strawberry time?" I said.

"Strawberry time", she squealed.

I grinned and got up to get her strawberries. Marie loved strawberries, hence the nickname. She also loved yoghurt, and dunking strawberries in yoghurt was something she loved doing.

I put the bowl of yoghurt and small plastic plate of strawberries on her tray. She took the opportunity to show me her hand, which she'd used to feed Bucky peas.

"That won't work. Come on", I said as I pulled her out of the chair and set her on the ground. Bucky's ears stood up and so did he. We walked upstairs to the bathroom with him in tow. I helped Marie wash her hands.

"You are doing it? I was going to do it", I heard Felix's voice. I turned in the direction of the voice just as he appeared at the open door.

"I'm only washing her hands", I said.

"Oh", he said. He looked disappointed. "I have to make a call".

"You only said you were going to do it because you thought I was doing it, didn't you?" I said.

"Um..." he said. "I need to make that call". He disappeared from the door afterwards.

I shook my head. Maybe it was a bad idea leaving Felix with Marie, just the two of them. There was a small chance I'd find my daughter drowned in a bathtub. Felix bathed her occasionally, but lately he was always on the phone. Who's to say he wouldn't receive a call and leave her in the bathtub for hours? I'd made a commitment to the charity match and I couldn't pull out literally a day before I was due to leave for the opening ceremony. Maybe I could get someone to supervise, someone that wasn't four-legged.

We hadn't hired a nanny for Marie as she grew up, intent on doing everything on our own. I took time off work and left her at daycare when I returned to work. She was going to start nursery school later that year.

Stella and Clark lived in the same neighborhood as us, just two streets away. They'd gotten married years ago. Theirs was a beautiful fairy tale wedding and I was Clark's best man. I was also secretly and unknowingly the bride's maid of honor because she called and asked me to do "something" when the dress looked like it wasn't going to fit. Of course it fit and I didn't have to do anything.

At that moment Stella was pregnant. She was 6 months along and positively glowing. It was great having my friends around. We'd defied the odds, making the transition from childhood friends through teenage years and adult years easily.

Stella wasn't a mom but she knew how to order Felix around. I definitely had to ask her to keep an eye on him and Marie.

"There! Clean and picture-perfect", I said after drying Marie's hands. I knew I was going to have to do it again because a strawberry was going to get lost in the yoghurt. I would buy her yoghurt that had fruit pieces in them but she was adamant it had to be plain so she could dunk the strawberries in.

We went downstairs and Marie got back in her seat. She looked very eager to eat her strawberries. She was going to play with them first of course.

Felix was done so I removed our dishes and put them in the sink. I focused on cooking the last two meals I was going to freeze for Marie and her dad. Hopefully he'd remember to give her snacks in between or better yet remember to feed her. Felix hadn't changed. He overworked and lived on sandwiches if I wasn't there to make him eat proper meals. I would have to call to remind him.

A few minutes later Marie appeared in the kitchen. She was holding the yoghurt bowl in her hand. The teaspoon inside was seconds from falling on the floor, but Marie's faithful companion helped her balance the bowl with his head. I was at a stage where I couldn't be shocked by what Bucky could do without the need for prompting. Keeping Marie safe was his number one priority but he helped her too.

Marie looked at me with her big eyes.

"All finished?" I asked taking the bowl.

She nodded.

"It was..." I said and left my sentence open.

"Delicious", she said with a big smile on her face.

I smiled back. "You can go play in the living area so long Strawberry. I'll be done soon and you can take a bath", I said.

"No need for that. I've got this", Felix said from the door.

"What changed your mind?" I asked.

"I did say I was going to do it, didn't I?" he said walking into the kitchen.

"Hm", I said narrowing my eyes. "Shampoo on hair and body wash on body, don't forget".

He rolled his dark eyes and bent slightly to pick up Marie. "Ready for your bath Princess?"

Marie narrowed her eyes. "Later".

"I'm surprised you know what later is. Anyway, don't you want to be clean and pretty like the Princesses in your books?" Felix said.

Marie groaned, but her shoulders relaxed.

"Come on", Felix said and walked out of the kitchen with Marie in his arms.

"Go supervise", I said to Bucky shooing him out of the kitchen.

Later that night Felix and I lay in bed. He'd bathed Marie and I'd tucked her in. Felix was um...on strike. Apparently I was abandoning him and Marie and he thought denying me intimacy would make me change my mind about leaving. It was cute that he thought he would succeed.

"Felix I'll be gone for only a week, stop overreacting", I said after he removed my hand from his abdomen.

He sighed.

"You do know I'm leaving you with your daughter, right?" I said.

"It's not that. I'm excited about spending time with Marie. But I just got back and you are leaving. I'm going to miss you", he said softly.

I smiled a little, putting my arm around him and tracing the tattoo on his arm. Felix didn't talk much and you can guess emotional behavior like sulking was rare. Every time he told me he would miss/was missing me felt great. It filled me with so much love for him. I loved seeing the sadness in his eyes. Now he knew how I felt every time he left.

"I'll be a phone call away and will be back before you know it", I said. "I'll miss you too baby".

He smiled a little, just a little.

"You won't see me for a week", I said moving my hand on his abdomen sensually. My fingers dipped and rose with the depressions and elevations. "Don't you..."

I didn't get time to finish my sentence. Felix pushed me softly to the bed, making me lie supine. He lay on his right side with a part of his body hovering over me. His hand snaked between my arm and my body and he leaned over, crushing his lips against mine in a fierce kiss.


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